San Pedro: Powder and Acetate Options
#1 Posted : 7/24/2018 2:04:46 AM

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2nd experience with SP powder, about a month ago. At 0800 hours, having fasted the previous nine hours, ate 12g of powdered SP that I'd rolled into about eight balls (moistened with OJ), dusted with flour and downed with OJ. Ninety minutes later, ate a raspberry multi-grain cereal bar. At 1130, still no effects, ate a bowl of wheat cereal. 5-1/2 hours later, at 1300 hours, vomited - and again an hour later. The rest of the evening was spent with a low-grade fever (100.2), stomach discomfort and headache while immobilized on a chair. Finally got to bed at 0100 hrs the next day, slept until 0645 and awoke to diarrhea, twice. Imodium and back to bed until 1000 hours.

After that episode, I determined to use the 69ron d-limonene method and administer so as to avoid the stomach altogether - that's right, the southern route. Two fresh limonene pulls, with three 5% vinegar pulls each. I had good luck using a stir bar to agitate the vinegar/limonene for about 5 minutes (per 69ron) before transferring to a 500ml separatory funnel. I dried each of the two limonene pulls (of the three vinegar pulls) in separate glass dishes by fan over the course of a couple of days. Razor scraped and combined the two and chopped the resultant light tan, slightly waxy result. I'd let each of the limonene pulls stand for at least eight hours, and I actually tried a third pull (waste of limonene), but the fan dried result was almost non-existent, brown and gummy - discarded. The weight of the two pulls was 1.17g.

I'd run in multiple places that the rectal ROA had both a faster onset and increased effect, perhaps as much as 2 times. I intended to start with 75mg, but then changed to 125mg in a gel cap, actually a half cap, open on one end. I added a tiny amount of water based lubricant to the open end to keep it from falling out during insertion.

Bottom line, so to speak Wink was that aside from periodic slight abdominal discomfort, there was no appreciable effect. That is to say, no effect that I couldn't attribute to another cause. Administered at 1000 hours, coffee and light snack at noon, sandwich at 1300 hours.

Between numerous failed attempts with various ROAs of DMT (vaped with and without MAOI) and this, I'm not surprised none of this is habit-forming Confused

Being a glutton for punishment, I'll try 200mg swallowed in a cigarette paper next (with ginger tea) and hope for the best (reference). Eventually going to brew up some caapi/chacruna ala tregar and see what happens. You don't suppose I'm already naturally high?

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#2 Posted : 7/24/2018 2:53:54 AM

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You've got some guts to be eating raw cactus powder! Very happy

But don't feel too bad, this stuff happens all the time. If I were to guess, I'd say you may be dosing a bit on the low side for mescaline. It is always best to start low and build up from there...BUT... 125mg is barely a threshold dose for myself (I weigh about 165lbs, if that helps). I typically go for the range somewhere between 300-500mg+ for a solid experience. 300mg is as low as I'll go anymore, any less and it leaves me wishing I took more. Different strokes for different folks, of course!

I've had success in the past with San Pedro but my favorite is T. bridgesii. Very reliable and potent cacti! Give them a try if you ever get the chance!
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#3 Posted : 7/24/2018 5:00:54 AM

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Thanks for the advice. I've read conflicting reports on dosage in relation to body weight. Some (69ron) believe it's not relevant. On the other hand, I just found something interesting this evening (11.1.3 under, OTHER TOXICITY INFORMATION) that indicates a dosage of 5mg/kg to induce hallucinogenic effects. Of course that's pure mescaline. How much is contained, conservatively, in a d-limonene extraction that hasn't been washed, so-called full spectrum? For example, with a body weight of 100kg I'd need to take 500mg of pure mescaline, so how much more of the full spectrum, 1g+ ?
#4 Posted : 7/24/2018 2:21:59 PM

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Before these two experiences I'd only had Cactus Tea, which I've enjoyed greatly. I've never eaten powder, chips or resin because I'd heard reports of cramps and bad nausea.

I recently extracted some Bridgesii to full spectrum mescaline acetate, going STB and using lye, d-limonene and 5% vinegar. The result was brown and gummy but packed into capsules fairly easily and did not dissolve the caps. A 400 mg test dose got me tripping, but no real fireworks, consistent with ballpark description of about a 200 mg dose of more pure mescaline, or approximately 50% pure.

Next outing I packed a 00 sized capsule with 850 mg and prepared some of CosmicLion's Anti-Nausea Shots:

Long story short: Great Googledy Moogledy! This was a Banner Mescaline Ride for me. I was getting high at T+40 and was tripping in an hour. By T+3 hrs I was getting BIG RUSHES. Rushes that made everything in the room vibrate like a tuning fork, blurred my vision and jellied the scene. Felt like the house was being buzzed by fighter jets or a copter was landing on the roof.

Summary: No-name Bridgesii for the win! CosmicLion's Anti-Nausea shots I can highly recommend. The 400 mg test dose without the shots I was nauseated for 3 hours or so. It was uncomfortable and negatively impacted the experience. With the anti-nausea shot taken with the 850 mg dose I was only mildly nauseated for about an hour at first onset. Amazing difference!

I agree with TGO's recommendation on dosage. While caution is a good thing, and you could have a difficult experience on mescaline it is fairly forgiving as far as dosage goes. Lots of people end up saying "Wish I'd done more". If my most recent dosage was in the 400 - 500 mg range then that is my target from now on.

Hope this helps you in your mescquest. Very happy

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#5 Posted : 7/26/2018 8:10:48 PM

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Thanks for the info. If you don't mind my asking, what is your approx weight? I'm leaning toward 300-350mg dosage, same ROA but first dissolved and loaded into a hypo (needleless, of course). That with some ginger tea. I read (on a mushroom site, I think) that 3mg/kg is in the euphoria-only range, with 5mg/kg getting into the hallucinogenic.

That 850mg experience of yours, from the description it's hard to tell if that was a good thing. I gather it would have been difficult to interact with people at that intensity.
Cactus Man
#6 Posted : 7/26/2018 9:49:15 PM
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try 250-500mg of the acetate orally
#7 Posted : 7/26/2018 11:06:55 PM

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After losing a day to a nasty experience with powder, I'm reluctant. What is your experience with powder versus actetate? Do you tend to be unaffected as far as nausea/vomiting/abdominal pain?
#8 Posted : 7/27/2018 12:45:48 AM

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I weigh 83 kg. I've normally just had cactus tea and usually purge at about an hour and a half. Lately though I've been less likely to purge on tea. I think my body has become more tolerant of it. The purge actually feels liberating and seems to free me up to relax and enjoy the experience.

I agree with Cactus Man but if I were you I'd do 600mg of your mescaline acetate orally, and I'd prepare two of those anti-nausea shots. Full Spectrum mescaline is going to have lots of other alks besides mescaline, often 40% other alks or more. The dose I did was a heck of an experience and it did get pretty intense a few times. I wouldn't hesitate to do it again, maybe more next time. It was very rewarding.

CosmicLion's recipe is very effective at preventing nausea and I doubt I'll do any form of mescaline again without it. Take the first shot a few minutes before taking the mescaline and save a second one for later, if needed (I didn't).
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#9 Posted : 7/27/2018 3:06:48 AM

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I'll try the oral route with ginger & hope for the best.Very happy

Otherwise, am I missing something? According to Now (Foods) Health Group's Safety Data Sheets for their essential oils, none of those listed (except ginger) is intended for ingestion (don't induce vomiting, call doctor etc.):

#10 Posted : 7/29/2018 1:49:16 AM

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Yeeha! Ginger tea is my new cactus buddy Big grin

Started the day at 0800 by ingesting Mesc Acetate, 330mg in a gel cap with a small hole opened in one end - with water. Followed that 15 minutes later with ginger root tea, prepared by grating about 1 tablespoon of ginger root and steeping it in water just off the boil, for 10 minutes. Added a teaspoon of honey. 0900 short (2 mile) bike ride. 0930 yogurt with wheat germ and Stevia. 1000 hours, sat outside and pondered nature. Definitely nothing overwhelming, but colors were more vibrant with a slight body load. A bit of an edgy feel akin to acid. Found myself clenching my jaw now and then. After an hour passed, I arose and checked the clock to find it was only fifteen minutes. Yep something at work. 1045 had some oatmeal. At 1130 feeling generally good, but with a slight head swimming - on threshold of trippiness. Able to converse easily. Excess thoughts seem diminished. Another 2 mile bike ride at 1210. At about 1700 I'm thinking it's over, but then while grilling I noticed an errant firefly go straight into the grill. I felt empathy that suggested something still at work.

The head swimming and other extras in the experience lead me to believe I'll need to clean up the full spectrum if I expect to have a more pleasant encounter. Not sure I'd be a fan of a higher dose of this version.

Maybe I'll try the latest Gordotek dmt next week. More intense, shorter duration, less gastric stress. Hmmmm.
#11 Posted : 10/5/2018 4:14:28 PM

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homie you gotta fast, and not break your fast for hours (like 7-9) after ingestion to not short the mescaline circuitry. give it 12-18 hours fasting prior and then eat your powder/mesc/whatever. youll go way farther.

the difference between threshold and tripping in cactus powder is quite different. all powder reks ur belly tho, acetate is nicer that way but for big trips i go w tea, actually i skipped powder years ago for tea. much less belly rek

not sure where youre powder is from, but unless you make bridgesii powder, dont bother w powder

also homie using bridgesii knows whats up, though i felt 800 mg of bridgesii hcl cleaned w dry tone several times was where my real psychedelia began, i mean time dilation isnt really a thing till 650-700 mg, fully unstoppable entheogenesis at 1.5g (bridgesii alks)

separating bridgesii alks w dry ipa from hcl reveals theyre super dreamy and coma inducing w a fast onset and interesting effects noticable at the tail end of the experience

400-500 bridge acetate is powerful but not overwhelming,

all of it isnt easy on your belly.

you can always boof tea and find that its pretty easy on your belly and totally novel in its onset/ experience because of empty / un challenged stomach

ok, ramble out
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