Pure white DMT, no visuals Options
#1 Posted : 10/26/2009 2:50:09 PM

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I did an STB with Xylene
evaporated Xylene, collected crystals
Heated up some naptha, dissolved crystals, lots of goo leftover
Naptha was freeze precipitated and I was left with half a g of pure white spice (hint of yell0w)

I smoked 50mg of this and was left very disappointed. I had NO visuals. Slight distortion of contrast but nothing else. Body load was there; my mind was having trouble finding words; I was tripping but there were no visuals.

It seems that the more I do a hallucinogen, the more my brain becomes tolerant of it. I eat like 6g of shrooms and barely get visuals. My first DMT trip is the only one I have broken through on- beautiful visuals and the geometry world.

However, on these new batches I have had poor quality dmt. It seems like a different drug, nothing is the same as when I smoked it the first time.

Anyone have any recommendations for me? There is little smell with the white DMT but it smells when you burn it.

I have only tried this batch once, for some reason I am scared. However, others have tried it with very little effects as well.

Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#2 Posted : 10/26/2009 3:52:21 PM

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sounds like bad smoking technique to me (which you didnt mention how you did).. check the FAQ

"burn it"? dmt shouldnt be burning, it should vaporize! burning = destroying it
#3 Posted : 10/26/2009 4:00:49 PM

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DMT was placed on ashes in my sacramental bowl. It was pre melted into the ashes by placing the lighter above the dmt and holding it there. I then moved the lighter close enough to the bowl to ignite. The flame never touched the bowl. I tried to take multiple hits but I was unable before it began to kick in.

I attributed this to improper technique as well but this is the same technique i used for my first, mindblowing, trip.
#4 Posted : 10/26/2009 4:28:44 PM

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you eat 6 grams of mushrooms ang barely get visuals?..what type of mushrooms?
Long live the unwoke.
#5 Posted : 10/26/2009 4:54:18 PM

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homegrown cubes.

Ever since I grew them (and ate about an ounce in 2 months) they have had little effect on me. I had 6g in a tea and visuals were minimal- mindfuck was minimal. They may have been impotent mushrooms but my buddies tripped fine.
#6 Posted : 10/26/2009 5:31:43 PM

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ismokecrystals wrote:

DMT was placed on ashes in my sacramental bowl. It was pre melted into the ashes by placing the lighter above the dmt and holding it there. I then moved the lighter close enough to the bowl to ignite. The flame never touched the bowl. I tried to take multiple hits but I was unable before it began to kick in.

I attributed this to improper technique as well but this is the same technique i used for my first, mindblowing, trip.

dont premelt into the ashes.. Instead, put a fat layer of ashes on top also, and straight away inhale as you approach with the lighter

dont stop hitting after effects have started (if you want a real breakthrough..) instead, take one puff, hold in the lungs for a good while (at least few seconds), exhale.. Its possible at this time you are feeling something but go again, another similar puff, and a third if still physically possible. THEN you will really go there...
#7 Posted : 10/26/2009 6:43:25 PM

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You could have long term tolerance from an RC you possibly took. Iboga, not an RC, but it is said to cause long term tolerance to DMT. XTC abuse can cause partial to complete tolerance to mescaline that can last many years, or so I’ve heard from others. Who knows how many RCs have this type of effect of tolerance development.
You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.

If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
#8 Posted : 10/26/2009 7:05:54 PM
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If you indeed have developped a tolerance for entheogens that affect the 5-ht-2 receptor (psilocybin, DMT, LSD, etc.), you could try to use caapi extract for a while on a daily base. It is said to imrpove synaptic connections of the serotonergic system, wich is also why it is so effective as an antidepressant.
In other words, it strengthens the connections between at least some of the braincells that are involved in creating the psychedelic experience.

I don't know for how long you would have to use it, and how much. Most antidepressants start working after using them for 15 to 30 days.
Touche Guevara
#9 Posted : 10/26/2009 8:48:04 PM
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69ron wrote:
You could have long term tolerance from an RC you possibly took. Iboga, not an RC, but it is said to cause long term tolerance to DMT. XTC abuse can cause partial to complete tolerance to mescaline that can last many years, or so I’ve heard from others. Who knows how many RCs have this type of effect of tolerance development.

Just an anecdote, but SWIM used ecstasy perhaps 20-30 times from 2004-2007, and still felt effects from 150mg mesc acetate similar to what others have described in the limonene thread. Lots of energy and light spatial distortion.
#10 Posted : 10/26/2009 9:09:38 PM

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i have noticed that while on mescaline or mdma(at least so far) the the effects of dmt are basically non visuals...only a slight body rush
it's a sound
#11 Posted : 10/27/2009 12:02:39 AM

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I have not used an RC to my knowledge. Caapi is an MAOI, correct? I would have to adhere to a strict diet then, I assume.
#12 Posted : 10/27/2009 8:57:17 AM

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Touche Guevara wrote:
69ron wrote:
You could have long term tolerance from an RC you possibly took. Iboga, not an RC, but it is said to cause long term tolerance to DMT. XTC abuse can cause partial to complete tolerance to mescaline that can last many years, or so I’ve heard from others. Who knows how many RCs have this type of effect of tolerance development.

Just an anecdote, but SWIM used ecstasy perhaps 20-30 times from 2004-2007, and still felt effects from 150mg mesc acetate similar to what others have described in the limonene thread. Lots of energy and light spatial distortion.

There are other users (who used it everyday for a few years) on the Nexus who have noticeably developed tolerance to mescaline after abusing it who posted about this, so it is definitely a real issue. Several tests show that XTC seems to cause permanent brain damage if abused too often. I would stay away from it if I was you.
You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.

If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
#13 Posted : 10/27/2009 3:32:00 PM
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The use of XTC can diminish the amount ofserotonin receptors. This seems to be so, at least. But the evidence for this is strong.
Maybe it diminishes some other receptors as well.

DMT and other psychedelics are serotonin2 receptor agonists, so this totally makes sense.

I think you should read the 'aya for depression' thread. The effects caapi has on synaptic bounds of the serotonergic and dopaminergic system is what's responsible for it's anti-depressant effects.

Acolon_5 is very positive about it's use for this purpose. He probably knows more about what dosage is best. You don't need to worry much about MAOI diets with caapi.
#14 Posted : 10/27/2009 8:59:54 PM

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I have a friend that doesn't get visuals from dmt. He's also takin multiple hits along with me and never got visuals but loves the way it makes him feel. I on the other hand can take one hit sometimes and be on the other side of the planet. idk

I would suggest concentrating on what your doing... makes sure your holding the smoke as long as possible and taking each hit like its a $100 glass of champagne
#15 Posted : 10/29/2009 3:16:17 PM

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The lack of visuals has been confirmed to be user error. I guess the spice was getting destroyed before being freebased.

I blasted off a newcomer with ~60mg and he took off for a couple minutes Pleased
#16 Posted : 10/29/2009 7:03:39 PM
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Good to hear it wasn't caused by wrecked receptor's.
#17 Posted : 11/1/2009 7:14:28 AM

NiGHTS into Dreams

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ismokecrystals wrote:
The lack of visuals has been confirmed to be user error. I guess the spice was getting destroyed before being freebased.

I blasted off a newcomer with ~60mg and he took off for a couple minutes Pleased

Can you tell us what specifically was the cause of the error? How was it getting destroyed before being freebased?
#18 Posted : 11/1/2009 3:42:18 PM

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I believe it was the flame touching the spice. Dirtier (waxier) spice has much more tolerance for heat while white DMT burns rapidly without care.

KEEP THE FLAME OFF OF THE DMT OR YOU WILL ANGER OUR ELVISH FRIENDS! Bad experiences for me were caused by binging (4 attempts within 2 hrs) and improper technique.

I use to think I did the extraction wrong or something but no, it's almost always TECHNIQUE. I plan on making CHANGA soon to eliminate problems.
#19 Posted : 11/1/2009 7:56:46 PM

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Its wise to heat the outside of the bowl with changa as well(metal bowl). A Butane torch lighter is almost essential. With this you can actually pull the flame back from the changa allowing you to burn slowly even when flames touching the leaf.
#20 Posted : 11/2/2009 2:39:05 PM

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2-5g of decent stregnth Caapi made into a tea (200mL water 2x for a GT of 400mL) taken 2x day for 2-3 weeks dose WONDERS for depression. I have no knowledge of it fixing brain damage or reducing tolerance, but Caapi sure can't hurt. Plus, a nice cuppa Caapi tea before launch always makes for a nice experience in my book.

Stay away from pharma's that are contraindicated with MAOI's but you do not have to watch your diet. This amount of Caapi does not produce fill MAO inhibition, and the alkaloids are RIMA's anyways, so you can eat anything you'd like. Though eating healthy isn't a bad idea when trying to get your brain functions working normally again.

Another possible fix is piracetam for a few weeks. This has been proven to fix brain damage...again, not sure about tolerance issues due to overuse of XTC or RC's.

I do know that trying DMT 2-3 days after a mushroom trip, up to a week after an X trip, or any other long term trypt or phen WILL result in almost no visuals, and only a minor body buzz from doses as high as 75mgs (from personal experience).
The Spice extends life
The Spice expands consciousness
The Spice is vital for space travel
Never underestimate the power of STUFF!

I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.

I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
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