Just now I smoked 250mg of virola theiodora resin, first treated with sodium carbonate and slight water. As my vaporizer is broken, I had to use crap supplies.
Setting: My room, dim lighting, no music, Propped up in my bed.
Tools: nose burner pipe, small screen.
I put the virola inbetween some passionflower and commenced smoking the first bowl. I felt something after the first hit but couldnt put my finger on it. The second hit was more effects, I am still feeling the effects now after 10 minuets. They actually might be stronger.
I packed two more bowls, with the resin underneath the screen. I held the lighter flame slightly above the screen, as I tried not to burn the resin. After a hit or two, A loud humming noise was heard, I felt a wierd tryptamine body high. Pupils might be enlarged. Sense of sound greatly increased.
Last bowl, same method used. Feeling super euphoric, wish I could break threw, but this is more then i expected. Walk to the bathroom feeling very trippy, almost like the come up of ayuhausca or something, right before I start tripping hard.
As I type this I am feeling very trippy, and very euphoric. I had a leg cramp from earlier in the day and now it is gone

. Wierd psyilocybin like effects. I say this because I am not getting visuals but I feel very good, veryy trippy, and my vision is slightly different.
All in all, this was more then I expected. Tomorrow I will try to use my friends Evolutions vaporizer, for those of you who do not know what this is, It is a vaporizer that is simply the best. Owns the volcanoe, for sure. Sorry Feeling a bit goofy. With this vaporizer I will be able to TRUELy tell the value of the 5-meo-dmt in this resin.
EDIT OCTOBER 29th: S came over today, and I introduced him to this magic resin. He has had much experience snuffing x. Well, now he will never snuff e again.......because this resin is amazing as a snuff.
He first tries about 160mg of the resin infused with sodium carbonate.
Snorts it in a line, up one nostril. I suggested using the shaman technique of blowing it up his nose, but unfortunettly, he is not shaman enough. At the same time, I take 250mg of prepared resin for sublingual usage.
After he snorts, he feels excellent. He agrees with me, the feelings are like taking an x pill and then smoking cannabis at its peak. The resin is better then this, because you do not get the mind rape-egdge that the X will give you, nor do you get the crappy residual feelings or brain damage.
He snorts another line an hour later, still feeling amazing. He sits down for a min or two while he gets his bearings.
He then goes outside and smokes a little bit of resin with some passionflower leaf.
He looks bewildered after 3rd hit, and later tells me that He saw the fence moving rapidly.
Goes inside and takes one more, epic line. He Sits down immediately. He tells me later that he saw my face melt off of my body, yet was not afraid.
All in all, for both of us, our resin experiance was amazing. We were also able to finish our college project with ease, even while peaking. In fact, I felt like this resin helped us.
I love the mood enhancing effect of this resin. It is my new favorite drug, and pushes cannabis in second place.
Tomorrow I will try vaporizing it in the evolutions vaporizer, unfortunnetly I am almost out of resin. Guess I will have to buy the bulk fv.
The events that maxzar100 describes are only hypothetical, and never actually took place. maxzar100 has no link whatsoever to any illegal substance.
Quote:Salvia, the metamorphosis of reality. -Mz