I've had two, one in a dream, the other on purified Harmala extract, Lemon Balm, Acacia Confusa and a bit of Cannabis.
The one in the dream was the first one i had, i had dreamt i was in a hospital and woke up all sweaty and startled with the thought that there was something odd about that dream so i told my mom and one of her friends who was around at the time and didn't really think anything about it after that, certainly didn't think it was some sort of precognitive vision. Fast forward a couple months later, i end up in the hospital almost dying from Salmonella Sepsis, the doctors said they didn't expect me to make it as i was too sick/far gone, but i pulled through, it was a rough month, to say the least. The day i was released from the hospital it was new years eve in 2007, and as soon as me and my parents got into the truck to head home, as soon as i shut the door, the dream came right back into my memory and i was like "holy shit!, i think that was a precognitive vision", but i really didn't put much thought into it after that.
Then in 2014, i had been working with Rue/Harmalas and Mimosa/Acacia since 2012, and one night in early January, i had a vision during the experience after thinking about my dad and how i wanted him to try Aya before he died (even though i still thought he had at least another decade or so left in him), and the vision came full on in crystal clear clarity, full on understanding, full on vision of the hospital room and him laying on the bed dead, and i had real time emotion like i felt as if he had just died and i think kinda went through the grieving process right then and there, even though he was alive and well in the next room. After i came down from the vision, both during and after the vision i knew it was a precognitive vision, not only because of the one i had previously, but because it felt like a vision, and felt real. I told my mom about it and asked her if she thought i should tell my dad, but she said probably best not to mention it, but i should've anyways because i feel like things may have ended a bit differently if i had, idk. Either way, a couple weeks later he got sick, i think we took him to the hospital a day or two later than we should've, but he got to the hospital and they said he had MRSA sepsis and was responding to anti-biotics but he was still a bit out of it, went to see him on that Friday (the night he died) and the whole way up there i just kept thinking about that vision, and i really wish i would've done things differently at the time because i was mentally clouded by Cannabis around that time and i feel it prevented me from going about things in a better way. We stayed at the hospital for about a couple hours, and then left around 7pm, back at home around 10pm we got the call, he died. We went up there, and my mom (a retired nurse) said it looked like he had a pulmonary embolism, but the official documented cause of death was MRSA sepsis (which btw he had a few times before throughout the last few decades of his life due to a shoulder surgery he had done which apparently the surgical tools didn't get properly sterilized, if i remember correctly).
The lessons i've learned here is that, precognition is indeed real and not pseudoscience like atheists or mainstream science thinks. Cannabis is alright but too much especially of regular use can definitely cloud the mind. The vision space for within dreams and while on Aya/Pharma seems to be pretty identical although the one on Aya/Pharma seems much clearer and understandable than the one in the dream. And if you have a precognitive vision, it may be worth mentioning it especially if it's about someone else and telling them about it, just so maybe things can end up a bit differently, or at least, end on better terms. I'm convinced had i done some things differently at the time, my dad may still be alive today, but then again, maybe it was him time to go and nothing i could've done would've stopped that, idk, it still fucks with me from time to time because i feel at least somewhat responsible for him dying because i feel like i could've done something differently had i not been clouded by the Cannabis, but ultimately he was capable of noticing that something was wrong and could've said something because i know when i had Salmonella Sepsis, i was all fucked up especially mentally because of the toxins but even then i still had the awareness to say something isn't right and that i needed to go to the hospital, so i'm sure my dad could've been in a similar position but maybe he wanted to go because he had been talking about how he didn't have much longer left for like a decade or so, and he was in quite a bit of pain from time to time due to cerebral palsy and his spine twisting and could barely walk, and turned heavily to Alcohol in the last few years of his life, so i think maybe he was ready to go, or maybe he knew something about his death or had seen a vision about it as well, idk.
As a side note though, non-vision-related, one time i had a dream after quite a bit of heavy experimentation with Aya/Pharma and in the dream i experienced what felt/seemed like endogenous DMT within the dream, felt nearly identical expect it lacked the intensity and only lasted about maybe 25 to 30 seconds or so before i woke up thinking "holy crap! i just experienced DMT in a dream!", so it makes me wonder if there are indeed any dream+DMT connections, or if DMT merely activates certain networks within the brain that are also accessible through other endogenous means.