DENIED....But WHYYYYY???? Options
#1 Posted : 3/17/2011 5:50:50 PM

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Wow, well, yesterday I was TOTALLY shut out of hyperspace...Decided to journey, my girlfriend on her laptop, me on the bed...I took a breakthrough dose, but was immediately jolted back to reality by movement and talking right outside of my room...a few loud bangs, and my mother annoyingly yelling my name to come eat...I was in breakthrough mode, but in MY DIMENSION...every time I would turn and look at something, nothing would be there, and then my mind quickly replaced each memory, one by one, up to the stuffed donkey on top of my books..(he was placed last)...

It was trippy, but breakthrough was denied...I had a vision of my spice pipe falling out of the trash, rolling down the driveway, where it was picked up by a little kid...then the launch pad was immediately closed, and I felt as if the molecule was pissed at me...this vision of the kid picking up the pipe, first I had the feeling that I had done something wrong to Mother Nature, like dumping my used mimosa mud in my backyard (totally ready for the onsluaght of criticism for that one)...then I felt as if I had had a thought that I didn't need spice anymore, and the vision was a confirmation that it would just end up in someone else's hands...then I figured maybe the molecule was pissed that my set and setting was impulsive and possibly disrespectful (with too much going on for complete concentration)....anyone have any ideas? Sad
"The search for Truth is the Greatest, if not, most Sensible form of Rebellion."


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#2 Posted : 3/17/2011 5:59:50 PM


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Sounds like you just are not in the right spot to do it.

This happened to me once.... I never ventured in my home (where I'm currently staying at atm)... It's just not the right environment. (And no I don't extract here either) But one night I got the "feeling" I needed to be shown something. I loaded up and took a small single hit. Started getting the feelings of "wrong doing", just to be sure I took one more... yup. It felt I was being told that I shouldn't smoke here. I put the pipe down, let the effects wear off and then emptied the rest of the burnt changa (maybe 30mg) into the ash try and just continued smoking my herbs.

Maybe you are disrespecting it by "always wanting a breakthrough"... I don't know, I never expect anything. I go in humble and come out amazed.

Just another experience...
01:13:08 ‹Ellis DEmpty› I met the people living in my head... I disturbed them while they were sitting down at the table.... They were as shocked as I was!

We were born too soon to explore the cosmos, and to late to explore the earth. Our frontier is the human mind; religion is the ocean we must cross.
#3 Posted : 3/17/2011 6:09:44 PM

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tobecomeone00 wrote:
a few loud bangs, and my mother annoyingly yelling my name to come eat...(

Stop set and setting as they say. I would never be taking drugs in the same house as my mum, especially DMT. But I don't know you so maybe she is cool with that.

I have been denied before. I'm really anal about having everything just right, but it has still happened. There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason for what happens in thatplace. Sometimes it just aint happening.
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#4 Posted : 3/17/2011 8:59:49 PM

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I am beginning to believe it was a setting issue...My folks are totally down for my spiritual growth, no matter how it comes about. Mom had actually left for a while, then came back at the 'perfect' time with Arbys sandwiches. lol...I am going to attempt to launch again today, in a better setting, for sure...I will let you all know what's up!

Another idea, I am feeling as if pharmauasca or aya would be a better alternative to freebase, due to the differences in intensity...The molecule, as well as some awesome peeps on here, have suggested to me that this may be the right way...Peaceful, blissful, and much more time for integration of lessons...Only thing, would harmine and harmala extracts lead me down a whole other world of extractions? It was time-consuming and gnarly learning how to extract spice...Had a few mishaps, including a gallon jar of used mimosa mud exploding in my house at 7:30 am...

After time, and much trial and error, I finally got my extraction down like a clown.. Is it the same for caapi extracts? How the hell would I figure this out? Would brewing some aya with the rest of my mimosa be the answer? I would then need an MAOi...Its a miracle I learned how to extract spice, but the other stuff, I'm not sure I'm too confident...Any help please?
"The search for Truth is the Greatest, if not, most Sensible form of Rebellion."

#5 Posted : 3/17/2011 9:53:15 PM

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tobecomeone00 wrote:

After time, and much trial and error, I finally got my extraction down like a clown.. Is it the same for caapi extracts? How the hell would I figure this out? Would brewing some aya with the rest of my mimosa be the answer? I would then need an MAOi...Its a miracle I learned how to extract spice, but the other stuff, I'm not sure I'm too confident...Any help please?

All the answers to your questions are but a few clicks away right here on the Nexus. Use the search option at the top right of the page. Check out the Wiki too. Everything you need to know is all there! Good luck! Smile

As for being denied, I'm pretty sure it happens to everyone at some point. The spice will show you what it wants when it wants. Breakthroughs aren't always guaranteed. It's the nature of the beast I guess.

EDIT: Yeah... smoking technique, state of mind and using too often have a lot to do with being denied also.
#6 Posted : 3/17/2011 10:03:26 PM

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tobecomeone00 wrote:
Had a few mishaps, including a gallon jar of used mimosa mud exploding in my house at 7:30 am...

You seriously have to try and be more careful too. Something like that happening is just unacceptable!! Check out the health and safety section before anything else!
#7 Posted : 3/17/2011 10:16:39 PM

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Dreamwalker, yeah, that was one of my first extractions...I've done more, and we all know it is about trial and error.. so no worries...I don't really need your links, nice gesture tho. Perhaps help me with my questions, rather than try to point out my bad points, eh? Thanks...Let's be creative, not destructive...
"The search for Truth is the Greatest, if not, most Sensible form of Rebellion."

#8 Posted : 3/17/2011 10:27:18 PM

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tobecomeone00 wrote:
After time, and much trial and error, I finally got my extraction down like a clown.. Is it the same for caapi extracts? How the hell would I figure this out? Would brewing some aya with the rest of my mimosa be the answer? I would then need an MAOi...Its a miracle I learned how to extract spice, but the other stuff, I'm not sure I'm too confident...Any help please?

Caapi extraction is easy (easier than DMT extraction) – here’s a link to the TEK.

The only times I’ve been denied entry were when my smoking technique wasn’t so good and I wasn’t getting an adequate dose, and/or when I was partaking too frequently.
gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
#9 Posted : 3/17/2011 10:34:09 PM

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gibran2 wrote:
The only times I’ve been denied entry were when my smoking technique wasn’t so good and I wasn’t getting an adequate dose, and/or when I was partaking too frequently.

I think sometimes people mistake a misfire due to inadequate dose and/or technique with a conscious intention/refusal on the spice's part. I like Ellis D'Empty's suggestion about being open, without expectations. Smile
"The real secret of magic is that the world is made of words, and that if you know the words that the world is made of, you can make of it whatever you wish." - Terence McKenna
#10 Posted : 3/17/2011 10:48:43 PM

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yes, always be open. You are hyperspace and everything is mirrored within everything. Your experience within the DMT trance is a reflection of the energetic state of your own nervous system. After literally hundreds of DMT experiences over the last few years I have come to believe that peoples focus on just having a typrical "breakthrough" every single time they workd with DMT is shortsighted. Many times I have smoked and gone into just weird energetic states that I couldnt quit call a breakthrough, even lacking defined visuals at like's not smoking technique of too little of a dose either, because the experience can be very overwhelming. I have fallen over into states of pure dred and terror, shaking etc without any of the typical hyperspace phenomenon that usually occurs. In retrospect I concluded that this is basically alwyas due to the state of my nervous system and these experiences are more like painful recalibrations, purging me of my "karma". At times I will smoke multiple times in one session until finally I feel past all the energetic shit I need to deal with and have that pure samadhi like breakthrough experience. This is meta-programming.

DMT is not a funny little toy rocketship. You are the ship and the DMT is fuel. you can put fuel into a ship, but when you lift off you are still going to have to navigate the environment from which you blast off before you reach the beyond.

Dont let any DMT experiences bother you, just take in the specifics of the reflection as a map to where you are and where it is you want to get. Then deal with the specifics.
Long live the unwoke.
#11 Posted : 3/17/2011 11:01:32 PM

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tobecomeone00 wrote:
Dreamwalker, yeah, that was one of my first extractions...I've done more, and we all know it is about trial and error.. so no worries...I don't really need your links, nice gesture tho. Perhaps help me with my questions, rather than try to point out my bad points, eh? Thanks...Let's be creative, not destructive...

Ease up my friend. I'm not trying to be destructive at all. I was only trying to help by pointing out that if you do a little searching around everything you want to know is here already. You just have to look for it.

I know all about trial and error but I had no idea how many extractions you have done until now. I was only looking out for your safety. Anyway good luck trying Gilbran2's caapi extraction. I had pretty good success with that one.
#12 Posted : 3/17/2011 11:51:14 PM

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tobecomeone00 wrote:
Dreamwalker, yeah, that was one of my first extractions...I've done more, and we all know it is about trial and error.. so no worries...I don't really need your links, nice gesture tho. Perhaps help me with my questions, rather than try to point out my bad points, eh? Thanks...Let's be creative, not destructive...

I dont see how any of what dreamwalker said was destructive.
Long live the unwoke.
#13 Posted : 3/18/2011 7:11:21 AM

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I do apologize, I was a bit apprehensive today due to hunger and general life disappointments...I guess I just didn't want to face the fact that the mimosa explosion was much more serious than I made it out to be...Either way, sorry for seeming grumpy. I'm all for constructive criticism! No hard feelings, dreamwalker.

On another note, is aya the way to go? Its seeming so...Should I invest in Caapi extracts? Would this be a better option than pharmauasca?
"The search for Truth is the Greatest, if not, most Sensible form of Rebellion."

#14 Posted : 3/18/2011 7:24:41 AM

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ayahuasca is never difficult (making it). Caapi doesn't taste bad, so you could just boil some of that. If you opt for rue, only a small amount is needed. 3g will do. A lot of people don't even boil the rue, they just eat the seeds. I mean, if extractions are a big deal for you, you could take the easy route of just eating rue seeds, and boiling some mimosa for a bit. Your "exploding" mimosa concerns me.

Relax and take things easy. Don't go overboard with your experimenting. Don't overwhelm yourself. Enjoy life. And just some general advice, don't think that the spice will make everything ok, or fix general life disappointments.
#15 Posted : 3/18/2011 3:04:11 PM

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tobecomeone00 wrote:
No hard feelings, dreamwalker.

On another note, is aya the way to go? Its seeming so...Should I invest in Caapi extracts? Would this be a better option than pharmauasca?

No worries! you should look into making yourself a batch of changa. I've never tried the caapi extracts out there but have had success making 10x caapi leaf myself and infusing that with some spice.

#16 Posted : 3/18/2011 11:21:08 PM

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Okay, changa! I've heard lots, and read lots on this..Is changa a better place to start than brewing aya? I have only experience in freebase, and find it too intense to integrate the lessons...Now for changa, or even aya for that matter, I would need to aquire Caapi from my vendor..Now, would I order the shredded vine, or go straight for the caapi extracts? Is it better to order the vine, and extract it myself? I have no problem dedicating a little extra time and energy for a wholesome, solid end product...OR...would it be better to just grab the extract that is being sold? Once I have this extract, do I consume it and then mimosa brew afterwards (aya)? Do I soak it in dmt solution and then smoke it (changa)? Where is the best place for a beginner to begin, without possibly losing his mind? lol...I've done research, but after a while, all I see are words like pharmauasca, dmt fumerate, harmalas, harmalines, maois, syrin rue seeds, etc. etc...I'm starting to become bit boggled on where to begin...

The only worry I have with the changa method, is the fact that I would hate to lose a gram of spice if I do it far, all I've seen is teks for dissolving larger quantities of spice, and this would blow if i mucked it up...Any way to start small? I've heard caapi is the way to go as far as maois are concerned...I've also heard that syrian rue may be a cause for marked intensity in experiences...have you found this to be true at all? Thank you all for your replies! The wisdom in this place is THICK! I LIKE IT!!
"The search for Truth is the Greatest, if not, most Sensible form of Rebellion."

#17 Posted : 3/18/2011 11:54:57 PM

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People, am I mistaken, or is changa merely a way of dosing so that one merely intakes less dmt? Why not just smoke less freebase? I guess if you enjoy smoking other things, mixing some spice with it would be good. Tobecomeone00, you can always take a small dose of ayahuasca to get used to it.

I would need to aquire Caapi from my vendor..Now, would I order the shredded vine, or go straight for the caapi extracts? Is it better to order the vine, and extract it myself?

It's just preference. You don't have to "extract" caapi at all. You can just boil it and drink it if you want.

I'd say a low/medium dose of aya is 30g caapi, with 1 or 2 grams mimosa.
Or, 3g syrian rue with 1 or 2g mimosa.
Or, 200mg pure harmine or caapi alkaloids with 20-40mg pure spice.

Pharmahuasca just means the actives have been extracted from the plant matter. If you don't mind drinking teas made from plants, then ayahuasca is fine. You get the same thing from aya as you get from pharmahuasca, minus some plant acids and fats.

.I've also heard that syrian rue may be a cause for marked intensity in experiences...have you found this to be true at all?

No. How do you define intense? It just depends on how much rue, or rue alkaloids are taken. 3g syrian rue is a gentle dose.
#18 Posted : 3/19/2011 12:03:49 AM

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Wow, Apoc, nice breakdown! I definitely think Aya might be the way to go...And one can really only use 1 or 2 grams of mimosa? That's pleasing to the ears! Would you say boiling the caapi vine would be the way to go? WOuld I drink the caapi first, then the mimosa like 30 mins later? Or do I mix the two and slurp? lol...Thanks man, the aya experience is beginning to seem much more doable...

Another ? for ya....When one ingests a medium dose of ayahuasca, will they be mobile? Say, enough to stumble to the bathroom? I'm just wondering how involved the visions are, and how out of it I will be, just to "prepare"
"The search for Truth is the Greatest, if not, most Sensible form of Rebellion."

#19 Posted : 3/19/2011 12:10:17 AM

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tobecomeone00 wrote:
Wow, Apoc, nice breakdown! I definitely think Aya might be the way to go...And one can really only use 1 or 2 grams of mimosa? That's pleasing to the ears! Would you say boiling the caapi vine would be the way to go? WOuld I drink the caapi first, then the mimosa like 30 mins later? Or do I mix the two and slurp? lol...Thanks man, the aya experience is beginning to seem much more doable...

Another ? for ya....When one ingests a medium dose of ayahuasca, will they be mobile? Say, enough to stumble to the bathroom? I'm just wondering how involved the visions are, and how out of it I will be, just to "prepare"

With ayahuasca, people have success drinking them together, or separated by a few minutes. I'd take them separate just to make sure the rima's in the caapi start doing their work on the mao's in the stomach before the dmt hits the stomach.

And one can really only use 1 or 2 grams of mimosa?

Yes. If it's good mimosas, 2g of mimosa will have about 40mg of magic in it. 1g of mimosa would be a fairly light dose. But, some people say that even 1g of mimosa is enough.

With doses like these, yes you should be able to move if needed.
#20 Posted : 3/19/2011 12:45:25 AM

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Thank you for your help, Apoc! I am going to try to wrangle up some caapi, and I'll let ya know when I get it! Im guessing I should order about 100gms, yes?
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