VG VaporGenie: How to use, where to get, advantages, etc Options
#881 Posted : 2/21/2018 11:24:44 PM

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protostar wrote:
This thing, along with the GVG, is such a gimmick it's ridiculous, and the fact that people spend a lot of money buying these things because of marketing, is even more absurd.
It's quite easy to vaporize pretty much anything in a standard oil burner pipe (aka meth pipe) with a torch lighter.
And it's even easier to make a 1:1 leaf to DMT smoking blend and smoke it with a regular lighter and regular pipe.
Seeing everyone giving into this marketing gimmick annoys me, because I figured that on a website like this, people would be more intelligent.
I successfully vaporized a five milligram dose of 5-meo-dmt from my oil burner pipe rather easily my very first time using it, and there was no wastage whatsoever.
On the contrary, there is still some residual material left in the pipe which can be used later.

personally i think that depends on your preference and skill
i can almost count the amount of times i have smoked dmt as i like to take time the have things settle in. because of this i was not able to reach that skill level with a oil burner pipe.
i certainly do believe it is possible to have almost tasteless vapor with the oil burner but i could not do it. because of this i prefer the GVG as it enables me to have almost tasteless perfect DMT vapor any time

also i have to admit the astetics of it are way more beautiful than a crack pipe.
in the sense that i practice smoking DMT as a small ritual to prepare myself mentaly i would take a GVG over a crack pipe any day.

a good torch lighter does not have problems with having more then 60s of flame, i have never seen mine fail, and i have used it to start charcoal.
also in between tokes it has some time to cool off

a single copper mesh is not enough, you could try a liquid pad or steel wool (just make sure to burn of access metal before using it in your pipe - somewhere in this thread there should be people explaining this in more detail)


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#882 Posted : 2/22/2018 7:44:47 AM

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BGTM236 wrote:

Its really not that tricky and the glass vg makes it so easy to clear a 50mg dose in one hit.

The absolute most important thing to do is to get a quality torch lighter. The ones in the 10-20 dollar range are a crap shoot to weather you will get one that always lights and will hold its flame. Spend the extra 20 bucks and get one that wont fail you.

Ive tried the leaf bed and ash bed methods. I think the easiest way is to just drop 6-8 screens down and do it straight. You can alter your trip with some different plants, but I recommend going with just dmt to start.

After you load your dose, get everything set up. Have your music ready if youre not blasting off in silence, be sitting on the edge of your bed or in a chair or couch. You will only have a few seconds of knowing anything after youve cleared 50mg.

Melt the dmt onto the screen then pull off. This will take about 2-4 seconds, it will allow the dmt to vaporize more quickly when you take your first hit.

Set the pipe down and take a few strong deep breaths. I like to take sips of ice water in the middle of each breath because while the vapor is nothing compared to other methods, it can still get a little hot. Then take a few very deep breaths and on the last one exhale almost all of the air out of your lungs and be prepared to inhale.

Start with the flame a few cm above the tip and adjust as you go. start inhaling very slowly, you may find that you want to inhale harder and faster to get more air, just inhale a short burst of air with your nose while keeping your mouth on the pipe. You will see thick white clouds of vapor being pulled down. Eventually, as youve inhaled the entire dose, the pipe will turn clear. At that point, i lay off the flame and continue inhaling until i cant. Set the pipe and the lighter down and start counting. I try to count to 20, but i typically never get past 5 because i cant remember how to count and i start to lose any sense of reality.

antrocles wrote:

BGT's method looks solid. i only use a GVG and have for some time now....i have two main ways of starting my conversations.

let me begin by saying that i have 6 screens in my VG always...i also have a $60 pipe torch that is one of my most prized possessions ... grappling with a lighter that is failing, inconsistently working during an attempted journey....while all the while trying to remain "empty and open" is not fun and it only takes one of these frustrating experiences to make you never want to go through it again. it seems expensive now, but your pipe and your lighter are essentially your "keys" to the holiest temple you can dream of being in. drop the money....even if you have to fast for a the end, it is BEYOND worth it. Stop Stop

1. put a couple scoops of strong changa in there, keep the torch flame just above the ceramic element, breathe deep and steady into your abdomen, watch the beautiful glass pipe fill with pure white magic, let off the flame when your lungs are 3/4 full and use the remaining 1/4 lung capacity to clear the pipe out entirely. hold as long as you can. be reborn.

2. if i want a pure spice journey, i simply lay a bed of dried peppermint leaf down and sprinkle the spice on top. sometimes i use lavender. sometimes mullein. one of these three as they are all so very soothing to the lungs/throat and have no psychoactive properties to color the journey in any way. personally, i find that peppermint is my most common go-to although if i have the time i'll put a little of each in my grinder and make a little "bed blend". same technique as above only- since you can see through the GVG, i like to take a shallow, small inhale with the torch applied to "pre-melt" my spice into the leaf. then i stop, take a couple deep breaths , blow my last one out completely and THEN take my full dose. much like BGT described.

another thing to remember with your GVG- clean it often with 99% ISP or acetone and evap your "cleanings" on a little glass dish. there's always some VERY active oxide residue that you can add to another load down the road. waste not, want not... Pleased

enjoy your GVG brother! it's simply the best tool for the job out there.....if you wind up spending $150-$175 for it and a high-quality lighter, trust will pay for itself over the years.....this setup will last forever and only be dearer and more "powerful" as time and collective journeys go on....


Now, given Anthony himself confirmed that method as good, and he is one of the most experienced DMT users I've ever come across, I think it's safe to follow that method. Smile

Safe travels, my friend.


#883 Posted : 2/23/2018 8:23:52 PM

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Im really greatfull for the help. I decided to move to GVG but it will take some time before i get cash for it. I will spend the time for meditation and self improvement. Don't want to stress more with bad technique using VG and waste my precious crystals.
#884 Posted : 2/24/2018 1:04:41 PM

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swimer wrote:
Im really greatfull for the help. I decided to move to GVG but it will take some time before i get cash for it. I will spend the time for meditation and self improvement. Don't want to stress more with bad technique using VG and waste my precious crystals.

some one did an amazing topic that will help you a lot. Link below.
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#885 Posted : 3/1/2018 8:56:00 AM

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protostar wrote:
I have a few questions for whomever would like to answer please.
1.) Can, or should, the GVG be used with a micro-torch lighter (the small ones which you just push down on a button and a hot blue flame comes roaring upwards)?
2.) Can the GVG be used with a regular bic lighter as well, and if so, which one would be better?
3.) Does the GVG require lots of maintenance, such as taking every piece apart and cleaning them individually?
4.) Is it possible to screw up in using the GVG where the metal screen inside accidentally gets burned, and if so, what would one do to fix this situation?
5.) Can 5-meo-dmt be vaporized from the GVG?
6.) Can enhanced-leaf blends be vaporized from the GVG?
7.) Can shatter be vaporized from the GVG?
8.) If using more than one substance, does the GVG need to be cleaned between switching different substances?
9.) How many times can the same substance be vaporized from the GVG before having to clean everything?
10.) Can the Glass Bat by Vapor Genie be used as an effective means of vaporizing tryptamines?
Thanks and have a great day

i can try to answer some of thos.

1. i think a micro-torch will not work well, as they tend to not hold the flame long enough. you want consistency and reliability. so a proper torch lighter that can hold the flame for a longer time should help

2. yes they can, but the results may not be as good as with a torch, (but that is not true for all people, i have known GVG users who only use Bic lighters, but it is more difficult to do)

3. yes it requires maintenance, but i do not think it is a lot, it only has a couple of party (main body, the cap with the stone and a screen + liquid pad) - i rinse mine in acetone and let it dry afterwards. i do this every time i use it since i have often weeks in between use, but if you use it regularly i think every couple of uses a quick cleaning is sufficient. also cleaning out the liquid pad makes sure the dose for the next trip is correct, you never know how much is still in there

4. have never heard of anyone burning something inside the GVG. the top part can get quite hot but the flame should never hit the stone directly so i do not think you can burn the metal inside unless you really overdo

5. i have not tried this, but i think it should work

6. changa can be smoked in the GVG so i am pretty sure enhanced leave can

7. never tried it, but i would think so, maybe with multiple screens or a liquid pad underneath.

8. i would defensively clean in between substances, i sometimes smoke weed in my GVG and afterwards dmt, this way it is fine, but i would not do it the other way around without cleaning it before

9. see 3.

10. i have no idea

i hope this helps you

#886 Posted : 5/30/2018 4:23:23 PM

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so i bought GVG and now im testing it. After 5 tries i still cant get it work unfortunetly. After i load 25-30 into GVG i never had "cloud" effect in my pipe. Yes i get the vapor but its less intense then i would expect it to be. My way how i do it:

I put torch lighter on the pad and wait couple of sec so it drops from temperature a bit. Then i put white powder on it so it melts inside. After this i put the pad inside my GVG so it lays on the screen. Then i put the part with ceramic filter on and start the job.
With 25 i could only go as far as fractal part but never to total uncounciess state. I can always open my eyes and feel a little like lsd. Fractal are not to intensive so i know im doing something wrong.
I have torch lighter but maybe its not giving enought temperature as i never had my ceramic filter "red". Also my pad that i made from cooper wool might be the problem? I made the size like on the pictures from this thread so its not to big or to thick I just dont know if it should block whole radius of the pipe or it can just lay on the screen and have free space on side of it.
When i start smoking i always first put my torch lighter on the ceramic to heat it and after 5 sec im starting to slowly inhale while the lighter goes a little higher. With time im starting to feel the taste or just the vapor on lungs but the gvg is moestly clean not much milk there.. Im going through screen changes, lighter doubts also my ceramic filter has some free space on the bottom under were this "ring" is and not sure if it should look like this. Realy confused right now guys
#887 Posted : 5/30/2018 5:49:34 PM

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swimer wrote:

I put torch lighter on the pad and wait couple of sec so it drops from temperature a bit. Then i put white powder on it so it melts inside.

when you do this, does smoke come of the pad/dmt?

how long do you pre-heat the pad?
#888 Posted : 5/30/2018 6:20:02 PM

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i have heated it until it got red then waited a couple o sec and put spice on it. One time smoke came up so i was aware it got to hot so thats why i wait now.
Im starting to think that my lighter is not hot enought. Should the ceramic filter turn red when i apply torch lighter on it (without inhaling) ?

Edit: Adding images:

Top of GVG look good

Bottom just under this small ring thing has some free space i was talking about. Wondering if its not breaking the whole convection process

As you can see the wool fits the whole radius of pipe but its not to thick (only takes the first part of the pipe so i thick its correct).

Last thing how my pipe looks now after 5 tries and 4-5 hours since then (its very hot outside).
#889 Posted : 5/30/2018 8:47:57 PM

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is there an alternative to the ceramic flavor disk? i found a shop to sell the gvg in europe, but i can not find a shop to sell the discs
#890 Posted : 5/30/2018 9:53:41 PM

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FYI my site got a discount for the Ryot Case + GVG

They offered it for 159 with pipe I think. Just email support they should still honor it.
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#891 Posted : 5/31/2018 8:24:06 AM

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it is hard to tell but i think the pre-heating you do is way to much.
the way i do it is, put the dmt on the liquid pad or in your case the wool and then use a torch lighter to heat it up so it melts into the wool. start with the torch far away and very slowly get closer to the dmt so it can easily melt, you should see hardly any smoke come off.
#892 Posted : 5/31/2018 10:16:15 AM

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I was sure that there will be a cloud visible when smoking it but from what you say the vapor is transaprent so this seems alright. Also i have been starting from preheating the ceramic filter with circle motion and then started to slowly inhale with adding the flame close to it (the longer i had the toke i was putting my fire away). From what you say seems i should do the opposite so will try this also.
#893 Posted : 5/31/2018 1:58:24 PM

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swimer wrote:
I was sure that there will be a cloud visible when smoking it but from what you say the vapor is transaprent so this seems alright. Also i have been starting from preheating the ceramic filter with circle motion and then started to slowly inhale with adding the flame close to it (the longer i had the toke i was putting my fire away). From what you say seems i should do the opposite so will try this also.

i am not sure if i got this right, did you pre-heat the ceramic filter in the top of the GVG or did you pre-heat the steel wool?

when inhaling you can hardly see any vapor, for me it only builds up in the pipe when i do not inhale - in between tokes.
when you exhale you should see some vapor, but it is not that much.

#894 Posted : 6/1/2018 2:55:16 PM

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So i first put the liquid pad/wool on my desk and heat it. When it turned red i waitend a moment and put spice on it so it melted inside. Then i was putting the pad inside GVG and closing it with the top part. When i was starting to smoke i first put a circular motion with my jet lighter around the ceramic filter to heat it a little. After a couple of seconds i was taking my lighter a little more away (not to far though) and started inhaling.
#895 Posted : 6/2/2018 8:57:29 AM

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next time try to not preheat the pad/wool, what i do is put a little dmt on it. then with a torch flame from far away slowly get closer to it until the dmt melts. you can also do this while the pad is already inside the GVG. be carefull not to get to close. when done right you will not see any smoke come off the pad/wool.

next pre-heat the top part. it does not have to be much, just a little. only put the top part on moments before you start smoking the pipe.

#896 Posted : 6/4/2018 1:49:59 AM

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thank you for this i will try it today and give report. Can you just tell me one more thing does you GVG also has this hole/space as show on image? Im not sure if this is manufacture issue or it should be like this. I dont have this in my classic VG. From top site everything looks good but as you can see in bottom there is some free space.

#897 Posted : 6/4/2018 10:33:27 AM

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mine does not have this space.
but i am sure this should not be a problem
#898 Posted : 6/4/2018 10:43:05 AM

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dis thing is NAIS!
no gap in mine neither
#899 Posted : 6/4/2018 10:14:21 PM

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I contacted them and will get new part as this was wrongly cut. Also producer sugested that is not fault of the part but because i kept flame to close now there is problem with air flow. Not sure what to think about it because i used torch lighter which was suggested for GVG and that it actually CAN touch ceramics but need to be avoided when using normal zip lighter. Thx again for help we gonna see how its gonna end with new part.


From my point of view enteties don't want me to rush things and want to go slow on breakthrough thing.. it's already almost year since my first experience with dimitri. Since then i moved from pipe to VG now to GVG. Every time there is something that makes it longer wait (lost package, wrong part, bad extraction the list go on and on). From those experiences i really started to understand what You all ment by saying having respect to it as a divine thing, that everything will come naturally sooner or later. Thank you one more time guys im new here but apreciating this place very much.
enki - tiamat
#900 Posted : 6/17/2018 8:41:07 PM
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Hello, i want buy ayahuasca but i d'ont know if it's legal in MOROCCO,
any help! how to get it safely to my house ?
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