A few conflicting issues Options
#1 Posted : 11/1/2009 12:49:12 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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SWIM is having a few interesting effects that would be very grateful if someone could shed some light on. He'll get straight to the point

He seems to have made peace with his body for now (he isn't worried about breathing so much)
He also seems to be generally more comfortable with the intense power of this medicine

First, he had the sudden feeling that he shouldn't be where he was. As soon as he arrived in the room he felt like he shouldn't be there. Anyone relate to this?
Second, he is sent to the exact same place as previous experiences, anyone relate to this?
Third, there is always a female being simply observing him, she always appears in the top right area of his "vision"...He's sure you understand why he can't explain that better Razz
He sees the same colour patterns as well, he can't remember it fully but when he's "under" he gets the feeling it's the same as before. A very strong feeling of deja-vu.

The main theme of the trip is this:
Opens up as a black + white hallway with a being waiting for him. Next he's in a room with a pedestal and some 4D object rotating in front of him. Next he notices a female being watching him, no attempt to contact. The only thing different this time was that he suddenly found himself in an empty classroom. The being is sitting in the audience chair, just watching him at the front. The trip always seems to get cut short for some reason, 1 half of the trip is this room, the other half is just beautiful colours and visuals.

Dose: ~ 40mg weighed by proper scale
Method: water bong, parsley then spice, then more parsley

He always seems to get most of the dmt in 1 hit. However, he was told by his doctor that he has very big lungs. He tries his best to take a second hit but by the time he uses the lighter he's halfway out of his body. He did clear the bong however.
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#2 Posted : 11/1/2009 1:06:43 AM

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Sounds like DMT to me Smile good job on your extraction.

I find that I am always in contact with a female entity. However, my trips have progressed similar to a story. In one of my first trips, I saw energy come out of my girlfriend and I and become one being of energy, no body. The following trip, my girlfriend was giving birth to this entity, I was in the delivery room. The next, there was a baby entity waiting for me. Most recently, I was contacted by a girl around the age of 8.

#3 Posted : 11/1/2009 2:27:49 PM

Terra Incognita

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Yes, i always get back to the same atmospheric/kaleidoscopic environment, i dunno why.
I go back there each time, after a while i go to a new environment, new colours, new visuals, new feeling, then that keeps returning for a few trips, and then it's time for something new again, even if i try higher doses i go back to the same atmosphere, only then the visials are spinning really fast, and sometimes i get overloaded by new/fresh eye candy, in a steady flow they keep raging at me at a pretty high speed.

I don't know why i keep getting the same visuals, i know it's not the same for everyone, but it looks like some people have to go through series/stages, i am one of those people, maybe you are too.

I can't say much about the female encounter, for i have not experienced any encounter yet, except for a Joker like image, that looked as if it was grinning at me, kinda freaky experience, it looked and felt so real, but that could've been a creation of my own imagination, it did feel very real, but i dunno if that would qualify for the label "entity".
#4 Posted : 11/4/2009 12:31:10 AM

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jacetea wrote:

First, he had the sudden feeling that he shouldn't be where he was. As soon as he arrived in the room he felt like he shouldn't be there. Anyone relate to this?
Second, he is sent to the exact same place as previous experiences, anyone relate to this?

yes, swim has had a certain kind of pattern / c.e.v quite a few times, but most recently it seemed diminished in colour and gave him the distinct impression that he *should not* be here, or should not be viewing this, or whatever. It felt quite alarming, as if a sudden impression was beamed to him.

I think its important to try to deduce where this signal or feeling originates. It could be from our own brain, our own subconsious. Or, if you are in the 'entities' camp, it could be a warning signal to try to keep hyperspace travelers out of that place.

but then swim doesn't understand why he would visit it a few times and have positive and beautiful experiences and then return to find it dulled in colour and full of fear. perhaps that means he has outgrown that place in his spiritual and hyperspace evolution?

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#5 Posted : 11/4/2009 10:23:44 PM


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In swims experience he has found that the 'stages' don't move on from each individual journey, but as you accept and let go. The first stage is relinquishing the will. This is something we as humans seem hardwired to not want to do. The entity may be waiting for you to 'get' the lesson. This is subjective to the one experiencing the journey, of course, and can really only be interpreted by them.

So strange, eh? The room with the pedestal in the center? So common. Perhaps on the pedestal is a legal contract...

"Just sign here"...

I love Kevin Spacey's line in "The Usual Suspects": "The greatest trick - the Devil ever pulled - was convincing the world - that he didn't exist."



Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

#6 Posted : 11/4/2009 11:03:10 PM
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SWIM will stop using "SWIM" from now on, as he didn't know it wasn't common or required.

The pedestal is a common theme of peoples visions? I didn't know that, I'll have to look it up. What was on the pedestal wasn't really a representation of anything, it was a very quick image to fade too. It was just sitting there in the room, with an upside down teardrop shaped object, floating. This rings familiar with the first higher dose experience where a cube was floating on a table. As if they were showing me shapes. It was difficult to make out exactly what it was for reasons I won't bother getting into, but mainly the colours were obscuring the geometry. Perhaps higher doses are in order, things are still quite hazy for him and it all changes so fast. His body is still making him lose focus at times.

I think its important to try to deduce where this signal or feeling originates. It could be from our own brain, our own subconsious. Or, if you are in the 'entities' camp, it could be a warning signal to try to keep hyperspace travelers out of that place.

It was definitely from my own consciousness but I can't really place why I had this feeling. It was right after a took the second hit and everything was starting to do, whatever it does. I started to see the familiar room and then for whatever reason I was like "I shouldn't have taken DMT, why am I here? I shouldn't be in this room right now". I guess I can't really draw conclusions until I try it more times. The "set and setting" wasn't 100% ideal but it wasn't exactly bad. I think I'll try meditating to calm myself and attempt a slightly higher dose, maybe 45mg or 47mg.
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#7 Posted : 11/4/2009 11:23:36 PM

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oh yeah the pedestal thing has happened quite a few times... sometimes it was pedestal, sometimes it came in trays that entities were holding, sometimes it was like some little cart, like those vegetable racks on wheels that people have on their kitchen or like the food carts that they use in fancy hotels to bring food to one's room, with an object on top, with a 4d moving cube/object/present being displayed

Its some damn nice stuff, would be nice to bring one of those magic alive objects back to this reality Razz
#8 Posted : 11/5/2009 2:05:12 AM
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Interesting! I had never heard of this theme before, now that I think about it though....Dr. Seuss wrote a book "oh the places you'll go" and the cover art features a person standing on top of a raised pedestal with rainbow-like colours all around. Probably zero correlation but something to chuckle about next time I see it. Now that I really REALLY think about it, that book is just 100% messed up.

I was always kind of worried that what I see in the DMT world would be dictated by what others have reported, like the common machine elves for example. Funny to think I had never heard of it yet there it was and apparently common. However, it figures that I would see a cube on my first trip, I've always had a fascination with the hypercube and how it rotates. That's probably one major thing that made DMT amazing for me was that I finally saw the real thing. Anyway, time to scour old trip reports for pedestal-related anomalies Very happy
We're the new hippies, we get high on life, not drugs.
We thrive in drama, and bathe in activeness.
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Politicians load the gun, and celebrities fire it, killing all humankind.
#9 Posted : 11/5/2009 5:39:10 AM

NiGHTS into Dreams

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For those of you who have done dmt in an outdoor setting, do you remember going to that now famous "room" or "dome"? I ask this because I would find it interesting that an outdoor setting would have such little influence to where you go. This is contrary to what Dr. Rich Strassman's research exhibits.
#10 Posted : 11/5/2009 11:02:51 AM

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Answering both to jacetea and to Godspark, for some reason SWIM feels that breakthrough experiences have very little to do with what one heard or with the immediate environment.. It feels as if its really some 'other place' and that these lesser 'earthly' things have been left behind ... Its all so absurd and totally unlike what SWIM imagined from the descriptions! There were definitely 'dome' or 'room' trips when smoking outdoors too

Also, SWIM has given dmt to people that smoked for the first time and described typical entity/elf trips without ever having read even a single trip report
#11 Posted : 11/6/2009 12:28:45 AM


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I've dropped this type of link before but perhaps it's appropriate...

These things give me great bliss on the otherside.


Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

#12 Posted : 11/7/2009 3:08:41 PM

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jacetea wrote:
SWIM is having a few interesting effects that would be very grateful if someone could shed some light on. He'll get straight to the point

He seems to have made peace with his body for now (he isn't worried about breathing so much)
He also seems to be generally more comfortable with the intense power of this medicine

First, he had the sudden feeling that he shouldn't be where he was. As soon as he arrived in the room he felt like he shouldn't be there. Anyone relate to this?
Second, he is sent to the exact same place as previous experiences, anyone relate to this?
Third, there is always a female being simply observing him, she always appears in the top right area of his "vision"...He's sure you understand why he can't explain that better Razz
He sees the same colour patterns as well, he can't remember it fully but when he's "under" he gets the feeling it's the same as before. A very strong feeling of deja-vu.

The main theme of the trip is this:
Opens up as a black + white hallway with a being waiting for him. Next he's in a room with a pedestal and some 4D object rotating in front of him. Next he notices a female being watching him, no attempt to contact. The only thing different this time was that he suddenly found himself in an empty classroom. The being is sitting in the audience chair, just watching him at the front. The trip always seems to get cut short for some reason, 1 half of the trip is this room, the other half is just beautiful colours and visuals.

Dose: ~ 40mg weighed by proper scale
Method: water bong, parsley then spice, then more parsley

He always seems to get most of the dmt in 1 hit. However, he was told by his doctor that he has very big lungs. He tries his best to take a second hit but by the time he uses the lighter he's halfway out of his body. He did clear the bong however.

Hello jacetea!
Thanks for sharing! Some things from your trip are so familiar to me as well! Smile
As to the feeling that "he shouldn't be where he was" - yes, I have experienced it behind different psychedelic substancies, not just Spice, but LSD & shrooms, that's for sure. This feeling was of different intensity, sometimes it was VERY strong & frightening. In such a situation I tried to meditate, focusing on my "eternal consciousness" as I call it Smile There's some other names for it in different cultures, such as ATMAN, for example. Usually it helps to achieve calmness & to understand that there's HIGHER PROTECTION, nothing will go wrong Smile Sometimes it's not working, then it's just possible to repeat to yourself that the "trip" will come to it's end sooner or later Smile
I can also remember sometimes this feeling was of different nuance - there was nothing negative, I could feel holy trembling through my body & mind & understood that I was watching something ancient, non-human, sooooo advanced, etc. It was just "not for human eyes" and it seemed like being a little boy watching something forbidden.

Many times I was "sent to the exact same place as previous experiences", too. Again, this is relevant not just to Spice, but to some other psychedelics as well. It's not accidental thing imo... May be, there's something important we should know & totally integrate before leaving "this place" & go forward... I dunno really Smile As for me, it was always helpful to concentrate on this after the trip & try to understand what was behind this experience, what should I change in my perception of myself (and even in my life sometimes) to go through it & to achieve a new level. It was extremely helpful to arrange set & setting for next trip so that I could enter "the exact same place again" being able (having all necessary awareness) to ASK questions about it Smile

Here we go to the next thing - female (or any other Smile) entities or beings we could meet in a trip. The most interesting for me is to communicate with them. No matter if they are "parts of our own perception" or some "real" beings existing at "another level", they could be rather helpful. But I think we should not forget about our own mind, too Smile As they say in my native country, "trust it, but examine it". If there's a female being in each of your trip, may be it could be useful to try to make friends with her Pleased And it seems so symbolic that you saw yourself in a classroom. I am not sure, but perhaps there's something to learn Pleased

Good luck in your shamanic journeys!
~let the beauty be around you~
#13 Posted : 11/7/2009 3:23:51 PM

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jacetea wrote:
I was always kind of worried that what I see in the DMT world would be dictated by what others have reported, like the common machine elves for example. ...... Anyway, time to scour old trip reports for pedestal-related anomalies Very happy

Smile Me personally, I NEVER saw these "common machine elves" or "pedestal-related anomalies" in my numerous Spice journeys...
~let the beauty be around you~
#14 Posted : 11/8/2009 3:36:12 AM

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I have gotten the dome many times in nature. I have had it start very high up and slowly come down over me.
never a pedestal. FLoating carpets with entities and colorful alien carnival floats in a sea of blackness.
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#15 Posted : 11/8/2009 9:55:51 AM

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I could feel holy trembling through my body & mind & understood that I was watching something ancient, non-human, sooooo advanced, etc.

sattwa23 that's spooky- I could have written those exact same words myself about some of my own experiences!


I too have been spooked by the sudden feeling that I shouldn't be where I was. That was once or twice with mushrooms.

I cannot relate to your experience of being sent to the exact same place as in previous experiences though. I was at first hoping for and expecting this but it has never happened for me!

Entities for me are of either undetermined or female gender. I have had entities assume a position in the top right area of my "vision". I have no idea why. I am surprised to find that others also experience this.

I don't recall a pedestal but for me it's very common to have some incomprehensible object presented before me. I don't recall very well but the object is complex and can be spherical or cuboid and appears to operate/communicate/interact with me in some ways using geometry, sound, movement and colour.

I too once worried that what I see in the DMT world would be dictated by what others have reported. I now feel that it's far too strong and deep for that. Why, for example, is there communication without any of the world's languages being heard? Surely language is one of our greatest influences- we think in it! How could so many here report experiences that only later, after further reading, proved to be so well-known? I feel that DMT blows away preconceptions in a really fundamental way.

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