hawaiian baby woodrose - combinations for success? Options
#1 Posted : 12/6/2009 4:28:32 AM

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Hi everyone!

I am working up to the perfect time, place, and mindset to finally break into my 5-meo dmt supply! So excited! (waiting to get my hands on n,n)

I've been reading up on all of your great advice for a few weeks now and i'm excited to contribute a bit to discussions from my experiences, but as of right now i'd like to ask your opinions and advice on hawaiian baby woodrose.

After reading a few more hawaiian baby woodrose seed threads, i see lots of users don't like them...i'm curious why.

My first experience on HBWS was absolutely mindblowing. Mind blown, put back together, and then blown again multiple times over the course of 6 hours! amazing!

Dose: 2 doses mdma, 1 pill dramamine for nausea, 5 seeds. (smoked a few joints over the course of the night as well)

Setting: mini halloween rave, amazing music, lights, and people!

Experience: Absolutely insane kaleidoscopic visuals, ego loss, one-with-the-universe-ness =), and no sense of reality. I was in absolute orgasmic pleasure constantly (thank you, mdma) and delerious with beautiful visuals wherever i looked! It was one of those trips that no matter HOW much you can try to explain it, it's inexplicable to the nth degree. Shocked

My second experience with HBWS was not nearly as exciting... I did 5 seeds once again, pepto bismol for nausea, and smoked a ton of weed in a friends apartment. Apart from experiencing crazy nostalgia and childhood memories in vivid detail while playing with play-doh, i had no visuals and only minor psychadelic experience. Way too 'explicable' for my liking!

Well, my question for everyone is: Whats the best combination you have found with HBWS? Has anyone else tried mdma or e with seeds and had the same results? Was it perhaps the dramamine that induced such a crazy hallucinogenic experience?

Thank you!!

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#2 Posted : 12/6/2009 5:53:31 AM

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I had one very powerful experience with morning glories with lots of visions..not much success with HBWR..but I only tried 2 times in lower doses..

The problem with the morning glories was I felt like I had been beaten up the next morning..
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#3 Posted : 12/6/2009 5:57:26 AM

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i agree, its a sacrifice of a whole day after!! My first experience was definately worth the hangover, but i wouldnt do them alone again... or maybe the depressant effect of weed was the major factor in an unworthwhile experience my second time...
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#4 Posted : 12/6/2009 10:33:15 AM

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SWIM loves HBWR. When extracted properly the trip is quite nice. Usually SWIM uses peppermint tea to do the theoretical LSA to LSH conversion to get more LSD-like effects from the seeds.

Other than the peppermint tea trick, SWIM likes the following combinations:

2 teaspoons of Passionflower: makes the trip almost like ayahuasca. Very blissful.

1 teaspoon of Yohimbe: counteracts the vasoconstriction of LSA, counteracts the sedative effects, and makes the trip more visual

2 teaspoons of powdered Kola nut: counteracts the vasoconstriction of LSA, counteracts the sedative effects, and makes the trip more visual and more euphoric.

40 mg of powdered Nux vomica seeds: makes the trip far more like LSD by enhancing the visuals, sense of touch, sense of sound, and counteracts the sedative effects. Use with caution, this contains about 600 micrograms of strychnine. Don’t take more than the standard adult herbal dose of 40 mg. Nux vomica overdoses are fatal.

3-5 Datura stramonium seeds: makes the trip far more like LSD. It enhances the visuals, mental psychedelic effects, counteracts the sedative effects a little, and also effectively blocks the nausea caused by the seeds. This dose of the seeds is completely safe. Don’t take more than that. Datura is dangerous in high doses.

When SWIM doesn’t have time for a proper extraction, he does a simple cold water extraction. To do this right, you grind the seeds and then soak them in cold water overnight. Then while cold, pour the seeds through a cotton ball in a funnel. Let the cotton ball catch all the seed solids and oils and do not press the cotton ball after it’s done. The cotton ball will contain lots of toxins. If you press the cotton ball, the toxins will come out, so don’t press the remaining water in the cotton. Instead pour a little bit of cold water through it to get the remaining LSA/LSH out of the cotton ball. Throw away the cotton ball, and do not consume any of the solids it caught.

The cold water extraction method works well when done right. It gets rid of a lot of side effects, greatly improving the experience.
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#5 Posted : 12/6/2009 8:27:39 PM

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Thanks 69ron, that's exactly what I'm looking for!
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#6 Posted : 12/7/2009 7:21:56 AM
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Hm, how did you prepare your HBWS? I've seen a lot of prep ways but I'm curious as to how you did yours in particular. SWIM tried with a friend to extract using a few ways they had seen on the forums, using a mixture of run, sherry and mustard (bleh!), and it didn't quite work.
#7 Posted : 12/7/2009 7:32:11 AM

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To be honest, both times I have done the seeds I simply rubbed off the fuzz, rinsed, and chewed them to a paste, washing down with water. This thread is the first time I have heard other ways of dosing with seeds.

Make sure to have anti nauseants handy... I liked dramamine, but pepto works as well.
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#8 Posted : 12/7/2009 7:35:08 AM

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Beware this method tastes like you picked up a twig off the ground and started munching....not so delectable!
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#9 Posted : 12/7/2009 7:38:02 AM
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SWIM has a friend who snorted them with fantastic results. However, I've read 69ron's thread about the chemistry of HBRW seeds. Supposedly, just consuming them plain gives you a chemical called LSA, while mixing with certain substances converts it into LSH, which is closer to LSD in it's shape while still being considered organic.
Check out some of the other threads about HBWR seeds, they're really interesting if you like chemistry and hacking together chemicals.
#10 Posted : 12/7/2009 7:49:03 AM

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Sounds great thank you! Swim has a reducilously massive amount of hbws on her hands and would like to be able to better understand the chemistry behind this crazy botanical so she can experience that reducilous hbws dimension again!

If you haven't had an experience on hbws like the one described in the original post, I would definately reccommend for you and your friend to take a similar combo. I really do believe it is the mdma that turns the mundane hbws experiences I have read about into something absolutely out of this world. I say this because a group of people did the same dose and same combo at the same time, all with identical results (and amazing to experience that with people when otherwise its inexplicable...everyone knows those psychadelic intimacies that you cannot put into words!)
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#11 Posted : 12/8/2009 12:56:27 AM


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I imagine Phenethylamines lend themselves quite well to HBWR, that mixture of euphoria and clarity allowing the psychadelic tryptamine-like aspect of HWBR to sink in..
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#12 Posted : 2/24/2011 1:06:48 PM

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sounds like a lot of fun!!Wink
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#13 Posted : 2/24/2011 1:53:54 PM

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I remember the second time SWIM tried HBWR. SWIM had eaten approximately 1-2-3 hours before, and had food in SWIM's stomach. As a result, explosive vomiting occured. That's all I can say - don't eat beforehand. Smile
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