#1 Posted : 11/9/2009 5:46:28 AM

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so i woke up this morning with a straight-up CALLING from the elf kingdom..... i haven't felt this compelled to journey in recent memory. weather outside at 9am was beautiful- sunny but not hot, clouds like water-colored brush strokes across a deep pool of sky...i KNEW today would be a special day...

i started it off right you see- chocolate chip pancakes (high in theobromine and gluten free!). such a treat...i was in "pamper and nuture" mode... after eating i loaded up my brand new glass VG with about 3 solid breakthroughs worth of my spiced weed, grabbed a beach towel and headed out back to scale onto the roof of my garage...

the sun was on the rise and i faced it with a smile on my face. the beauty and the palpable warmth of the sacred life-giving star...i started giggling to myself in excitement.

not only were there NO nerves or trepidation....i honestly could NOT light up quick enough!

now....i could get carpel tunnel's syndrome talking about the indescribable beauty of that first breakthrough....but the purpose of THIS particular post is to share more than just that. you see, it was my intention to spend the lion's share of the day BEING IN HYPERSPACE. i wanted to experiment with spending a LOT of time on the OTHER side.

20 minutes after my initial breakthrough i went again. even deeper.

elephants....a world of mysteries....secret rooms shown to me by sneaky beings....all beautiful and impossible in their perfection....i'm strapped into a gyroscoping, rotating multi-hedron....seeing the inside of a machinery that is at once insect-hive AND technological....i know this place well....this place is me...i am as comfortable here as i am in my own skin back in that "other" dimension...

20 minutes later and i'm back.

into the house. eat an entire bar of raw cacao. wait an hour. reload VG to it's limit. i have at least 4 breakthroughs ahead of me....i'm off to the park. i have a liquid amber tree that loves me...the calling is still so strong..

they want to show me

over the course of about 2 hours i completely breakthrough 4 more times. i'm not back for more than a few minutes and i'm on the VG and back....i want to stay here for a while...

my next-to-last journey....the 5th of 6...i break through as deep as i ever have. i've had maybe 5 voyages this far in... it is a fine line i have crossed. the fine line between being the observer and being that which would be observed...i know the minute i take the pipe from my was a HUGE hit. i have an impressive lung capacity if i do say so myself...i'm a professional endurance athlete! this hit has taken the molecule into the deepest lobes of my lungs and i have just enough time to stuff the VG into my shorts and fall back into the grass...arms and legs spread like a mammalian starfish...

i am home again. i've been here forever. windows are before me in a sky as limitless as eternity. the face of a christ-like entitey peers through the window pane at me and it is my face now. i am racing towards the glass and my mind, in one of it's last moments of self-awareness, has a pang of fear regarding my trajectory and velocity...and then it's gone. all of it. i am that is. i am ALL that is. there is no longer time, self, fear of return/no return, understanding, desire....i am everything and i am forever.

my journey could have lasted a millenia or the 30 minutes my watch claims upon my arrival back. neither scenario seems more outlandish in any way.....this molecule is a friend to is a "preparation", my soul tells me.....a "rosetta stone" course for a language i will need to know at some point in the construct we call "the future"...

in total, i was gone for 3 hours. gone. as in....G.O.N.E.

the final journey was a breakthrough without question....i was actually a bit mentally fatigued from that massive voyage as i lit up the VG for the final time....i thought to myself as i sucked with all my might that the level of surrender i was at was the starting point of true wisdom...that what i would experience from that point on was pure wisdom-downloading from an intelligence beyond myself. i wanted to grow...i didn't mind being completely at the control of jurema...

the rest of the day has been spent meditating, feeding myself, playing music and saying 'THANK YOU' in my heart every 3 or 4 seconds. Smile

i'm going to sleep well now.....that was a serious day's work!


"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."

Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#2 Posted : 11/9/2009 6:04:59 AM

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Nice!Cool ...reading that makes me long for spice..been almost 2 weeksCrying or very sad..but lots of bark is due any day nowVery happy
Long live the unwoke.
#3 Posted : 11/9/2009 7:37:20 AM

The Root

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Always awesome to hear your experiences dude.
antrocles wrote:
...purity of intent....purity of execution....purity of experience...

...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".


‹Jorkest› the wall is impenetrable as far as i can tell

‹xtechre› cheese is great

He who packs ur capsules - controls your destiny.

#4 Posted : 11/9/2009 8:39:21 AM


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Neat post Very happy

It must have been truly something spending so much time in hyperspace.

I haven't taken spice for about a month or so,( awaiting new stock !).Eager for my next trip now...but all in good time Smile

"Love is life.All,everything that I understand,I understand only because I love."
#5 Posted : 11/9/2009 11:42:23 AM
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Seems for everything there is a consequence for excess. If you binge on rich food, you get morbidly obese. Drink too much, you become an alcoholic.

Antrocles, you remind me of one of these extreme sport people who risk their lives performing base jumping - only for you it is psychedelics. Don't you fear you are risking your life climbing on a roof to smoke this stuff - assuming there is no sitter with you? I've even read of you paddling in a sea kayak, in the middle of a bay, with Orcas swimming around, smoking DMT!

People who view you as a hero here will probably boo and hiss at me, but surely you are interested in alternate opinions? I don't view your exploits as very wise. Is not a beautiful day with a sober mind not satisfying to you?

#6 Posted : 11/9/2009 2:00:53 PM

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yes morphane....a beautiful day with a sober mind is QUITE satisfying to can read all about THOSE experiences at Wink

when i post HERE, however, you are most likely going to be reading about my adventures, experiences and insights with DMT. it's my gift to share with all of you and if it scares you and you feel more secure in your own skin by voicing your concern and disapproval of MY actions then, by all means, do so! i'm not being a smart-ass here at all....actually i am going to use this as a springboard for a much broader message to all.

i am extreme. anyone who's ever known me will affirm that. if "the group" was taking x amount of something...i would always be the guy to take 3x. i'm a professional athlete in an EXTREMELY aggressive sport...that's what i do. i have bungied, skydived, scuba'd, flown to the heart of the rainforest on a whim to lose all sense of self in an ayahuasca ceremony, taken impossibly massive doses of mushrooms during native american sweat lodge ceremonies, gone surfing in 15+ ft. surf on no less than 3 hits of STRONG LSD. SO many other mind-bending adventures...oh yes, and then there's the things i've shared with my family here at the nexus... Pleased

we are still "researching" this magical molecule and i have taken it upon myself to go to the far reaches so that folks such as yourself.....folks who simply WOULD NOT do such things....don't have to. oh yes, and because i truly in my heart enjoy doing so....i'm not holding onto the chair with a death-grip as i "ride out" these "extreme" explorations. i am in bliss at the facility with with i have grown capable of surrendering. i cannot help but feel that it is all contributing to a much greater good than even my mind, the mind that is directly doing the experiencing, can phathom.

...and fwiw- if you think I'M extreme....try PMing NOMAN and asking him about his 12-hour float tank work.... Shocked

much love to you Morphane. i am touched by your concern for me and my well-being. truly. do keep in mind, however, that i have been journeying for a long time and have a LOT of experience with spice. i did not START OFF my work with the molecule by doing a lot of the seemingly extreme locations...garage...kayak on the sound....etc... but the more i learn and grow and GROW COMFORTABLE with the way in which my particular expression of consciousness reacts to DMT, the less trepidation i have to do these things....and in all honesty....they have ALL been rewading beyond measure...HOPEFULLY, even for those simply READING about them.

the growth and evolution of one is the growth and evolution of us all. we ALL grow by the sharing of our respective experiences. if the whole of this nexus community were to, say, PM or post their displeasure at my "extreme" work with spice..perhaps i would take a more scrutinizing look at my approach.

but based on my relationships on this beautiful would appear that quite a few folks have gotten quite a bit out of my research. that's why i share it. Very happy

much LOVE to you my brother...

....and GRATITUDE!!
"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."
#7 Posted : 11/9/2009 3:33:43 PM

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with experience you will not fall off of anything. I can relate to the hard-core approach. When you know it pretty well you know what it takes for you to get where you want to go. Knowing yourself is a big part of it obviously.
I play a wind instrument professionally, needless to say my lung capacity is quite large once again I can relate.
I believe there is nothing wrong with going after the spice hard core once in a while. The responsibility comes with gratitude and also helping other people. It has potencial for the greater good of humanity I feel it strongly about this. Sometimes its just soooooooo good there is nothing on earth that compares.......its just love
The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke
#8 Posted : 11/9/2009 4:35:51 PM

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antrocles wrote:
gone surfing in 15+ ft. surf on no less than 3 hits of STRONG LSD.

..sounds fun! I used to really like surfing on mushrooms. I think alot of these things go together quite well actaully. I love skimboarding on mushrooms as too..and mountain biking on psychedelics is awesome! I used to smoke DMT alot up in this tree at the had a sort of open hand shape to it where all the branches forked and made a flat spot to lay in and then wrap up through my arms and legs locking me in..I was alwasy careful about doses though while smoking spice up in the treeWink

Long live the unwoke.
#9 Posted : 11/9/2009 4:38:32 PM

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I can think of much worse chemicals to use all day Smile

Surfing on LSD though... THAT must be a pretty damn fine experience. I can't surf... well I never tried, but if I could get my hands on some nice acid, I'd get up to all kinds of physical stuff. It makes me feel so physically well composed.

Why drink and drive when you can drop acid and surf eh?
#10 Posted : 11/9/2009 5:56:26 PM

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indeed! i was blessed to be born in a surfing town/ fact, my highschool had a varsity and junior varsity surf team that would compete against other high schools in the area! imagine if you will cruising through the halls of your old HS wearing your letterman's jacket with a SURFER on it! awesome! i competed a little after HS but quickly became disenchanted with creating competition in something so artisitc and soulful. the sport i do professionally now is much more cut and dry....race your nuts off as hard as you can and when the bell lap goes off, the first person to cross the finish line wins. simple. i can work with clear-set parameters like that...

something of note: i have pretty impressive CDO (it's like OCD, but it's in alphabetical order...just as it shoud be... Pleased ) so things that are kinda up to interpretation don't work so well for me when my paycheck is on the line. i feel that i am an immensely creative soul, but there is an insecurity or something that cannot risk my financial well-being on anything but definites....i did grow up very poor so maybe this has something to do with it....

but i digress...

i love this human form...and the fact that i have used/taken such good care/learned to have such facility with mine is a currency that cannot be measured. no money can buy the sensation of being healthy and to do ANYTHING your mind desires. health truly is the ultimate currency! i believe that having that aspect of the holy trinity (body, mind, spirit) buttoned up tight allows me to delve a little deeper into the remaining two.... my mind, as i have constantly proven to myself, is strong. and for me-in the case of the mind, "strength" equates to the ability to surrender...the ability to not allow pre-existing notions to negate new incoming information. the minute we state, "i know....", we are closing off the wonder of the universe. DMT has taught me this much. i believe that we all possess the enate wisdom of the universe and that it is more a case of "un-learning" that which has muddied our connection to this all-knowingness as opposed to something "out there" we need to acquire.

i've worked for a long time on cultivating this mental resilience....doing things like the ones i've described and written about.....and in many ways i feel that i am almost at a place where my mind and my body are on a par. that just leaves the spirit....and this is my life's work. anything that i feel is beneficial to this aspect of myself is going to be explored. completely. extremely if necessary....but for certain NEVER partially.

in the words of my dear departed father: "a job worth doing is worth doing well".

sorry for the rambler....though i suppose that last statement could sum up my response to you, Morphane my friend. Pleased

"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."
#11 Posted : 11/9/2009 6:09:05 PM


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blessed be ;][:
#12 Posted : 11/9/2009 6:20:33 PM


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Ultraviolet or infrared, live to the extreme, or just play dead!
Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

#13 Posted : 11/9/2009 8:33:06 PM

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antrocles wrote:

we are still "researching" this magical molecule and i have taken it upon myself to go to the far reaches so that folks such as yourself.....folks who simply WOULD NOT do such things....don't have to. oh yes, and because i truly in my heart enjoy doing so....i'm not holding onto the chair with a death-grip as i "ride out" these "extreme" explorations. i am in bliss at the facility with with i have grown capable of surrendering. i cannot help but feel that it is all contributing to a much greater good than even my mind, the mind that is directly doing the experiencing, can phathom.

Shocked Cool Very happy

I for one appreciate your dedication to the cause! I just love this quote!

Massive respect antrocles and thanks for such awe-inspiring work.

Peace Smile

acolon_5 wrote:
Welcome to club hypersex.

I've been there is amazing.

#14 Posted : 11/9/2009 8:51:13 PM

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in the case of the mind, "strength" equates to the ability to surrender...the ability to not allow pre-existing notions to negate new incoming information. the minute we state, "i know....", we are closing off the wonder of the universe. DMT has taught me this much.

Amen brother Cool
"Give enough that it feels good but not so much it hurts"
Life is not a task. There is absolutely nothing to attain except the realisation that there is absolutely nothing to attain.
What is sought remains hidden from the seeker by already being everything.

(Tony Parsons)
#15 Posted : 11/10/2009 2:19:29 AM

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Your report sparks the bliss spot in my heart. Gratitude.

"Within your heart is a lotus, and within this lotus is a diamond. This diamond is the source of creation, and in all the creation, there is only one lotus."

"Only from the Heart can you touch the sky." ~ Rumi
#16 Posted : 11/10/2009 5:59:12 AM

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brilliant. one of these becoming more and more comfortable with it...i feel that welcoming feeling i described when i think of my next time. much love brotha...

"wherever you go...there you are"
#17 Posted : 11/10/2009 6:06:33 AM

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so do you still surf antrocles? I love surfing and the ocean so much..hard to find a decent wave in vancouver but there are some hidden novelty spots real close by, and we even surf the windstorms a few days a month..I get over to vancouver island and washington/oregon as much as possible too, used to live on van island just to surf every day..other than that it's skimboarding.

I think surfing is like some sort of meditation with the earth..sort of like syncronising with the moon and tides, winds..everything all at once..when it all comes together you are just in the moment and it's so amazing.
Long live the unwoke.
#18 Posted : 11/10/2009 6:12:25 AM

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soulfood wrote:
I can think of much worse chemicals to use all day Smile

Surfing on LSD though... THAT must be a pretty damn fine experience. I can't surf... well I never tried, but if I could get my hands on some nice acid, I'd get up to all kinds of physical stuff. It makes me feel so physically well composed.

Why drink and drive when you can drop acid and surf eh?

I recomend you do go surfing if you live near the's not really so hard, not on the mellower a longboard one day and try it out..soo much fun and it's something that really connects you on an intimate level with nature.
Long live the unwoke.
#19 Posted : 11/10/2009 8:55:16 AM

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In all things, but with all our medicines especially, it's crucial to trust your intuition and listen more to your heart then your head and your preconceived notions of how the journey should unfold.

It's really just how the growing process works for most of us, you learn the fundamentals of any new experience, whether it's playing an instrument or working with a new plant spirit and once you've got a neuro-net foundation, you can start free styling, or letting go to the "rules" and intuiting whatever the next step is, especially with the type of work we all do, because there are very few road maps considering the infinite terrain.

Of course other people, like a co-worker of mine, won't go through a gradual process of learning basics and then expanding, they'll just dive into the deep end. I work in the health food field and I've seen this co-worker of mine get sick numerous times when trying out new products and new combinations of products. He's real extreme.

But it's real interesting to watch because not only will he learn about (for example) a new product experientially in a fraction of the time it would take someone else to learn through more conservative means, but he learns things that he would NEVER LEARN through a conservative approach (ie, what happens when you take 30-100 times the recommended dose of something).

It's these kinds of people, this very minute percent of the population that blaze a trail where no one else is even thinking about going, and their extreme experiences then set new standards and inspire new thought.

Brother Antrocles is most definitely one of our trail blazers.

So much love for you brother, thanks for posting!

: )

It is the ultimate irony that the cosmic intelligentsia of this grand illusionentsia is aware of itself and also of the aburdity of that fact. But that is all part of the joke that you are now getting. - Cosmic Comic Jokery
#20 Posted : 11/10/2009 3:15:01 PM

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Jingmaster wrote:
(ie, what happens when you take 30-100 times the recommended dose of something).

Sitting on your roof to watch the sunrise & smoke some DMT, really does not have any relation to taking "30-100 times the recommended dose of something".
That is actually dangerous to your pals physical & mental well being. And I'm gonna guess that he spends a lot of his "work" curled up in a ball wishing he was off work already, instead of getting the job done.Wink

You might ask him why he feels a normal heavy dose isn't enough....

All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
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