Very Very Trippy First Experience Options
#1 Posted : 5/19/2010 8:46:22 AM

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Today I Decided To Try An Ayahuasca Analog Using Mimosa Hostilis And Syrian Rue.
I Used 8g Mimosa Powdered Inner Root Bark, .3g 10X Syrian Rue Powder Extract, 1/2c. Lemon Juice, And 4c. water.

After They Simmered Separately For 30mins, I Drank The Syrian Rue Liquid And Seed Mush.
Then 25mins. Later I Consumed The Mimosa Liquid After Removing The Powder With A Coffee Filter. Mind you, This Was At 5:30pm Tuesday.

After An Hour And A Half Had Passed I Figured I Miss-Fired, So I decided To Eat Some Pizza(Minus The Pepperoni), Yet I Still Felt The Nausea From The Brew. Come Two Hours, I Feel On The Verge Of A Purge, But I Hold It In And It Fades Away. Then Ten Minutes Pass And Start To Feel A Head-Change. Another Ten Minutes And My Movement Feels As If I were Drunk, Yet Clear Headed At The Same Time. There Is A Massive Amount Of Euphoria.

I Decide To Go To My Room And Lie Down In My Semi-Dark Room. I Play A CD I Use For My Insomnia, It Has Soothing Melodies, Ocean Waves And Birds Chirping. I Glance And My Dimly Lit Curtains On The Window, And It Appears As If They Are Moving, And I Start Seeing Faces In The Kaleidoscope Patterns. No Sooner Do I Realize, It Actually Is Working.

Now This Is The Very Weird/Scary Part.
But First A Little Backtracking So You May Understand My Discomfort. Last Year On Halloween Evening I Was In A Car Accident With My Older Sister And My Younger Cousin. I Suffered With A Moderate Concussion, From Cracking The Windshield With My Forehead(No Seat Belt, Very Bad Mistake).

I Would Also Repeat Myself Every Minute Or So, Asking What Had Happened.
I Cannot Remember Anything That Happened In Reality The Day Of The Crash Until The Next Night, Where I Had Woken Up Lost In My Own House Unaware That I Had Been Involved In A Car Crash.

The Weird Thing Is, During That Time In The Hospital, I Had A Very Real And Confusing Dream(If You Would Call It That). I Remember The Accident Having Happened, With Only Me In The Car, And Me Driving It. I Also Had A Blonde Girlfriend(Which I've Never Had) Which I Seen The Whole Time With Me Holding My Hand At The Hospital. I Thought It Was My Guardian Angel Or Something Of The Sort, Until My First Aya Experience. In My Experience It was As If The Figures In My Curtains, Were Telling Me The Story Of The Car Crash Through The Music. I Felt Every Emotion Possible Within Seconds Of Each Other.

Here's The Trippy Part, I Seen The Same Women/Girlfriend/Guarding/Being That I Had On The Day Of The Crash. It Felt Way Too Real To Have Been A Dream Or My Imagination. So I Listened To What She Had To Say. She Told Me That I She Was My Wife And That I Had Been Admitted To A Psychiatric Ward, Ever Since The Crash. She Told Me Everything That Has Happened Was All In My Mind, I Created My Own Alternate Reality After The Crash. I Knew She Couldn't Of Been Lying I Practically Felt The Truth Emitting From Her, But At The Same Time I Didn't Know If It Was Safe To Embrace It.

She Also Told Me That The Spice Was The Only Way To Return To My Actual Reality. After This, I Decided I Wanted To Stay In My Current Reality, At Least For The Time Being, So That I May Ask For Some Advice From Fellow SWIMS. After I Decided To Stay In The Current Reality, The Whole Experience Subsided With The Exception Of The Afterglow.

So I Ask My Fellow Nexians, What Should I Do?

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#2 Posted : 5/19/2010 8:47:42 AM

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Sorry For The Poor Format Of My Post, It's Really Late Where I'm At, And I Just Wanted To Get The Experience Written Before I Start Forgetting It.
#3 Posted : 5/19/2010 8:52:50 AM

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adrian1520 wrote:
So I Ask My Fellow Nexians, What Should I Do?

You should stop using capital letters and you should start using sections, or no one will even consider reading your report. Sorry dude, but it is not possible to read the way it is.
#4 Posted : 5/19/2010 9:00:22 AM

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fixed it
#5 Posted : 5/19/2010 9:12:22 AM
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If I was you I would follow the advice that you were given from Ayahuasca and try it again. Psychologists would probably tell tou that your psyche is trying to come to terms with the trauma of the car accident. While this is true, this is not all there is likely to be to it. Ayahuasca seems to be trying to get you to 'wake up' out of the 'dream' which is consenual reality and is using the car accident as its focal point. After some more Ayahuasca experiences and some extraordinary journeys and lessons you will be wiser about the whole thing, and you will likley find that the trauma of the accident will have been healed. Learning to go along with Ayahuasca's method of healing and teaching can be very scary and is not for the faint hearted, so dont be surprised if you feel apprehensive about it all. It will interesting to hear how you progress and get on.
kaleidoscope eyes
#6 Posted : 5/19/2010 12:30:00 PM

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Wow, that is a really wild/interesting experience- especially with the reappearance of the being.

Sometimes things aren't meant to be taken completely literally- perhaps the being was trying to articulate that since the crash you have been keeping the emotions from the trauma in, that you've been keeping yourself a prisoner so to speak- and that through the spice you can be healed and return to 'reality' (whatever reality this may be.) But that is just my interpretation of it anyway, I might be wildly incorrect in what she was trying to convey.

the fictional character, kaleidoscope eyes, resides in the sky with diamonds and cellophane flowers
#7 Posted : 5/19/2010 3:02:44 PM

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you should follow the advice of your real wife (the one in your trip) and do what 99% of people in vegatative states never do, and WAKE UP, return to your real reality. You know in your heart she wasnt lying. There is currently another you laying comatose on a bed somewhere while she has a broken heart taking care of you. Your soul(?) divided after the accident and your consciousness entered this safer reality. I would be VERY open minded and ask alot of questions (if you can) when you return, you will have quite a story to share with the world (who wont believe you) once you return to your correct dimension/reality.

i cant tell you how many stories i know from friends of friends who have committed suicide and visit them in their dreams, and when they tell their freind "you are dead... we miss you" the person who really did die is SHOCKED in the dream and confused as if he/she is very much alive in some alternate reality and then completely rejects your own version (and the dream ends).
#8 Posted : 5/19/2010 3:56:14 PM

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hahah this is a strange one.

For the sake of your own sanity, please consider this your "real world." Although i could just be part of the program, eh? Wink

But you don't have a choice, philosophically, whatever realm you are having CLEAR and Distinct impressions from needs to be your default reality and your main focus.

I DO BELIEVE there is more to dreams than just our subconscious, these impression you are getting could be many things though... these could be impressions from a parallel universe where this situation is in fact true, yet it has perhaps leaked into this realm ?

many things are possible, nearly nothing is known.

#9 Posted : 5/19/2010 4:04:53 PM

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the joke is people are convinced we are now living in our "real reality" if anything the spice has shown my that to be absolute BS, there are parallel realities and we are connected to those realities as well. After a tramatic event your conscious mind may be moved to an alternative dimensional subset of reality to better help you cope with the situation while your body and a part of your spirit remains in the origional "reality". I would be open minded and explore this further, of course you could go mad in this reality as a result of accepting the first as true lol...Shocked Wink

remember everything around you is a lie, matter is NOT solid, even the human body is 89% open space! Trust nothing and be open minded (but not so open mined your brain falls out!)
#10 Posted : 5/19/2010 4:39:34 PM

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I wonder what would happen to you in your current reality though if you went with your 'wife'. Perhaps you would indeed go insane for everyone in this reality, and this would have implications for all the relationships you have built here too. And what if your wife in the other reality decides to shut down the life support?? Wut?
#11 Posted : 5/19/2010 4:40:42 PM

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"And what if your wife in the other reality decides to shut down the life support??" exactly my concerns. I assume you would have a stroke or annurism here and die suddently. the paradox would correct itself somehow. Most likely no one would notice at all as he would cease to exist here (as if he never did...which he may not have...yikes). Reality is soooo subjective and constantly rewritten in front of us all the time with us having ZERO memory of the correction or prior state.
#12 Posted : 5/19/2010 5:33:55 PM

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skinwalker wrote:
you should follow the advice of your real wife (the one in your trip) and do what 99% of people in vegatative states never do, and WAKE UP, return to your real reality. You know in your heart she wasnt lying. There is currently another you laying comatose on a bed somewhere while she has a broken heart taking care of you. Your soul(?) divided after the accident and your consciousness entered this safer reality. I would be VERY open minded and ask alot of questions (if you can) when you return, you will have quite a story to share with the world (who wont believe you) once you return to your correct dimension/reality.

I am having serious troubles with this answer. Are you really suggesting that the starter of this thread should take the experience completely literally and try to "wake up" to another reality where he is laying in a comatose state? Excuse me?

Not only is that a very far-fetched explanation that few people will find that resonates, it is also plain and simple a dangerous advice. It is absolutely no point to try and "wake up" to another reality whatsoever - you live here and now, and therefore you should have your attention in this reality.

Suggesting that one should try to escape to another reality, whatever that reality may be, is a serious violation of everything that entheogens stand for. They are NOT a way to escape, they are a way to take back knowledge from other planes and other dimensions in order to better your existence in this reality, this time in this place.

Creating a fantasy about a life as a comatose in another reality, no matter if that fantasy really is the case or not, will not be helpful at all. It will only result in the starter of this thread to be ungrounded. What the heck will that accomplish?
#13 Posted : 5/19/2010 5:40:01 PM

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I completely disagree, and you apparently do not understand the universal connectiveness of it all. Do you honestly believe that he made up this alternate reality and this is all in his head? if so i suggest you quit taking DMT and simply find some fun nactotic to take to have a jolly recreational time or pickup any college level psychology book and look for all life's answers there. if you want to peek behind the curtain as to the mechanics of it all, i suggest you take what you are shown slightly more literal rather than ignoring the truths you are shown despite how difficult they may be to grasp. My OPINION only for what little its worth. My advice isnt to full blown reject this reality and do something stupid to yourself, but it is to open your mind to the potential acceptance of a very real alterative one which you where a participant of, and now have left, with no current memory of.
#14 Posted : 5/19/2010 6:05:09 PM

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I find it interesting and utterly strange how you automatically start attacking my person, not the case I am presenting. If you had known me a little better, you would know that what you just wrote about me is hilarious, to put it nice.

Now, if you really love this molecule as much as you give of vibes of doing, you should have known what the real experts have to say. Amazonian ayahuasqeros will all tell you that lady Ayahuasca is a real trickster with an extreme sense of humour. She does not always show you the truth, and she does very often present you with scenes that need interpretations.

To interpret what you are offered on Ayahuasca totally literally is just as fundamentalistic as reading the Bible word for word. You know, sort of like Jehovah's Witnesses. With the case in question here, I would not know what the right interpretation would be. Only the one who experienced it will know that. It can be big or it can be small, it can be life-changing or it can be a bad joke. The thread starter should listen to his heart.

Now, for the sake of the argument let's say that it really is the case that the thread starter is in coma in another reality. Let's say that what he experienced on Ayahuasca is literally the one and total, absolute truth. So what? Should he then use his energy to try and visit this "reality" again? Should he really care about it at all?

If you become aware of yourself in another reality, you will easily loose contact with the reality you actually are in, here and now. It does not matter if the other reality you become aware of really is true or not, because for you it is true. It takes serious and hard exercise to be able to be conscious of two or more realities without loosing contact with the ground. Most people is not able to do it in their whole life.

When you then start living, more or less, in this newfound reality, you will loose contact with the ground in this reality. To be ungrounded is really an extremely bad thing, and that is for sure what this will lead to. I want to urge you to understand that the writer of this thread is only 17 years old. What do you think being aware of a reality of him in coma, whether or not this reality is real, will accomplish, except for making him ungrounded?

No, sir, this have nothing to do with me not understanding the universal connectiveness of it all. But it does have everything to do with you not understanding that your path of accepting everything to be literally true, is not the path for everyone else.
#15 Posted : 5/19/2010 6:20:18 PM

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sorry for coming across abusive, its my poor online manners i apologize and appreciate your well thought out response.

"Now, let's say that it really is the case that the thread starter is lying in coma in another reality. Let's say that what he literally experienced on Ayahuasca is the one and total, absolute truth. Should he then use his energy to try and visit this "reality" again? Should he really care about it at all?"

my answer still is a resounding YES he should care about it. I would, grounded or not. Grounded might also be interpreted enprisoned or unenlightened.
#16 Posted : 5/19/2010 6:24:24 PM

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skinwalker wrote:
Grounded might also be interpreted enprisoned or unenlightened.

Brother, you really need to read up on what you are talking about. Every single serious spiritual leader or guru of any sort will tell you that being grounded is the first step towards enlightenment. Seriously, ask anyone with knowledge.

Look at your spiritual self as a tree. A tree does have branches and leaves that stretch far up in the sky towards sun, but you know what? It also have roots that stretch deep underground. Without the roots, the tree would die. The same goes for absolutely every human being - without being grounded to this reality in this exact time and place, you will have a very hard time.

Without being grounded you will for sure not be able to even take a sneak-peak of what enlightenment have to offer. To be aware of different realities does not make you enlightened. To be able to be aware of all these realities and at the same time having a happy, conscious self in this reality, that is enlightenment.
#17 Posted : 5/19/2010 6:49:09 PM

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you will become more grounded in the astral plane the more one spends time there. there is no need to give in and accept reality for face value, that stance goes in direct conflict with enlightenment. You must leave no door closed, and open your mind to all possabilites and never be afraid to explore. Grounded to me sounds very conformist and accepting of reality at face value. yes being aware of alternate realites does make one more enlightened. Whose to say who is truely right or wrong here? I know what your saying and there really is an enormous amount of wisdom in it, however my perspective differs.
#18 Posted : 5/19/2010 7:13:53 PM

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Hugh Everett’s many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics is starting to gain acceptance in the mainstream physics community. Parallel realities may indeed exist.

But if they do exist, it is very likely that infinitely many of them exist.

This is as good a reason as any not to be concerned with your alternate self in some other parallel world. If there is truth in the many-worlds interpretation, then there are infinitely many “yous” and you are in every imaginable state. Rich, poor, sick, healthy, comatose, and even dead. So why focus on “returning” to one particular reality out of the infinity of possible realities?
gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
#19 Posted : 5/19/2010 7:35:05 PM

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Evening Glory: the way you respond to skinwalker's posts makes my heart so happy... So very few people can approach this argument from the proper perspective. Usually it's passed off as daydreaming, wishful thinking... Only very rarely is it considered seriously and then countered - rightfully - with what you said. Thank you. This is why I love this place.

Btw, I can feel skinwalker 100% on this one - for at least a decade I felt like an alien trapped/imprisoned on Earth and wanted to escape at all costs. Only in the last couple of years - since I got married and my child was born - have I been able to seriously consider the possibility that this human life may be not a complete wasteland for me, that it may hold a promise more beautiful that I could ever witness in my alien life.

skinwalker: let me call your attention to an older thread:

Truth please!!!Don't lie... (by maymay)
#20 Posted : 5/19/2010 10:16:31 PM
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As an aside, Skinwalker's comment above about reality being sbjective and being rewritten in front of us regularly without us noticing is an idea I have encountered several times while chewing fresh Salvia divinorum leaves. We must not forget that reality is far stranger than any of us can imagine, and so we cannot rule anything out, no matter how far fetched it may seem.
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