hello my hyperspace family!! ...and a happy 11:11 to you all! yes, i realize it is 2:11... but i've only just gotten my wits about to me sufficiently to write this to ye all...

so- you may or may not have read my occassional homages to 11:11....if not, i will simply sum it up with: i got a LOT of interesting associations/connections with this number. i am convinced on some level that there is some relevance to this affinity... today is 11/11....
at 11:10am i sat in my bedroom- new glass VG in hand- on a sea of psychedelically-patterned comforter...in front of me: a floor to ceiling mirror. a handsome pile of the potent spiced weed beckoned me from within the glass...i could see their faces...
is it 11:11 yet?
what is that?
did you say "elven elven"?
my life is blessed....my soul is blessed...i am the blessed, the blesser and the blessing...i am the pattern of the universe.....it is filled with sprockets and gears...
the dimensions are shown to me: from the center make a dot, then draw a line from that dot to infinity and make another dot. do this over and over from this central dot until you have proceeded in all possible directions.
within these dimensions, impossibly intricate gears tick. their precision is the final explosion that was my self....that was my mind. i am in the gears now...there is one within this complete fullness that is needed.
yes, it needs to be found.
there is no question that exists....no why....no how....i simple am that is.
this mantra is pulsed through every atom as that which i had sought has found me. i called it to me with intent..
but who is the "intender"?...
in the same moment that a cog of perfect beauty and precision is placed within me....i become aware that there even IS a ME.

was it a key? a tune-up? an "upgrade"...?
my journey goes on
and on
and on....
i have awareness now, but i am still very, very far from "here"...this is amazingly deep for me to be THIS aware....like a super heavy LSD trip....you are tripping BALLS, absolutely IN IT....yet, you are aware (somewhat) that you are that far gone....but no fear...at all.....
i lived in a cartoon reality...carboard cutout reality....everthing looked 2-dimensional (flatlanders!) yet my p.o.v. was as if i was strapped into a gyroscoping rollercoaster. i'm in a forest....big, cartoony mushrooms and tolkien-esque brushstrokes...the journey of ever morphing scenery until a point was reached where i became pure light and everything stopped.
i once again became aware of my body and immediately smiled.
i opened my eyes...my clock said 12:16....whatever that means....
this is like a MAOI journey...only...strAnger?...
for the next hour i swear i am on acid. the weed is so potent it's downright hallucinogenic...and all of the tripping i'm doing has an absolutely dumbfounding DMT flavor. this part of the journey was stupifying....i never got worried mind you...but after 2 hours i was still tripping pretty hard...and even now, at 2:40 i'm DEFINITELY not back to baseline... but i have to be honest....i'm ABSOLUTELY LOVING THIS!!!
perhaps it is less to do with the 11:11 and more to do with the 11/11.....maybe there is a frequency that is wide open all day today.....or maybe it's aaaaall in my head....

honestly hard to imagaine a frequency that ISN'T always available to us in hyperspace...
"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."