DMT vaping guide Options
#181 Posted : 5/12/2019 11:26:31 PM

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Aum shanti:

No wonder i had troubles with the tc, just discovered i used The vandyvape ni80 100 mesh 😂

Anyway, i tried with another mod where i Can set TCR manually, so i set IT at 1.09.
Temp at 220 C / 428F
Max 30 W

Blasted off in one toke, 30 mg.
No leftovers on mesh after landing.

Will get some of the vandyvape MESH ss316 150 size Next.

But this setup is just fantastic. Thx again aum shanti


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#182 Posted : 5/13/2019 7:31:26 AM
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Propello wrote:

No wonder i had troubles with the tc, just discovered i used The vandyvape ni80 100 mesh 😂

Lol, that explains a lot why it didn't work in TCSS mode...


Anyway, i tried with another mod where i Can set TCR manually, so i set IT at 1.09.
Temp at 220 C / 428F
Max 30 W

Blasted off in one toke, 30 mg.
No leftovers on mesh after landing.

Now we are talking. That sounds, like it should now... Big grin

But as you know this now, it should also work with your original mod, if you set it to TCNi instead of TCSS.

Will get some of the vandyvape MESH ss316 150 size Next.

Honestly, if you only vape such small amounts, and are fine with this setup, I would stay with your Ni mesh. Why? Because IMHO it's better to have a coarser mesh size, as it can hold more substance in it. If you don't mind the handling of Ni mesh, and don't get upset by any eventual Ni smell, I would stay with your setup.

But this setup is just fantastic. Thx again aum shanti

Glad I could help.
I claim not that this is the truth. As this is just what got manifested into my mind at the current position in time on this physical plane. So please feel not offended by anything I say.
#183 Posted : 5/13/2019 9:00:49 AM

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Aum_Shanti wrote:

Honestly, if you only vape such small amounts, and are fine with this setup, I would stay with your Ni mesh. Why? Because IMHO it's better to have a coarser mesh size, as it can hold more substance in it. If you don't mind the handling of Ni mesh, and don't get upset by any eventual Ni smell, I would stay with your setup.

But this setup is just fantastic. Thx again aum shanti

Glad I could help.

The ni80 / nichrome isn't made for tc, that would be ni200/ nickel, hence The troubles with tc. But IT works anyway with manual tcr mode.

I don't agree about The mesh size though. Finer mesh should in theory have larger surface and smaller Holes than coarser mesh. When The spice liquify there should be less spice falling through The mesh, and IT should evaporate faster with larger surface area as well. I look at the mesh as The heating element with 2 functions: holding The spice in place in crystal and liquid state, and heating The spice to evap.

In theory The finer mesh should be better suited for this than coarser mesh, but i could of course be wrong.

Perhaps You Can elaborate why You consider coarser mesh as better? Am i missing something here?

#184 Posted : 5/13/2019 9:36:23 AM
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Propello wrote:

I don't agree about The mesh size though. Finer mesh should in theory have larger surface and smaller Holes than coarser mesh.

You have to think 3 dimensional Wink

A coarser mesh is thicker, and the thickness is one dimension of storage and evaporation! A super fine mesh has basically no thickness, and therefore no storage volume.

But the ideal mesh size depends also on the viscosity of your substance. The mesh holes shouldn't be as big, so that the cohesion force cannot hold it anymore. And if it's too fine, it can only hold so little volume of substance, that the remaining substance will flow along the surface to the bottom.

Also the coarser your mesh, the more thermal mass (usually bad), and less resistance (good), which are also two major key points.

So as said, the ideal mesh grid size is IMHO clearly always depending on the substance you wanna vape. But from my experience, you rather wanna stay in the coarser region. E.g. I usually use a rougher mesh than the roughest vandyvape SS316 one.

So that's why I said, if it works in this setup for you, I don't see the need to change it.
I claim not that this is the truth. As this is just what got manifested into my mind at the current position in time on this physical plane. So please feel not offended by anything I say.
#185 Posted : 5/13/2019 7:22:16 PM

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Think i get your setup aum shanti. But for me my own setup is oerfect. I don't plan to vape more than 50mg anyway. If it works don't fix it Cool

I'll test The ss316 0.9 ohm 150 mesh when i get it. It is Even finer than The 100 mesh i use now. Will report when tested.

some one
#186 Posted : 5/30/2019 12:15:15 AM

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I just tested the VandyVape Mesh RDA..

some one wrote:
So, I just used the device. I aimed for a small test dose of around 20mg. Used 200c and 35w. Got all in within 10 seconds.

WOW! OMG! So easy. No taste. One hit. So strong for 20mg! Total awe. I'm trashing all my other devices. dmt-nexus, delete all smoking forums, we found the holy grail!

Big grin


Joytech eVic VTwo Mini 75W
VandyVape Mesh RDA
VandyVape SS316L 150 mesh 40x13mm
Glass adapter

Airhole 1/3 open
@ 200c and 35w

Like I said: wow
some one attached the following image(s):
mesh.png.jpg (27kb) downloaded 562 time(s).
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#187 Posted : 7/6/2019 10:35:18 PM
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Hi guys,

I'm a new member of this forum. I'm a 59 year old psychotherapist, with extensive experience with psychedelics. I've never used a vape pen to smoke DMT, or anything else. I bought Yocan's Magento, as my dedicated pipe, but I'm unclear on how to use it.

I know that it's recommended to dump the product into the chamber; heat it until it melts, and then vape it. My questions is, after I load the chamber, do I replace both the coil cap (and its worthless dab tool) and the atomizer tube, or just the atomizer tube?


tomcards attached the following image(s):
Magneto.png (40kb) downloaded 500 time(s).
#188 Posted : 7/18/2019 6:14:42 AM
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tomcards wrote:
Hi guys,

I'm a new member of this forum. I'm a 59 year old psychotherapist, with extensive experience with psychedelics. I've never used a vape pen to smoke DMT, or anything else. I bought Yocan's Magento, as my dedicated pipe, but I'm unclear on how to use it.

I know that it's recommended to dump the product into the chamber; heat it until it melts, and then vape it. My questions is, after I load the chamber, do I replace both the coil cap (and its worthless dab tool) and the atomizer tube, or just the atomizer tube?



Hey Tom I also had the magneto as a starter device. The dab tool is there so you don't inhale any powder. I would recommend putting the device back together the way it came after the spice is in. I've found that the tool is pretty inefficient at first and takes some "seasoning" to get any meaningful hits. After about five or six times of loading the device with about 40mg it should work a lot better.

That's just my experience though. Let me know if you have any other questions about the device. Oh and make sure to pulse the button every 4 or 5 seconds. You should notice a difference in vapor once the coil is getting too hot and starts to but the spice.
#189 Posted : 9/5/2019 2:22:16 AM

All Aboard!

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I am not sure if this thread is still active considering the last post date.

But I thought I would add the following info...

Found the Saionara atomizer from Humbolt Vape, with a Ceramic coil, set to 24 watts, is a less than 50$ way to get a setup to get started with. If you already vape and have a mod.

1-2 Rips, and you are off to the races!


I'm not sure if its ok to link in here so I didn't. Its easy to find on their site.

Hope this helps someone.

Next Stop Hyperspace - "ALL ABOARD!"
#190 Posted : 9/6/2019 9:19:48 PM
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Looking forward to trying this tek. Everything is in order.

Also, these glass drip tips fit the Vandyvape Mesh RDA perfectly, and shipping to US only took about 10 days from China.
#191 Posted : 10/15/2019 7:21:53 PM

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Interesting read everyone. Thank you!
"Take the red pill, and see how far down the rabbit hole goes..."
some one
#192 Posted : 11/28/2019 1:05:16 AM

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E-mesh info update:

Quotes of people's reactions in Propello's e-mesh topic:

Aum_Shanti wrote:
Since I switched to direct e-mesh vaping, I never looked back again at all other teks I tried before. Basically for any substance.

Propello wrote:
Best i have tried so far, matches the vaporgenie.

mycowong wrote:
I'm pretty sure you can breakthrough with about 15-25mg in this thing. I use it on wattage mode at 45w. I usually heat It up to 50% then hit it near the end of the draw to get the most concentrated hit. Then I hold until I need another breath. Then break through lol every time.

enlightenedvoyager wrote:
Oh my! This thing is insanely effective Surprised The build was extremely easy so once I’d got a flat shelf for the molecule to sit I added 15mg ( tester dose ). I set temp control to 210 ( I tried 180 first but heat up was a little slow ) and 25w with air flow half open. Couple of clicks to melt the magick into the mesh. Cap back on n cleared it all easily with 1 draw. No taste, no smell. Held forever lol so minimal vapour on the exhale but more than normal at this low a dose using other devices. Pretty much instantly the room turns into fractals and I start to laugh at my dog who now has an Aztec type head Laughing Obviously no breakthrough at this dose but honestly, I’ve done many low ‘tester’ doses with new devices n this is the strongest 15mg yet. I can see 30mg being a 1 hit breakthrough for sure. It’s gonna be so easy to clear 30mg and more with this method as it’s like smoking air. Amazing! Thank you so much to aum_shanti for bringing this method to light and thank you for testing the method and for helping me out Thumbs up

I checked the mesh afterwards n it was totally clean. Like nothing had been on it. It also hasn’t made my new RDA smell which is pretty amazing as we all know how this stuff stinks up most devices.

I’ve just thrown out my Yocan and the machine will be no more. Can’t wait to try a breakthrough dose with this beast! More than happy!

Happy travels folks Big grin

enlightenedvoyager wrote:
30mg tested Friday Shocked Absolutely mind blowing! I’m still processing it all now ( trying not to forget it ). Full breakthrough into totally awe, beauty and love. I was being shown the workings of another dimension and the beauty of it was beyond what I can put into words. I came-to with my jaw on the floor with dribble down my chin ( very glamorous ) Laughing All I kept saying was ‘wow, yes, yes, wow, omg wow lol.

I can’t even remember going through the jester tunnel or waiting room. I cleared the 30mg in one hit n held it in that long I couldn’t remember blowing it back out n then within an instant I was there n it was just full of love and beauty. I didn’t even get the high pitched reality tearing apart sound. It was that quick. Instant breakthrough!

This method is genius Thumbs up I went for 220 temp n 30w this time n that’s what I’m gonna stick with, I reckon. I used a new mesh n I must admit I did struggle a little getting the whole 30mg onto it. What I did in the end was added half the 30mg, melted that n then added the other half n melted that. It worked a treat but I often did this when loading my machine.

This method is definitely on par with a dab rig with quartz banger but soooo much better as no glassware to break n no torch lighter to deal with when your reality is being ripped apart. Never used a gvg so can’t comment but this is my go-to method from now on Surprised

Mesh was totally clean again after use n still my rda doesn’t smell. Nice Thumbs up

Crispycat wrote:
ok geared up after reading your ideas, and got to say wow!
15mg white spice on a wotofo profile with vandy vape ss316l 400 mesh 43ohm/ft on a smoant naboo mod

before even exhaling the CEV start changing from moving geometric patterns into moving 2d creatures! alot like the dragon in this music video:
"Fever The Ghost - SOURCE"

thought it would be a lot milder as this stage has taken me 20 to 25 mg to get to previously with yocan evolve plus and green Buddha methods! im sure a little more on the mesh would of pulled me into that 3d tunnel which i would not of been prepared for Big grin

spices instantly vaporise with one touch of the fire pin at 120c/250f no burn no mess barely any taste just pure wow!Thumbs up

enlightenedvoyager wrote:
You’re gonna love it Big grin My VV mesh RDA is the best bit of kit I’ve bought, ever Laughing So easy to clear all in one hit too Thumbs up I use the same mesh. Works a treat!

some one wrote:
So, I just used the device. I aimed for a small test dose of around 20mg. Used 200c and 35w. Got all in within 10 seconds.

WOW! OMG! So easy. No taste. One hit. So strong for 20mg! Total awe. I'm trashing all my other devices. dmt-nexus, delete all smoking forums, we found the holy grail!
Big grin

Broccoli555 wrote:
Let me just start off by thanking everyone in this thread and forum for sharing the knowledge of this wonderful molecule and the easiest way to utilize it.

Took all in one 5 to 7 sec hit. Immediate body effects and about 5 sec I was off into another land. No burnt spice, mesh was clean. Smooth vapor, no harsh hit or throat burn. And no fiddling around with the fire button just inhale and fire.

From my limited use of different teks, the e-mesh method easily beats out the yocan Magento in every aspect of use except for set up process.

Thank you all again for sharing this wonderful method.

sbc1 wrote:
just tried 5mg to test the waters and it nearly blew my head off, wasn't expecting that off 5mg, could do with a bigger surface area than the vandy ss mesh, other than that its awesome

mattw1994 wrote:
Tried this method for the first time after receiving my drip tip. Put in about 33 mg and broke through and I didn't even finish it. This is my new favorite method because you only need 1 hit to blast off and it is so smooth.

Lindsay2260 wrote:
Wow. Just wow. 35W, 190°c - lift off. Thanks 🍺

(Voopoo drag 2 mini, 810 pyrex driptip, vandy vape rda, SS316L)

skoobysnax wrote:
Finally tested 20 mg just to see if my settings were good.

cleared quickly in one inhale. Not harsh but could maybe drop 5C and see if it is smoother. The Aegis is aa win. Leaves my eleaf Pico as a chargerLaughing
Thx everyone for the hand up! So amazing!

Teamleary wrote:
Just "woaw"!

I wasn't expecting such a blast. Crazy. Beautiful and unexpected sub-bt!

THANK YOU ALL! Especially Some One and Propello! It is the easiest way!
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#193 Posted : 12/17/2019 10:11:36 PM

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Thanks to everyone for doing research on the mod vaping with custom mesh.

Currently I'm busy with some liquid testing. My mod allows me to do manual tcr so surely I'm gonna try that one too Big grin
#194 Posted : 1/30/2020 6:37:29 AM

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I bought a Yocan iShred which I don't think was the best choice after reading this thread. Sad

Is it okay? Can I modify it to make it work better? The heat chamber is quite small, so I don't think SS mesh would fit in it.

Maybe I should just shop for a better device?

#195 Posted : 1/30/2020 10:28:02 AM

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PureFruit wrote:
Thanks to everyone for doing research on the mod vaping with custom mesh.

Currently I'm busy with some liquid testing. My mod allows me to do manual tcr so surely I'm gonna try that one too Big grin

You don't need liquid for this setup.
#196 Posted : 1/30/2020 10:39:02 AM

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DancinDog wrote:
I bought a Yocan iShred which I don't think was the best choice after reading this thread. Sad

Is it okay? Can I modify it to make it work better? The heat chamber is quite small, so I don't think SS mesh would fit in it.

Maybe I should just shop for a better device?


You can't use the mEsh method with this one, but with an fitting oil/wax pad you should be able to use it with spice.

Safe travels
#197 Posted : 2/1/2020 12:10:16 AM

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how quickly are you able to redose on vaporized dmt?

1. if i didnt breakthrough

2. if i did breakthrough

, and would i need to use a higher than normal dose due to tolerance?
#198 Posted : 2/1/2020 2:42:52 PM

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45-60 minutes with minimal tolerance build up IMHO. Doesn't matter if bt or not. 30 minutes after there is some tolerance.

I prefer 60 minutes minimum between flights. Enjoying the afterglow and taking some time to evaluate the trip is essential to me.
#199 Posted : 3/30/2020 6:15:31 PM

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Propello wrote:
45-60 minutes with minimal tolerance build up IMHO. Doesn't matter if bt or not. 30 minutes after there is some tolerance.

I prefer 60 minutes minimum between flights. Enjoying the afterglow and taking some time to evaluate the trip is essential to me.

Good to know.
#200 Posted : 5/3/2020 11:31:06 PM
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Hello fellow nexiansSmile
Newbie here seeking advice from people’s personal experiences.
I’ve been reading a lot on here about routes of administration & the best methods & tools and such.

The specific topic at hand that has come up between myself & a friend of mine is the potential of e-cigs being used to vape DMT cartridges. He fully believes that they can be made and are effective although I have my sincere doubts. I look at the numbers and the statistics. By all my counts from what I’ve read so far:
Propylene Glycol holds about 1.5G/ml
Standard carts are 1ml
Most solutions of e-cigs call for 30/70 ratio of PG to VG
DMT is NOT very soluble in VG
Even if, best case managed to get 1G DMT into cartridge... 1 cart is 100-200puffs
1000mg/150 puffs is 6.67mg/puff
One puff needs to be held in for about 15+ seconds
Approx 6-10 puffs are needed to actually achieve a blast off
That means you’re going to be smoking for over a minute straight just trying to peak

Is my math flawed? Are there other soluble liquids like perhaps ethanol or something that could be used and placed into a cartridge? Has anyone ever known somebody to make carts & if so any insight? Or has anyone tried one?
Thanks allSmile
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