I have written things that were intended to be multimedia projects; though mine were just for fun. Rather than imagery (well i guess there was one picture), I used music as the other media source. Granted, my story was part fiction (in order to frame the event in a fun manner), so I was not presenting it as a theory. I wrote the intro, and then posted a series of songs that I felt were proper representations of my story for the following 5 parts. Parts 6-8 will have music as well, but there is going to be a curve ball... as it sits; I imply that "I" will no longer be contributing to the story... so there may be a third party that interjects in the conversation between and entity and a character (me).
Lol. 6-8 are being written, currently
I was going to aim for April-May; but it really depends on one of the bands releasing a new album or not. I wanted to use some of the music for parts 6-8.
On the research side: yes, I can see how the book would be complicated if you had to pause reading and describe each image. Damn. Well, worth a try.
Probably would not be delivered with the same passion if someone else were to read the book. I'm pretty sure audible and other books "on tape" (is that even a thing still??? My vehicle has a cassette player... but yeah, back on subject) hire someone to read the books; so you wouldn't have to be the one to read it.
However, if not delivered with passion, why deliver? So, I understand your point. On the other hand, your voice reminds me of an entity's voice. Could just be the UK accent... but my
mantis pal had a VERY similar voice as yours. Though a different demeanor and delivery style.
Take care,
Sometimes it's good for a change. Other times it isn't.