entities and remembering Options
#1 Posted : 2/17/2008 2:44:49 PM
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Ok my friend has several questions & observations :

1) Entities

He says there is no doubt breakthrough is occuring as each experience is the most incredibly alien, beautiful, wonderful and strange experience he has ever had. Completely leaving this space, body, and mind to another unimaginable place. It felt to him like it would really be impossible to go further - you just couldn't.

However he hasn't really experienced the much described entities most talk about.

2) Memory

He only has sketchy memories of what occurs, only little snippets of something wonderfully impossible having happened. Is this usual that solid memory of the event slips away? He says he's pretty frustrated.

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#2 Posted : 2/17/2008 5:30:42 PM

The Enlightend One

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It does seem hard to hold on to the memory high doses have that effect El Ka Bong has a rue recipe that is supposed to help with that
Can you Imagine? From one single Idea everything appeared here.

Here in the Prime Creators universe all things are possible,because all things are possible many lessons are learned.

None Of This Is Real!
El Ka Bong
#3 Posted : 2/17/2008 8:49:48 PM

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... hmm .. well, I say just keep doing it ! When the time is right to launch again, if it's not just the dose, x set x setting that makes a difference, you'll certainly find you version of 'entities'. They show up as another part of you .. it's all you and the freaking infinate ocean of imagination we all have !

The extract of 3.5 g Syrian Rue seed really improves one's ability to recollect the whole experience - try that for sure !

But memory improves with just going back there, or by afterwards doing anything you'd do to remember dreams (tape it , write it or draw it)

For me the first entities I came across were kids - robed 3 or 5 year old sized 'ninyos' ... when they did show up, they clustered around me always offering reassurance to not be scared, and there was a 'maternal' overseer there too, in the background. I once whizzed around the playpen, 'got out' even and I recall the 'maternal' bigger prescence always followed me...

This was the 'early days' when I too first thought "so what about the 'entities'.." after not discvering anything specific. However after figuring out how to smoke a full hit, and pracicing with getting 'ready', it was older kids that appeared and these kids out-stretched their hands and gave me 'toys' - those crazy spinning, sparkling, dribbling light-eggs ! Then these toys in later trips became the 'hats' on the kids ... like a psychedelic prayer-wheel Shriner's hats ! tassles of sparkling light ... I called this place the "playpen" ... I think that was a Terrence McKenna term that perfectly fit this experience...

With repaet launches (once or twice a week) a kind of memory lasted ... like lucid dream but I was NOT in control, or hardly it seemed. I just recalled more of what happened each time - a theme sort of devloped.

Now, as far as my memory goes, this sequence from about Jan- Mar 2006 eventually climaxed in this one trip, and it FREAKED me out to recently read a You-Tube report of EXACTLY THE SAME THING ! But it was the culmination of my entity experiences, all one build up to this.

I soon discovered that the walls of the multicoloured Playpen, where I was meeting the 'kids' with toys and 'hats', was actually the luminescent skin of a HUGE, slowly moving serpent ! I was inside her or she had coiled around 'me' .. It was a Mother Serpent..! who finally introduced herself as the one behind it all ! I recall how she split-off from the vision of a room, and a 'head' or front end was facing me, with a mouth and a flicking tongue but communication was 'via telepathy' ... not oral/verbal ...

This was when She proceeded to 'probe' me with the tongue - probed my brain from above me... .. I thought - "this is Brainlingus !" It was gorgeously sensuous and psychedelically visionary beyond belief ... How the heck did I come up with that one ?!

It all seemed to be an orchestrated 'story' of some massive, non-human loving-beyond-beleif, intelligence trying to show me that there is a non-physical reality, populated by big and small ... ' things' like the toys were as alive as the kids, big and small and on and on ... .>!? But it first appeared in a form that was as non-threatening as possible - ie 'kids' ... !

.. It was then that she swallowed me whole, I was 'eaten' head first, 'from above' ... This was how I 'popped' back through the veil - being eaten by a mouth way bigger than me !... with a marvelous afterglow of being Brainlingused and swallowed whole, by the most massive, loving and creative intelligence I could ever have imagined ...

And perhaps that is all it is ! We could simply call it "imagination" ... Practice with it ! It's a two-way process ... it listens, you listen, you ask, it asks, you answer, it answers... I can't recall what I did next .. opened my eyes, laughed when I realize I just 'came back' ... and there were 'entities' all right ! .> !

Sometimes they have no faces and keep in the perifery, as though you're imagining an audience. Entites can squeeze out like toothpaste for no reason at all, from inbetween the weave - all the older kids I 'saw' stepped out of the walls, wearing the wall's coloured fabic as a robe..! Once I recall the walls squeezed out armadillos with human heads wearing those light-dribbling Shriner's Hats..!

So what is the bigger variable at play to make it be 'entity-ful' ..? Who knows..? It could be your biochemical head-space ('set'Pleased, the angle of teh sun, or just how many mg you got through your blood brain barrier that makes the trip 'go somewhere'. Alot of it is 'practice', or frequent enough use to figure out (dose X set X setting).
Infinite I
#4 Posted : 2/17/2008 9:03:54 PM


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Hey el-kabong you say that you think that these things are all you and your imagination yes?? You also say you think there is a non-physical reality so do you think your creating this non physical reality and it wouldnt exist without your imagination? I personally beleive these places exist literally with or without imagination.
#5 Posted : 2/18/2008 12:27:22 AM

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I personally beleive these places exist literally with or without imagination.

Do you think place visited in dreams 'really' exist ? What may makes you think that those entities have an independant 'life' ? My friend rarely saw entities althougth it happened. It also happened in sub-breaktrough states that he saw 'real' places and people, I mean things totally realistic and 'stable' like if he would see a webcam display (highdef Pleased) but there is no way to proof that theses people exist... nor any way to proof the opposite yet Rolling eyes
#6 Posted : 2/18/2008 1:27:19 AM
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El Ka Bong wrote:
... hmm .. well, I say just keep doing it ! When the time is right to launch again, if it's not just the dose, x set x setting that makes a difference, you'll certainly find you version of 'entities'. They show up as another part of you .. it's all you and the freaking infinate ocean of imagination we all have !

It is astounding that your mind can create something like this. It is unbelievable really.

El Ka Bong wrote:
With repaet launches (once or twice a week) a kind of memory lasted ... like lucid dream but I was NOT in control, or hardly it seemed. I just recalled more of what happened each time - a theme sort of devloped.

Ok talking further to my buddy he says he can feel this happening. He feels each visit at the start is accompanied with feelings of having done this before. He only retains little bits of memory during the journey sadly.

All the memories are composed of strongly visual and emotional components - it's like they are combined. It's like they have to go together to be remembered properly, and they remain very intangible and fleeting (yet wonderful and strange).

It oddly reminds him of a series of 3-4 dreams he had as a child that were indescribably strange and had the same highly visual/emotional intertwining.

Could this be a case for endogenous DMT release while dreaming? It seems many children have intense dreams (or nightmares becasue of the intensity), and it could be a result of their growing bodies occasionally making too much DMT during dreamtime? The odd emotional component was very much the same to him.

El Ka Bong wrote:
And perhaps that is all it is ! We could simply call it "imagination" ... Practice with it ! It's a two-way process ... it listens, you listen, you ask, it asks, you answer, it answers... I can't recall what I did next .. opened my eyes, laughed when I realize I just 'came back' ... and there were 'entities' all right ! .> !

So what is the bigger variable at play to make it be 'entity-ful' ..? Who knows..? It could be your biochemical head-space ('set'Pleased, the angle of teh sun, or just how many mg you got through your blood brain barrier that makes the trip 'go somewhere'. Alot of it is 'practice', or frequent enough use to figure out (dose X set X setting).

Yes it sort of staring to feel this way to my friend ... it's like he is realizing there is no limit to what can happen during these voyages. He was grinning almost laughing uncontrollaby awaking from his last journey at how fantastic it all seemed.

On an aside, i still don't know why modern science isn't researching something this astounding.
Infinite I
#7 Posted : 2/18/2008 5:17:59 PM


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Garulfo wrote:
I personally beleive these places exist literally with or without imagination.

Do you think place visited in dreams 'really' exist ? What may makes you think that those entities have an independant 'life' ? My friend rarely saw entities althougth it happened. It also happened in sub-breaktrough states that he saw 'real' places and people, I mean things totally realistic and 'stable' like if he would see a webcam display (highdef Pleased) but there is no way to proof that theses people exist... nor any way to proof the opposite yet Rolling eyes

I think the places in your dreams are created by your imagination though I think you can travel the astral while dreaming and I also think that entities can enter your dreams, think you just have to remember that its your dream and you created it and your in charge know that sounds quite contradictory but its what Ive come to beleive. Ive been convinced of aliens other dimensions and multiverses well before I discovereed the spice, and after some experiences it doesnt seem so ridiculous that these aliens are independent of me and im actually going to visit them, the spice totally convinced me of aliens, I didnt even expect it to happen, I didnt know much bout it, only heard bout terrence mckennas elves then your meeting these aliens!! Shocked
#8 Posted : 2/25/2008 12:14:40 AM
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Iā€™ve experienced Terranceā€™s machine elves and I want to direct others who have experienced them also to think about their punster qualities that Terrance brought up in one of his lectures. Rick Straussman and Terrance meantioned this, and the elves communicate to me in a very personal way using psychedelic super-puns as they transform faster than I can think. In fact, one can also sense what a pun it is for those who have had extra-terrestrial-inside-the-saucer-ship experiences and the resistance those people encounter upon telling their story to others who have not had DMT-elf contact. ā€œSo, your now telling us youā€™ve contacted aliens, little green men is it? And you were probed inside the saucer, really???ā€ As so often with suchness experiences/learning sessions there is a lock that one goes thru as we ENTER (we give up our past imprint/ego) and a lock as we go OUT or reenter game realiy(our conscious minds know what we learned, but canā€™t really translate into linear-word type talking communication). So this is the ā€œpunsterā€™s lockā€ by having a culturally kooky association with saucers and ā€œlittle green menā€/elves already in place to keep out those who shouldnā€™t be woken up yet (shuuush!!! donā€™t speak too loudly, youā€™ll wake the children).

El Ka Bong
#9 Posted : 2/25/2008 6:59:51 AM

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The imagination seems like such a taken-for-granted thing, but it's a virtue we have, an interface in our wet-ware to the unconscious, 'The Other' - everything dreams are ! It's the punster-lock weaver that doesn't need words or a language.

We wake up everyday to feed, hydrate, and breed the body, and blot most of the imagination out with words, and tie it up in every bit of language we have. Didn't Huxley call it 'making ice-cubes out of a river'..?

When we are sleep-walking-awake, we forget there is a continuum on which everythng exists - everything imaginable and everythng sensed is all part of one huge, multidimensional, timeless universe of the same stuff.

Terrence McKenna said this - from Real Hallucinations, P.112.

"The Other plays with us and approaches us through the imagination and then a critical juncture is reached. To go beyond this juncture requires abandonment of old and engrained patterns of thinking and seeing. At that moment the world turns lazily inside out and what was hidden is revealed: a magical modality, a different mental landscape than one has ever known, and the landscape becomes real. This is the realm of the cosmic giggle. UFOs, elves, and the teeming pantheons of all religions are the denizens of this previously invisible landscape. One reaches through to the continents and the oceans of the imagination, worlds able to sustain anyone who will play, and then one lets the play deepen and deepen until it is a reality that few would even dare to entertain."

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