I hate Germany Options
#1 Posted : 3/5/2013 7:53:13 PM

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Apparantly, many people in the US and elsewhere think highly of germany as a liberal country with beautiful blonde women. I recently listend to a C-Realm Podcast and the speaker said, that he would rather live in germany than L.A because he believes, that nowhere else there is so much social stability. I hear praise all around me. But why don't i like it here?

I've been socialized by the Internet US Movies and Television Shows.
Why should i feel "german" ?

A former colleague went to the US for a year. She told me, that it was much easier too have people talk to you because they're much more open. Well, that's exactly what i loath: People here are so shut off. And if they open themselves, it is to nag. There is always something wrong, even if there isn't. It's just the way people are around here. If YOU complain about something substantial or try to ask a simple question, you can expect a lecture. Being a smartass is a popular pastime. It's like i'm living in a country full of mastertrolls. Then, there is this really strong, mechanic vibe about people. They're like machines or at least emotionally handicapped - like robot autists who try to look human by putting on a mask. Yeah, and they LOVE authority. It's not about complying with authority. It's about LOVING authority. As long as it server me. This has led to a weird political culture - the ruling caste always tries to find a middle ground so everyone can believe that he's right.

You see what i'm doing? I complain. There is no way escaping your own culture!

I feel as if there is NOTHING substantial here. There are a bunch of buddhists and the green movement is traditionally very strong. A couple of days ago i've read that new agism has spread worldwide, but especially to germany. But it gets colored by german culture in a very weird way. There is this strong belief for instance, that drugs are bad, even among urban shamans. That drumming is the only way to go. Everyone tries to be a wise ass and trump others intellectually. Everytime i go on german "drug forums" i feel as if im sorrounded by a bunch of silly kids doing droogz. It's as if a foreign culture (US culture) constantly gets translated into german culture. And something gets lost.

The USA had the hippy movement. In Germany there was the violent student revolt of '68.
In the USA, the people went through a phase of intense introspection, raising of it's all about silly political activism..because - everyone knows what's best. Like i said, a bunch of smartasses. I've been listening to a lot of podcasts lately and there is all this talk about "finding the others" as lorenzo puts it. I really wonder if *they* really exist here and if i could stand them.

Oh yeah, drug laws are pretty horrible too. Germany is extremly ban-happy. Not even Kava is legal. You can even get busted for spore prints. It is silly. Noone cares. While The USA is legalizing Cannabis, medical use of the herb is far from being accepted, it's not legal. I feel that in the USA, there is a real shift happening. Psychedelics are slowly but surely entering the mainstream.

Here it's "yah, if you wanna go insane, just eat these drugs. There is a reason they are illegal"

I've met a couple of other people who have at least once taken psychedelics but it's still like---meh. I don't know.

I'm not sure if it's worth investing any time into this culture. I thought about starting a podcast or some kind of group. But if these people then all turn out to be silly political activsts, smart asses, or sad escapists i might ass well off myself right there (figure of speech).

I think the two Worldwars made people sick in the head and this continues on from generation to generation. A psychedelic renaissance will never happen here...that's like expecting a stick figure to dance the boogie.

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#2 Posted : 3/5/2013 7:58:50 PM

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can't you just move somewhere else?

theres actually many places in the US that sound very very similar to what you described

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#3 Posted : 3/5/2013 8:02:32 PM


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Wow, I don't know what to tell you... other than... my heart is with you and I hope your struggle gets easier. I know how hard it is to find folks of like mind. It can be damn depressing - I know!

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Pup Tentacle

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#4 Posted : 3/5/2013 8:10:34 PM


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This attitude of "yah, if you wanna go insane, just eat these drugs. There is a reason they are illegal" has been prevalent in the US for decades now, especially since the Nancy Reagan "Just Say No" campaign of the 80's. It's only just now barely starting to shift thanks the concentrated efforts of many people and organizations working tirelessly for change, paired with a big boost in public education via the internet.

I suspect "the others" are there, you just have to know where to look. Have you been to any festivals in the area? This would be a good place to find folks of like mind. Is there a Students for Sensible Drug Policy Chapter at any of the universities? Is there a Burning Man community? An Evolver spore? If not, are you willing to take up reigns and create such a forum to attract the right people? To quote the Lorax "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not!"

On a positive note you guys are doing a great job with your renewable energy programs. Thumbs up
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#5 Posted : 3/5/2013 8:50:06 PM

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I know how hard it is to find folks of like mind.

Thanks, but it's not only about me. It doesn't matter that i'm no leader of men or struggle personally. I just wonder if everything is lost here. They guy on the C-realm Podcast talked about staying in L.A. because he believes, that he needs to be right there to change culture from the inside out. Seems like there is tons of potential to do this here too, but i wonder if is possible, because people here seem to be rather non-responsive.

In the USA, there is this strong underlying sense of "We can do anything!". While this is certainly a ridiciolous statement, it still encourages a certain kind of positive thinking which has, for instance, contributed to a widespread entrepeneurial spirit. Here, people don't want to start things. They want to follow. They don't know who they are following ...but they follow because they want to sit on their ass but still with a huge sense of entitlement.

It is true that the US has to overcome what nancy reagan has done. But at least there are people who are passionate! As an outsider, it can be pretty scary to see how divided the USA has become. But at least there are people who are passionate. In germany it's like "...hurr durr meh...*fart* whatever". I don't care who is right and who isn't. I don't care about little problems. There is no empathy.

I have to stay optimistic. Perhaps it's just the darkest winter since 1954 which has clouded my mind (100 hours of sunshine in total or so).

I wish i could be a leader because i believe that nothing really exist.
If i were to stumble across a psychedelic society i'd be very surprised. This thread is already full of ideas on how to meet people. Perhaps it's just me. But i don't want to make this about me.

..and the renewable energy program is about the only thing i like. Atomic Energy is a thing of the past and this is perhaps one of the few things people are passionate about - the environment. But more in a "think of the children" kinda way...not in the "commune with plant teachers" way.
#6 Posted : 3/5/2013 8:51:17 PM

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hah, yeah obli, I know the feeling. I struggled with this all my life until I decided to get the hell out of there. It was so far I can judge, the best choice of my life.

Not that I have a whole lot of friends where I am now, but at least everyone I talk to about say the OHT project or things like this is really open minded about it and thinks it's a great idea. There are other countries you could go to, Obli. just do it. Germany may have a strong economy and good work situation at the moment, social security and health insurance etc but I certainly agree on your observation about the people. it's incredibly difficult to find people who are not smart-ass political naggers with the kind of "drugs are bad for your karma" attitude, even among the so called open minded ones. And this can make one feel very out of place and alien.

have you ever considered (btw) the german word for compain? beschwehren - sich beschwehren - to make oneself heavier. I feel like everyone complaining is doing just his, which is the opposite of a play on words of enlightenment - to make oneself lighter Pleased

anyway, my advice is move. it might be a difficult step but it's worth it most likely.
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#7 Posted : 3/5/2013 9:49:19 PM


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No one does minimal techno like the Germans.

I wonder why that is.
#8 Posted : 3/5/2013 10:09:02 PM

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"Well, that's exactly what i loath: People here are so shut off. And if they open themselves, it is to nag. There is always something wrong, even if there isn't."

Oh the irony Smile

Dont believe everything you hear Obliguhl. I doubt the US is all that much better than Germany. People tend to be people reguardless of where you go..and spending a year somewhere as a foreigner might not always paint a perfect picture of how it is for the people who have lived there for their whole lives experience it.

..also the "USA" is not all the same..just as the west coast and east coast of canada are completely different..and I know I am contradicting what I jsut said above but oh well. I have seen parts of the US that are like night and day.
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#9 Posted : 3/5/2013 10:14:13 PM

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The Germans hate drugs, all except for one: booze!

There certainly is something wrong with that.

I've spent lots of time in Germany, so I am pretty familiar with what you speak of (especially being American, I'm always a target for lecture).

Just keep your head up. The world hates psychedelics in part because America set the tone for that. Maybe America can once again set the tone and bring them into the main stream. It's going to be tough. Just read an article saying the UN says the US violates international treaties by the states legalizing cannabis.

At least the US is large enough that it is much like many countries in one. There are places that don't even allow alcohol to be sold, and then there are places like my lovely state that legalized marijuana.

I've at least lived in both areas, so I feel you. Just be careful, and go on about your business!
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#10 Posted : 3/5/2013 10:32:10 PM

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Sorry to hear that. Sounds like here in England. Lots of sheep around here also.
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#11 Posted : 3/5/2013 10:56:38 PM

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Mr.Peabody wrote:
the UN says the US violates international treaties by the states legalizing cannabis.

The US has violated international treaties so many times I doubt this would be an issue now Smile

Obli, I agree that from a (relatively close) outsider point of view, doesn't look like Germany is going to change much unless a major crisis explodes. As a lead actor in the european drama, comments and opinion concerning Germany appear daily in papers everywhere - but in a few countries it appears even more due to pressing circumstances, and mine is one.

As far as I remember, and besides the admiration germans have earned for several reasons, they are seen here as people who will hardly acknowledge they're wrong when they actually are. Although there is more integrity right now in german politicians than in ours... ours slipped their integrity in someone else's pocket in exchange for money.

What I mean is I agree that moving out might be a good idea to consider, but no need to completely break through in the first go, exploring is nice for starters... have you been in any other countries around that you liked or imagined living in?

Although you know there's different issues in different countries, and while somewhere else you might find a better ambient around psychedelic culture, that might come with a price. I'm sure you'd relate quite easier to people in my city for instance, but I don't know if your life overall would be better.
#12 Posted : 3/5/2013 11:11:52 PM
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..for uber-banning australia is as bad as germany obliguhl..

i think both countries, as effective satellite states of the USA are simply following the old instructions and haven't caught up with the new direction of their political masters..and who knows who really controls the UN..

..and hey, Germany has cool people like you, Christian R and others (minority sure, but quality)
and maybe no 60s flower-power, but Tangerine Dream, Can, Popol Vuh, Neu etc..
and the earliest mescaline experiments were there..

anyhow, could be worse..could be saudi arabia..!
#13 Posted : 3/5/2013 11:48:24 PM

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۩ wrote:
No one does minimal techno like the Germans.

I wonder why that is.

Because they"re German?

#14 Posted : 3/5/2013 11:57:05 PM

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I have never been to Germany but it is next on my list of destinations. Ever since i was a lad i have had a good feeling about the place, maybe it is misguided, but i am ashamed to say i have never visited the place in spite of my ingrained thoughts that it could be my spiritual home.
Sod the American dream i am going in search of the Germanic dream. Also i think when you live in a place , if you put the effort in, you usually get something back, if you don"t get anything back,its time to move on.
#15 Posted : 3/6/2013 12:53:11 AM

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I've been to Leipzig one time and to Berlin another and both of the times in germany I loved it! Beer was amazing, food was amazing, people were amazing, music scene was also amazing. The only thing I didn't like was once I accidentally bought alcohol-free beer and I would suggest germans make those bottles more obvious to avoid more victims like me.

Germans were also happy to speak mock-german with me and carry me to my hotel when I was passing out. Obli I suggest next time I go to germany to meet you so we can go around and wreck havoc - there is more to germans that they eye meets.

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#16 Posted : 3/6/2013 1:51:29 AM

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I would love to visit germany some day. The people I met who have been there all said it was a great place to visit.
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#17 Posted : 3/6/2013 2:23:15 AM

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Berlin techno, engineering, and porn = Germany. On paper it sounds ideal.
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Smoalk. It. And. See.
#18 Posted : 3/6/2013 2:39:09 AM


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No students for sensible drug policy or evolver spores in Germany unfortunately


There are multiple burning man regional groups:

Big grin

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#19 Posted : 3/6/2013 3:07:17 AM

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Well, on one hand you have Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Wagner, Nietzsche, Goethe, Kafka, Mann, Brecht, Hesse, and a little thing called German Expressionism...

And on the other you have Hitler.

So, contemporary drug views aside, I'd say you've produced some of the greatest art in the history of art and the most horrible monster ever.
#20 Posted : 3/6/2013 3:11:29 AM
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^..wasn't he actually Austrian..?Twisted Evil

Mozart too..
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