Nice post GordoTEK.

What the researchers in GordoTEK's post above failed to realize (but they were on to something) is that serotonin blocking is a main effect of all the natural oral entheogens like the semi-synthetic LSD, mescaline, Ayahuasca, mushrooms, 5-meo-dmt & bufotenine (found in snuffs). Snuffs give effects which last for 3 hours. We now know this thanks to Ray's 2011 receptorome study...see chart below. This is where THH comes in, as it is a mild serotonin reuptake inhibitor as well.
Some more info you won't easily find is below (as this was discovered when reviewing the 2011 Thomas S Ray Receptorome study, and putting all the values into chart form). Even most academic and scholars don't seem to be aware of the recently published receptorome data for DMT from Thomas S. Ray's study, and it's comparison with the other natural psychedelics.
DMT lacks anti-serotonin properties. (Ref 1 & Ref 4)
Tetrahydroharmine appears to play an important role in blocking serotonin which happens when 5-ht1a is agonized, as dmt does not do this by itself, but requires either caapi or components of Amazonian snuff to do this, ie teamwork. THH also agonizes all 3 adrenal receptors (a2a, a2b, and a2c) with good strength.
2011 Thomas S. Ray study: Breadth of Receptor Binding, 4.00=max, 0.00=min
Quote:LSD: 5ht1a = 3.73, DMT: = 0.00, psilocin = 2.88, mescaline = 3.61, 5-meo-DMT: = 4.00
(these serotonin filters/gates/barriers/doors make up >80% of brain 5-ht & are broken down when 5-ht1a is agonized)
Real life examples that occur when serotonin filters are broken down at 5-ht1a AND the psychedelic molecule works in the place of serotonin at the other 20% of brain 5-ht (everything that is not 5-ht1a): music sounds better, infinite beauty is easily perceived, feelings of universal eternal Love, spiritual things and qualities take on a significance that is utterly stupefying, etc.
Dmt by itself has been found in the Receptorome study to not block serotonin...while the following traditional team players have been found to strongly block serotonin: 5-ho-dmt in Amazonian snuffs, 5-meo-dmt in Amazonian snuffs and the 2nd largest alkaloid in caapi (thh or tetrahydroharmine). All 3 are thus anti-serotonin, and surprise: traditional.
Ibogaine inhibits both serotonin and dopamine reuptake transporters (it is an SDRI or serotonin & dopamine reuptake inhibitor). (Ref 6)
New discovery: the recently discovered adrenoglomerulotropine (a hormone of the pineal gland, otherwise known as 6-Methoxytetrahydroharman) (Ref 2) is an isomer of tetrahydroharmine, found in caapi. Caapi was said by the Indians to have Telepathine qualities as Ayahuasca was said to facilitate telepathic communication among tribal members.
DMT is super potent at the other 20% of brain 5-ht receptor sites, way exceeding even psilocin (see chart below), but in doing so, it must give up 5-ht1a binding, (serotonin blocking) which makes up over 80% of brain 5-ht, so when you combine admixture with components of caapi you get a "team action".
LSD scientist & founder of Heffter Institute Dr. Nichols:
Quote:LSD has very strong potency in blocking the action of serotonin. The morpholide lysergamide cousin had only about 1/10th the potency in blocking serotonin. Of the 5 diferent dialkylamides we studied LSD was the most potent and specific serotonin antagonist. (Ref 7)
Dr. Nichols
Quote:5-ht1a makes up >80% of brain 5-ht...5-ht1a agonism blocks serotonin. (Ref 3)
Thomas S. Ray, Psychedelics and the Human Receptorome (2010):
Breadth of Receptor Binding, 4.00=max, 0.00=min
Quote:LSD: 5ht1a = 3.73, DMT: = 0.00, psilocin = 2.88, mescaline = 3.61, 5-meo-DMT: = 4.00 (make up >80% of brain 5-ht)
LSD: 5ht1b = 4.00, DMT: = 0.00, psilocin = 2.19, mescaline = 0.00, 5-meo-DMT: = 2.41
LSD: 5ht1d = 3.70, DMT: = 3.91, psilocin = 3.40, mescaline = 0.00, 5-meo-DMT: = 3.48
LSD: 5ht1e = 2.62, DMT: = 3.28, psilocin = 3.03, mescaline = 3.16, 5-meo-DMT: = 1.72
LSD: 5ht2a = 3.54, DMT: = 2.58, psilocin = 2.14, mescaline = 0.00, 5-meo-DMT: = 0.98
LSD: 5ht2b = 3.11, DMT: = 3.91, psilocin = 4.00, mescaline = 3.97, 5-meo-DMT: = 0.69
LSD: 5ht2c = 3.11, DMT: = 3.42, psilocin = 2.52, mescaline = 0.00, 5-meo-DMT: = 1.55
LSD: 5ht5a = 3.64, DMT: = 3.16, psilocin = 2.83, mescaline = 0.00, 5-meo-DMT: = 1.84
LSD: -5ht6 = 3.75, DMT: = 3.35, psilocin = 2.82, mescaline = 0.00, 5-meo-DMT: = 2.73
LSD: -5ht7 = 3.77, DMT: = 4.00, psilocin = 2.82, mescaline = 0.00, 5-meo-DMT: = 3.69
LSD: ---D1 = 2.34, DMT: = 3.51, psilocin = 3.37, mescaline = 0.00, 5-meo-DMT: = 2.38
LSD: -A-2A = 2.93, DMT: = 2.75, psilocin = 1.36, mescaline = 2.92, 5-meo-DMT: = 0.00 (aesthetic/beauty adrenal a2a)
LSD: -A-2B = 0.00, DMT: = 3.53, psilocin = 1.57, mescaline = 0.00, 5-meo-DMT: = 0.86 (aesthetic/beauty adrenal a2b)
LSD: -A-2C = 0.00, DMT: = 3.53, psilocin = 1.03, mescaline = 4.00, 5-meo-DMT: = 1.57 (aesthetic/beauty adrenal a2c)
As we go thru day to day life, the brain serotonin filters (or gates) are in place so that we will not be overwhelmed by the perception of the way things would appear to an un-filtered mind, or "Mind at Large" as Aldous Huxley describes it in "Doors of Perception" as "infinite or eternal". (Ref 5) He also referred to the visions as coming from "the other world" in his book "Moksha". I prefer to think of it in similar terms as well "the spirit world" or "the other world". 5-ht1a inhibition while the psychedelic molecule works in the place of serotonin at the other 20% of brain 5-ht theoretically causes this filter system to be lifted, and the infinite mind to manifest in combination with dmt for example.
Technical analysis with help from Ray's study: these molecules can only "do so much" on their own, as the docking size of the molecule to the receptor is like a key fits a hole. Example: LSD is super potent at almost all the brain 5-ht receptors thanks to it's large molecular size, but it must give up binding strength at adrenal sites a2b and a2c so that it can still hit 80% of brain 5-ht at 5-h1a with great strength.
Mescaline is the world's strongest adrenal a2c agonist (off the charts strong with 4.00 at a2c). This helps to explain how mescaline is more aesthetic and primal compared to the more analytical LSD, which lacks a bit aesthetically. Unlike what Wikipedia states, mescaline has no activity at 5-ht2a.
5-meo-dmt is off the charts strong with 4.00 at 5-ht1a, and can easily obliterate or shatter the ego into a million pieces even at the tiniest of doses due to it's extreme strength at over 80% of brain 5-ht (5-ht1a).
Additional 1988 study which backs up the 2011 Thomas S. Ray receptorome study:
Pharmacology of 5-hydroxytryptamine-1A receptors which inhibit cAMP production in hippocampal and cortical neurons in primary culture. Quote:5-HT1A agonist: All the tryptamine derivatives substituted in position 5 of the indol were potent agonists [5-HT, 5-CT, 5-MeO-N,N-DMT, 5-methoxytryptamine, and bufotenine (5-ho-DMT)],
whereas tryptamine, N-methyltryptamine (NMT), and N,N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT) were very poor agonists.
N-Methyltryptamine (NMT) found in barks:
(1) Ray, Thomas S. "Psychedelics and the Human Receptorome", Feb 2 2010, PLOS one research article.
(2) Naranjo, Claudio. "Psychotropic Properties of the Harmala Alkaloids", Ethnopharmacologic search for psychoactive drugs, Jan 28-30, 1967.
(3) Nichols, Charles D. "Serotonin Receptor Signaling and Hallucinogenic Drug Action", The Heffter Review of Psychedelic Research, Volume 2, 2001.
(4) Dumuis, Sebben, Bocaert. "Pharmacology of 5-hydroxytryptamine-1A receptors which inhibit cAMP production in hippocampal and cortical neurons in primary culture", Molecular Pharmacology, Feb 1988; 33(2):178-86.
(5) Goodman Ph.D, Neil. "The Serotonergic System and Mysticism", 2002.
(6) Bulling, Schicker, Zhang, Steinkellner, Stockner, Gruber, Boehm, Freissmuth, Rudnick, Sitte, Sandtner, "The Mechanistic Basis for Noncompetitive Ibogaine Inhibition of Serotonin and Dopamine Transporters", J Biol Chem. 2012 May 25; 287(22): 18524-18534.
(7) Nichols Ph.D, David. "LSD and it's Lysergamide Cousins", The Heffter Review of Psychedelic Research. 2001;2:80-87.
Question asked:
Quote:As for THH binding to and activating the 5-ht1a receptor, do we have any sources that state this?
Ibogaine binds directly to the serotonin transporter (SERT), so it does not have to target the 5-ht1a substrate pathway. This could be likely what happens with tetrahydroharmine, as THH and ibogaine have similar basic beta-carboline structures.
Thomas S. Ray's study shows a value of 3.57 at SERT for Ibogaine (4.00 is max). Ibogaine has been shown to inhibit serotonin transporter (SERT) noncompetitively, in contrast to all other known inhibitors, which are competitive with substrate.
Thomas S. Ray Receptorome study, 4.00=max, 0.00=min.
Quote:Ibogaine: 4.00 Sigma2, 3.57 SERT, 3.02 DAT, 3.01 NMDA, 2.88 KOR, 2.67 MOR, 2.55 Sigma1, 2.22 M3, 2.16 5ht2a, 1.96 M1, 1.72 M2, 1.47 D3;
0.00: DOR, 5ht1b, 5ht1d, 5ht1a, H1, 5ht2c, D2, D1, Beta1; ND: Alpha2C, D5, D4, Alpha2B, Imidazoline1, NET, Alpha2A, 5ht5a, 5ht6, 5ht7, Alpha1B, 5ht1e, 5ht2b, M4, M5, Alpha1A, H2, CB2, CB1, Ca+Channel, Beta2
top = ibogaine (inhibits both serotonin and dopamine reuptake transporters, it is an SDRI or serotonin & dopamine reuptake inhibitor)
bottom = tetrahydroharmine (serotonin reuptake inhibitor, it is an SRI)
Bonus references from a few authors who describe personally perceived subjective differences:
Graham Hancock, "Supernatural", pg 428:
Quote:My experience with smoked DMT was qualitatively different from the realms and beings ayahuasca introduced me to. For whereas the ayahuasca worlds seemed rich, luxurious, and abundant in the transformations of organic and supernatural life, DMT brought me to a world--or to some aspect of a world--that appeared from the outset to be highly artificial, constructed, inorganic, and in essence technological.
Daniel Pinchbeck, "Breaking Open the Head":
Quote:For many people, Ayahuasca-a slowed-down low-res interface of the DMT flash-seems to convey strong messages from the natural world, of nature as sentient energy and spirit matter, of the need to protect the planet we have been given. Ayahuasca is my favorite entheogen.
Yage whispers that human beings are meant to be gardeners of this reality, journeyers, storytellers and singers, weavers of the sacred. DMT, on the other hand, conveys no overt human or humane message.
Gayle Highpine, "Unraveling the Mystery of the Origin of Ayahuasca":
Quote:The leaves were Ayahuasca’s “helpers,” I was told, and their purpose was to “brighten and clarify” the visions. The vine is like a cave, and the leaf is like a torch you use to see what is inside the cave. The vine is like a book, and the leaf is like the candle you use to read the book. The vine is like a snowy television set, and the leaf helps to tune in the picture. There was a subtle attitude that the need for strong leaf was the sign of a beginner: An experienced ayahuasquero could see the visions even in low light
Ayahuasca vine is not visionary in the same way as DMT. The leaf helps illuminate the content, but the teachings are credited to the vine. Vine visions are “frequently associated with writing, to a code that is present in visions…or in the ‘books’ where the spirits keep the secrets of the forest.” The vine is The Teacher, The Healer, The Guide. The purpose of drinking Ayahuasca is to receive the message the vine imparts. This is why it is the vine, not the leaf, that is classified by the type of vision it gives. “For them the vine is, in truth, a living guide, a friend, a paternal authority”.
professor8 (11/1/2010):
Quote:Tetrahydroharmine has the ability to raise your vibration in a most powerful, yet subtle way. It brings a crystalline prismy texture to spice and adds a super clear watery dimension to Aya, like looking down through 10meters of shimmering Caribbean Sea on clear blue day.
It brings a dimension of pure light to the entheogenic experience and encourages entities & intelligences of only the Highest Order. If one is not accustomed to perceiving these experiences with a spiritual perspective most of the nuances & subtleties THH brings on are overlooked and remain unseen and one would better enjoy Harmaline as a house painter chooses a roller over a brush, its about preference & choice.
Patrick Lundborg, "Psychedelia", page 61:
Quote:A traditional saying among Ayahuasqueros is that the jungle vine brings powerful realistic visions, but that the chacruna brings light to these visions. According to the view of Western research, this is not the case; essentially the entire psycho-activity resides with the chacruna leaves DMT content.
Ayahuasca researcher Luis Eduardo Luna recently observed that when surveying tribal lore praising the jungle vine, he could find no traces of similar mythology around the two most common plant admixtures; psychotria viridis or diplpterys cabrerana, even though these DMT plants to a Westerner would appear much more important than the harmala alkaloids of the B. caapi liana.
Graham st. John, "Mystery School in Hyperspace: A Cultural History of DMT", see his interview at Reality Sandwich:
Quote:Halfway thru the interview, Graham recites a strange quote from an Ayahuasquero who gives his insight into dmt alone vs Ayahuasca.
Quote:DMT used alone, produces an intense visual experience, often very chaotic and fast moving, and quite amazing to watch. The visions of DMT alone usually lack meaningful content. The DMT visions are often just constantly morphing colors and shapes. Most of it makes absolutely no sense. Rarely will the visuals present to you a full blown dream with people, places, a story line, etc. But this does sometimes happen. But usually you just get a bunch of bazaar visions that are difficult to understand.
When combined, as in ayahuasca, the harmalas brings a dreamy quality to the DMT experience that makes it more like one is experiencing an actual dream, not just a bunch of fancy colors. With the two together, you have the visuals of DMT, plus the dream content of the harmalas. The harmalas are the boss here in this combination if used in ayahuasca proportions where the harmalas are not just used as an MAOI but is used specifically to allow dream consciousness to be entered by the user. DMT is just an additive used to increase the visual portion of the harmala induced dreams.
Authentic Ayahuasca, high in harmine, thh & harmaline, and low on DMT, is like entering a full blown 3D dream with dream characters, storylines, etc. This can be a life changing experience. It’s more like sitting in a theater for several hours absorbing a story that’s meaningful because its about you. You leave with memories of places, things, people, etc., and possibly a new view on life.
James Oroc:
Quote:Entheogens are truly windows to the sacred, and not merely curiosities that somehow trick and confuse our mechanical consciousness.
tregar attached the following image(s):

(4kb) downloaded 102 time(s).
(4kb) downloaded 102 time(s).You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.
If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.