This thread was created so as not to fill Ice House's thread with off-topic banter. Yes, I'm resurrecting this thread! I want to thank "Ice House" as his eloquently-worded thread is what compelled me to attempt this particular ROA. I know he hasn't been around for a while, but gratitude is still in order. ...Thank you
Ice House!Preface:I, like many others, have had very limited success with vaping DMT. Obtaining the required synchronicity of everything involved to administer a full measured dose of DMT via vaping is very difficult. I know some of you seem to have no problem with this at all, and well...
good for you! However, for the rest of us "truth explorers" who struggle making vaped DMT work, this nasal insufflation is a viable alternative. I will address this in my summary.
Experiment:Dose: 110mgs freebase DMT (no MAOI)
ROA: Nasal Ininsufflation
Music: Yes, "Liquid Mind" (Awakening)
(Link)Duration: 45 minutes (last 10 was a taper-off)
ROA Pain: Intense nasal burning which was soon lost within the experience. Post-experience pain was very noticeable, constant burning and extensive nasal discharge. I also have a mild headache and my right eye has turned watery and pink. This ROA is not for the
faint of heart, I assure you!
On rating this experience, please note that I have a pretty extensive background in psychedelic experiences which have profoundly revolutionized my art style. I don't
"tip my hat" to just any new psychogenic compount unless I am literally knocked flat on my ass. I've been to the dance, my friends. So even though my rating for this particular DMT experience may seem low, it's only because I know what is possible and how much more lies beyond the curtain.
Trip Rating: (0/10 being a "total waste" and 10/10 being "beyond all understanding" )
Prior Failed Vape Methods: 3/10
Nasal Insufflation Method: 6.5/10 to 7/10*
Trip Review:At exactly 10:00 pm, 110mgs of finely powdered DMT was, well, ..."snorted."
Let's just call it what it is, folks! I immediately experienced a very intense burning sensation similar to what a blast of pepper spray might be from an angry ex-wife. The pain tapered off over the next few minutes. I became
concerned that this method would produce lackluster results as with my prior vaping attempts, but this was far from the truth. After just a few minutes passed I could feel the onslaught of the "familiar" DMT effects kicking in, I knew at least "something" was going to happen. As the intensity increased, I began to wonder if I had maybe done too much?
Within 10 minutes I was completely gone!"Nasal Insufflation" (snorting) seems to produce a more
gradual entrance into the DMT universe rather than the cold, antiseptic
"slap in the face" vape method. I could feel the effects growing slowly and I had enough time to recognize and react to what was going on. Visuals were
extremely intense and far more "all encompassing" than the "movie screen" type of effects I felt when vaping. I felt more like an
active participant rather than merely an
observer. However, vaped DMT's visuals seemed more graceful, intricate and more clearly defined. Possibly because I was more of an "observer" and therefore focused more on the visuals?
...Who really knows?I soon found myself lost and alone, deep within my internal solitude. I verbally
cried out loud (still with headphones on) pleading for whatever it is that lies beyond the abyss to make its presence known to me. There were no "audible voices" that spoke back to me, but I definitely sensed the presence of "intellect" that was completely separate from me. This I will concede (and that's big!). I kept pushing and pushing for verification of what it was, but it simply would not offer me 100% confirmation. I know many of you know exactly what I'm talking about. "99.9% sure" is tantamount to "I cannot say for sure" in this regard.
I'm not going to tell you that I encountered God until I know for a fact that I've encountered God. ...That's my #1 rule on this issue!
The fullest depths of my internal despair, my most poetic expression of spiritual suffering and the surrendering of all that I am was fully received by this "intelligence" and I clearly felt its comforting presence ...but it simply
refused to offer me 100% assurance of what I was looking for. An analogy would be like a child on a swing that feels his father's hands pushing him forward each time even though he doesn't "see" his father doing it. Each time the child returns back, he wonders if his father's hands will
still be there to push him forward yet another time.
I did see many interesting "characters" (what some may call "entities" ) and even the little gray aliens many speak of, but in no way did I feel that these characters were alive or sentient. They seemed more like my own emotions anthropomorphized into creatively-strange cartoon-like forms. They would peek out at me with their "beady little eyes" while morphing in and out of ornate structures. Some attempted to conjure up fear within me with their frightful facial expressions, but they really didn't interest me at all. I was after the "big prize" if you know what I mean? To me, these funny little "entities" were just the paparazzi.
I could very easily see how someone might consider this a 100% solid "breakthrough experience" because it was indeed, a truly overwhelming and life changing event for me. For the many who have not journeyed very deeply into what one's own self-aware existence actually represents, this experience would have been literally a God-send and shattered them to their very core. As for me, much of what I experienced was also unprecedented and totally bewildering to the point where I was deeply humbled, yet I know there
still remains some uncharted wilderness that requires further exploration. I know there's more to this story and I intend to find out what the hell it is!
Because I can close out my experience feeling this way, then I know my "personal breakthrough level" has not been achieved. However, for anyone out there who is struggling to experience what so many others seem to be able to experience with DMT, then this is your ticket to that knowledge. If you are only getting
"so far" and are questioning what all the "hoopla" is regarding DMT, then you need to just
grow a set and shove it right up your nose. This is tantamount to a "blunt force trauma" ROA method, but you will
at least walk away knowing the potential that DMT actually possesses. ...It's definitely worth the pain in that regard!
Summary:You probably won't want to ever use this ROA method ever again, but it will still be worth the suffering just to "know" what is possible with DMT. You will "know" how far you can reach and also realize how short you had come with your "failed vaping attempts." It's not "you" or the DMT that's the problem. You're just not getting enough of it in you. BTW: I have already gone through an entire roll of paper towels blowing snot out my nose during this post, but the knowledge I have gained was absolutely worth it. What I "needed" to know about DMT I now know.
The next step will be exceeding this new benchmark in a more
user-friendly manner.
* (regarding the 6.5/10 to 7/10 trip rating): I'm not sure if the "agony" form the DMT being shoved up my nose may have adversely affected my experience? When you're in a psychedelic state like this, "pain" often takes on other forms (like demons and evil-looking imagery). Sometimes you no longer recognize it as pain, yet it's still affecting you anyway. I wonder if "no pain" might have produced a higher experience rating?
"You going to pull those pistols or whistle Dixie?"