hello brother and welcome!
your question is easily answered. jorkest pretty much hit it on the head and i will get a little more in detail for you. i, too, had a challenging one just over a week or so ago. no aliens per se, but an extremely powerful ego-death that i was in no way expecting. i came back about a half an hour later than i normally do feeling extremely ROCKED...

what i did then is what i encourage you to consider doing now...
go back.
face your fear/insecurity/confusion/unknown as soon as you can. do NOT allow it to germinate into a full-blown fear of DMT or the profound awareness it inspires. this is the "work" part of the spirit molecule. this is where you get to grow...
i have encountered aliens that i felt at the time were "up in my grill" if you will. very insect-like in appearance...these guys had tenticles and pinchers and mandibles in every part of me....i tried to shine light at them to make them disappear....i tried to tell them that i loved them... i tried to get "tough" and tell them to leave me alone...
...and then it dawned on me....
there was no "intent" at all behind them. this was simply how they "looked" at something new...they weren't trying to hurt me, injure me, nothing! they simply were saying hello....no different than a dog sniffing your pant leg. my different "attitudes" towards them were as alien and interesting to them as anything.
there is no "getting hurt" in hyperspace. how can you be injured when you are everything? different aspects of consciousness are simply investigating other different aspects of consciousness. at some point, the "personal" aspect is removed. i personally am starting to feel that hyperspace is simply a new experience of consciousness. one we are completely unfamiliar and inexperienced with. like a newborn baby, our job is simply to observe and take it all in....the more we go there, the more we begin to learn the language, to feel at facility, and to be able to work within it...or as carl sagan says in this INCREDIBLE piece of music:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGK84Poeynkthe cosmos is also within us
we're MADE of star-stuff
we are a way
for the cosmos to know itself...
don't worry about what you see. don't worry about things trying to hurt or scare you. it is this psychonaut's firm belief that maliciousness, cruelty, evil intent....are all unique unto HUMAN BEINGS. those vibrations are as foreign to hyperspace consciousness as....well....hyperspace is to us! there really seem to be only two energies at work (yin/yang?) : contraction (fear) and expansion (love). i came to this conclusion after my very first aya ceremony. i watched people around me LOSE THEIR SHIT!!

on the ground, throwing up, crying, freaking out....i could see that they chose the finite choice. fear.
i further went on to conclude that the fear could be traced to the left hemisphere of the brain. love to the right. the left brain is what needs sleep at night. the right does not. the left is where judgement and any potential for a bad journey lies....the right knows only onesness....almost as if it is our perpetual air hose up to the source. like we are old-school deep-sea divers down in this slow, clumsy, dense world...that air hose goes right up to the open, infite sky that just keeps expanding into infinite space...
a bit of a ramble i admit...but i had to see that analogy through!

fear nothing, little brother. fear is the cracking of the shell. you're trapped in an egg of your own ego! outside, a wonderful never-ending world awaits...CONSCIOUSNESS UNHINDERED!
go back. go back today.
go in with love and you will never be lead astray.
"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."