I just want to share that I think the fact that this site does NOT have any "like" or "+1" feature is a tremendous benefit to the community.
The reason I believe this is because such features drawn too heavily on the psychological influence of "populism" and "majority rule" which is counterproductive to any sense of an "Entheogenic University".
Its much more important that people determine for themselves how valuable a post is, without the weight of the fact it was either "approved" or "disapproved" by X number of people.
In all honestly, they are using features like this on so many websites to mold people into a cookie cutter existence on one hand, measuring the amount of consensus of various topics on the other, and in the background many posts with no attention may be of a critical or relevant nature even though they didnt "tickle peoples fancy" enough to get a "like/+1".
So all in all, good job YET AGAIN seeing through the BS of the modern ways the internet is being constructed and not allowing it to seep into Nexus!
Big ups to all Mods and Admins!