Got a question that might be silly, not sure
When/after you add your base to the bark, is the bark itself supposed to change color like the water? I took this picture after letting the bark settle over night, does that look right?
The last few extractions have yielded very little amounts of goo (around 0.5%), very nice goo though.
I've generally been doing a/b teks (cybs, EWs, Max Ion) with same results. Also tried a stb, different vinegar brands and excess sodium hydroxide, not much difference.
This is consistent with a few different batches from the same aussy vendor, all the reviews are saying it is great quality which is why im confused...
I was thinking maybe my sodium hudroxide might be bunk and the ph wasnt high enough.. I dont think this is the issue as i've tried two different brands of 98% and no difference...
My very first extractions went very well (around 0.7g of white xtals and some goo feom 50g bark) and this was from the same vender and same caustic soda brand..
My initial sovent is acs grade P.E 40-60 (pentane, hexane mix) and then i switch two d-limonene which pulls a fair amout of red goo. Need about 100mg to dip in to hyperspace.
Tried a 500g run because of the low yields and got about 1g of xtals with P.E and 2.5g of red goo with the d-limonene.
I feel like its the bark but with all the good reviews and having the same low yields from different batch i don't think it is..
Which brings me back to my original question. What do you think?
Lots of love

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