within our sannnnnd tenets there are the stories of Hazrat Musa (AS) who (after his prophecy) referred to himself as the wisest of all, something
'wrong' (feeling) inmediately spawned and he was made aware that a certain near immortal (plant) entity was much wiser then him and he was advised to seek that entity out. After (he and Yusha bin Nun) learning to
combine the
two (2) streams at
the junction into 0ne(1)* he met him indeed (the green man AS, aka
Hazrat Khidr AS).
He traveilled with him some time until he experienced lock-out for talking back too many why questions. At 0ne(1) point he (Musa AS) even grew uneasy and uncertain wether this was even the right way. He requested
a meeting with Hazrat Aadam (AS) the first homo sapiens who through Allah (SWT)'s creation from substrate and waater was blessed with a word/label for all things and also a simple abjad (script). Musa (AS) said:
'How again was it when you (and all of us in your testicals) were kicked out of the gaardens?' Hazrat Aadam (AS) was clearly annoyed by the question and Hazrat Musa(AS)'s lack of
certainty (Yaqeen).....He says: 'Why do you blame me for a matter which Allah (al Subhaana wa Ta'aala) had predestined?'
They were sitting in a (Beda Paar) boat, and Moses (AS) said, ' I came to you so that you may teach me of the truth which you have.' Al-Khidr (AS) said, 'Is it not sufficient for you that the Torah is in your hands and the Divine Inspiration comes to you, O Moses (AS)? Verily, I have a knowledge that you ought not learn, and you have a knowledge which I ought not learn.' At that time a certain birnd took with it's beak (some water or something else) from the sea: Al-Khidr (AS) then said, 'By Allah (SWT), my knowledge and your knowledge besides Allah's (SWT) Knowledge is like what this certain birnd* has taken with it's beak from the sea.....
ginger brew (zanjabeel) against nausea
And Allah (SWT)
knows bestIn other wornds.....we'd take it the way our
Elder forebearers took it:
Hold still (!), this the way it is properly done!
Down here things taste
slighly differently.Even if 0ne(1) had internalized the whole process, feasting on kundalini and internal amrit, there are some hardships/work in reaching at that station too.