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#41 Posted : 10/20/2009 1:38:09 AM

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In Nexus sync style I came across this article today:

The master is not here to serve your human personality, but to help you uncover your deepest, spiritual self. You learn quickly that you are not in this kind of practice to have your ego stroked, your feelings validated, or your mind satisfied. In fact, the opposite is true: your ego will be smashed, your feelings dismissed, and your mind challenged. This is the way the master expresses his unconditional love for his students.


"This is the way the master expresses his unconditional love for his students."
Heartwarming Very happy

Can really relate to that recently... gets more intense every time.

Another great article: http://askdrlu.wordpress...lves-how-can-we-do-this/

<3 Spice <3 Everybody here
The above is quoted from

Take responsibility for making your own life beautiful.

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#42 Posted : 10/20/2009 4:14:26 AM

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things have been intense in the spice realm..but they have also been intense long as we stay calm and chill...things will keep moving forward
it's a sound
#43 Posted : 10/20/2009 8:04:31 AM

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...and trust me....i incorporate ALL of them into my view of life. if we are all truly part of one, then EVERYONE'S voice matters. this forum is a magic place for healing, learning and growing....this is truly a special, sacred place!!

Funny, as I read this, I had the feeling that you are kind of a "machine" which can make beliefs into reality. I mean: we are babbling about all these things but it rarely had any serious effect whatsoever... until now, when we met you, the Realizer. Smile These thoughts go into you and you put them to a test in those realms where only you can get into... control center, whatever. Remember the guy in one of the Douglas Adams novels who lived in the hut and controlled the world from there? Something along that line. Influencing THAT guy in any way is not something to be taken lightly. Smile
#44 Posted : 10/20/2009 8:41:52 AM

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WSaged: I have nothing to raise against what you said. That is also my truth.

I see why you - actually all of us westerners who get to think about this - are angry at the current manifestations of Christianity. Or even any religion. I see why you want to get rid of the ballast, the dualistic thinking and point directly at the core, to simplify it all into the bare essentials, in your fear that anything more complicated will lead us astray again. Yes, seeing our history, this is somehow justified.

But at the same time, the journey towards God is such a special one, that I wouldn't want to spare it for anyone. Actually, on this journey, all our dreams can come true. Everything that we think of as worthy, we will find on this path. "But as it is written: Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him."

In the end, yes, we realize that we are One. What you just wrote. But until we are here in this world, we have to relate to all of this in some way. And religion is one of the vehicles for that. To make a frame of reference for the path. Of course, one may say that the whole path is illusory. Actually the whole world is illusory. But we could not act at all if we lived on that premise without actually realizing it ( for those who have already realized it, all of this doesn't apply Smile ). Therefore we choose a vehicle and step into it.

My personal vehicle is based on both the Eastern and Western traditions. I had to be very careful not to mix the two - if I did, they would lose the power they have when standing on their own. So I had to learn how to be a 100% Christian and a 100% Buddhist at the same time. Which means I believe everything is empty and also that God created everything, both at the same time. And I can do this because of my psychedelic experiences and it is a truly wonderful thing. Smile

From this perspective, I can think reasonably clearly and without any pollution in the constructs of any religion. I just have to be aware to say "I don't know" instead of getting into the crusader attitude when something is not entirely clear. And from this point where I'm standing, I can see and feel what went wrong with the Christian religion. And I can also see how this whole thing could be healed. (Just a hint: if one gets close to God, but not enough, then the Love of God will appear as the Wrath of God. The Unity appears as Duality in the extremes. Those who cannot get past this duality come back from their experience with a conviction that the duality of Good and Evil is the final basis of everything and the Good must fight the Evil at all costs. Because they were so close to the Source, their conviction will have such a power that it can make history - and karma.)

Oh how much is there to say... Good Nexus, thanks for holding us.
#45 Posted : 10/20/2009 3:45:07 PM

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Koolaid anyone?Rolling eyes

Religion & spirituality are polar opposites of each other!!

*Religion is all about paying money to be given access to "god".....Spirituality costs absolutely nothing!
*Religion says "I am the only god, there are no others, do what I say or feel my wrath"....Spirituality says "you are god, believe in yourself & live like you already know you should"!

I could go on & on with that comparison, but either you get it....or you don't & you pay your tiding so you can show up to the magic building.

Religion's job is to keep it's followers at bay, just far enough from true spirituality to actually believe it might be there. They use fear to do it!
Next time you are in church, take a good look at the old lady that is there every single Sunday, praying as hard as her little hands will let her, giving any extra cent she can spare, looking holy as it gets.
Is she there because she has found a link to god...or because she is scared to die, not having kissed the churches ass enough to get into heaven?

Did you know that the idea of hell was added to the christian religion around the time of the the people in charge of the church? Wonder why?Rolling eyes

Did you know that there was originally many more commandments (I think around 30 of them), but they where paired down to only 10 reasonably enforceable ones?
Wouldn't that mean no one gets into heaven, since they clearly can't follow a rule they have never heard...

Also, did Jesus ever mention paying a tiding to god, or even going to hell, or a vengeful god in any way?
Try to look for it...& good luck...he spoke of love, that's it!
He taught the Golden Rule. Nothing more! Religion has taken that teaching & ran willy-nilly with it for the personal gain...not any god.
What does a god need with your money anyway? Oh that's right, it's for the people running the religion!!

If you actually live by the Golden Rule...Treat others how you would have them treat can't really go wrong.
You need no religion for that. Religion only clouds that idea & introduces shitty people who now take advantage it.

Oof...I hate talking about religion!!! It makes my godhead hurt..Wink
All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
#46 Posted : 10/20/2009 5:04:40 PM

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^ for the most part I agree with you WSaged..

When i was at school studying religous anthropology I came up against this alot..there was ALOT of controversy between people on what could actually be called "religion"..

Alot of people(professors included) labled shamanism and animism as religous..I disagree completely.

Shamanism has no inherant power hierarchy. The only constant I really know of in most shamanic traditions is the concept of the world tree, or alternativly upper and lower worlds..BUT this is all based on direct experience, gnosis. Real shamanism to me is purely spiritual.

There are grey areas..such as buddhism.. which has it's structed hierarchies and boarderline dogmas. Take the Dali Lama for instance..I love the Damli Lame becasue he keeps it real. He admits that he doesnt remember his past life as the Lama and understands that the role he plays is based on the BELIEFS of others..not HIS direct experience. Not his gnosis. Either way he's the man for the job though IMO.

Now buddhism is an off shoot of Nepalese shamanism for one thing, that was and is known to utalize entheogenic plants, many of them..which I think ALL religions are.. offshoots of previous shamanic cultures. Buddhism, unlike most of christianity for example has held onto some of those shamanic techniques and practices though, so still maintain a certain level of gnosis and direct spiritual experience, while adopting some structures of hierarchy as well..there are exception in christianity as well such as the "holy rollers" who speak in tounges and the snake dancers, catholic daime churches etc..but the hierarchy still stands as well.

Most people in my classes actaully dissagreed with me thinking that shamanism is a belief system..yet most of those same people never ever had a shamanic experience for themsleves so I can see how most people only see dogmatic behaviour..but anyone who practices shamanism and meditation, dremwork etc KNOWS that these things come about throught direct experience with non-ordinary reality.

In my first anthropology class we were asked to write down our definition of religion..and I said something along the lines of "religion seeks to capatilize on the direct spiritual experience of others"..and I still believe that as strongly now as I did then..I just see a bit more of a grey area in certain cultural practices, where there is still a hint of that core shamanic gnosis, yet the practive of hierarchy has managed to weasle it's way in.
Long live the unwoke.
#47 Posted : 10/20/2009 5:10:02 PM

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Sorry, perhaps I went a bit too far with this.

I'm an idealist. When I'm talking about religion, I mean the pure form which I see in my mind's eye, uncontaminated by all these diversions and perversions that the present manifestations accumulated over time. You are absolutely right when you are bashing the latter. But I think we should be careful not to throw out the baby with the bath water.

I think that if these religions were revitalized by a direct connection to the Source - and thereby put back on their originally intended track -, then they could become useful vehicles on the spiritual path. That's their intended purpose, I suppose - even if they are very very far from this ideal now.
#48 Posted : 10/20/2009 5:16:14 PM

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^ but what you are talking about isn't religion..religion is a are speaking of spirituality..which comes about only from within YOU, based on you're gnosis, your experience with the other etc..

Spirituality differs from religion in that it is for everyone, anywhere, of any race, at any given fees are necessary and no membership is needed, you are already part of the human race. You can find hints of it hidden at the core of most "religions"..but all those religions if you go back far enough are based on direct spiritual experiences..felt first hand. Once people attempt to translate those experiences outside of the personal context and create structures and hierarchies for others to enter and become a part of, it becomes religion and dogmatic..becasue these things DO NOT translate well among others so easily..they are too subjective.

This is shamanims, or the other hundreds of words that allign with it, shamanism is NOT religion.

Anyways I know what you mean essentially we are discussing the use of a certain word.
Long live the unwoke.
#49 Posted : 10/20/2009 9:08:49 PM

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fractal wrote:
...I just see a bit more of a grey area in certain cultural practices, where there is still a hint of that core shamanic gnosis, yet the practive of hierarchy has managed to weasle it's way in.

Yea I'll admit, I was being a bit all-inclusive in the above post, I love how you added some breakup of the religions into the different types!!
So many different way to go about the same damn has always amazed me that wars have gone on & on for generations, over who has the right way to say the exact same things.

cellux wrote:
I'm an idealist. When I'm talking about religion, I mean the pure form which I see in my mind's eye, uncontaminated by all these diversions and perversions that the present manifestations accumulated over time. You are absolutely right when you are bashing the latter.

Like FE said, that's not religion...that is spirituality, it is a pure thing & exactly what I was talking about.
No religion or church in the world can provide that for you, they can tell you about it, charge you for it & tell you that's all it takes. But you still feel it all by yourself & even stronger, when that church & it's dogma are not getting in the way & confusing it with a business, that only sells you the idea of a god.

I agree with you that most religions started out as something purely spiritual, but it didn't take long for them to be corrupted & start charging for it.
That soon turns into..."now you can't connect with god unless you go through the church first & that's gonna cost ya"...& the ball starts rolling on & on till today.
I mean, who wouldn't buy eternal salvation, if it could actually be sold?

cellux wrote:
But I think we should be careful not to throw out the baby with the bath water.

That is exactly what I've been trying to say!
The water has grown cold & dirty over so many years & it's time to drain the tub, towel off & see that you where that baby the whole time & you never needed that bath anyway!!

All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
#50 Posted : 10/20/2009 9:51:59 PM

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WSaged wrote:
The water has grown cold & dirty over so many years & it's time to drain the tub, towel off & see that you where that baby the whole time & you never needed that bath anyway!!

...nice... Smile
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#51 Posted : 10/21/2009 7:38:18 AM

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Yeah, I think we can leave it at that. Thanks for helping me out and sorry for overdriving this beautiful thread in such a crude way.
#52 Posted : 10/21/2009 3:07:31 PM

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that statement alone shows your mettle, cellux my friend. your contribution to this thread (as well as everyone else's) has given us ALL lots of yummy philosofood to feast upon. may many nexus members visit and learn from it.....not just in it's subject matter, but also in how maturely and considerately all expressed their views and differences. as a moderator on this site i am puffed up with great pride right now....ain't NO forum on this whole interweb that can touch the sheer QUALITY of the DMT NEXUS!!!!

thank you thank you thank you and THANK YOU!!!!!

"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."
#53 Posted : 10/21/2009 5:57:51 PM

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cellux wrote:
Yeah, I think we can leave it at that. Thanks for helping me out and sorry for overdriving this beautiful thread in such a crude way.

No need to apologize at all!!

What I wrote is just how I have learned to see things, from what I've experienced first hand & although I think it's pretty dead on, nothing is as simple as black & white. I'm always learning new things that of course change the angle of my view point. Sometimes strengthening what I already know...other times making me see how I was misunderstanding/misinterpreting something, or was just plain wrong.
Either way, I want to know the truth about things like this & not just when it goes along with what I already think.
That would be a waste of my time & energy.Wink

And your opinion is just as valid for you! It's just one that I disagree with strongly (the religion part), but I think we were actually talking about the same thing, just confusing words. religion/sprituality

Too often these kinds of threads end up turning into pissing matches instead of reasonably intelligent discussions, but I don't think that happened here, so no need for any apologies.
In fact, thanks for your view!


All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
#54 Posted : 10/22/2009 2:39:31 PM

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