Who else had this happen? ( an unexpected massive dose) Options
#1 Posted : 10/22/2009 9:32:41 PM

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So today I loaded up the pipe with what I thought would be a fairly heavy hit knowing that there could still be some residual spice in the pipe, but I thought the spice I was using wasn't going to be very strong and I wanted a strong experience today.
I like to launch with one big hit, and thats what I did today but immediately it was like - oh fuck - WAY too much..WAY stronger than I expected, thought maybe I used the stronger jungle spice instead of regular by mistake or something...and now I know I'm going into hyper-hyper-hyper space, but also going to puke from the chem overload ( I had eaten about an hour earlier which probably wasn't wise.)
Everything was cool, I'm experienced and I know to just wait a few minutes...didn't puke, dealt with that ok, but what a total mind fuck! Not a black out experience but a really wild experience thats hard to explain and was all in all a good but an extreme mind bender. ( I do usually like the stronger more intense experiences on any psychedelic once I become experienced with it.)
So I was just wondering, how many have had that "oh shit!, too much!" smoking experience and did it turn out ok for you or did it turn into a bad trip experience?

Mad Banshee

Note that the poster of this message would never actually use or recommend to use illegal substances. He is just an attention seeker and should be considered to be lying about everything he posts and his posts are only for the sake of generating discussion.

Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#2 Posted : 10/23/2009 3:11:04 AM

Got Naloxone?

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Hi mad_banshee,

I haven't experienced exactly what you described, but I'm a bit OCD about measuring doses on my mg scale.

Though once while hitting on a breakthrough dose of spice while coming up on over five grams of mushrooms I got the "Oh boy, am I in for it . . ." feeling.

There was an incident right at the beginning when I was still just beginning to learn technique. I heated it up too hot too quickly, or something and the vapor/smoke was super acrid. But, this was one of those take the whole 40-55mg in one toke hits . . .

So, I start coughing and gagging. My lungs really hurt and I feel like I am about to vomit. I understand that it would not be wise to lay down right now as I have little fantasy visions of choking on my own vomit while in hyperspace. So, I remain sitting and actively FIGHT the breakthrough that keeps trying to drag me down into a powerful trance. Every single time I close my eyes for even a microsecond I am bombarded with tremendous amounts of visual information and a pulling sensation that tries to drag my chin down to my chest. There is a teasing sense of playfulness that assaults me every time I close my eyes. The entire time I am coughing and gagging into my trash bag.

Eventually the coughing and nausea came under control and I was able to lie down for the remainder of the experience.

So, although not an OD, definately an "oh shit" situation with the spice . . .I would describe the trip as neither bad nor good. Based on the emotional tone and what I glimpsed behind momentarily closed eyes, I know it would have been a great breakthrough experience if I had just been able to lie back and enjoy it . . .

Peace & Love,
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

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#3 Posted : 10/23/2009 2:42:57 PM

The Great Namah

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Yes my friend, this has probably happened to most hyperspace explorers who don't clean out their pipe each time.

I myself have done this, the entire world collapsed on itself after my 2nd hit (I really wasn't expecting that!) and then the psycedlic hammer of insanity was upon me. It was rather unpleasant, and I can only describe it as being hit mentally and somewhat physically over and over by some unseen massive hammer. The visuals were like a normal breakthrough dose, put into a blender (along with my head) and turned on high. Very unpleasant.

I now clean the screen and bowl before each launch, at the time I was using an Aladin's Lamp (mini glass bong with a bulb on top) for vaporizing the spice... I started cleaning that out each voyage as well.

I really like having control over at least my dosage.....after that it's up to the hyperspace gods to guide me to a happy place.
The Spice extends life
The Spice expands consciousness
The Spice is vital for space travel
Never underestimate the power of STUFF!

I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.

I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
#4 Posted : 10/23/2009 3:33:25 PM

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acolon_5 wrote:
, and I can only describe it as being hit mentally and somewhat physically over and over by some unseen massive hammer. The visuals were like a normal breakthrough dose, put into a blender (along with my head) and turned on high. Very unpleasant.

You have a great way with words Acolon. It was rather like being hit with a hammer but without the pain, sort of like a hammer was smashing all reality and it kept pounding about a dozen times, then I was SO scattered out and in another realm. I didn't find it altogether unpleasant though or felt like it was doing me any physical harm, just blowing my mind out the other side of the universe. Shocked
I'll have to be more careful to clean out my pipe I guess.Laughing

Mad Banshee

Note that the poster of this message would never actually use or recommend to use illegal substances. He is just an attention seeker and should be considered to be lying about everything he posts and his posts are only for the sake of generating discussion.
#5 Posted : 10/25/2009 1:52:34 AM

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mad_banshee wrote:
So today I loaded up the pipe with what I thought would be a fairly heavy hit knowing that there could still be some residual spice in the pipe, but I thought the spice I was using wasn't going to be very strong and I wanted a strong experience today.
I like to launch with one big hit, and thats what I did today but immediately it was like - oh fuck - WAY too much..WAY stronger than I expected, thought maybe I used the stronger jungle spice instead of regular by mistake or something...and now I know I'm going into hyper-hyper-hyper space, but also going to puke from the chem overload ( I had eaten about an hour earlier which probably wasn't wise.)
Everything was cool, I'm experienced and I know to just wait a few minutes...didn't puke, dealt with that ok, but what a total mind fuck! Not a black out experience but a really wild experience thats hard to explain and was all in all a good but an extreme mind bender. ( I do usually like the stronger more intense experiences on any psychedelic once I become experienced with it.)
So I was just wondering, how many have had that "oh shit!, too much!" smoking experience and did it turn out ok for you or did it turn into a bad trip experience?

It has been quite a long time but I did have the, "Oh shit, I think I might have taken too much!" dosage. I have done it often enough that I no longer get the "Oh shit" syndrome. In fact, now I always do MEGA doses. In fact, I no longer measure. When I do strait Spice, last that I was still measuring, I would dose about 200+ mg in about 3 (sometimes 4) extremely long hits, consecutive back to back.

Anymore, I prefer to couple the Angel Spice with Harmala Freebase. I've mentioned it on the nexus before but 1 to 2 grams in a 6 to 8 hour period (3g on occasion) coupled with about half a gram of harmaloid freebase is what I prefer. Needless to say, like I said, I no longer get the "Oh Shit, I did too much" for a very long time. After you get used to it, there is no fear. When there is no fear, there is no "Oh Shit". I know that no matter how much I try to do, I will never be able to overdose myself to death. There hasn't been a recorded case of death from overdose of DMT. I know this. You know this. The medical world knows this. I have tried to push the limits and have pushed the limits to the point that I just couldn't do anymore. I have also pushed it so far that after smoking so much that it did not matter how big of a dose I tried, it wouldn't even give me a buzz.

But I do love MEGA doses!!! 100mg minimum. 300mg even better, but it can be difficult stretching your lungs to their max.

You might check out my very first experience. I have managed to get a few times that I really did think I might have killed myself, but low and behold, I'm still here.

65 milligrams for the very first time smoking DMT... HOLY SHIT!!!

It's kind of funny because now-a-days, I feel 65 mg is a small amount.
#6 Posted : 10/25/2009 7:17:25 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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first time on shrooms(and they're hitting me really powerful, i get nauseted its so intense at times), the batch was moved from where i had set it out to dry. thinking it was E(as it was either me or him that would've moved them) i thought nothing of it and went on about enjoying my trip. He came up to me and asked me where they were, that's when i got super confused. If hed didnt know where they were, and i didnt know where they were...then he popped the question...

Look at me, try and remember, DID YOU EAT THEM ALL?

And at the point my whole trip flashed before my eyes trying to remember, i walked past them, and i saw where they had been GONE, but could i have possibly eaten them?! EATEN ALL 10 GRAMS?! Tunnel vision caved in on me and i went to lay down to prepare for one of the most intense moments of my life...until E comes back and informs me that R had taken them as she was planning on going on a trip.

Was just a scare*thank god*, but the tunnel vision, the flashing hyperspeed thoughts, every part of your body trying to prepare for something unknown gathering all the information youve ever come across to some how be able to figure out wtf to do...yeah...i peaked all over again ~8hours after consuming.
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