(oral) THH + DMT Options
#1 Posted : 3/21/2009 10:26:25 PM

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SWIM took his first dose of oral DMT today.

He mixed 200mg of pure THH with about 40mg of slightly impure freebase DMT.
It took just about an hour before he felt anything.
At this point he began to see some waves of color around him, and felt quite euphoric. Tiger faces kept appearing in odd places Laughing

The effects of the DMT were extremely subtle- SWIM obviously needs a higher dose. He believes most of the euphoria was the THH, which is quite nice. At the peak of the DMT effects (probably around 1hr and 20mins) the room began being stretched, beginning to from a hole in reality. Unfortunately this didn't last but 10-15 seconds, and before SWIM had a chance to dive in, it was gone. From this point on the minor visuals were gone. SWIM was and is still feeling the effects of the THH, although they're fading quick. SWIM got extremely talkative and energetic. He danced around a bit and talked to his girlfriend about how incredible of a combination THH and DMT is. It's like unlocking a secret door, and when it happens you real how AMAZING it is that you are able to access such things. So many people live in a shallow reality- they're missing out on so much!!! It's incredible that people thousands of years ago unlocked this door. All praise amazonian tribes!

Now SWIM gets to go see OTT LIVE! Very happy

-Peace and love

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#2 Posted : 3/21/2009 11:59:52 PM


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I am no chemist. But from what I have gleaned from those in the know, the best way to combine those is by adding the freebase to some orange juice. The citric acid turns the freebase into the more absorbable salt dmt citrate. Freebase may pass through your system with minimal absorption. Try this and your experience should last quite a bit longer. Also, give the thh time to do its thing in the gut before drinking the dmt-orange juice. Someone will follow this post with a yep, nope or clarification. But yes, thh alone is quite nice.

Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

#3 Posted : 3/22/2009 12:08:49 AM

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jasons741 wrote:
I am no chemist. But from what I have gleaned from those in the know, the best way to combine those is by adding the freebase to some orange juice. The citric acid turns the freebase into the more absorbable salt dmt citrate. Freebase may pass through your system with minimal absorption. Try this and your experience should last quite a bit longer. Also, give the thh time to do its thing in the gut before drinking the dmt-orange juice. Someone will follow this post with a yep, nope or clarification. But yes, thh alone is quite nice.

this is exactly what SWIM did.
#4 Posted : 3/22/2009 12:22:14 AM

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SWIM always takes his THH + harmaline + dmt fumarate at the same time..and everything goes very smoothly..come up starting at around the 20 minute mark..mixed in warm water
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#5 Posted : 3/22/2009 12:38:13 AM

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Jorkest wrote:
SWIM always takes his THH + harmaline + dmt fumarate at the same time..and everything goes very smoothly..come up starting at around the 20 minute mark..mixed in warm water

I think SWIM might just need a higher dose honestly. The effects of both the THH and DMT were present, but the DMT was quite mild.
#6 Posted : 3/22/2009 12:53:24 AM

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SWIM has tried putting them in capsules. It doesn't work as well that way.

SWIM takes the THH with the DMT at the same time dissolved in orange juice or just water (when using DMT fumarate). SWIM doesn't like to bother with timing the DMT separately. Sometimes he gets involved in something and can't get back in time to take the DMT and ends up wasting his THH.

Has anyone noticed any actual increase in effects by taking the DMT separately? SWIM hasn’t.
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#7 Posted : 3/22/2009 4:23:12 AM

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SWIM hasnt either..if anything..the only time he gets it to work correctly is when he takes them at the same time..and then eats a little something
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#8 Posted : 3/22/2009 6:10:52 AM

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would this work if you used traditional dmt crystals instead of fumarate?
#9 Posted : 3/22/2009 2:29:00 PM

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it would work..but ive heard its better to mix it in with some orange juice or lemon juice to convert it into dmt citrate with is much more water soluble...freebase tends to twist the belly up a bit as its turned into an HCL
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#10 Posted : 3/22/2009 5:01:26 PM

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SWIM's stomach was perfectly fine throughout the experience. No nausea whatsoever.
#11 Posted : 3/22/2009 5:20:58 PM

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Jorkest wrote:
it would work..but ive heard its better to mix it in with some orange juice or lemon juice to convert it into dmt citrate with is much more water soluble...freebase tends to twist the belly up a bit as its turned into an HCL

I dont know why but SWIM has more than once had problems redissolving dmt freebase in lemon juice. He even made it with warm water to help but some crystals refused to dissolve. How much lemon/water theoretically does one need to dissolve, say, 100mg of dmt? I guess not much.. Maybe SWIM´ s crystals were just too dense or he wasnt patient enough.

SWIM never took his dmt together with the harmalas, he always took the harmalas like half an hour before (except when taking ayahuasca)... He thought that logically it would make sense that the harmalas should first inhibit the MAOs, because maybe if taking at the same time some of the dmt will be metabolized before the MAO gets deactivated, no?

I mean, in the ayahuasca there are several other things appart from the alkaloids so they wouldnt be as exposed to the MAOs, and thats why its ok to take together (and also because many times in rituals people take more than one dose).. But SWIM never tested on himself with taking the pure alkaloids at the same time to know for a fact, he just followed his own routine, so its interesting that you guys feel different
#12 Posted : 3/22/2009 9:07:43 PM

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well what are your normal doses..because SWIM can get decent effects from 50mg..69rons FOAF can get decent effects with 20mg...and they take their doses at the same time...SWIM has taken them separately like SWIY does..and the effects were weak to nonexistent...the only times hes ever gotten it to work correctly was taking them together..

but thats just SWIM...and everybody's gut is different..but SWIM feels that when taking them together..there are say 150mg of maois and only 50mg of that means that the dmt is almost surrounded by a protective barrier...and so when the dmt comes close to mao's..the maois disable it..and allow it to pass...and who knows exactly how long harmalas have full mao inhibition before they start to fall off...
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#13 Posted : 3/22/2009 11:03:25 PM

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I believe it works because the MAO-A enzymes are more attracted to the harmala alkaloids than to the DMT. So that when you have a mix of MAO-A enzymes, harmalas, and DMT, the MAO-A enzymes and harmalas are so attracted to each other that they literally push the DMT away.

It would be nice if someone can do a study on this by doing tests with identical amounts of pure THH and pure DMT where there are taken at the same time followed by tests (each 1 day apart) where they are taken at different intervals (say 5 minutes, 10, 15, 30, etc.) with the THH always taken first. I’m sure there’s an optimal time frame to take the DMT and if that time frame is exceeded the DMT is of course ineffective.

I believe that the optimal time frame for THH and DMT would differ than that for harmine and harmaline. I also believe the optimal time frame would increase with increasing THH doses.
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#14 Posted : 3/22/2009 11:16:29 PM

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yes it would be interesting to see this done

SWIM has already taken 50, 100, 150 and 200 mg dmt (weight of freebase).... He started with the higher doses actually and had very very intense experiences where he was glued to bed and hearing/experiencing the electric discharges coming from insectoid beings of hyperspace haha (but blissful, it was as if they were curing-rearranging my energy 'knots'Pleased... But the lower doses were also quite significant, SwIM was surprised, for quite some time he was incapable of putting a jacket on or getting a glass of water... At the same time as SWIM is quite sensitive, he can also take quite a lot. But most times he purges or has some sort of discomfort, even with purified extracts and sometimes even taking ginger, though for SWIM a certain difficulty is a part of the psychedelic trip because it pushes you from your comfort zone and makes you learn.

SWIM probably has very little natural MAOI actually.. he already had enough MAO inhibition from 2g syrian rue.
#15 Posted : 3/23/2009 4:24:50 AM

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I have been absorbing info on this topic like a sponge the last few days. In reading some other threads on the use of THH, it sounds like THH is able to provide a somewhat high and euphoric feeling on its own accord, correct?
#16 Posted : 3/23/2009 7:43:38 AM

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Not only that, THH is also psychedelic on its own at doses of 350 mg and above for SWIM producing alterations in sound, visual effects, emotional effects, mental effects, etc.

For use as an MAOI, the dosage range users here seem to agree on is somewhere between 100-200 mg. SWIM likes 200 mg the most.

At 200 mg THH is a mild experience on its own, producing pleasant tingling sensations in the body, some euphoria, and a general peaceful calm feeling. It leaves the mind very clear and focused. But in combination with oral DMT, it supercharges the DMT experience producing a psychedelic trip that is quite amazing to say the least. The combination is very different than any psychedelic experience SWIM has ever had. It’s like your soul is bursting with boundless energy.
You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.

If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
#17 Posted : 3/27/2009 6:37:48 AM

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If SWIM were to try taking sublingual THH followed by smoked DMT how long can SWIM expect to trip? Sounds intimidating. Also, is the trip a long blast off into hyperspace or more like a moderate dose LSD trip where things can get pretty weird but you stay somewhat grounded?
#18 Posted : 3/27/2009 2:08:22 PM

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the peak will last about 10-15 minutes..its actually much nicer than DMT alone..and its to hyperspace alright..
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#19 Posted : 3/27/2009 5:22:36 PM


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Spice with THH is the only way to fly. Otherwise I feel the spice is not used to its full potential. The T stretches the trip out, softens it somewhat. Swim will be walking down syrian road this evening. He already prepped the tea and has 30 grams worth of liquid to divy up over the next 8-12 journeys. First time down that street. Looking forward to the 'dreamy' side of harmala. THH is the only harmala swim has used and that has only been sublingually due to the expense. Very clear headed and 'loving' journey. One feels 'coddled', like a motherly presence rocking you to sleep. Pure bliss!
Tonight no seeds will be swallowed, only lemon juice and water extracted alkaloids. Hope swims' stomach wont trouble him.
Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

Bill Cipher
#20 Posted : 3/27/2009 6:27:08 PM

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jasons741 wrote:
Spice with THH is the only way to fly.

Agreed - very, very nice indeed. In SWIM's experience, the optimal time for blast-off is about 45 minutes after taking the sublingual, and he finds that repeated hits, while not conducive to repeatedly breaking through, will result in a VERY LSD-like experience for a good hour and a half.
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