Yeah Alex is such an inspiring personality. An emblem of bravery, decisiveness and the art of living in the present moment. So much dedication and passion.
I was discussing what he does with some people in the youtube comments section (I should really stop doing this, as you get one sensible, adequate person for every 600 arrogant and ignorant people...). They were speaking of how it's unreasonable and very risky and not worth it etc etc, but what they fail to realize is that he is doing what his heart and soul desire. He's fulfilling his dream on a daily basis, and he's living with passion.
What is worse - living a safe, secure life for 80 years, never experiencing the sheer adrenaline rush and euphoria of doing something "risky" that you abolutely love, or always living on the edge, risking your life and knowing you might die every time you venture into those activities, but knowing if it's meant for your body to cease to function, you'd embrace it with a full heart of love, satisfaction and not a DROP of regret for all those years of walking the line? If you don't carry the responsibility of family and similar, I'd reckon the first for sure.
I've always supported the mindset that people should follow their heart and their passion, no matter what others say or feel about that. If you're not doing harm to nobody - do whatever it is that makes your heart race, your pupils dilate and your very essence vibrate with love and happiness.
Our physical vessels are only here for a microscopic speck of temporal dust on the endless dunes of eternity - why not enjoy it to the fullest? We shouldn't burden our present mind with worries of the future or recollections from the past. Horace said it some 2000 years ago, and he said it well -
Carpe Diem.
Be brave. Be well.