The time has come Options
#1 Posted : 10/29/2012 9:12:26 PM

Not I

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I've been a member of the nexus for a couple of years now.

I don't think I could ever be grateful enough for this community for the help I have received here.

However, like Alan Watts once said, "When you get the message hang up the phone."
I think it's time for me to hang up the psychedelic phone for a long while, perhaps forever.

As many here know, my last few years exploring psychedelic substances have been more spiritual/psychological rather than recreational/enjoyment. What I have gained has been immense, though immensely personal and not something that can easily be shared with others. In some way's this has made me more reclusive from society, and in other way's it has pushed me to open up and expand into society. In any event I am deeply grateful for the experiences I've had and for this community. The experiences have apparently been exactly what I needed to have. However, I have come to know on a very deep intuitive level that for me real growth will take place once I decide to truly dedicate myself to the sober spiritual path. Psychedelic visions are amazingly inspiring, however they are not lasting, they are non permanent, and ultimately they are merely illusions like all other experiences.

So what spurred this idea to walk away from psychedelics? Well it wasn't the mother of all experiences or anything like that. Though let me very clear that learning to have satori like experiences has been of immense value to my spiritual progress, though I could never in a million years recommend another person walk the path I have walked...ironic isn't it? Don't get me wrong, I'd never try and stop a rational, normal person for taking them for what-ever reason. It's just that I now fully understand they actually are not necessary.

So what was the catalyst? It was a regular non drug induced meditation experience. For me the change happened in the span of about 5-10 seconds. Really a rather small space of time considering the magnitude of what I experienced. It was about 45 minutes into a hardcore reality checking vipassana meditation excursion where my mind had been flirting with center several times. As I approached my center this time the rapidity of which I was able to perceive bodily sensation was very high. I'd guess I was actively noting 20 separate, distinct sensation per second. Yes literally. Anyway I was very deep at this particular moment. All but the vaguest connections to the outside world were completely severed when I again began to approach my inner center.

All thoughts had faded into the background and my mind had been still from gross mental sensation for several minutes at this point. Centering at this state of being is an exercise dealing with very subtle mind stuff. I was in a deep state of Samadhi (concentration) to say the least. Probably as deep as I've ever gone. I reminded myself via a slight mental note to NOT give into sensations of amazement (wonder were I learned that technique? Smile ) as I once again approached mental stability.

As I hit center this time I felt an amazing lightness begin to expand from my heart center while simultaneously an amazingly clear light or colorless void (not black, not white, just clear) began to open in my third eye. The euphoria began to quickly multiply much like I have felt during psychedelic experiences. As this state of mind began to manifest in magnitude I eventually gave into excitement and was forced to watch this most blissful experience receded directly into the void from which it came. The brief 10 second foray was enough to fully convince me that peak experiences can literally be gained, and in fact perhaps must ultimately be gained the slow traditional way. At least that is the path I feel compelled to walk now.

I spent the next 30 minutes trying to regain this center but could not. In any event I finished up meditation for the day and spent the next several hours in a nice light after glow very reminiscent of a mild psychedelic experience.

There isn't any real need to over elaborate about it here since it was a subjective experience that I could never share in a convincing way with the skeptics among us. BTW The skeptics among us are a great thing. They keep the real seekers honest. However, once one starts gaining real insight it becomes pretty obvious that there is little to be gained from debate with a skeptic. Most skeptics are not interested in actually changing their mind. They are interested in proving you wrong and themselves right. HOWEVER, they are a much needed force in the world. Like I said the skeptics force brutal honesty for the rest of us, even if in the end they are the ones that often reject it. My, my life is strange now isn't it. Smile

So this brings me to the real point of this post. I'm saying good bye to the Nexus. I have made quite a few interesting friends and connections through the Nexus and sincerely wish I could meet many of you in the 'real' world, but alas things are they way are.

I'll stop short of asking Trav to delete my account, but in all honestly I need to take a very extended break and get in touch with the other parts of my spirituality.

I sincerely wish you all, my brothers and sisters, success on your own individual paths. Everyone one of the people on this board is a unique and interesting person. So many fascinating takes on the deeper aspects of philosophy and religion. So much depth of knowledge when it comes to the science around these drugs. Saying good bye almost seems wrong, but alas I know I have to dive into my own inner calling and I know that psychedelics are going to play little to no role going forward for me.

So without further adue. Good bye friends.
I sincerely wish you all the best, and who knows, perhaps I will stop by from time to time to engage in the deeper philosophical conversations at some point in the future.


If your religion, faith, devotion, or self proclaimed spirituality is not directly leading to an increase in kindness, empathy, compassion and tolerance for others then you have been misled.

Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#2 Posted : 10/29/2012 9:20:53 PM

Stiletto Stoner


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Thanks for everything joedirt.

We all have our paths and I am glad seeing you following yours, despite that meaning that we must separate (for a while).

May the light be with you brother.
Got GVG ? Mhm. Got DMT ?

Pandora wrote:
Nexus enjoys cutting edge and ongoing superior programming skills of the owner of this site (The Traveler), including recent switching to the .me domain name.

I'm still, I'm still Jenny from the block

Simon Jester wrote:
"WTF n00b, buy the $100 vapor pipe or GTFO"

Ignorance of the law does not protect you from prosecution
#3 Posted : 10/29/2012 9:45:24 PM

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It's sad to lose a member with so much to contribute, but you seem to have the best possible reasons. I hope you'll still check in from time to time to help out the rest of us that are still trying to get to where you are now. That would be very, um... Bodhisattva of you, I guess. Big grin You don't NEED to be on psychedelics, to participate in a psychedelics forum, you know. But in any case, best of luck with your journey.

No direction but to follow what you know,
No direction but a faith in her decision,
No direction but to never fight her flow,
No direction but to trust the final destination.
#4 Posted : 10/29/2012 9:46:44 PM

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It's not pleasant to see one of the users that made me stop scrolling and read go away, but it's reassuring to know you do it following your will, in peace and with a destination.

Peace and the best for your new travels, friend. And thank you.

#5 Posted : 10/29/2012 9:49:14 PM

Cloud Whisperer

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I truly wish you safe and happy travels and I commend you on your strength and courage to follow your true path in life as it is the only way in which we are able to create our own meaning...

Even though it is the most difficult path to peruse you have the most to gain in knowledge and self awareness. By cultivating and nurturing your own meaning you are able to give your gift to the world.

All the best my friend.

Much Peace and Respect
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For small creatures such as we the vastness is bearable only through love.

The fate of our times is characterised by rationalisation and intellectualisation and, above all, by the disenchantment of the world.

Following a Path of Compassion and Heart
#6 Posted : 10/29/2012 9:51:35 PM

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a very extended break

definitely come back and visit!

that last post was a great read. Besides being able to reach this inner experience during meditation and not taking psychedelics anymore, you will be a part of this community even when you are gone!

You can always start your own meditation/inner journey 'blog' thread that could help others or share your wisdom on whichever topics are going on, even without interest in psychedelics. but of course you know that! I have had a sober experience that practically re birthed me into reality myself, shattering all want/need of answers or psychedelic experiences but I still find myself dipping back every now and again as life goes on.

have a great journey,

#7 Posted : 10/29/2012 10:09:15 PM


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Thanks for our debates joedirt, I hope you will not remember me solely as a pain in the ass Smile

Good luck on your journey, and may peace and love find your Being.
#8 Posted : 10/29/2012 10:58:42 PM

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I don't think you'll ever know how much I've appreciated your posts and your presence in this community. As someone else said, I would always "click" when I saw that you had replied to a thread.

Your an amazing person and spirit, and I wish you all the blessings and good vibes as you continue on your journey.

This place is full of special people, but you are someone that I always wished to meet in "real life".

I've recently considered taking a long break from entheogens as well, not because I've reached the point in meditation that you have, but because I would like to. Maybe your post will serve as my inspiration. Who knows.

Again, I wish you all the peace, love, and understanding you and your family can handle.

Happy journeys, with or without the use of entheogens Smile
All posts are completely fictional and for educational purposes only
#9 Posted : 10/29/2012 11:17:50 PM

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Good luck brother. Let us know somehow if you're doing well in the future!
This is the time to really find out who you are and enjoy every moment you have. Take advantage of it.
#10 Posted : 10/29/2012 11:26:18 PM
member for the trees

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..yeah, please send us the occasional spiritual post..Smile

blessings to you, joedirt..
Mitakuye Oyasin
#11 Posted : 10/30/2012 1:10:18 AM

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Others have already said it better than I could, so I will just echo their sentiment. Good luck on your journey Joe Dirt. May peace be with you always.
Let us declare nature to be legitimate. All plants should be declared legal, and all animals for that matter. The notion of illegal plants and animals is obnoxious and ridiculous.
— Terence McKenna

All my posts are hypothetical and for educational/entertainment purposes, and are not an endorsement of said activities. SWIM (a fictional character based on other people) either obtained a license for said activity, did said activity where it is legal to do so, or as in most cases the activity is completely fictional.
#12 Posted : 10/30/2012 1:19:39 AM
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I would try to persuade you that pyschedelics are the way, but I would be lying if I denied that my ultimate dream is to NOT need them attain the psychedelic state. The path you have chosen is definitely the most optimistic and ambitious path that a psychonaut can take, and for that reason I salute you. Good luck on your journey and please check in from time to time with your meditation-induced trip reports. If you find success, you will surely lead me away from psychedelics as well, so consider yourself a pioneer.

Much peace and love to you.
Every day I am thankful that I was introduced to psychedelic drugs.
#13 Posted : 10/30/2012 1:28:10 AM

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I think we all reach that point at some moment in our lives. Here's a tune that your title reminded me of (sample starts at 3:00 min mark)...

All the best to you my friend, please don't disappear completely if possible x
#14 Posted : 10/30/2012 1:32:26 AM

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peace joe! much love and luck to you. you're great posts will be missed

hope to see you again

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#15 Posted : 10/30/2012 2:23:07 AM

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Joe, I've never encountered such a vivid and well-articulated blend of psychedelic understanding and traditional meditative practice as I have seen in your posts. The two worlds do overlap, but it takes true and honest dedication to walk that walk. Thank you for all your contributions... And I hope that you miss us enough to visit from time to time.
#16 Posted : 10/30/2012 5:05:36 AM

No.. that can't be...

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Best of luck to you in your quest.
Everything mentioned herein has been deemed by our staff of expert psychiatrists to be the delusional rantings of a madman who has been treated with Thorazine who is hospitalized within the confines of our locked facility. This patient sometimes requires the application of 6 point leather restraints and electrodes at the temples to break his delusions. Therefore, take everything mentioned above with a grain of salt...
Soy sauce
#17 Posted : 10/30/2012 7:14:48 AM

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That.. sounds, so beautiful. So, very amazing.

Your posts, among a few other persons, have made me actually stop, and reconsider certain things about life. About, my life.

There's so much more I want to say, for some reason.. But, I just can't find the right words for it. (Doesn't that sound familiar)

joedirt, I wish you luck in your journey of true, self realization.

It makes me glad to say I knew you. Even if it was just on a forum.
Super Radical wrote:
Naww. MJ sandwich is the way to go the first time.
Then next time after the WTFOMG moment, realize your ready to changa things up.

It's more special that way.

'DMT is not one of our irrational illusions. What we experience in the presence of DMT is real news. It is a nearby dimension-- frightening, transformative, and beyond our powers to imagine, and yet to be explored in the usual way. We must send fearless experts, whatever that may come to mean, to explore and to report on what they find.' - Terence McKenna
#18 Posted : 10/30/2012 9:04:50 AM

veni, vidi, spici

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Its sad to see you go Joe, your insights on meditation have been a big help to me and many more on the Nexus, im sure.

i wish you luck in your persuit of clarity and hope you will drop back in some time in the future to let us know how your doing.

good luck JoeThumbs up

it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???

fool of the year

corpus callosum
#19 Posted : 10/30/2012 9:44:46 AM

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Be well Joedirt and do visit the Nexus from time to time.You are one of the very few individuals here who, being well-versed in both science and spirituality, recognises the two need not be in eternal opposition.
I am paranoid of my brain. It thinks all the time, even when I'm asleep. My thoughts assail me. Murderous lechers they are. Thought is the assassin of thought. Like a man stabbing himself with one hand while the other hand tries to stop the blade. Like an explosion that destroys the detonator. I am paranoid of my brain. It makes me unsettled and ill at ease. Makes me chase my tail, freezes my eyes and shuts me down. Watches me. Eats my head. It destroys me.

#20 Posted : 10/30/2012 10:18:30 AM

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Hey Joe,

I completely understand your desire to follow a path of inner growth that does not involve ingesting psychedelics. I think most of us would agree that psychedelics by themselves are lacking for inner growth if there isn't dedication with complementary practices of self development. And while some people may keep using psychedelics beneficially for their whole lives, others' path means taking breaks or complete stop of psychedelics.

You're a great person to have around and I agree with others that your interest in both the scientific and spiritual side make your posts a pleasure to read. I understand that at least for the moment to also take a break from the Nexus but I would be happy if you would come back and keep posting and contributing even if you're still away from psychedelics. The Nexus would def benefit and get enrichened by such alternative perspective Smile

All the best in whatever path you choose!
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