My new way of consuming ayahuasca.. Options
#1 Posted : 10/21/2009 6:36:28 PM

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The other day I was curious to know what would happen if I took some aya then went to sleep. Then I read a post from fractal saying that he woke up and took a gulp of aya at about 4am which altered dreaming. Now I thought that would be an awesome idea to take it at that time. I didn't even know why that got me all excited and inspired to experiment with aya that way. I was just fucking excited about it.

Only tried this twice so far, the first time (quote from my post in the dream thread)

"at about 4.30 I drank about 7g worth of caapi and 7g worth of mimosa in greentea. After a few minutes I noticed how clear everything seemed to look and move as I was changing the track on my mp3 player. I must admit my dreams where very clear, like I was actually awake, but not knowing I was. The most interesting point in my dreaming was when I was staying in an empty old victorian kinda house on my own, and the room I went into to sleep was the same as my room, but very old, like a victorian kinda look to it. At this point it was all very clear, I was very awake and I'm surprised that I didn't even suspect that I'm dreaming. I lay on the bed in this dark room, just thinking as I normally do, and I thought the rooms too cold, so, I got up to turn the light on, and it didn't work! but I never clicked on at this point, whenever a light doesn't work the first thing I think is "I'm dreaming" instead I was like why the fuck ain't the light working very calmly. The radiator worked? but was being a bit freaky, which got me suspicious, but I still didn't realise I was sleeping. Anyway I just stood in the dark with my back against the wall just thinking about how I'm feeling, trying to make myself feel more positive. I closed my eyes and I could see particals of light swirling about and stuff which I thought was interesting.

There was some very clear moments in my dreaming, and I remember it all connecting up well."

The second time I tried I must off used somewhere between 10-15g of mimosa, and about 10-15g of caapi in 2 bags worth of herbal tea consisting of hops, passionflower, limeflower and valerian root. I awoke at 5am when my alarm went, but I didn't feel like taken it at that time. I took it at about 10am and got cozy again to go back to sleep (last day off work for awhile so I could sleep inVery happy )

I noticed a shift in energy. My stomach wasn't too excited about working with what I just give it at that time.
As I lay there, almost dropping, I got a big jolt in my body "I never get that...mmmm" I began to get very cold, like about to come out of my body cold, I just lay snug in my blanket. Anyway.. I drifted into visions, dreamy visions which don't seem to have any relevance. There was a point of a minor black-out, like a blip you get sometimes when your going to have a lucid dream. I get this sometimes when I'm having a full conscious OBE from start to finish (rare treat)

Anyway, I found myself to be still awake but in a replication of my room I was projecting. Now..Rolling eyes I don't know if this happens to alot of people, but you know how morning time can sometimes greet you with morning wood Rolling eyes well morning lucid dreams for me can sometimes be spent erotically stuffing a female I'm projecting (which is me fucking myself..Confused )

(I wouldn't normally feel the need to mention this but it's a part of the story) So there I was, doing what I was doing whilst finding it really interesting how awake and locked in I was, when this cat runs next to my legs which surpirsed me a bit. This cat stood just watching me, which made me feel kinda awkward. This cats look though, there was something strange about it. As if it had sort of a human like awareness to it.. Anyway, it made me stop what I was doing, as that was boring anyway. I stood there then saw some things appearing in the room, this inspired me to just close my eyes and meditate.

This is where something really really interesting happened (and it did deserve really x2). I became very aware, clear, I felt really disconnected. The room was fading and alternating, I could not beleive what was happened, I thought "finally, a real experience" I began to transform, I lost my sense of a body, I was just consciousness. A strong gravitational pull came which would swirl slowly, it instantly reminded me of salvia and of the feeling I get when I'm being pulled out of my body. I gave into it, and I floated so precisely and automatic with it's pull, it took me through the wall into the darkness, then I/we swirled down deep and deeper.It was so dark with bit of light floating about in various colour and I begin to hear sounds "omg I can hear sounds" and I heard it so clear, it didn't sound like sound I think I'm hearing in dreams or even some lucid dreams, this sound was different, and so clear because of the contrast to emptiness I was in. They got louder as I travelled deeper, swirlling further and further down. Sounds I've not heard before, but goolish like and not. I also wondered why I was going down into dark rather than up into light haha
Eventually, after what seemed like quite a while tunneling into the void, the swirling gravity seemed to form a room, then leave me there whilst it went, but I could feel the gravity like a presence, and it was doing something but I could still feel it partly there, not too far away in a sense. In this room I was in I was calm, wondering where I was going to go very warily. The room I was in was completely black and seemed kinda confined, but I felt like I had space because of the blackness. The room felt very dungeon like, maybe because of the sounds I was hearing and tunnels I'd just been going down. The sounds in the room were so so strange. They were from something living, entities of some sort occupying the space, but as if it was something like algae in a forest, something alive but not. I didn't feel threatened, and I felt like I was known to be in this room, but these things were too busy doing something, like vibrating for some purpose, like energy or something.. weird.

Again after waiting, I was being pulled out of the room and going deeper down, felt like I was going down and down forever, I actually got pretty bored waiting haha (bit of a problem of mine, I get far too bored easy)
It got to a point where it seemed like I was submerging into something thick and dark, I felt a bit uncomfortable and felt I'd give it enough time and decided to pull out (now that I'm in my fleshy comfort zone, I wish I stayed longer)

I pulled out and got the jolt and was like "fuck me" -the usual scenario. I was proper out of it though, I could barely move or focus. I only just managed to look at my window to find it was dark. I couldn't beleive I'd been out all day! I heard the person I live with at home. I thought no way can anyone see me like this. It was like trying to navigate in a body that had no bones and vision that would glitch and melt, I got myself in the bathroom to wet my face and check my eyes. They were big toxic green and the pupils were big enough for someone to walk into. (not literally, but they were big..)
I then couldn't turn the tap off and water was leaking everywhere haha it was all going crazy. I thought "shit, if I'm caught now that would be so fucked up" all of a sudden -'PUFF'.. or 'WHACK' 'SLAM' and I was back in my body with a huge jolt, but this time properly back "fuck me!" -A M A Z I N G couldn't beleive it. Thing is though, when I thought I got back to my body the first time, I just thought I was tripping really hard, so I didn't know I still hadn't got back to my body. It's like I came back from that dimension in reverse order -that dark dimension, then the lucid dream place I was in before that, then back in my original body.. amazing. When I landed fully back I noticed the most beautiful geometric pattern that faded as if it had the whole experience with it, like the energy of it all which I was a part of.

This space I was in after I warped from my lucid dream experience was just so peculiar. I was there fully aware, in a way more real than my normal life because of my greater sense there, like I was more me..

Man.. I'm just really 'wowed' by this experience, and I've had some pretty far-out experiences.

This is my new way of taking aya now Cool I'm so freakin excited. I would absolutely love for a few people here to experiment with this.


Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 10/21/2009 6:50:40 PM

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Hey cool trip!
Yes I like to do it this way as well..I have gone right out of my body as well and had very psychedelic dreams of alien cities, and even met the spirit of aya on lower doses than I would need if I just drank and stayed up in a dark room..

I figured this out through using musrhooms this way..I would take maybe a gram at like 1 am and fall asleap, wake up tripping balls an hour later in the dark, and then just lay there eyes closed and go soo deep..probabily becasue of the natural melatonin and such flooding the brain from sleeping..seems to really boost the tryptamines and help me travel.

I am planning on drinking ayahuasca tommorow night..well friday morning technically at like 2 or 3 am..maybe a bit tonight as well.. We'll see how it goes..
Long live the unwoke.
#3 Posted : 10/21/2009 6:53:37 PM

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^also I got the whole idea of dosing mushrooms like that from a show on tv! Here in canada we have the outdoor life network and they lots of travel shows..I think it was don't forget your passport, with Ian Wright...they went to south america and had an aya session..but the natives they were with did it first thing in the morning, at like 4 or 5 am..they would drink aya upon waking and fall back asleap and have dreams of what and where to hunt for the day.
Long live the unwoke.
#4 Posted : 10/21/2009 6:54:00 PM

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Thanks for the idea fractal. I feel it's got great potential this way.
#5 Posted : 10/21/2009 6:55:22 PM

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I was just about to mention that. I saw on tv a while back that certain tribes drink it like that.
#6 Posted : 10/21/2009 7:07:52 PM


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awesome report...
#7 Posted : 10/21/2009 7:27:08 PM

Earth Child

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I have used that technique with LSA before, it is very unpleasant to wake up and be tripping on LSA.
The events that maxzar100 describes are only hypothetical, and never actually took place. maxzar100 has no link whatsoever to any illegal substance.

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#8 Posted : 10/21/2009 7:55:42 PM

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Sometimes I wonder about things like this but then I feel my sleep and dream cycle is probably best left alone. I would love to go to one of those sleep centers and see what is going on while I'm sleeping. I have trouble getting to sleep and rarely feel well rested. Hope I'm not an insomiac or have sleep apnea. That can take years off your life.
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#9 Posted : 10/21/2009 8:02:11 PM

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maxzar100 wrote:
I have used that technique with LSA before, it is very unpleasant to wake up and be tripping on LSA.

Yes LSA last wayyyy longer than ayahusca. If i drink aya at 5am I could be done by 8 or 9 am..
Long live the unwoke.
#10 Posted : 10/21/2009 8:33:40 PM

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Try just taking a very small amount visualdistortion. You might find that it will anchor you more deeply in to sleep.
#11 Posted : 10/21/2009 11:15:55 PM

The Great Namah

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I'm actually suprised that as little as 7g of Caapi is able to activate any amount of mimosa.
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#12 Posted : 10/21/2009 11:54:09 PM

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Maybe that's why I didn't really get much the first time I tried it. Second time was more. I poured it off from a larger amount in a container that's why I can't say for sure how much I took. Seems I don't really need that much, otherwise I'd have been still tripping when I awoke.. I guess. I saw geometric when I woke up, but it went within minutes.
When your asleep though your already out, so I figured I wouldn't need much to notice something. If I'm tripping as normal, I won't do less than 30g of caapi.
#13 Posted : 10/22/2009 12:03:28 AM

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acolon_5 wrote:
I'm actually suprised that as little as 7g of Caapi is able to activate any amount of mimosa.
As B. caapi contains from 0.11-0.83 % Harmala-alkaloids [Callaway JC, Brito GS & Neves ES 2005], 7 grams will then contain anything between 77-581 mg Harmala-alkaloids. Around 1.5 mg Harmala-alkaloids per kilo of body mass is enough to activate DMT [Ott 1994; Shulgin 1997; G&Z 1986]. That means, if you weigh 80 kilos (176 pounds), ca. 120 mg (or 1,5-10,9 g Caapi vine) would be sufficient. This taken into account, great effects on 7g is not that surprising. Pleased
#14 Posted : 10/22/2009 1:34:38 AM

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yeah 7 grams is just about where I think DMT gets activated for me..20 grams can be extrememly powerful..but everyone is different..

Also some people do egg white filtrations on theyr brews..that will make the cappi weaker becasue it takes out tannins..tannins have been shown to inhibit mao..especially over top of the MAOI's already in the brew..

I dont do egg white filtrations..I dont brew with mimosa though.

Some people over at the aya forums think that caapi outer bark is stronger becasue of the tannins..also more psychedelic because it has more THH..
Long live the unwoke.
#15 Posted : 10/22/2009 1:45:27 AM

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fractal enchantment wrote:
.but the natives they were with did it first thing in the morning, at like 4 or 5 am..they would drink aya upon waking and fall back asleap and have dreams of what and where to hunt for the day.

I had my best time with aya when I had some prepared before I slept and woke the next day and drank immediately. It seems to be a much easier experience when your in that fresh but sleepy state where you're so content just lying there and didn't want to get out of bed in the first place. Very calm visions.
#16 Posted : 10/22/2009 7:03:03 PM

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yeah I felt really comfortable laying there in bed, it makes it easier to let go. I waited for it to kick in a bit then allowed myself to sleep whilst I still could. Can't wait to try it again.
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