Some new learnings, results, and thoughts on ongoing work:
- One issue that can arise with pH adjustments is that solubility goes down at the pI, making elution less likely.
- It is important to use buffers with stable pH and known ionic strengths to get consistent results.
- A way to elute could be bellow the pI (still in ionic form and soluble) while increasing the ionic strength. This is good because it avoids alkali conditions that could degrade the actives.
- Typically, charged molecules stick to ion resins when ionic strengths are < 100mM and being to elute above that. The ionic strength at which elution happens depends on the molecule of interest and even the nature of the buffer molecules.
- Too high ionic strength can lower solubility and turn off elution into the liquid (salting out). This salting put effect depends on the buffer molecules too (e.g. ammonium sulphate being particularly strong for salting out effects).
- Adding some ethanol (say 20%) during the elution could be useful (keep solubility high and protect psilocin).
- When working with psilocin the phenolic ring is sensitive to degradation from air and light. It needs protection and handling with care. Maybe |
High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) | can help as mentioned before. Freeze vacuum dry many be needed if |
High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) | does not stabilize the molecule before drying.
-Step column elution and batch elution are claimed to be equivalent in the literature. That puts the very simple batch elution back on the table.
- The elution conditions are very important. Need to have enough ionic strength to detach psilocin from the resin, but not too much ionic strength to salt it out. Also need an acidic mild pH to protect it from alkali oxidation and too keep it in ionic soluble form. Keep low lighting conditions. Quite a few things to consider, but seems doable.
-A color reagent is very helpful to figure our what is going on. I had vanillin in the pantry so made a vanillin/HCl/ethanol reagent. This was applied to different column fractions and it does look like different stuff is eluting at different times. Got orange, deep red, deep blue, and no reaction colors (see image below). This is very promising
So after a lot of failures (or after succeeding at finding what does not work
) here is the protocol that is shaping up to try next.
1) Extract mushrooms into vitamin C water at 70C for 1h (5g of VitC per 10g of mushrooms). Final pH should be close to 4 after extraction. Adjust to pH6.5 (with baking powder for example). Add water if needed to final extract to lower ionic strength below 100mM (guessing we need a final volume of 1L of water per 5g of almost neutralized VitC)
2) Condition resin with 50mM pH6.5 VitC/baking soda buffer, verify pH is stable after going through resin. This can be done with the batch method (Mason jar and resin mixed and then filtered to separate). Since we are using an Na+ ion resin already, pH should be very stable, but it is good to verify. If one is using an H+ resin this step would be very important and very necessary I think.
3) Save a small extract sample and load the rest onto conditioned resin (Mason jar batch method).
4) Mix extract and resin. Sample extract with reagent and compare to the sample reference extract. Abscense or change of reaction indicates indoles are on the resin (I think). Mix until reagent result is stable/unchanging. If resin attachment concerns exist try diluting the extract to lower ionic strength and do more reagent tests.
5) Rinse resin with fresh conditioning solution until clear.
6) Elute at pH6.5 and 20% ethanol by slowly increasing the ionic strength (in 50mM steps?). Check for indoles with reagent on a small sample of each elute.
7) Bioassay different elutes. Keep in mind that more than 5g of VitC may not be ideal, 3g or more may cause discomfort. Keep track of the molarity and volume of what is available for bioassay to know how much Vitamin C is being ingested.
It this works, we could know the elution condition for psilocin. |
High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) | may alter the elution too. After that and if successful we could move on to volatile buffers like ammonium acetate for elution which can be evaped off to get a relatively pure product. If |
High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) | does not protect psilocin during evaporation freeze vacuum drying may be needed. If |
High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) | works it could open up new ROIs.
I'm sure I'm still missing learnings and will make more mistakes, so input welcome.
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