There are so many variables, that the effects are pretty much random.
Next time it may take more, or even less for you to get these same effects.
A persons weight, mindset, surroundings, etc, all play together to help...or hinder the amount needed for each individual to reach a full DMT breakthrough.
Although each persons general feelings toward completely letting go of ones self & totally giving control over to the experience has a whole lot to do with it from what I've seen/experienced.
Reading people's "trip reports", I've read so many of them where people smoke DMT & then try to choose, or control what happens. They are not necessarily doing this on purpose, but by just not letting the DMT do
it's thing & being confident in being able to handle what ever comes on.
Lots of experience with other entheogens definitely helps one prepare for this.
So does meditation!!!! Which trains you to quiet your mind & simply observe it's process.
Then there is the fact that not everyone has the same level of extraction abilities.
Every time you do a new extraction, you have new crystal structures that are totally different from the last one & unique to itself.
Also, not everybody is taking the extra effort it takes to make pure clear/white DMT.
Some people even prefer the yellower stuff to the pure...they say it can be more powerful
(I personally find the opposite to be true).
But, if your DMT is yellow, or whatever (dirty, or impure), when you weight out .050mg, a certain amount of that weight is bunk.
Because that yellow color comes from the impurities & you have no way of knowing how much of the weight is coming from leftover crap.
So if someone weights out a .050mg dose of yellow, impure DMT, there may only be .020mg, there may be .040mg, of actual DMT there. (
or more, or less)
"it takes me .085mg before I get strong effects, but I never broke through".
of course my DMT is dirty as hell & I smoked it using a my moms basement 
So you've got to take all of that stuff that into account when gauging the numbers in other people's "trip reports".
Then figure out what works for you!! And double check that amount for each new extraction, since they never come out identically, so you have to check it out each time.
Short answer: Yes, it is extremely variable!! From person to person & dose to dose!!
All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!