DMT Experience 10-27-09 (The Other Door) Options
#1 Posted : 10/27/2009 4:51:10 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Last night I journeyed again with my twin flame. I'm going to let her tell you about the experience but I'll say this. We took two trips last night, the first time I didn't go anywhere but the second time she guided me to the same place she went on the first trip. It's pure and total awe.

Twin flame's experience:
(Keep in mind, I haven't used DMT except for the past week, so if I have trouble expressing what it is that I saw/experienced, please forgive me.)

It started as a pulling effect, to my left side. I felt myself being pulled away/out of my body, and had the distinct impression that I was being led somewhere. The first entities I saw were two small green creatures (maybe aliens?) and then, I saw what looked to be 4 clowns or angels, or elves, maybe a combination of all three, and they were beckoning me to go through these doors that were off to the side. At first, I thought, "wait a minute, you guys are here to distract me, I wanna go down the hallway and talk to the cool, knowing plant again", but they gave me the impression that they wanted to actually help me see something, and quickly, too...As I went through the first door, they portrayed the following to me:

"You weren't ready to see this before, but you are now....we want to show you...look, it all works together, see? See?"

I then went through the first door, that seemed to be hinged on nothing, and it was like an explosion of pure energy and colors and light, all working together, moving together, and I was just in awe of all of it. I tried desperately to come up with words, and they said, "We know it's difficult sometimes for people to let go of the body, that's why we look like this." It was like they understood me, they understood my misunderstanding, and they were leading me through all of these white doors with the most beautiful patterns and dancing around them, almost like they themselves couldn't explain things any better than that.

"Everything works together, there's a balance to everything", they kept saying, as they led me through all these doors that led to even MORE beauty, more complex patterns, and I tried again to come up with words, somewhere between "I wasn't ready for this", "It's so beautiful", "I never knew", and "I never would have imagined".

As I felt myself coming back to reality, they said that I had to go back now, to the physical, to the prison, but that it would be ok, and for me to show my twin flame what I saw and guide him to the same place.

The second time, I went nowhere, it was mostly darkness, patterns, and I think maybe my spirit was with him, guiding him, which was perfectly fine with me. Smile


I'm really not sure where to begin. There has always been this anxiety when doing DMT and a fear of the unknown. I believe this has held me back from really seeing what is out there. I remember her coming back from her first trip and saying over and over "everything is one, working together" and crying uncontrollably. I couldn't imagine until I saw it for myself. She told me they said a lot of people fear losing their bodies, and that is OK. After about 45 minutes I dove in without fear, without panic, and without strings attached.

I was overtaken by a white light and I was confused. The earth was shifting like a salvia trip and I kept wondering if I smoked the wrong pipe because I keep them together. I saw these orbs at first, like on a salvia trip, but it went WAAAAY deeper than salvia could ever take you. I could see it closed eyed but I was a bit nervous so I opened my eyes. I could see the room but it was disolving and I was pushed into this place regardless if I kept my eyes open or not. The music disappeared, I couldn't feel myself breathing and I was in complete disconnection with my body.

I didn't see the entities but I was being thrown into that world she described. I can't even begin to put it into words. There were no dimensions but millions of dimensions at the same time. It wasn't a place but it was a huge world. There were colors and lights and geometric patterns all moving in unison, working with each other. I couldn't understand what I was seeing and apparently I was trembling until I heard her voice say "everything is ok, relax and stop shaking".

Then this calmness took over me. And I saw everything laid out right before me. Everything moving as one, everything is one. It was gorgeous. I'm sorry but I can't even begin to describe what I saw. All I know is that it was heaven. No body, no worry, no fear, no sadness, no conflict, just pure and total bliss. It was like the energies of the universe were dancing around, celebrating the oneness and simply being. I didn't even think to ask why. There was no why, no buts, no howevers, nothing what so ever except for pure acceptance of what I was seeing.

Then I began to come back and she grabbed me and and held me tight. I could feel her body, but it wasn't her physical body, it was her spirit melting together with mine. I really love that part of the DMT trip and I imagine you can only feel it with your twin flame. Usually I'm like "don't touch me, don't talk to me, etc. etc." with anyone else. Anyway. I could hear her voice clearer but I didn't want to come back so I kept my eyes shut and tried to focus on that place. And then I was back, at a loss for words.

I didn't know what emotions I should feel. I was actually emotionless at first other than the awe that overwhelmed me. There were no emotions. Just pure harmony with the energy of the universe.

I hope this has been able to help a few people see what we've seen. Smile. Just remember. No fear. Let your ego go and understand that everything works together in harmony.

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#2 Posted : 10/27/2009 7:51:21 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Last visit: 07-Aug-2016

Good report Smile
#3 Posted : 10/27/2009 9:55:16 PM

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I really enjoyed that, and perhaps it will help me.

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