breathtaking breakthrough in conclusion to a week of vision questing.. Options
#1 Posted : 12/14/2009 7:00:14 PM

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Well this last week for me has been nothing short of amazing..a vision quest..
I have gotten up early every morning to a cup to green tea and a breakthrough with my full alk mimosa spirit jungly changa..each one deeper than the last.

Extremely visionar journeys with the spirits of vilca at night, and spice blast offs leding into bufotenine experiences..

yesterday was the only day I did not have a spice breakthrough..but instead took a huge dose of bufotenine at about 10pm before crawling into was shattering visions of futuristic hyperspace machines...impossible dimensions of geometric cunstruction...visions of strange people crawling up ladders through my body..watery portals to the other side...and so much more..

It went on for hours as well..I redoses about 30 minutes in..but that cannot explain midnight I was getting worried..I was NOT comming down. Usually I flick on the lights and eat after about an hour and drink some juice and the visions are gone..but I decided to do noneof that this time..I wanted to go as deep as possible and stay in the visions..

I was tired already when I dosed and I wanted to see how that would effect it..I wanted to see what my brain could make of the bufotenien state while tired in the dark and flooding in melatonin and pinoline or whatever else gets released at night..

Anyways by about 12 I was stil having deep visions..I knew it was more than just the bufo since it had been 2 hours since first dosing..and I was getting more and more mind warping..looping, and experiencing thing I cannot rationally the lives of other people. I felt a stimulation and energyin my body that is for the most part absent with bufotenine..I kept thinking the bufo must have helped my brain create some sort of endogenous psychedelics like pinoline and 5meo..and I thought I was loosing it.

Man some of the things that were happening were sooo out the strangest mental effects..I had no concept of time..I was experiencing some axiety and could not get comfortable and relaxed..but I was too curious as well so I did not turn on the lights or go eat..both I am sure would have brought me back..especially the lights..what i was experiencing I am sure was exactly what happens in dark room retreats..the bufo just made it happen faster..

This went on until 2am until I finall just got up and drank a huge glass of juice and ate some food..I sat up in the light for about 15 minutes and when I went back to sleep I fell asleap normally but had very vivid dreams all night long.

So this morning I woke up sort of blown away about what had transpired...I was planning on drinking aya tonight but was feeling sort of reluctant...

So I decided that I needed to fix that..I went into my magic herb cabinet and took out 1 of 2 vials of jungly changa..this one from my second set of pulls that I had yet to breakthrough on..I loaded up what looked like more than I needed judging by a low dose test I did yesterday..

I put on some mellow soul sort of music and said some words to my space ship..lit the sacred flame and as the spice slowly melted in the leaves and began to glow I took it all in one large inhalation..

I felt the carrier wave strongly resonating throughout my entire being and it bagan to lift me up, out and away..through myself..this was going to be good I though..the ecstacy soon followed and I was shot into a sea of overlayed patterens..My thoughts were breaking up nto fractals the same way that the visions visions and thoughts were now one and the same..ancient sacred symbols were presented to me and I could feel deep meaning imbedded in code..I felt touched..I felt free..

I sat there with my eyes closed deep into the trance for longer than ever pure bliss..nirvana..

The music had more depth than I could even was thick, warm and smooth like water..merging with my thoughts and carrying me home..

Finally at some point I opened my eyes and my room was filled with light and spiraling geometric cobwebs and stained glass digitalized mandalic glyphs floating in the air in 3d..I was nearly unregognizable to myslef..the mind warp was incredable, my ego just out of grasp.

I felt huge surges of energy rising within me causing rediculous tremours..I was shaking violently..I started moaning and sort of growling with ecstacy..and then bouncing on my matress on the floor and dancing and making wierd vocalizations..but I still wasnt really even there..I was beside myself..but it felt SOOO damn a long overdue purging..

I felt like I was vomiting up the very essence of my soul, and it was a hectic ordeal..I was thrashing around rolling back and forth and laughing histarically..the ammounts of energy pouring through my body were incredable..

Finally I started to get a clearn sense of self back and realized I should calm down or Iwill get room was a mess, blankets and pillows were strewn all over the place and stacks of cd's were knocked over..haha like I said it was hectic..but felt sooooo healing..

I feel like a million doallers right now and it was the perfect breakthrough and seemed to tie together a whole week of vision questingVery happy
Long live the unwoke.

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 12/14/2009 7:17:47 PM

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NICE talking about bufo that way makes me want to dive in right now..but lately ive been working with pharma and jimjam changa...and resin...but perhaps its time to enter the bufo trance at night again..i love the sedated quality it has..i just want to lay there and experience everything it has...i love it dude...thanks for writing this up..i think im headed to the bufo realms tonight!!
it's a sound
#3 Posted : 12/14/2009 7:26:02 PM

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brother....that was simply mesmerizing... i was reliving every moment you shared right there with you!! i know what that can be like- journeying for a multi-day stretch and then having it all culminate with the mother of all breakthroughs....very special...beyond special....

much love to you FE. welcome back from a deep, healing journey....i feel a similar visionquest coming for me...perhaps lion's bay once more!

i'll let you know when...

so- you HAVE to let us all know where you got your cebil seeds from. i'm all about a bufo extraction now....just need good seeds....

"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
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#4 Posted : 12/14/2009 7:53:47 PM

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Well..I got those seeds from maya..

and I have 114 grams of argentina seeds from botanical spirit..i have yet to try those ones though..

I am really enjoying the dichotemy between spice and bufotenine..bufo is great for deep visionary journeys that last on adverage 1-2 hours without going mentally into the deep end..and then spice provides a powerful ego dissolving visionary journey deep into the heart of the other, andis over within 10 minutes..the best of both worlds.
Long live the unwoke.
#5 Posted : 12/14/2009 8:22:32 PM

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indeed...bufo dmt cacti and weed

my favorite teachers...oh and salvia..but i dont ingest her...just talk to her magnificence
it's a sound
#6 Posted : 12/14/2009 9:10:56 PM
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Wow, that reads like a fantastic intense night, with the bufo.

Seems that if you do things like this for a week, something unusual happens.

Jorkest also wrote a report about having done spice and bufotenin for a few days in a row, and suddenly having a more intense and longer lasting experience with something (don't remember the exact substance) than usual.

Maybe the brain becomes familiar with generating certain brainwave patterns, so that in some rare cases, the opposite of developping tolerance happens.

I hope you manage to maintain this feeling of bliss over an as long as possible time.
Maybe drinking a caapi-only brew could help with that, since it's supposed to strengthen the neural pathways of the serotonergic system.
#7 Posted : 12/14/2009 9:27:05 PM

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yeah it was strange indeed..the second 2 hours were like mixing the bufotenine visionary trance with a waking dream sort of state where I was entering other realities..

I have had a few other high dose bufo experiences where I sort of get pulled into dream imagry, and sort of have these weird psychedelic dreams..but there are brief and never extended past the durration of the bufo before..

I also have these occasions sometimes where I wake up at like 2am after sleeping for a few hours and can see tryptamine like visuals in the dark..and have similar mental experiences..this has led to believe everything I hear about the power of darkrooms..and even the possability of endogenous release of psychedelic tryptamines at night..

I think that what happened last night was a converging of the 2 phenomenons...the bufotenine and the caapi extract was very powerful because I was tired and already had some melatonin built up, and it supercharged my brain or something to convert the melatonin into some other endo tryptamines or beta carbolines which resulted in the second 2 hours of the experience..

probabily take a few days or a week off now and just digest what happened...planning a mushrooms ceremony for the weekend with my friend anyway. Might drink a light caapi-only brew tommorw night though.
Long live the unwoke.
#8 Posted : 12/14/2009 9:32:05 PM

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it's weird too becasue Jorkest has talked about how he had to work with bufo a bit to get to that visionary his body had to learn to adjust to it..and that is exactly how it seems to be..each time I take it I go deeper and deeper..last night I was thinking about that and it's hard to explain I was sort of teaching myself HOW to see the visions..and once they are there it's like a switch goes off and it just deepens..
Long live the unwoke.
#9 Posted : 12/14/2009 9:39:44 PM
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fractal enchantment wrote:
it's weird too becasue Jorkest has talked about how he had to work with bufo a bit to get to that visionary his body had to learn to adjust to it..and that is exactly how it seems to be..each time I take it I go deeper and deeper..last night I was thinking about that and it's hard to explain I was sort of teaching myself HOW to see the visions..and once they are there it's like a switch goes off and it just deepens..

That's exactly what i meant: a sort of switch in the brain. And 'finding' that switch enables you to go deeper more easily.
#10 Posted : 12/14/2009 9:41:05 PM

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YES...exactly fractal...ive been messing with bufo for a long time..because im just drawn to it...but it really feels like everytime i try gets deeper...also..when giving it to somebody else...all they get is the body load and mild visuals...i really feel that the more you work with bufotenine..the better your brain/mind uses it...

also..a way to speed this process up...for me anyway..was to mix it with dmt...this really seems to help your brain/mind get into the flow...and once you are just goooooes
it's a sound
#11 Posted : 12/15/2009 3:54:16 PM

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sounds like those "brain charts" you use to learn "divergant viewing".... you know, the ones that look like snow on a black and white t.v. .... you slowly learn how to SEE differently and pretty soon massive 3D objects are tickling your nose. after a short while of regular use it takes you like four seconds and you are "in".....

...i am SOOOOO eager to get crackin' with this bufo. just ordered a bunch of seeds from maya (#11 batch).... i was one of those who didn't have a huge impact from them and just gave up before "learning" how to see with them.

....thank you beyond words for getting me to revisit this medicine with a better awareness of how to literally BREAK THROUGH into their teachings!!

this is the kind of stuff that makes the nexus so special....i would have probably NEVER worked with bufo again had fractal and jorkest not had this exchange....thank you thank you thank you!!!

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#12 Posted : 12/15/2009 5:02:11 PM

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That's just beautiful fractal seems like you've really opened up the door with bufo. Or has it opened up the door in you? Wink

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#13 Posted : 12/15/2009 5:11:03 PM

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I wish you luck with your bufo journeys antroclesVery happy
I too would never have tried it ever again if not for ron..

I think I may drink a light caapi and chaliponga brew tonight..and I just may smoke some bufo at the peak..if I do I will report back.
Long live the unwoke.
#14 Posted : 12/17/2009 10:51:26 PM

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very beautiful...i really felt like i was right there with you. thank you for posting.

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#15 Posted : 12/18/2009 3:13:30 AM

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Thank you for sharing such an awesome experience, fractal enchantment! I'm curious as to what ancient symbols you saw you remember? Reading your report has me even more excited about tonight. I just recently did the Jorkest Jungle Tek, and plan on surrendering myself to the jungle in a couple hours. Very happy
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#16 Posted : 12/18/2009 3:38:49 AM

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JUNGLE BOOGIE DoS!!! dance with some monkeys for me!

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wisdom today."
#17 Posted : 12/18/2009 3:40:55 AM

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"Thank you for sharing such an awesome experience, fractal enchantment! I'm curious as to what ancient symbols you saw you remember? Reading your report has me even more excited about tonight. I just recently did the Jorkest Jungle Tek, and plan on surrendering myself to the jungle in a couple hours. "

I dont realyl know what to call them..just all sorts of sacred geometry I have seen in alchemy references and buddhist stuff etc..

I am getting ready for a journey as well..I have been drinking lots of mint and green tea all day, as well as goldenseal and echinacea tea, and eating lots of fruits and vegetable..I just snorted a whole bunch of white sage tea(it burns!)Very purge my sinuses and probabily will snort some more in a bit..I set up a mesa with tons of crystals and I'm going to take some vilca in about an hour..then tommorow the same thing but I will drink ayahuasca.
Long live the unwoke.
#18 Posted : 12/19/2009 4:34:13 AM

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It is so inspiring to read the incredible results of sustained journeying over a period of time.

I was in a blessed space this spring where I met with Aya every day for a week (it was fantastic beyond words). I have 11 (this number stalks me!) days coming off soon, and I was planning another inner journey... It's so cool to read a reaffirmation of all the reasons for and beauty within the journey...

Thank you for sharing. Smile
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#19 Posted : 12/19/2009 5:07:07 AM

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glad you enjoyed it!

I just came back from an absolutely wonderful, blissful beyond words experience..

I took a faily large dose of my vilca and caapi changa and layed onthe ground in a blanket in the dark listening to shpongle..had some nice CEV for a while..then took some more vilca and sat in complete silence for about 20 minutes in complete ecstacy fully involved in introspection..

When the peak started ending I decided that now would be a good time to try smoking DMT while still journeying with bufotenine..before I had only taken the bufo while comming out of spice hyperspace..

I put on some really mellow music and loaded up a small dose of my jungly full spectrum jurema changa..not a breakthrough dose becasue keep in mind I was still having visuals and lots of euphoria from the bufo so I didnt know how it would react..and this batch of changa was caapi heavy as well..

This hit took me to the crysanthemum..but it was more breakthrough but it was sooo nice and blissful and synergised soooo well with the bufo...easily comparable to an aya brew...

crystaline patters..shimmering rainbow pattern, smiling faces..I laughed with tears in my eyes like a wild man it was soooo cosmic..full on beingasm..

5 minutes later I smoked another hit the same size..and went up even more..more bliss..more colour..saw the crysanthemum and some faces swirling around me..

a few minutes later I took another dose..then another a few minutes after that..I must have redosed about 6 was so beautiful by the end I was rolling on the ground moaning in ecstacy..

This is the best way I can imagine to take sub-breakthrough or low doses of DMT(cant speak for breakthroughs becasue I have yet to try that on bufo) doesnt matter how much you smoke becasue the bufotenine was already going strong..the DMT seems to manifest better at low doses on top of another tryptamine..god it's so wonderful..and it lasts a while and you can keep redosing becasue of the caapi..the transition into a super psychedelic headspace is very smooth as well becasue the bufotenine brings you half way there already..

This is my favorite tryptamine combo has's incrediably psychedelic but warm and blissful and extremely theraputic..beautiful visuals..feels like an oral tryptamine and if you dose it at the right times it's a 2+ hour experience with multiple peaks..

Long live the unwoke.
#20 Posted : 12/20/2009 5:08:12 PM

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fractal enchantment wrote:
This is the best way I can imagine to take sub-breakthrough or low doses of DMT(cant speak for breakthroughs becasue I have yet to try that on bufo) doesnt matter how much you smoke becasue the bufotenine was already going strong..the DMT seems to manifest better at low doses on top of another tryptamine..god it's so wonderful..and it lasts a while and you can keep redosing becasue of the caapi..the transition into a super psychedelic headspace is very smooth as well becasue the bufotenine brings you half way there already..

This is my favorite tryptamine combo has's incrediably psychedelic but warm and blissful and extremely theraputic..beautiful visuals..feels like an oral tryptamine and if you dose it at the right times it's a 2+ hour experience with multiple peaks..

Now that reminds me of the cebil seeds I have tucked away. What is a breakthrough like on Bufotenine? All I've read about is the euphoric, radiant visuals of bufo which reads as incredible, but is it ever visionary in a spicy sense of the word?

antrocles wrote:

JUNGLE BOOGIE DoS!!! dance with some monkeys for me!


LOL Well I got air dropped into the jungle, but there were no dancing monkeys...maybe next time!Smile
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