Nutmeg - The Worst Hallucinogen Ever? Options
#1 Posted : 4/9/2010 4:18:47 AM

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Okay, Nutmeg is probably not the worst hallucinogen ever; I have read reports of high-dose usage of belladonna and datura, and those sound far worse. However, it is certainly the worst one I myself have ever tried - a 36 hour trip to Hell.

It was 1998, and I wanted to trip. I had heard that Nutmeg was a hallucinogen, and didn't research it enough to know that atropine-like poisoning was a possible side effect. I ground up a quarter cup of fresh seeds, and munched them down straight, chasing with water, on an empty stomach.

I expected visuals, but received none. What I did receive, however, was an expanded consciousness and a pounding pulse which probably hit tachycardia on several occasions. Normally, having an expanded consciousness counts as a good thing. Not with Nutmeg, not for me. I was a naked soul before the baleful eye of a wrathful divinity. All my flaws were exposed, all my sins, all my misdeeds, laid open in glaring technicolor, with no hope of redemption, only a never-ending condemnation, a judgment of unworthiness. There was no grace, no mercy, no love, no forgiveness, no second chances. It was a sifting of my soul, and I was found wanting. I lay naked before a never-ending firmament, with only a cold gaze of judgment for company.

I realized I was simply having a bad trip (the only one I have ever had), and lay down on my bed, put on some soothing music, and decided to ride it out. To complement the horrible psychological effects, my pulse was racing and my heart was pounding to the point where I seriously considered calling an ambulance to take me to ER. I didn't, and I lived, but I think I probably should have, considering I was probably experiencing a low level of atropine poisoning, which can be fatal. My pulse would slow for a while, then kick into gear again, and no amount of meditation or trying to talk myself down could alter the physical effects.

This went on for 36 hours - though the worst of it was over after 24. I had read it only lasted 8 to 12 hours, so that simply sucked. A word to the wise - natural is not always better. A high dose of LSD would have been so much nicer. Nutmeg made my "things you only do once" list - and caused me to expand my list of "things I'll never, ever try". Caveat Emptor!
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#2 Posted : 4/9/2010 4:51:45 AM
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I had a friend who's brother and two friends ate nutmeg and didnt come of the room for almost two days. I'm sure the stroy was a stretch but that's just my input.
#3 Posted : 4/9/2010 5:09:23 AM

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Woah! I'm amazed you were able to have any insight at all, even if it was negative.

I remember my stupid nutmeg experiment. I got down as much as the stuff as I could until I got fed up of eating dry powder woodyness, then started the waiting game, got bored, went to sleep, then woke up 4 hours later, blinded by a white spiral of light with the most violent headache of all time. I then went back to sleep as I couldn't face it and woke up 8 hours later, feeling like I ran a marathon and got slapped in the face at the end with a rather large hand.

I then felt a really dirty kind of stoned for 2 days.

#4 Posted : 4/9/2010 5:14:15 AM
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*scratches Nutmeg off of the list of things to try*

That was a bummer even reading about. Yeesh!
#5 Posted : 6/6/2010 10:29:41 AM

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SWIM likes the taste of nutmeg, but it has never worked for SWIM. He tried it a long time ago. I think a few teaspoons full in milk with sugar. The taste was like super strong eggnog, not bad, but he got no effects of any kind, not even upset stomach. So he gave up on it and just assumed it didn’t really do anything.

Since then, SWIM has read many reports of nutmeg intoxication, and is sure it actually works, but either he didn’t take enough or his nutmeg was weak.

SWIM has been curious about nutmeg, and at some point wants to try it, but at a weak dose, not the major overdoses so many others report trying, I have read some positive reports on nutmeg; a few people actually like it and use it many times. Most of the positive reports involve using doses that are much smaller than the dose mentioned in the opening post of this thread.

I’ve often been curious about nutmeg in low doses as a potentiater of other psychedelics, like mescaline for example.

Obviously the amount used in the opening post was an overdose. SWIM is not at all interested in overdosing on nutmeg. What’s a dose of nutmeg that would be just enough for very subtle but noticeable effects?
You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.

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#6 Posted : 6/6/2010 2:20:01 PM

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Soulfood wrote:
I then felt a really dirty kind of stoned for 2 days.

It is that feeling that ruins nutmeg. No wait, the nausea as well. And diarrhoea. And Lack of energy for days after. And extended sleep. And the taste. Laughing

69ron wrote:
Obviously the amount used in the opening post was an overdose. SWIM is not at all interested in overdosing on nutmeg. What’s a dose of nutmeg that would be just enough for very subtle but noticeable effects?

If you are wanting to try it, I would recommend using whole nutmegs and not the pre-powdered. The whole nutmegs are much more active. You should take 1 or 2 for a mild experience and 3 for a strong experience (However, it is not a fun experience). I would not recommend you try any more than this. I have tried 4 before and ended up sleeping for 16 hours straight, which can't be very healthy. This as well as of the symptoms written in response to Souldfood's post.
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#7 Posted : 6/14/2010 5:29:29 PM
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ive actually had a good experience with nutmeg, its all about taking the dose right and over an extended period of time. Also, datura i have found to be quite fun and different along with euphoric. I took 3 leaves, 4 flowers of inoxia and drank about half of what i actually made. i ended up trapped in my room as the door disappeared and i became my bed. Also, it was like a day long dream which was wierd once looked upon after. The next day i actually showed up at a park me and my friends usually smoke at and i was smoking with all of them, needless to say, they were not there

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#8 Posted : 6/25/2010 10:52:31 AM

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nabster98, doesn't it worry you that you might do something really dangerous while on such a dose of Datura as that? The hallucinations are so real. How do you navigate reality safely while on a hallucinogenic dose of Datura?
You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.

If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
#9 Posted : 6/25/2010 3:45:18 PM
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well you dont try to navigate yourself safely, that would be obsurd. I always had a sitter and id constantly tell him that the datura wasnt working, that is until i came back to reality.Im sorry if that wasnt clear. I found the datura to not be so overwhelming as where you go off and do something ridiculous. It was like living a normal day, with some very wierd mixes. But im sure without a sitter could be pretty dangerous if some figure told you to follow them out of your window or something like that. I knew very well what i was getting myself into so i took all of the necessary precautions to respect this plant
Disclaimer: I am merely a figment of your imagination. I lurk between the deepest crevices of your mind, seeking distortions. I am consciousness, all that it true and pure. For I am no human being, I am a observatory tourist of all that is life. Everything I say is nothing but a just rationalization of what I say, although none are true events. Everything is changing, a constant loop, as am I
#10 Posted : 6/25/2010 5:35:27 PM

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I took a lower dose of nutmeg once with a friend in a tea we brewed up about 6-7 years was ok. Floors and walls became sort of watery, flowing around and I got very stoned with extrememly red bloodshot eyes all night. I felt ok the next morning..never did it again though.
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#11 Posted : 6/25/2010 8:55:25 PM

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fractal enchantment wrote:
I got very stoned with extrememly red bloodshot eyes all night.

I keep reading about this effect. Is it a pleasant stoned?
You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.

If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
#12 Posted : 6/25/2010 9:15:24 PM

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It was just a sort of zapped out feeling with some euphoia..not super thrilling or anything, but it was a long time ago hard to remember. Mostly I jsut remember the tile floor at this restaurant looking watery.
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#13 Posted : 7/4/2010 11:31:31 PM


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fractal enchantment wrote: was ok. Floors and walls became sort of watery, flowing around and I got very stoned with extremely red bloodshot eyes all night. I felt ok the next morning..never did it again though.

Ive had some experience with nutmeg before.. Used maybe 10-15 times. Never ever had hallucinations though? One case of delirium where I remembered some one being at a place when they were at work.

How did you brew the tea? For me, taken oraly, it takes 9 hours to kick in. The "high" was like coming down from smoking some draggy MJ..ish And lasted about 24 hours; 34 hours having almost completely worn off. Doses were also in the higher range.. like 10 - 12 whole ground up nuts.
I am not SWIM. SWIM is a fictitious character that likes to preform extractions out in space where it is legal to do so. Any and all posts by this user are fictional and are there for entertainment purposes only.

#14 Posted : 7/6/2010 2:20:21 AM

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You should forget about the nuts. Use nutmeg oil instead. SWIM used 0.25 ml of nutmeg oil just recently and had a great time, free of side effects, there was euphoria, visuals, etc. It was as nice as acid. The trip started after about 30 minutes, peaked after about 3-5 hours, but still lasted about 36 hours.

It was a great experience. Way better than using the nuts. If you're ever considering using nutmeg again, avoid the nuts like the plague and go for nutmeg oil. It has less side effects and is more psychedelic.
You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.

If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
#15 Posted : 7/6/2010 5:23:43 AM

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Hahahaha... I saw David Wolfe speak once (only because I was allowed into the event for free), and he repeatedly suggested HEAVY use of Nutmeg to the crowd, winking and laughing like it was the world's greatest kept secret, so much that he even made a drink to share with everyone that was apparently *loaded* with Nutmeg. Uhh, what a responsible guy.

(Maybe we need a Nexus Celebrity Deathmatch, this week David Wolfe vs. Bashar? Twisted Evil )

I personally find a teaspoon of ground nutmeg to be quite tasty in drinks/desserts, but after reading about the toxicity, don't really want to touch the stuff. Pleased
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#16 Posted : 7/6/2010 8:49:34 AM

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Alcohol is also very toxic, more so than nutmeg oil actually. But people drink that all the time. It’s all about dosage. If the right low active dose of nutmeg oil is used, the effects are fantastic, as good as acid. Nutmeg powder, that's a different story. That's very toxic feeling.

At 0.25 ml, nutmeg oil is a 4 star experience for SWIM. Notice that 99% of all the bad experiences with nutmeg are NOT with nutmeg oil. There IS a difference.
You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.

If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
#17 Posted : 7/7/2010 9:04:45 AM

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Nutmeg oil is not very toxic at all. It's less toxic than caffeine:

The oral LD50 for nutmeg oil in rats, mice, and hamsters is 2600, 5620, and 6000 mg/kg respectively. Based on the LD50, caffeine at 192 is much more dangerous.

That's from CRC handbook of alternative cash crops By James A. Duke, Judith L. DuCellier, page 395.

The lowest value of 2600 mg/kg for rats amounts to 195,000 mg for a 75 kg adult human. That's 195 GRAMS of oil. That's one hell of a lot.
You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.

If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
#18 Posted : 7/27/2010 1:02:26 PM

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about a decade ago i decided to eat an ounce of powdered grocery store spice rack nutmeg, i spent the next four days feeling horrible physically and the only thing that i could even relate to as a high i would describe as that dried out burnt out slowed down feeling you get after you've smoked waaay too much pot over a few hours to the point that you no longer get high u just get impaired. NEVER AGAIN!!! lol
#19 Posted : 7/27/2010 9:07:09 PM

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mindash wrote:
about a decade ago i decided to eat an ounce of powdered grocery store spice rack nutmeg, i spent the next four days feeling horrible physically and the only thing that i could even relate to as a high i would describe as that dried out burnt out slowed down feeling you get after you've smoked waaay too much pot over a few hours to the point that you no longer get high u just get impaired. NEVER AGAIN!!! lol

The powder is pretty worthless. Why bother with the powder? Nutmeg essential oil is 1000 times better and is consistently psychedelic with very few side effects. The old powder often just causes side effects and little or no psychedelic effects because the active psychedelic oils have vaporized away long before the powder hit the store shelves.

The effects you get from the powder are mostly the effects of trimyristin and other toxic non-psychedelic compounds that aren't found in nutmeg essential oil.

Mindash, with 1 ml of nutmeg essential oil, you'll trip FOR REAL, and there will be very few side effects. SWIM would never ingest the nuts ever again. They are horrible. But nutmeg essential oil is nice, comparable to LSD in SWIM's opinion.
You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.

If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
#20 Posted : 7/27/2010 9:25:32 PM

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That sounds interesting 69Ron. Can you just take the nutmeg oil as it is?
-->this link answered all my questions Wink
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