Is it Ok that a single human beeing possesses more than 1 to 10 million Dollar ? Options
#1 Posted : 6/21/2011 5:54:01 AM

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Hello Nexus,

We just had some Visitors here they were pretty nice.
Somehow the Discussion came up if it´s allright that a single human Beeing possesses Billions of Dollars and that there are so many rich People with so so much more Money than they could ever spend and still there are Children dying because of hunger and poor hygiene. Theres Bill Gates and Steve Jobs and the Argument for them was that they have done something that justified this much Money. They give still so much more than you and me. urrrrg.

One of them liked my Argumentation Pleased

I´m sorry but I am using an IPod and I am using Windows and I begin to feel ashamed. Microsoft buys every new Invention and became big with selling an not ready Operating System. And O.K. Apple had some revolutionary Ideas but... ! Why shouldn´t they have to give much much more of their Profit to healing the World.. Why isn´t there a limit like a single Person is only allowed to own say 1-10 Million Dollars. This is more than enough even if you are ultra successfull.

Capitalism sucks and it sticks so deep into peoples minds that you just have to get depressed.

I mean what can you do. You can buy fairtrade Coffee, you can work free in social services and over that You can spend all of your Money.

Most Important You can fight the Ideas in Peoples Heads. I don´t know.. They don´t wanna hear. What about love, what about beeing human..

Just thinking....
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#2 Posted : 6/21/2011 6:36:49 AM


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If people are poor they can be controlled easier, it suits the system to have huge caps in wealth. Is it right NO but it is what it is. People can make a small difference with fair trade and that but it won't change anything for the truly rich.
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#3 Posted : 6/21/2011 6:39:01 AM

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I just got informed that Bill Gates spends pretty much of his money... But the Discussion is still valid ? I don´t know the exact Numbers anyone here does ? I would think even if the given Amount looks BIG, it isn´t.
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#4 Posted : 6/21/2011 9:21:26 AM

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This may interest you:

Seems Bill isn't such a bad guy after all. But yeah, on the whole I agree, the worlds wealth is so disproportionately distributed that we have ended up with scenes like this:

when just a few miles away, others are living in luxury, the world is way out of balance and something needs to change, but while there is money, there will be greed. I watched quite a good documentary the other day which proposes changes, but it does end up with quite a socialist vibe, which I'm not keen on if history has anything to teach us.

It's such a difficult situation to change, because everyone involved has their own agenda, no matter how honorable intentions start out.
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#5 Posted : 6/21/2011 11:09:29 AM

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If X came up with an idea that would generate very much money to X why is it then wrong? He/she probably worked pretty hard to get this money. If x knew x would not get much money from this idea then x should find a better idea that generated more money. It´s thanks to entrepreneurs that we have the kind of technique today that we have. Good or bad I dont know but I like my computer.
The money is the carrot and without the carrot what would they work so hard for?
#6 Posted : 6/21/2011 11:14:12 AM

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brainechoes wrote:
If X came up with an idea that would generate very much money to X why is it then wrong? He/she probably worked pretty hard to get this money. If x knew x would not get much money from this idea then x should find a better idea that generated more money. It´s thanks to entrepreneurs that we have the kind of technique today that we have. Good or bad I dont know but I like my computer.
The money is the carrot and without the carrot what would they work so hard for?

Making the world a better place?
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#7 Posted : 6/21/2011 11:34:33 AM

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soulthatcreates wrote:
brainechoes wrote:
If X came up with an idea that would generate very much money to X why is it then wrong? He/she probably worked pretty hard to get this money. If x knew x would not get much money from this idea then x should find a better idea that generated more money. It´s thanks to entrepreneurs that we have the kind of technique today that we have. Good or bad I dont know but I like my computer.
The money is the carrot and without the carrot what would they work so hard for?

Making the world a better place?

They making the world a better place from their view.

Sure some people actually work hard without getting much money from it, for them it is enough satisfying that they help.
But one person cant do all by himself. Everyone around would have the same passion. That may work with some ideas but not everything, people in generall wanna make some money.
I belive for most of them it would be funnier watching tv after some working instead of more working..
And people with much money tend to give away much money, or contribute to schools and so on.

If I personally could choose between 9 years study then some simple job, were I would get much more freetime to do what I wanna do. Or Study 16-18 years, get a "good" job and have less free time. But still the same money, of course I would pick 9 years study, the money is still the same so why bother?
#8 Posted : 6/21/2011 12:13:37 PM

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There's a lot of open source software and operating systems out there. They used to be a little bit out of reach to the common user given they assumed you knew what you were doing in terms of unix commands and data structures. Open source operating systems had become a lot simpler to use and install, and given most people use computers to access services on the internet it would be a lot easier to make the transition. Googles android OS IS open source. I'm convinced it's a moral imperative that human communication is moderated by open source technologies.
#9 Posted : 6/21/2011 12:15:47 PM

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- double post off my phone, please delete
#10 Posted : 6/21/2011 12:35:36 PM

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moz wrote:
There's a lot of open source software and operating systems out there. They used to be a little bit out of reach to the common user given they assumed you knew what you were doing in terms of unix commands and data structures. Open source operating systems had become a lot simpler to use and install, and given most people use computers to access services on the internet it would be a lot easier to make the transition. Googles android OS IS open source. I'm convinced it's a moral imperative that human communication is moderated by open source technologies.

My belive is that we havent been close to this technique that we have today if someone didnt earned money on the way. Maybe we still had gone out fishing for our food, hunting, lived in the woods. Wich sure havent been a bad thing in my opinion.
But why shouldnt people get the opportunity to get rich? I dont have much money, but still not poor. But I would like the chance of getting much money.

Take an lottery for an example. Is it a bad or a good thing? If someone win 1 million dollar, should they have to give away 99% then just because they didnt need more? Its up to them how much they are willing to give away, nobody else should force them to give it away, "robbing" them.

People with money do contribute to are society a big deal.
#11 Posted : 6/21/2011 2:10:15 PM

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brainechoes wrote:
moz wrote:
There's a lot of open source software and operating systems out there. They used to be a little bit out of reach to the common user given they assumed you knew what you were doing in terms of unix commands and data structures. Open source operating systems had become a lot simpler to use and install, and given most people use computers to access services on the internet it would be a lot easier to make the transition. Googles android OS IS open source. I'm convinced it's a moral imperative that human communication is moderated by open source technologies.

My belive is that we havent been close to this technique that we have today if someone didnt earned money on the way. Maybe we still had gone out fishing for our food, hunting, lived in the woods. Wich sure havent been a bad thing in my opinion.
But why shouldnt people get the opportunity to get rich? I dont have much money, but still not poor. But I would like the chance of getting much money.

Take an lottery for an example. Is it a bad or a good thing? If someone win 1 million dollar, should they have to give away 99% then just because they didnt need more? Its up to them how much they are willing to give away, nobody else should force them to give it away, "robbing" them.

People with money do contribute to are society a big deal.

Winning a million dollars is much different than screwing over everyone you can to get a million dollars. I think the question shouln't be phrased as to whether or not it's ok to have 1-10 million dollars, but if the majority of means by which the accumulation of excessive money (excluding the lottery) is capable through ethical means, and if not, if something should be done to revise the system. It's also been shown that the whole trickle down reaganomics thing is completely false and doesn't really work. Rich people by and large do not help the economy and the only part of society they help is often their own high elite ring of it.
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#12 Posted : 6/21/2011 2:15:21 PM

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If you have billions in your bank account, all you have done is tricked the world into thinking your product is worth more than it is and they were dumb enough to pay for it.
#13 Posted : 6/21/2011 2:42:11 PM

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What makes you think Bill gates is a rich man?
There are a couple of guys who have more power and more "money" than him.
Gates is just a small fish compared to them!

And by the way: Those differences are just a political thing.
We could change it from one day to another since money is just a tool and a replacable thing created out of thin air -

we need a new system to conquer the poverty and mysery of this world and it's up to us, not up to the banks!

I hope someone smart does this soon!

elusive illusion
#14 Posted : 6/21/2011 2:43:05 PM

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It´s simply awesome to see your responses, knowing that People care.. I agree, theres nothing wrong with earning much Money. But why not make the World a better Place when theres excessive Money on your Hands. History has taught us bitter lessons, but also we know that not so long ago the Maximum Tax in the USA for example was around 90 %. Infrastructure got build, the Money was way more used for the People. But as the Industry became mightier, Politics got screwed and infiltrated and now we are where we are. The rich get richer and the Poor get poorer. The Middleclass is dying..
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#15 Posted : 6/21/2011 8:45:55 PM

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No one makes money in a vacuum. The rich made their millions on the backs of the poor. They do not deserve their millions, they owe the communities that facilitated their wealth.
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#16 Posted : 6/21/2011 9:09:14 PM

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MySmelf wrote:
No one makes money in a vacuum. The rich made their millions on the backs of the poor. They do not deserve their millions, they owe the communities that facilitated their wealth.

So my boss at work dosnt deserve to have more money then me, though it thanks to him I got a job to? And it is he that risk hes house if it goes bad. And will go out a bad deal with alot of - on hes bankaccount..
#17 Posted : 6/21/2011 9:37:04 PM

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MySmelf wrote:
No one makes money in a vacuum. The rich made their millions on the backs of the poor. They do not deserve their millions, they owe the communities that facilitated their wealth.

Though I think I'd tend to agree with you, I wouldn't be so quick to make overgeneralizations.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

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Bill Cipher
#18 Posted : 6/21/2011 10:51:03 PM

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The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation gives away AT MINIMUM $1,500,000,000 each year towards education, health care, agricultural development, etc. They are, by a fairly hefty margin, the biggest charitable donors on the planet.
#19 Posted : 6/21/2011 11:07:21 PM

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Global wrote:
MySmelf wrote:
No one makes money in a vacuum. The rich made their millions on the backs of the poor. They do not deserve their millions, they owe the communities that facilitated their wealth.

Though I think I'd tend to agree with you, I wouldn't be so quick to make overgeneralizations.

I very much agree ^. Wealth in our world is sadly something that is usually inherited and not exactly "earned". Accumulated fortunes are spent to fuel our economy. Who else buys Lamborghini's, and those multi-million dollar homes you see built in gated communities on the nice side of town? I cannot I say I believe it to be wrong to be wealthy. Even excessively so. However in my own moral judgment, if such a surplus is in your hands it is your responsibility to do something with it that builds up those not as privileged as you. I would like to think most billionaires do this.
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#20 Posted : 6/21/2011 11:07:38 PM

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yeah i think its fine
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