#21 Posted : 11/10/2009 6:34:01 PM

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both jingmaster and impossiblemachine are dear friends of fact, i have the absolute HONOR of introducing them both to the sacred molecule.....couldn't have two finer members of the community in my humble opinion.

i personally welcome both of you to this wonderful nexus family and can say with absolute assurity that EVERYONE who has posted on this thread thus far is a dear friend to me.....

that being said- i, too, know this coworker of whom jingmaster speaks....and yes...this cat is extreme in his respective field of study...though it isn't psychedelics he's working with, they ARE still substances that can cetainly elicit some serously unpleasant physical responses at the levels he's taken them to.... all i know is that i have definitely learned what NOT to do in the field of wholisitc supplementation thanks to his work....and to his credit....he's an incredibly vivacious and alive human being!

i suppose we never know the parameters of a thing until we've ventured out and found them... though not always enjoyable, it IS nice to know exactly how big the pool you're swimming in is...if it means bumping your head into the edges from time to time it's all good as long as you take note of it and help to draw a schematic for others to avoid ever bumping theirs....

nice posts you guys.....this thread is going off in a very interesting direction: how extreme is too extreme and is there even such a thing? i look forward to more thoughts on this....

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#22 Posted : 11/10/2009 8:19:16 PM

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WSaged: I don't think there is anything that much extreme about smoking on a garrage roof.

Antrocles: Can you tell us more about the actual internals of your trips? It is SWIMs approach when he spends a day spicing, or decides to take a really, really large dose, as Im sure we all have, to try and recall as much information and as much about what has happened and bring it back here to the nexus for analysis.

It seems to me you beleive the realm to be another dimension where one can go to experience, and to grow.

As far as time spent on the other side is concerned, SWIM also has experienced intense trips where subjective time seems so squewed as to have been on the 'other side' for atleast what feels like, half an hour, an hour? even though the clocks will report only 5 minuites on return.

Keep up the good work!
Im going to take a leaf out of your book and learn SWIM to enjoy DMT a whole lot more, a few of his trips have been hella scary. But lately, his attitude has been Its good, so why should I be scared? I'lll have a good trip so im not going to worry about it, just gonna dive in and smoke loads. Much like you just described Smile - and it works Smile

ॐ भूर्भुव: स्व: तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं । भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि, धीयो यो न: प्रचोदयात्
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#23 Posted : 11/10/2009 8:38:27 PM

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Antrocles, your work is truly inspirational and always a fine read...I find it interesting that you prefer spiced weed. To me the combo is extremely taxing on my body in that the ganja makes me hypersensitive to temperature when on spice. I end up shaking like a leaf even from the slightest breeze. All of my other senses become unbearably sensitive to where even very soft distant sounds or noises from great distances blare into my ears with the intensity of a train coming straight at me. Also, I become trapped in a mental fog of ganja patterns, and the DMT is never able to fully work its magic. I'm curious as to how the ganja affects your spice journey, and to what extent? The only positive I got from the combo which I've done twice (and probably never again) is that the ganja makes the journey far longer than spice on its own...unfortunately I'm in too much of a miserable state to enjoy the long duration.

I vaped spice with the embers of caapi leaves for the first time last night. It was the most intense spice journey I've ever had bar none, even compared to my Spice/Salvia journeys. A few caapi leaves fell off my live caapi plant during its shipment to my place so I put them to good use.Smile What do you think of the Caapi/Spice combo?
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#24 Posted : 11/10/2009 11:22:44 PM

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ahh, a nice day you had there antrocles.

#25 Posted : 11/10/2009 11:33:06 PM

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shoe wrote:
WSaged: I don't think there is anything that much extreme about smoking on a garrage roof.


All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
#26 Posted : 11/11/2009 2:04:22 AM

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....or on top of big rocks waving a stick around at the environment. in the dark under a blanket is much harder to deal with.

Twisted Evil
#27 Posted : 11/11/2009 3:44:06 AM


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opticuswrangler wrote:

....or on top of big rocks waving a stick around at the environment. in the dark under a blanket is much harder to deal with.

Twisted Evil

Opti gets a kick out of it, I'm sure.

#28 Posted : 11/11/2009 3:53:10 AM

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DoS- i do seem to have a rather special relationship with cannibis... i have used it for more years than i haven't, but definitely every day of my life for the past 5 years. together with spice it is pure magic for me....i can go deep beyond deep and the cannibis never allows hyperspace to "go too fast"...i'm sure if you've ever had a BIG dose of DMT (or better yet, a BIG dose WITH an MAOI like THH) you know what i'm talking about....the rooms are just flippin and twistin and melting and morphin' way to work in that space for yours truly.. Confused

i find i need to either go BEYOND that....which equates out to be a seriously deep/lose all sense of self kinda experience OR i can stay just this side of that with cannibis "slowing things down" a bit and allowing the tiny fraction of self that may be left to take it all in a bit better. also, i find that cannibis can really add a dimension of creativity and (yes, i'm gonna say it) HUMOR to my journeys that is just priceless... Laughing

i have read enough on this nexus to know that not everyone has the love for the sacred weed that i do and i TOTALLY get that....i have a ton of friends who just can't use marijuana on the daily without becoming mush-brains. for some reason, i just become extremely present and focussed on it and that only serves to make for some amazingly "guided" journeys.

i'm convinced that MJ and DMT are like two good friends that just LOVE to take me out and show me a good time....i try to show my appreciation by coming in with massive gratitude and just trying to radiate that gratitude the entire time i'm there....and back... Very happy

opticuswrangler- in the dark under a blanket sounds pretty intense....may be a while before i opt for that ride.... Shocked

shoe- good to see you brother! haven't seen you in a little while....i like the new avatar... and one of our fine nexus members' signature reads: smoke more DMT...smoke more DMT NOW!! Pleased you won't have bad journeys if you fill yourself first with....

....wait for it...

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#29 Posted : 11/11/2009 7:09:19 AM

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Don't get me wrong...I love ganja by herself, with Sally D, and also with Absinthe, but the Spice/Ganja combo is so difficult to me. Maybe I just need to do it out in the middle of a desert to eliminate overwhelming exterior stimuli. Reading about your positive relationship with the combination makes me want to give it another chance...I did Spice/THH pharma once and it wasn't too fast. Vaping spice with caapi leaves now that was TOO FAST. Once it hit me while sitting down, and I already had a full trip in the few seconds it took me to lay down. I know what you mean by Mary J slowing the spice WAY down to where one can absorb more information...the last ganja/spice combo I did lasted a solid hour.
Every post made past, present, and future by DiscipleofSpice is purely fiction.
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#30 Posted : 11/11/2009 7:14:22 AM

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SWIM once combined LSD and surfing as well. although the surf wasn't 15 ft that day, thankfully. haha. much love antrocles!
#31 Posted : 11/11/2009 7:50:38 AM

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Antrocles, thanks for the warm welcome, brother. : )

WSaged, I was referring more to the spirit of the "extreme" mindset and people who go to extremes in different areas of life, ie Antrocles "always being the one to do several times more then anyone else in the room" and not necessarily to the smoking on the rooftop, though I guess it would depend on the rooftop. I've never been to Antrocles' roof, if it's a flat roof, that's a pretty chill place to smoke some spice. If it's a slanted roof and you need to be mindful even on the natch, then that's more extreme.

In the case of my co-worker, he had to go to massive extremes for years just to save his own life because his body was so riddled with infections (fungus, parasites, etc) after a decade of western prescribed anti-biotic use. So for example he found out that if you take one or two entire bottles of probiotics at a time (which are each supposed to have like 40 servings) that you can make large strides in your healing by flooding the system with beneficial bacteria. Even now that he's healthy, he's still always going to the immediate extreme, it's just how he's wired, he just goes for it and then sees what happens.

If you've ever read Zoe7, he's a great example of someone who's really pushed the envelope (with combining entheogens, brain technology and pharmaceuticals) in ways that most people would say is absolutely insane because he's nearly killed himself several times and had some real narly, extreme side effects. But at the same time he's written down his experiences and I can only say that I feel humbly blessed to have read those books because he expanded my mind via his own experiences. Things I had never even considered I now have in my realm of possibility.

I basically just wanted to express my appreciation for those who always are pushing the envelope in all areas of life and are expanding the possibilites for all of us, since the topic was on the table.

: )
It is the ultimate irony that the cosmic intelligentsia of this grand illusionentsia is aware of itself and also of the aburdity of that fact. But that is all part of the joke that you are now getting. - Cosmic Comic Jokery
#32 Posted : 11/11/2009 7:07:27 PM

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BACK ATCHA SOCAL! .....only cuz i know YOU will understand this... it was an epic dawn patrol session in the winter of '88 at Black's Beach. dosed at 6am! that's a trip in and of itself....basically woke up and took three hits of blotter FOR BREAKFAST! got into the water (you know that hike down the cliff was crazy as shit!) around 7-7:30. by the time we had made it outside of these mammoth sets i was melting my face off...

15 foot faces will make anyone's nuts shrivel and i was no exception. the first wave i was able to drop in on was a lesson in surrender....i just let go and felt the wave's energy enter my body. i literally became one with the curling peel of force.....the moon's pull over the ocean....the great beginning of all life....the soup from which life first chemical origin....all of these truths became apparent to me as i carved along the glossy face of that wave...

the rest of the surf session (i stayed out for over 2 hours) was just a deeper and deeper understanding that, a la the matrix, there were no waves....only pulses of cosmic energy that flowed through all existence... my surfboard's atomic structure was interchanging molecules with the very ocean it was gliding across...all was one....

let's face it- a profound LSD experience can be life-chaging...wasn't it bill gates or steven jobs who said that their LSD experience was one of the 3 most pivotal things they had done in their lives?

i believe it.....

and NOW- i'm off to the park to go into hyperspace at is 11/11.....something tells me there is a special present waiting for me on the other side.... Pleased i'll let y'all know!

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#33 Posted : 11/11/2009 7:14:43 PM


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antrocles wrote:

and NOW- i'm off to the park to go into hyperspace at is 11/11.....something tells me there is a special present waiting for me on the other side.... Pleased i'll let y'all know!

Twisted Evil Wink
#34 Posted : 11/11/2009 7:28:53 PM

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thank you antrocles! i look forward to our next meeting. i find myself growing further and further from my breakthrough and im just under a week out. ive told a couple friends about my experience and they play it off, dumb it down by comparing it to their "trips" on acid, ex, etc....i can still feel what i felt, but im just not sure what to think. was i just on "drugs?" are those spiritual, familiar beings just images in my imagination? is that whats in all of us? and if so...why? why do we have a soul? why does it expose itself to us in such a manner...why do we get to go where we do...what is responsible for this? i get mixed up thinking about it. what do my fellow travelers think? more experienced ones? how do i defend myself against the "dumbing" techniques that my peers say when i tell them ive tried it...(im not standing on a mountain yelling it off, i told a few, select, close friends.) thoguhts? sorry for the rambling....ANTROCLES---> thank you brotha and ill see you soon.

Impossible Machine
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#35 Posted : 11/12/2009 2:06:52 AM

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im- this is the frustration that many here on this site will face at one point or another after experiencing the impossible....only those who have experienced it themselves will have the slightest clue what you've touched...trying to explain it to someone who has never experienced it is like trying to explain walking to a fish. it's so beyond description you just can't quantify, qualify or sci-fi it into an expressable form.

hell- it's impossible to make sense of it YOURSELF when you've BEEN there! HUNDREDS of times!! but i know that most of those who will read this can at least understand that feeling of "BEYOND DESCRIPTION" that DMT introduces you to.. the secret so profound, it comes with some sort of cloaking device that blocks your mind from being able to describe it in any meaningful way! daaaamn.... Shocked

there was a reason i made you promise to join the nexus, get an avatar and write about your experience before the official jurema intro was made....

partly because i truly DO believe that the growth and evolution of one is the growth and evolution of all.....and secondly because you are going to WANT to have folks you can volley the amazement back and forth with...

truth be told...if i didn't have this community to help me throughout my ever-evolving relationship with DMT, i would have an entirely different vibe going with all of this....and something tells me it would be nowhere near as positive and ENRICHING as this one.


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#36 Posted : 11/12/2009 5:44:18 AM

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That's classic that your experience took place at Blacks. I almost met my maker surfing blacks during one of the biggest swells of El Nino 97. I seriously thought that I was done for that day, but luckily made it through. maybe SWIM would have been better off if he had dosed. Cool He was certainly out of cosmic alignment that afternoon...
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