What went wrong here? Options
#1 Posted : 10/29/2009 10:49:48 PM

Terra Incognita

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Hi, an hour ago i introduced a friend (i'm not talking about myself in 3th person here, just in case) for the first time to the wonders of DMT.

He was always very curious about it and wanted to try it for a while, i first gave him a cannabis joint sprinkled with a good layer of DMT, and he liked the effects that gave him a lot.

Now, today he thought he was ready for the real deal but he thought the effects would be similiar to the cannabis joint, i assured him that it would be a completely different thing, but he kinda underestimated it, here's what happened...

I first showed him how to smoke it, i took two small hits of DMT from my bong to show him how he lights it and so on, then i filled the bong up again, i dunno how much, but i was generous to make sure he'd actually trip from it, and not keeps stuck in the middle of the confusing state.

So i told him to take 3 hits, but after one hit he said it was enough, but i told him to take a second, the 3th he could'nt take anymore, he said he was there already, he layed down then and all i heard him saying was, wow, this is strange, wtf, wow...

After a few minutes he said he wanted it to stop and asked me how long he had to stay there, but i comforted him and said it would be all over soon, but i could see that he was having a hard time.I was surprised that he could speak, although, he did not remember much from what he said.

When he came back he told me a lot of things that i recognized immediatly, not from my own experiences, but from what i have read from others, he said he was in a place where small elflike beings (yes, the elf cliché, i was shocked to hear this cause i never ever seen any of them) and they where all working, but where not aware of his presence, they where all doing their thing without noticing him, but he wanted to leave that place, he said it was ugly, and not a nice place to be, it looked like they had no emotions.

Now he's sleeping and recovering, but he's thankful to have experienced this, but he has no motivation or intention to do it again, not anytime soon at least, so i think he's spooked out now, wich i think is sad, my trips have always been beautiful.

I'm also surprised that all these things he said are experiences that many other people had before, i know i've read the exact thing before, and i also know that he did not, cause he was very surprised that i said that many people saw this before him, and so was i, it was all new to him
He was not aware that they where entities either, he remembered that he thought he was in some sort of game, but after staying there for a while, watching, he got affraid quickly, he thought he was about to become psychotic, and would be stuck there for ever....

He said that he enjoyed the beginning, but after that the colours where ugly, and the place where he went was cold and ugly too.

Can anyone explain what happened?
Did he smoke too much for a first time, maybe he's very sensitive to it.
Is this a real breakthrough then?
Cause i have never had anything that even came close to this before.

It's my fault too, i told him DMT was beautiful, but he didn't like it, he was affraid, and did not feel the magic DMT can make you feel.


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#2 Posted : 10/29/2009 11:14:50 PM

DMT-Nexus member


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Several things come to my mind when reading this..

First, that DMT is maybe just not for everyone, and some people may just not like/benefit from it. Secondly, that its hard to say because maybe so far you've only seen the initial shock but maybe something lingers on the back of his mind and he asks you about it again later on, maybe even when he's more prepared or whatever...

Hyperspace is so huge, there are certainly some more weird 'rooms' and dimensions and beings represented.. Maybe there's even some sort of 'randomness' about it, about which area of hyperspace one goes into, that is beyond set and setting... So could have been some bad luck that right in first time he didnt get the good part and now will shut off from it..

I think if he is open minded enough, he will at least understand that it can be good/interesting to some people, and will not have any negative issues, and may even try it again in the future, or otherwise be respectful towards it and accept its not his thing.

One thing you didnt mention, is if he had any previous psychedelic experiences appart from the little spice sprinkled on cannabis
#3 Posted : 10/29/2009 11:24:39 PM

Terra Incognita

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Yes, he uses LSD quite frequently, but he likes to use only low doses from that too, like half of a blotter or two halfs, i guess he might be afraid of letting go of his ego, he did trip on a dubble portion of mushrooms once, so a high dose, and he liked that a lot, not in the beginning, then he was affraid, but after that he could feel the magic and the love that flooded him, but he did not feel any magic with DMT, he thought it was mechanic, and cold.

Also, he likes Salvia Divinorum, now Salvia is a psychedelic that i myself have never tried, i always read and hear how dark it is, but he loves what Salvia does to him.

I'm affraid that this was his first and last attempt, although, i'm still convinced that he might actually like it, but i can't force him to believe that ofcoarse, and i totally understand.
#4 Posted : 10/29/2009 11:29:19 PM

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yeah sounds like someone who has trouble 'letting go'... thats one prerequisite for having a fully benefiting dmt (and general psychedelic) experience

would your friend be willing to take mushrooms again? SWIM thinks mushrooms with dmt is PERFECT, can be low or high doses.. Its very euphoric and beautiful experience.. Then he might enjoy it Smile
#5 Posted : 10/29/2009 11:35:43 PM

Terra Incognita

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He loves mushrooms and the magical feeling it gives him, so i guess that's an option, he was kinda tense before smoking the DMT too, that might have played parts, together with the intensity he got introduced to this "straight in your face" hallucinogenic compound.

He is also determined to do a Ayahuasca ceremony.
Maybe that could work out better.
#6 Posted : 10/29/2009 11:44:34 PM

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well then things are looking up good actually, I wouldnt say it went so wrong then Smile

yeah definitely tension is not a really good factor for the trip... Ayahuasca can be very confronting, but infinitely blisful too... Its not an easy going trip IMO, I think from the little you described your friend a mushroom with light/medium dose of dmt would be a better way of introducing him to hyperspace

But whatever it is, I think you are doing your part well Smile
#7 Posted : 10/30/2009 12:58:06 AM
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Some people just don't enjoy going to the ends of the spectrums. They prefer to travel in their own portion of it. There is no right or wrong there is just different. So whilst many of us enjoy breaking down barriers and opening doors that didn't exist in the first place, many people are not prepared for this/ are taught differently/ theres a LOT of reasons. It's up to the person to decide. So, atleast he tried it. But I do understand the pain of wanting to share something SO beautiful and they can't see what you see.
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#8 Posted : 10/30/2009 1:03:13 AM

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well said perplexed Smile
#9 Posted : 10/30/2009 10:35:05 AM

John Murdoch IV

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I think nothing went wrong. This was just a bloke smoking DMT for the first time and had a rough ride. DMT is not for everyone. I think 99.9% of people would get terrified and hate that experience.

DMTripper is a fictional character therefore everything he says here must be fiction.
I mean, who really believes there is such a place as Hyperspace!!

#10 Posted : 10/30/2009 11:03:16 AM

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TBH DMT can be hit-or-miss even for experienced users. Even with offering up prayers, having good intentions, meditating beforehand, it still doesn't ensure a positive experience 100% of the time.
SWIM seems to be running at about a 2/3 positive/negative ratio at the moment...! (in terms of numbers, but obviously the postiive trips are so worth it.)

ॐ भूर्भुव: स्व: तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं । भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि, धीयो यो न: प्रचोदयात्
Love, Gratittude, Compassion, Fearlessness!
#11 Posted : 10/30/2009 11:25:33 AM

Terra Incognita

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Yes Perplexed, it does hurt a little Very happy .

I thought he'd have the trip of his lifetime, well, i guess he won't ever forget what happened then, but it wasn't fun for him, when i brought him home he said again that he was glad for the experience, but that he won't do it again soon, probably never again, he doesn't like the fact that it's all so sudden, no subtle coming up, but VERY direct.

Well, he knew this before, but i guess he just went for it with a way to careless approach.
When i gave him that DMT joint he smoked it in the middle of the crowded city, i wasn't there to stop him, he went to buy a plant and thought it would be nice to smoke it before he went to the flower market, at first he was quite puzzeled by the effect and wanted to go home, but he liked it afterwards, but i think this is somehow pretty careless, and that's not a good approach for DMT, or any other psychedelic ofcoarse, certainly when it's the first time.

So he probably underestimated the huge powers that DMT behold, and got his ass kicked for doing so.Confused Smile + the fact that he took these 2 huge tokes, he was probably very sensitive to DMT in the first place, so he got a breakthrough for a first experience, that's hard.Like DMTripper mentioned, it's very logical that he's spooked out now.

Hey Shoe, what's up with that 2/3 positive/negative ratio?
I only had 1 slightly terrifying experience, and even that was amazing afterwards.

Oh, he also mentioned that everything was in 4D, he could see every angle and corner in all objects, and the room where he was transported to was made out of transparent walls too, at least he liked that 4D vision about the trip.

#12 Posted : 10/30/2009 1:09:04 PM


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Like visiting vast New York city and getting mugged! Crying or very sad

He may shift gears. Give him time to integrate. Once the lesson has cooled, upon reflection he may decide he needs more medicine. Explain the differences between breakthrough and threshold effects. Heck! Send him here!

Good luck,


Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

#13 Posted : 10/30/2009 1:24:20 PM

Terra Incognita

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Man, i don't know if i have ever really broke through myself after hearing his story...

It still boggles my mind that he described something i have red about in many different trip reports, he described them as small little people/elves, they where all working and did not pay any attention to him....

Why have i red this before, and why did he experience this while others have experienced the exact thing?

When i told him that i've red this before he was very surprised to hear that, also when i brought up the term "Machine Elves" he was surprised, cause that was exactly what he felt they where, please note that he never even heard about this term before, and never red those trip reports, only half of the book of Rick Srtassman, he didn't even look at this forum while i urged him to do so before he decided to trip on DMT, he's kinda stuborn. Very happy

I am very confused now, what does that mean, why do people share the same experience, or have the same encounter as you wish?Like really the exact same description.

Only, he felt like an intruder, in the beginning it was fun he said, but he became quickly realy bored being there, it wasn't a fun place to be either, and he became afraid.
#14 Posted : 10/30/2009 1:48:09 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Oh, he also mentioned that everything was in 4D, he could see every angle and corner in all objects

How then could he not wish to return in order to investigate further? I don't understand this. I think that you have given you’re friend a wonderful gift here. The glimpse of four dimensional awareness is denied to 99.9% of the human beings. For me it was speculation and the abstract stuff of mathematics until I was taken there. Unfortunately I found that awareness of that forth dimension implies temporary destruction of this one. I am not surprised that he became afraid.

I am very confused now, what does that mean, why do people share the same experience, or have the same encounter as you wish? Like really the exact same description.

Because the experiences are based in a genuine independent external reality?

Or perhaps our minds are born almost identical save for the conditioning of life-experiences and the character of these spice voyages is the interplay between DMT and a common human racial sub-consciousness? One thing I have learnt with all this is that the moment we are certain about any aspect of the spice experience the next experience will tend towards the destruction of those conclusions.

I think that if you're friend truly wishes to explore the nature of consciousness then you have shown him the way. The rest is up to him. If it were me I would return.
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Life is not a task. There is absolutely nothing to attain except the realisation that there is absolutely nothing to attain.
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#15 Posted : 10/30/2009 3:02:58 PM

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Yeah, I'm sure there are people who "grok" psychedelics and a lot more who simply don't, whatever you do (although psychedelic psychotherapy may open some doors eventually). This forum - as all other psychedelic forums - is not representative, as only those come here who are already attracted to this thing.

My reactions to what's happening on a trip are entirely "abnormal" from the perspective of consensus reality. Like jumping into death. Or giving my body to some force that will grind it, while having faith in the process. All that stuff is entirely absurd and unthinkable for the general population.

Just imagine what would happen if MAPS got to the point when the real decision makers had the chance to try psychedelics, in order to decide whether this is really the panacea that psychedelic "ambassadors" claim it to be. Rick Doblin would dose some power people who would have these terrifying visions, they were entirely unable to handle the experience. Actually, the content of their experience were entirely different from that which Rick would expect and he were left baffled why it doesn't follow the familiar route. Perhaps he would start explaining that the psychological blocks were too strong, but how would the "man of power" accept the statement that his psyche is "too rigid" to let go? Most likely he would dismiss the whole thing as the tool of the Devil made to undermine man's God-given strength and will.

This will be a fucking difficult "battle".

(Sorry, I diverted the thread again, just because I'm reading about all these marijuana legalization initiatives and I feel this particular problem outlined above gets closer and closer to us.)
#16 Posted : 10/30/2009 3:53:36 PM

Terra Incognita

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Hi Transistory, i just talked to him on the phone and he kinda processed his experience a bit further now, he's already thinking about trying it again, but in a more ontrolled manner, so a lower dose, since he's pretty sensitive to psychedelics in the first place.

But he was expecting something different, i told him that i always feel deep love when i come back down, he didn't experience it like that, so that kinda sucks for him, i hope next time he will feel this love too.

I also adviced him to become a member of this forum, he was reading this thread and said that he likes the vibe here, and the friendliness, concern and respect that people deal here with eachother.

He's also curious about the conncetion that DMT might have with dreams, spirituality and mystical experiences, i told him that many people are intrested in these matters here, so i'm pretty sure he's gonna register here.
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