this will be the greatest challenge of my life. i know i will fall horribly short in my attempt to describe what was, in truth, the most profound breakthrough i've had to date. i simply don't know how to start this...
it all started yesterday...
Uncle Knucles wanted to whip up a batch of 'Electric Sheep' changa. i had all the fixings and lord knows he has an end-of-the-world cache of spice from his monstrously successful last extract. a gram of crystals were married to a gram of blue lotus and calea by the good reverend isopropyl alcohol. the honeymoon would take place in our lungs...
today Art showed up in the late afternoon and i convinced him to come with me to my sacred tree in the park across from my home. all necessities were packed in my satchel (NOT A MAN-PURSE!!)

you could not ask for a more beautiful day and a more righteous vibe in the park. perfect sun, perfect tree, perfect sky, perfect temperature.....perfect perfection. after a moment to settle and collect, Art hit the GVG and grew wings.
his work is his own. he can flex his impressive writing chops to describe what it is he saw/did not see. either way, he went a few times before i decided to 'clear out' the remains...
happens every time....
one big lungful and i am gone. not ego-death, but certainly a deep one. beautiful beings....the world i know.....golden glowing advanced civilization...i am with them again and i am feeling a love that has not been present in my journeys for a little while now. i have never felt so acknowleged and welcomed as i did this time. the crafts....classic saucer shape....pulsing with a warmth and an intelligence... words fail me and, in truth, i will not even try to encapsulate what/where i was during this beautiful trip in the name of getting to the 'big one'.
after a while back and some good debriefing, Art and i decided to go again. this time i took the biggest lungful i think i have ever managed to take. i knew this was going to be special...i knew it before i even engaged the torch...
i left my body....i left it and yet, i hovered around it like a freed spirit. i saw through my eyes by looking through the back of my skull, through my brain and then out o the tiny portals that faced a never ending stretch of space. as if i were a cutout placed in front of the universe, i saw my form and what enveloped it. i watched from another time and space as my right hand raised alongside my head and my forefinger and thumb connected with impossible if holding a single atom lovingly.
my other hand, exact same mudra engaged, lay in my lap. i knew something was machinery coming into proper alignment to 'engage'. i watched this from another universe. i waited. what was coming was going to transform me forever...
the way something can surround something from the inside out, i was inside and outside of my body at once. my eyes opened (something that NEVER happens when i journey) and at once i became a 'receiver'. like i have never felt before, i was a statue. a monument. as if the sun directly in front of my body, shining directly on my third eye, decided to explain that all things in the world are almost as mirrors with light. you know the way you can capture and direct a beam of light to illuminate a hallway in a pyramid? just like that, only i was the end of the transmission. the final room where all that is culminates. the very 'reason' for it all...
i am not in the universe. the universe is in me.the information of all that is. the light. the great oneness.....reflecting off of everything single thing that is.....gaining their signature and resonance as it does.....ending in MY third eye...
i became aware of everything. truly everything. i could not be more beyond ego and self and yet, i knew the surroundings my body was in. i knew Art was at my side. i knew how absolutely decimated the reality i exist in was. i knew all things. before me, life was infinite. i saw all things and everything i saw was infinite. every atom danced and transformed eternally with each moment. the lawn was an infinite lawn of infinite blades of grass and infinite flowers. everything was a new thing in every moment and every new thing was made of what had just been something else the moment before.
i have never felt such sublime timelessness and omnipresence in my entire life. just writing about it brings tears to my eyes.
between my hands, i held the universe. i held it with an unflappable certainty in my willingness to accept all of it. this was the gift of the blue lotus to me. i was made quite clear that what i was experiencing was the spirit of the blue lotus potentiated to it's absolute zenith by DMT. up to this point, every other ally i have combined with DMT has resulted in an "ally-enhanced DMT journey". this was, without question, a "DMT-enhanced blue lotus journey".
i am truly saddened that i cannot even begin to put what i experienced into words. even with Art at my side to speak with after the fact, i simply couldn't begin to integrate nearly enough to even discuss it effectively. even now, hours later, i am shaken to my foundation.
stonehenge, pyramids, mayan temples, easter island.....yes, they are all monuments. i was shown that we are all monuments when our presence is engaged. we are all satellite dishes waiting to be locked into the exact coordinates that allow us in our individual ways to receive the broadcast of everything. my lessons of late have all revolved around MEDITATING while deeply broken through. channeling that profound power into stillness to open something.
up til now i didn't know what....but today.....i think i just found out. such a powerful tool. such a profound gift...this is how i shall work with DMT going forward. this is what i have been told to do.
i held the universe in my hands. i felt a peace and a stillness that made me understand that more is always possible with our beloved sacrament. the growth and expansion is without limit.
it's so funny....i have an enormous blue lotus tattooed on my hands. at the time i chose to get it, i had only smoked it a couple times....i truly didn't know why i was so compelled to do it actually.....
today, as i came back from the single most profoundly enlightening experience of my life to date, i gazed for a period at my hands and laughed through watering eyes....
"i am the bearer of the blue lotus", i said with solemn reverence. if only for that one, profound experience, i shall forever carry it with the deepest...
Love and Gratitude..
antrocles attached the following image(s):

(1,653kb) downloaded 470 time(s)."Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."