But language is very limiting indeed, and some things then shouldn't be discussed.
We live in a world where all speak, all the time, and they tell themselves story, they escape loneliness through it. It's about knowing, being known, having a grasp of the situation. We make that grip so strong, so tight, we narrow our window on reality, and when it is stretched, we are left terrified, to understand so vividly how our identity is fragile and superficial.
Language is a primary tool in this dubious magical tour we use to separate ourselves from the now. To create this little personnage we send on adventures in our mind, to do our biding and exercise and gymnastic, so we are always out there, and never in. Never facing we must subdue to the will of nature, that we are oblivion, something far beyond understanding, far beyond remembrance.
In our modern time, we have forgotten about discipline. About this immutable axis that makes the whole body stands and that is a language so different, so vastly different, it is incomprehensible with logic. It can only be felt.
It is call breath and man did not make it. It is not the product of his labor or a strive for definition, to impose something on living things he has no control over whatsoever. It is not music either, . Both singing and speaking trouble the breath. The trouble can be beautiful, express beautiful things, but still is trouble.
Man feels he need to put everything outside of him. All his dreams. He is an artist, isn't he ? So he impose the fast nature of his mind on the world and the world burns, because it goes faster than it should. Because the mind should stay in the body. Because the boundaries of this form are infinite, but the boundaries of the forms we use to escape this infinity, them are very, very tiny.
The externalization of knowledge, first through language and then through its written form, has separated us from all of organic life on Earth. We try to escape the way of the body, the slow evolution and passing on through countless eons and generations. We try to escape birth. But to live outside of the body is suicidal. So why spend so much time in boxes, I meant, coffins ?
Language separates from felt experience. The domain of the body, and the mind when it is in the body, is vast; while the land of language, of this mind stepping out, is little. Like a book is to a sunrise or a night sky filled with stars.
Hands are tools of control, and we now speak through our hands. We write. And when we used to sing, we now play instrument. And where we walked, we now drive and what not other silly achievement that only strengthen the ego and the need for control.
And because man, his body, is nature. This thirst for control over himself and his body, will result in a need to control nature. So no more countless stars in the sky.
Our errors is so radical but we see it as filled of glory and a testament to something we try to convince ourselves we are. Deep down the rabbit hole we go.
It's not that they are limitations to language, it is limitating in nature. The errors that spawns from language are little in comparison to the error that is the reliance on language as the tool to understand reality, and to communicate the understanding of reality. You will read this and feel like you may have understand something, but you understood nothing ! This message is a lie, step out of it ! Forget everything ! Splash pikaboo !