Trichocereus Bridgesii monstrose Clone-B "penis cactus" Tea 2x Bioassay Options
Chimp Z
#1 Posted : 6/4/2019 12:41:23 AM

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Hey nexians,
I haven't posted on here for awhile.
Have had a lot of life changes in the past year which have been very positive.

In November I picked up a Trichocereus Bridgesii monstrose clone B Penis cactus
from a local nursery.
They didn't know what it was which I found to be golden Smile

It was in a 2 gallon pot and there were many arms.
Fast forward to december
There was enough there that I decided to take about 12 cuttings total.
The longest arms were over a foot in length.
I was amazed. Had never seen a clone b that big.
The plant was seemingly unscathed by how many cuttings I took
and is doing very fine. Started pushing out pups about 2 weeks ago.

So I'll get straight to the bioassay.

Back in December my partner and I brewed up some regular Bridgesii we got from
a friend in Mexico.
We brewed that stuff up, about 1.5 feet and it was super potent.
Always glad to be surprised by the magic powers these Trich cactus have.

After the experience with the regular bridgesii, we had about 227 grams of fresh
Clone B cactus to work with.
The big bridgesii gave us the idea to compare the 2 cactus.
We initially just got the penis cactus to have a good friend near by.
So we brewed the penis cactus for 6 hours total(2 washes)
With fresh picked lemons.

My partner had the brew at their house and I was away for the weekend they ingested the brew.
They drank 2/3 of the the 227g cactus tea we brewed.
They called me in the middle of the trip and said this cactus had more of a body load than regular bridgesii yet seemed to affect cognition and make colors more vibrant.
They said it lasted all day, and initially didn't expect it to be active at all.
Said they could tell it made their day better/feel better but there was more upset stomach than with regular bridgesii.
It took 1.5 hours to come on and lasted about 10 hours.

When I went to visit them at their place they insisted I try the "Penis Tea" too.
I was very excited to drink this juice from the penis cactus.
It sounded hilarious to me that this cactus is actually psychoactive.
So I drank the remaining 1/3 of the cactus potion. Took about 2 hours to feel it.
I usually smoke cannabis every 3-4 hours yet with the penis tea
I noticed I didn't really feel like smoking since I was already in "my place".
My partner took us for a drive(they were sober) and I remember lots of purple blurs
from that ride. The car ride is when I really knew there was some mescaline/something psychoactive in there
It lasted noticeably for 8 hours after coming on and was pretty mild honestly. It definitely did make me feel stoned and
a bit drunk while making nature seem more vivid and things more hilarious.

Do any of you have experience with this cactus?
It reminded me of a Pachanoi trip. long and stoney but also glittery magic here and there.

Also please post links to any chemical analysis that has been performed on
Trichocereus Bridgesii monstrose clone B I would love to know what's in it.

I do have a bunch more and can make a resin extract if anyone is interested in analyzing this stuff in a lab.

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Grey Fox
#2 Posted : 6/4/2019 5:19:25 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Great report! Thanks for sharing it with us. If you try this clone again at a higher dose I would be interested to hear how it goes for you.
#3 Posted : 6/13/2019 3:51:43 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Very interesting, thank you for the report!
These monsters really seem to pack a punch - 227g to send three people on a moderate trip - that's a great yield!

I have questions - feel free to ignore any questions that are too much, ok ? Big grin

Can you give some info about the growth conditions? Like, was the cactus outside? Full sun? Starved or well-fed?
I'm asking especially about two factors: stress and hydration. Since they shrink A LOT in winter and during dry season, a shrivelled cactus will weigh only a fraction of a fully hydrated one.

And for preparation - they sliced them and boiled, or did they puree them first?
I assume you didn't store them in darkness for a while... directly cut and prepare?
#4 Posted : 6/13/2019 6:41:33 PM

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It's a great one.
Well known to be effective.

Chimp Z
#5 Posted : 7/11/2019 4:47:46 AM

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"""Can you give some info about the growth conditions? Like, was the cactus outside? Full sun? Starved or well-fed?
I'm asking especially about two factors: stress and hydration. Since they shrink A LOT in winter and during dry season, a shrivelled cactus will weigh only a fraction of a fully hydrated one.
And for preparation - they sliced them and boiled, or did they puree them first?
I assume you didn't store them in darkness for a while... directly cut and prepare?""""

When I got the cactus it was being grown in a green house. I was visiting these plants weekly
and they were on their own for the most part. Did appear to be well hydrated.
I have since planted all my penis cactus cuttings outside in full sun and the pups are busting out.
I've been watering them once every week and a half.

There was probably a few days in between harvesting and consumption.
I chop all my cactus, never used a blender. I see people having terrible times drinking
this stuff after blending it. I just like a nice cactus decoction with no pulp.

What's interesting is that the mother plant which is still greenhouse grown is reverting to regular
Bridgesii form. I would love to see if my cuttings will do the same.
Chimp Z
#6 Posted : 7/11/2019 5:28:39 AM

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Long form
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Chimp Z
#7 Posted : 7/11/2019 5:51:40 AM

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How it makes me feel...
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