Am I A Psychedelic Hyperspace Anomaly? Options
#1 Posted : 10/25/2009 4:16:41 PM

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I find it somewhat funny, not funny "ha, ha" but funny "kind of odd" that I don't see more experienced Spicers going a route similar to what I seem to follow. Most that I have read would indicate that even after a few years of experience or so, the major majority of Spicers still measure before launch.

It has been well over a year since the last time that I actually measured a dose before launching it. Now on a number of occasions I have measured a 1 to 3 gram pile of Angel White Spice before embarking only to find 6 to 8 hours later that I had smoked it all on top of 1 to 2 grams of harmaloid freebase.

I have found that if I'm wanting a complete "Spice Trip to Hyperspace" that I prefer to have at least a gram (2 is better, 3 is awesome) of Angel White coupled with 1/2 to 1 gram of Harmaloid Freebase and about 6 to 8 hours to myself with it. I love the feeling of complete physical absence when my body is writhing and vibrating and spirit is resonating outside of it. Often times I can reach a state that it feels like an intense climax of a well worked orgasm that consumes and resonates throughout my entire body, soul, and spirit. And to reach this spiritual orgasm, and hang there for 3 to 5 hours... I have experienced nothing more amazing save for one thing. About once or twice a year (birthday & Christmas) I can talk my wife into having Spiced Sex with me.

Now that is absolutely THE MOST BEAUTIFUL thing. To be completely in Hyperspace and then to have her take me into her mouth. I yell, scream, and cry out in extreme pleasure. And when she climbs on top of me and I begin to penetrate her it feels more as though we become one and our flesh flows together like two liquids mixing. The touch of skin to skin is like a blending of our spirits in which we meld together as two pieces of clay that become one. Then more Spice, and more loving, more Spice and more loving and more and more.

Anyway, I am well anchored in my mind because I understand the Spice well enough to know with absolute confidence that it will not kill me no matter how much I manage to do. Because of this I have no fear and I never have a "bad" trip. In fact, I don't think I have ever had a bad trip. I have had a few "Oh shit, maybe I took to much" trips, but that hasn't happened in over a year, and back then I was taking a lot less than I prefer now.

Anyway, I love mega doses. Whether it is straight Spice or the Spice is coupled with Harmaloid Freebase, I love mega doses. Now, to get an idea of just how much I generally smoke per hit let me describe my pipe. I have found the best method is to take my steel pot pipe and fill it with steel wool. I just buy the regular steel wool (not aluminum or copper) for washing pots & pans. I use some heavy duty bone scissors and cut a piece off and wad it up and hammer it flat then fold it over and hammer it flat again and repeat until it is very compact. This way, the Spice is generally well smoked and doesn't leak to the bottom as much when heated. Using this method I then will generally pack a bowl of Harmaloid Freebase and smoke it before packing it with Spice, although, on occasion I do just do the Spice w/o the Harmaloid Freebase. Now, just because I was curious I have filled the bowl with about what I normally pack then tried emptying it out and measured what emptied out. Doing that several times I have found that what is emptied out my pipe holds about 120 mg loose and about 150 mg packed. This doesn't include any that gets stuck in the steel wool. So generally, I will do at least that and turn around and do it again very shortly after. And repeat between 10 and 20 bowls or until I run out.

Anyway, I am wondering if perhaps I am a Psychedelic Hyperspace Anomaly because it seems that my preference for mega dosing and my love for sex while Spicing is not very common. Is this accurate? Or does anyone else stand by my side on this?


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#2 Posted : 10/25/2009 4:26:26 PM

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swim is still a fan of 30-50mg.... but has only been dealing with it for about 6months now. How ofter do you smoke?
#3 Posted : 10/25/2009 4:33:34 PM

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lonewolf123 wrote:
swim is still a fan of 30-50mg.... but has only been dealing with it for about 6months now. How ofter do you smoke?

I like to try to get it in at least once a week but sometimes it doesn't work out that way. There was a period that I was getting it in 2 to 4 times a week, but when you're working you have to save it for the days off.
#4 Posted : 10/25/2009 4:45:51 PM

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Oh my life.

How the deuce do you even get it up after 1g let alone 3g????
Even 30-50mg sex is the last thing on my mind!!!
So how long are you in hyperspace if you smoke 1g with harmalas?
You have to go within or you go without
#5 Posted : 10/25/2009 4:53:00 PM

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EZ4U2Shoot wrote:

Now on a number of occasions I have measured a 1 to 3 gram pile of Angel White Spice before embarking only to find 6 to 8 hours later that I had smoked it all on top of 1 to 2 grams of harmaloid freebase.

Really? you smoked an entire gram of DMT?
Even over 6-8 hours that is kind of a big-fish story, isn't it?
Maybe you do need to use a scale...Wink

Either way, that seems like kind of a "cracky" way to go about doing it.
Have you tried using the spice & MAOI's to make pharmahuasca?
One dose can last 4-6 hours & is generally a much more deep inter-personal experience, than spending the night smoking a pile of DMT like it's crack...

Attn most folks:
This is not recommended!!
Especially if you are new to the DMT experience!!

To each his own...
All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
#6 Posted : 10/25/2009 5:15:32 PM

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id have to agree with WS on this one...using 3 grams of dmt in one night seems like a massive waste..when you can make multiple 75mg doses with harmala alkaloids and take them orally...for a much longer experience...AND if you want to increase the dose...take more...but you will never end up eating 3g of dmt in one night...
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#7 Posted : 10/25/2009 5:21:12 PM
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There are a couple of options:

1-you realy do need a scale.
2-your product is EXTREMELY impure.
3-you are an anomaly indeed.
4-you are making this up.
5-you have a very inefficient way of smoking.

I find it hard to believe that someone can take almost 100 times as much as most people need. 40 mg of clean spice ought to do it.
3 grams is 75 times that amountShocked Shocked Shocked

I expect anybody who's not an anomaly to need hospitalization or even to die of such extreme amounts.
0.3 grams is enough to cause a nightmare of total insanity in the vast majority of men.
#8 Posted : 10/25/2009 5:28:12 PM

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Or #6- he is only taking 1 or 2 small tokes every 30-60 minutes & just maintaining a sub-breakthrough effect over a long period of time.

There is a point, just beyond a breakthrough dose, where you will just black out, so dieing from smoking DMT is pretty much impossible. As is smoking huge doses all at once.
Hell, it gets difficult to even smoke enough to get a full on breakthrough by yourself!

During that 3rd, or 4th toke, I'm never really sure if the flame is even close enough to the bowl to vaporize anything...or if it's just burning up what's left.
Things are moving & changing shape/size so fast at that point that I have no clue where the lighter actually is in reference to the pipe.
But I always give it a try...just to make sure...Shocked

All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
#9 Posted : 10/25/2009 5:50:33 PM

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Swim noticed, that he doesn't really have the willpower to take enough spice. At one point, it's coming on real strong and he's always happy to find the lightswitch before collapsing.
The realm he then embarks is always not completly in another dimension. He can will himself to open his eyes, he can notice his breath ..and stuff like that.

I guess, he needs a friend who can handle the pipe, turn the light off etc.
#10 Posted : 10/25/2009 5:56:00 PM

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have you tried eating the harmala alkies and waiting for them to kick in...THEN smoke dmt...that seemed to work better than smoking rue seeds for me anyway
it's a sound
#11 Posted : 10/25/2009 8:06:04 PM

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soulman wrote:
Oh my life.

How the deuce do you even get it up after 1g let alone 3g????
Even 30-50mg sex is the last thing on my mind!!!
So how long are you in hyperspace if you smoke 1g with harmalas?

I don't really have that problem. Also, if you are having it sucked before you even take that first hit, then it doesn't have any problem staying up. Besides that, I guess if you needed it, you could always take the little blue pill before hand if you're afraid of not being able to perform.

WSaged wrote:
EZ4U2Shoot wrote:

Now on a number of occasions I have measured a 1 to 3 gram pile of Angel White Spice before embarking only to find 6 to 8 hours later that I had smoked it all on top of 1 to 2 grams of harmaloid freebase.

Really? you smoked an entire gram of DMT?
Even over 6-8 hours that is kind of a big-fish story, isn't it?
Maybe you do need to use a scale...Wink

Either way, that seems like kind of a "cracky" way to go about doing it.
Have you tried using the spice & MAOI's to make pharmahuasca?
One dose can last 4-6 hours & is generally a much more deep inter-personal experience, than spending the night smoking a pile of DMT like it's crack...

Attn most folks:
This is not recommended!!
Especially if you are new to the DMT experience!!

To each his own...

Jorkest wrote:
id have to agree with WS on this one...using 3 grams of dmt in one night seems like a massive waste..when you can make multiple 75mg doses with harmala alkaloids and take them orally...for a much longer experience...AND if you want to increase the dose...take more...but you will never end up eating 3g of dmt in one night...

I don't disagree that it is a little wasteful, I'm just saying that is where I often end up. Just to note, I actually do have a pretty good diamond scale and I have used it, I just don't usually any more.

I would add that I can assure you there really isn't any reason to exaggerate, and in fact doing so would defeat the purpose for asking. I sincerely would like to know more people who push the envelope as I do and how far they might push it. I don't believe I am the only one who goes to the far end of the extreme, but with more replies I am of the impression that it is extremely rare.

I will also add, I actually have, and occasionally, do oral pharmahuasca. Generally, when I do, I will start by mixing 2 or 3 tablespoons of bakers cocoa (for the Theobromine) with either a tea made from about 6 grams of Syrian Rue or a Harmaloid Freebase that would be close to equivalent to a tea of about 6 to 8 grams of Syrian Rue seeds. Then about half an hour after I ingest that I will then take 300 mg of Pure White Angel Spice. Then after I purge I will take another 300 mg of Pure White Angel Spice and follow that up with smoking some Pure White in the pipe. Doing it this way, I admit, is much much more efficient and I will only use about 1/2 to 2/3 of what I normally would just smoking. But, in order to reach the desired shakes & babel condition I still smoke on top of ingest. The main difference though is that when I only smoke, I do not though up very often and when I do it isn't as bad, but when I ingest, I always purge and usually pretty violently for at least a half an hour or more.

Anyway, because of my current living conditions, I don't have the luxury of being able to spew so at the moment I only smoke. Otherwise, I would definitely opt to save some so I can have an extra for later. But regardless of how I do it, drink and smoke or just smoke, I usually make it last 6 to 8 hours.

polytrip wrote:
There are a couple of options:

1-you realy do need a scale.
2-your product is EXTREMELY impure.
3-you are an anomaly indeed.
4-you are making this up.
5-you have a very inefficient way of smoking.

I find it hard to believe that someone can take almost 100 times as much as most people need. 40 mg of clean spice ought to do it.
3 grams is 75 times that amountShocked Shocked Shocked

I expect anybody who's not an anomaly to need hospitalization or even to die of such extreme amounts.
0.3 grams is enough to cause a nightmare of total insanity in the vast majority of men.

WSaged wrote:
Or #6- he is only taking 1 or 2 small tokes every 30-60 minutes & just maintaining a sub-breakthrough effect over a long period of time.

There is a point, just beyond a breakthrough dose, where you will just black out, so dieing from smoking DMT is pretty much impossible. As is smoking huge doses all at once.
Hell, it gets difficult to even smoke enough to get a full on breakthrough by yourself!

During that 3rd, or 4th toke, I'm never really sure if the flame is even close enough to the bowl to vaporize anything...or if it's just burning up what's left.
Things are moving & changing shape/size so fast at that point that I have no clue where the lighter actually is in reference to the pipe.
But I always give it a try...just to make sure...Shocked


1-I do have a very nice and precise diamond scale, and I use it to measure how big my batches are.
2-The end product is EXTREMELY pure. Angel White is very clean. Classic Tainted Yellow is the second batch.
3-Anomaly is what I wonder, but I'm sure I'm not the only one.
4-Again, exaggeration would defeat the purpose of asking such a question.
5-Inefficiency is not an issue because it is still very similar when using a high end vaporizer. I will note that the vaporizer is more efficient, but there isn't really much of any difference in the total amount. Even with a vaporizer, I have gone through a gram and a half in 8 hours.

40 mg won't do it for me anymore. The first time I ever tried it I did 65 mg. But now, 100 mg is usually my smallest dose. Sometimes I might have to let a little out to get in the last of it but usually, I can inhale 100-150 mg in one very long slow inhale. I suspect that smoking for 20 years has a little to play in the ability to expand my lungs as such.

Furthermore, I have no problem smoking until I am no longer coordinated enough to get the lighter to the pipe. But as soon as the coordination comes back enough I'll do it again. I don't even have to try. I am certain that if I had someone else to hold the lighter and pipe, I could make it even deeper. I will also note that I am always laying down when I smoke it, and I will also note that most often I reach a point that I am separated from my body but it seems my body just keeps on smoking. Sometimes it is as if my body, my arms, hands, and head are being controlled by something else because while I am outside of it, my body will just keep on smoking.

In short, once I break through, it is as if I go into a deep trance and keep smoking and filling the pipe and smoking usually without being consciously aware that I am still smoking. I then will reach the point that I babel and shake and vibrate (to some, it looks like I'm having convulsions, except for the big ass smile on my face and the glow in my eyes, as I've been told). And as soon as that stops, my body will continue smoking again until I am shaking and vibrating again, then repeat.

The simplest explanation is that once I have broken through, my body goes on and continues to smoke until there is no more to smoke and it does this without any conscious effort. This is why I have learned that if I measure the amount before I begin and leave the rest in another place that is not easily accessible (keywords: not easily) then I will only go through what ever I leave out for myself and I can regulate it this way.

The odd thing is that I have had a gram and told myself that I was only going to go to the point of breakthrough and stop but when I came back down it was all gone. I legitimately have the intentions of only doing 150 mg but as soon as I break through, it never fails, I end up smoking it until there is no more.

Perhaps I do reach a level of insanity. But it is a most beautiful state of insanity and not at all a nightmare. I can't say that it has ever been horrific for me, though when I first tried the Spice and for a couple months after until I got some experience, there were a few of those nervous trips that I wondered if I had taken too much.

obliguhl wrote:
Swim noticed, that he doesn't really have the willpower to take enough spice. At one point, it's coming on real strong and he's always happy to find the lightswitch before collapsing.
The realm he then embarks is always not completly in another dimension. He can will himself to open his eyes, he can notice his breath ..and stuff like that.

I guess, he needs a friend who can handle the pipe, turn the light off etc.

See above. As I mentioned, for me, it isn't so much willpower per say. But instead, as soon as I break through, my mind will separate from my body and my body will go on about its business and just keep smoking without any conscious effort from my own mind.

Jorkest wrote:
have you tried eating the harmala alkies and waiting for them to kick in...THEN smoke dmt...that seemed to work better than smoking rue seeds for me anyway

Also, see above. Usually, when I do pharmahusca, I follow it up with smoking some Angel White or Classic Yellow.
#12 Posted : 10/25/2009 8:17:43 PM

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Last visit: 19-Jan-2024 that you talk about it like that...i can see what you mean...

now you too can have your own auto-smoking body for this very low priceRazz
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#13 Posted : 10/25/2009 8:23:41 PM

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Jorkest wrote: that you talk about it like that...i can see what you mean...

now you too can have your own auto-smoking body for this very low priceRazz

lol, I'm not sure the price is so low.

But it is pretty much like my body goes on auto pilot while my mind flies away.
#14 Posted : 10/25/2009 8:25:48 PM

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That automatic smoking thing is pretty spooky!

What about taking harmala alkaloids sublingually? No puke but it stretches the spice.
#15 Posted : 10/25/2009 8:54:07 PM

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I couldn't do what EZ4U2Shoot reports here.

I can, however confirm the auto pilot toking ability. As I posted here on the 22 September:

I have, through practice, developed a 'feel' or method where I/she/ they/ it assist in the pipe and lighter to make this dose possible- kind of an auto-pilot toke method.

And yes obliguhl it is a bit spooky it's like you're not doing it - they are

I wont be doing it again though.

Lesson learned Shocked
"Give enough that it feels good but not so much it hurts"
Life is not a task. There is absolutely nothing to attain except the realisation that there is absolutely nothing to attain.
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#16 Posted : 10/25/2009 10:58:32 PM

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transitory wrote:
I couldn't do what EZ4U2Shoot reports here.

I can, however confirm the auto pilot toking ability. As I posted here on the 22 September:

I have, through practice, developed a 'feel' or method where I/she/ they/ it assist in the pipe and lighter to make this dose possible- kind of an auto-pilot toke method.

And yes obliguhl it is a bit spooky it's like you're not doing it - they are

I wont be doing it again though.

Lesson learned Shocked

Something I might suggest. Try it again, but before you launch, get the album "The Songs Of Distant Earth" by Mike Oldfield and perhaps some Enigma and Deep Forest, but DEFINITELY "The Songs of Distant Earth". Start that playing and make sure it will loop and restart when it is over. Make sure it is playing a bit before your launch and then the whole time you are in hyperspace and you will have a very beautiful experience and in fact, the point of breakthrough and ego death become pleasant and welcoming.
#17 Posted : 10/26/2009 12:56:10 PM

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EZ4U2Shoot - Thanks for your kind advice.

I'll be looking up the Mike Oldfield tonight. I've only travelled in silence before but two days ago I tried with music for the first time (the Orb). WOW! I had no idea. No idea how different it could be with music.

I'm intrigued though. At one point the music changed to a completely different song. A low bit rate sounding version of 'All You Need Is Love' Never heard it before- or since. Just inserted itself into the playlist. I recall that at the time It felt like a massively amusing and ironic joke. I struggled to catch my breath through gasps of ecstasy and laughter. I can’t find it now and I don't own it. But I listened to it then and still recall it quite clearly.

Even with ambient music, I fear that ego death is not yet 'pleasant and welcoming' for me. My high-dose experiments showed me that I'm not ready yet. I AM working on it Wink I learned that just because one can go a long, long way out doesn't necessarily mean that you can return intact. It takes me some time (days) to put the pieces back together again.

I very recently returned from a VERY deep, beautiful and terrifying experience with DMT-jungle mix and to be truthful, it was bloody mental. It still is if you know what I mean. I do relate to your dosing approach. Repeated heavy hits every 20-30 min. can elevate you to very special place but how you can consume a gram in one session is beyond me!
"Give enough that it feels good but not so much it hurts"
Life is not a task. There is absolutely nothing to attain except the realisation that there is absolutely nothing to attain.
What is sought remains hidden from the seeker by already being everything.

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