good maoi? Options
#1 Posted : 3/17/2008 2:49:44 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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What is a good, easy to prepare and acquire MAOI. Also in what kind of ratio should these be used? thanks.

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 3/17/2008 10:39:08 PM

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Syrian Rue. Thats the standard around here. mostly becasue its super easy to order, prepare and VERY cheap.

The stanrdard is to boil 3 grams of seeds in about 5 cups of water ( some people let it soak overnight but i dont find any advantage to this). Some people also add a couple tablespoons of lemon juice so that the pH is at about 2. Again i found this to be unecessary and makes the tea taste like vomit...its hard enough to drink as it is.

SO let all of this boil for about 30 minutes. Then filter. FILTER!!!! Very important because the seed coatings boil off and have mild toxins that gurantee puking. I was too hasty once to filter and thought i could suck it up. That was the first and only time i ever puked from Rue tea. When you filter ( i use a t-shirt) you will see a very gross brown coating of gunk on your filter. Never again do i want that gunk in my body.

Leave the filtered juice off to the side. Boil the seeds again in another 3 cups of water or so. Filter again.

Now combine the two filtered teas into one amount and drink up. I personally boil it even more to reduce the volume. It does taste nastier when concentrated like this but its less volume to drink.

A couple of other can filter more crap out when its cooled ( gunk probably precipitates in cold temperatures). Tastes less bitter when cooled. Plus i mix it with orange juice and the bitterness is gone, but still a slight seedy/woody aftertaste.

Then of course some people extract the harmaloids from Rue to smoke. I found that process to be way too involved for such a small yiled, and would rather not smoke things. Does get the job done though.

El Ka Bong
#3 Posted : 3/17/2008 10:56:51 PM

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Yes Do the Rue ! I suggest always doing rue seed if you plan to smoke dmt !

And why boil - other nasties come out when you add heat energy ? Harmaline alkaloids are easily soluble in acid water if you just grind the seeds well. Heat gives no advantage, really, and 5 cups of water for just 3 - 4 g seed, is a huge volume to have to handle !?.

For an even easier method with no heat, that makes just 200 ml - 2 shots worth - try the following:

take 3 - 4 g rue pulverized rue seed, soak it for 8 - 24 hours in 50 ml fresh-lemon juice + 150 ml water (pH 2.1). Stirr often and then filter all solids out. 200 ml of a bright yellow exract results - drink all this by mixing with 300 ml of a sweeter juice, 20 - 30 min before smoking dmt. Best to do on an empty stomach - 4 - 6 hours after last bite of food. 3.5 g rue seed are rumored to have about 200 mg harmaline-type alkaloids in them, which is lots.

And the effects of the rue alone are worth noting - try it without dmt, at > 4 g amounts extraced. Very subtle, but a potent MAOI effect. It wears off in 2 hours, and you can eat normally within 24 hours or sooner. I have no adverse effects eating the next day, and no nausea/vomitting provided you DON'T eat any seed-solids.
#4 Posted : 3/18/2008 3:05:23 PM

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El Ka Bong wrote:
Yes Do the Rue ! I suggest always doing rue seed if you plan to smoke dmt !

And why boil - other nasties come out when you add heat energy ? Harmaline alkaloids are easily soluble in acid water if you just grind the seeds well. Heat gives no advantage, really, and 5 cups of water for just 3 - 4 g seed, is a huge volume to have to handle !?.

WEll i boil for three of the methods you use, i see as problems. You use lemon juice...i just find doing that makes the tea taste incredibly disgusting. I cant drink it. Second you mention grinding the seeds...unless you have a grinder that suitable thats a monumental time consuming feat. I heard coffee grinders dont work too well and I have used a Molcajete and that takes forever. And thirdly the method you use requires soak times of 8-24 hours. The way I make the Rue tea takes about an hour.

And I use 5 cups because that will assure as much of the harmaloid will be extracted ( wont be limited by saturation)and i did mention to boil off most of that volume after filtering; I end up with about 250Ml of juice to drink up. Yes other crap comes out when boiling but thats why i mentioned filtering, cooling, and filtering again.Never had an issue of getting nauseated or puking when filtering.

If that works for you great! Whoever started this thread can try both methods ( or even the freebase extract) and see what they like best, or works best.

And I agree, the effects of Rue in itself is pretty nice. Very mild and relaxing, with a smal kick of getting high. WHen that little kick...uhmmm...kicks in, thats when I begin to take the DMT in. Takes about 30-45 minutes for that effect to kick in.
El Ka Bong
#5 Posted : 3/18/2008 11:01:07 PM

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I'm just lazy - I take the easiest route to getting puke-free harmaloids. 200 ml of clear filtered lemon-juice and water extract is almost tasteless mixed 1:4 with orange juice. You just have to chug a big glass of juice.

It takes about 15 seconds in a $10 coffee grinder to make a teaspoon of Rue seed go to dust. Ziiippp, Ziiiiiipp Zzzzzziiip !...! and it's dust.

The same grinder works on MHRB chunks really well too.
#6 Posted : 3/19/2008 8:48:48 PM

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El Ka Bong wrote:
I'm just lazy - I take the easiest route to getting puke-free harmaloids. 200 ml of clear filtered lemon-juice and water extract is almost tasteless mixed 1:4 with orange juice. You just have to chug a big glass of juice.

It takes about 15 seconds in a $10 coffee grinder to make a teaspoon of Rue seed go to dust. Ziiippp, Ziiiiiipp Zzzzzziiip !...! and it's dust.

The same grinder works on MHRB chunks really well too.

Oh here i thought my way was the lazy way. LOL

10 dollar coffee grinder! Looks like i might purchase one then, if anything for the MHRB ( powdered form is not always available with mrchants).

Oh yes I agree. Oj is essential. I think i got that idea from you in a post a couple months ago. Good call. I was trying all kinds of crap to mask the taste of Rue tea...peanut butter, chocolate, honey, maple syrup,soda( by far the worst) etc
#7 Posted : 3/20/2008 4:44:09 PM

The Great Namah

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Although a little more expensive I really am starting to enjoy Caapi Vs. any Rue prep. It has a wonderful anti-depressent quality, doesn't taste like crap and can be very enjoyable by itself. It is a little different than rue when smoking the spice. Rue+DMT seems to give me more images, or dream-like visuals. Caapi on the other hand seems to work on me/with me rather than just showing visions. The visions I do get w/ Caapi seem to be more meaningful.

Even chewing and swallowing the juices from 6-8grams of good vine (think bouncing around or mayan indians) is enough to extend and change the experience. Daily microdosing at 2grams/day (which I just cannot do with rue) for about a week seems to make me more sensitive to DMT (obviously not full mao inhibition) and more sensitive to the Caapi vine itself.
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#8 Posted : 3/21/2008 2:57:02 PM
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Just going on from your comment about Caapi being an anti-depressant, does anyone experience any side effects from Rue? For me I've done nearly every type of recreation drug out there in my time and I never had a comedown. OK, next day I might feel like shit but no emmotions or anything like many people expereince. A couple of times I've done rue I have expereinced a bit of paranoia and little things can just escalate in my head... really wierd... Well as I know it's a side effect of the rue, well at least for me, I can cope with it. I just wondered if anyone expereinced that at all.
#9 Posted : 3/21/2008 4:17:45 PM

The Great Namah

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The next day there is usually a bit of a mild depression (goes away after a day). I frequently get a headache, and sometimes if I use rue more than 2x in a week there is a "toxic" feeling that I really can't describe very well. This is with rue juice as well as rue extract (I do not eat the seeds straight).

I'm all for the caapi now....rue is only for smoking, never for oral consumption any more. I don't find these side effects from rue if I smoke the freebase extract, there is usually nothing noticable after an hour or two after use... no afterglow, no depression, nothing.

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