I use full spectrum caapi extract (same composition as found in the plants) for changa. No extracting isolate or freebasing. It works. Soak 9g caapi leafs in 96% ethanol for a month. Occasional shaking. Discard leafs. Evap on 1g of new caapi leafs gives 10x caapi extract.
Regarding the 30:1 caapi resin. You cant use this for changa directly because it still contains way too much inactive matter. But you can make changa from it with ethanol, see:
3x hot ethanol pulls. keep steering. Combine pulls into one and evap *. A dark red soft shatter hash like substance remains. This is your full spectrum extract, nectar of the gods. Dissolve some in ethanol, add around 0.3g extract per 1g herbs. Stir and evap. This is your base for changa (no DMT yet). Personally I smoke haramala-only leaf prior smoking DMT afterwards.
* I boiled the ethanol down on a double boiler with boiling water. The taste was very harsh, meaning the temp was too hot. Better is evap with fan over a +/-50 C water bath instead of boiling water.
some = one | here = some | there = one