Max's Guide to Legal Herbs (help is apreciated) Options
#1 Posted : 10/20/2009 5:15:33 PM

Earth Child

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When I was but a wee boy, I was put on diversion for a period of 8 months. I begun to experiment with legal herbs, and this is how I discovered dmt. Here are my thoughts, findings, and experiences.

Also, do not trust the vendors description of the herbs. The best way to find out the true effects are to search on forums and erowid, for the experience reports from people.

Leonotis Leonurus(Lions Tail)- This was the first herb I experimented with. I received an ounce of the flower tops, from an ebay seller, known as alien things. The bag contained more flower tops then flowers. I made a tea from about 1 gram, and noticed a mild mood swing. It was a very subtle feeling, that everything would be all right. The tea tastes foul. When smoking, I would use it as a slight potentate to marijuana. It added a little bit of euphoria. This stuff burns quite well, but tastes kind of foul.

Siberian Motherswort-I grew a 4 foot plant from a seed. When smoking the leaves, I would get a nice calming buzz, but again, very subtle. When smoking a flower cone, or a whole flower top in a bong, It was a stronger feeling of calm. The Motheswort you buy from online vendors is USUALLY CRAP. I know first hand, growing it is very easy, and it is a great addition to your herb garden. And it also looks very cool once its grown.

Dream Herb(calea z.)- Another interesting herbs. FOUL PLANT. USE WITH CAUTION EXTREMELY FOUL. Dont even bother making a tea with it. Tastes worse then Ayuhausca. Just tastes really bad. Smoke is bad too, but bearable. When you smoke it, it sparks and pops, which adds to the experience. Gives you a weird feeling, of well being, cant really describe it. Well, after I go to bed, on Calea Z, I get extremely vivid dreams. I am able to recall most of the dream, sometimes not right when I wake up. The dreams are always very lifelike and interesting.

Wormwood- This is one of the most effective legal herbs. You know why? Its toxic of courseRolling eyes. Its active ingredient is Thujone, a neurotoxin, NEVER DRINK WORMWOOD OIL. DRINK IT AND YOU ARE GUARANTEED A TRIP TO THE HOSPITAL AND PROBABLY a trip to the devil, and no I don't meen hallucinations.
I bought 4 ounces of wormwood online. Smells very strong. The smoke inst necessarily foul to me, but to some of my friends it was. Smoking a bowl of it in the bong to myself, gave me a body high, and made me super clear minded. The body high was similar to cannabis body high. When smoked with cannabis, it makes the cannabis trip clear minded, so it is easier to do classwork and such. Wormwood tea is almost as foul as jurema tea. Making baked treats with wormwood and weed also produces an interesting body high unlike a normal edible. Wormwood often gave many of my friends energy, we used it if we smoked some bad og or something that made would make us tired. Be semi-cautious with wormwood use, but don't let me scare you away from this magical herb.

Blue Lotus- makes a tasty tea. The effects will be slightly euphoric, and calming. When smoking, the effects are slightly euphoric and maybe a bit sedating. I recommend mixing blue lotus with other herbs in a brew.

Indian Warrior(Pedicularis Desnsiflora)- An interesting flavor and smoke. Smoking a cigar of it produced mild effects. Smoking in the bong left the taste of welshers, and also, for a few minuets, residual effects of cannabis. Vaporizing with blue lotus produced a very nice high that lasted for an hour and a half, very similar to cannabis. That combination was the closest thing I have found yet to cannabis. I have not yet finished experimenting with this herb.

Elephant's Head(Pedicularis Greonlandica)- Smells the best of all Pedicularis. Gives a nice calming euphoric high. Not as strong as cannabis, but still very nice herb. Mix with cannabis for an interesting experience. I still need to experiment more with this.

Parrots Beak(Pedicularis Racemosa)- Smoking it produced a sense of euphoria and also, helped me fall asleep. A very nice sleep aid, and before bed smoke. It also gives me very vivid dreams. Taste is acceptable.

Nutmeg: "Don't eat it. You're only gonna make yourself sick. Make a tea of nutmeg/cloves/cinnamon and throw in some black tea if you like, and maybe sugar/honey if you like that too. Amazingly delicious (on its own or with tea+sugar added) and it will really relax you. Careful though, you won't realize how powerful this is as a sleep aid." (Written by perplexed, thanks)

If you are trying to buy Pedicularis, ONLY BUY THEM FROM LOVE LEAF GARDEN.
The rest of the vendors I have tried, have horrible Pedicularis.

COMING SOON!!!! Hops, Valerian root, Lavender
The events that maxzar100 describes are only hypothetical, and never actually took place. maxzar100 has no link whatsoever to any illegal substance.

Salvia, the metamorphosis of reality. -Mz

STS is a community for people interested in growing, preserving and researching botanical species, particularly those with remarkable therapeutic and/or psychoactive properties.
#2 Posted : 10/20/2009 6:47:57 PM


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Pipe Ethnobotanicals (Botanicals which may be smoked)-

Humulus japonicus ~ "Japanese Hop"
Verbascum blattaria ~ "Moth Mullein"
Leonurus sibiricus ~ “Motherwort”
Canavalia maritima ~ "Baybean"
Sida acuta ~ "Common Wireweed"
Zornia latifolia ~ "Maconha Brava"
Lobelia inflata ~ "Indian Tobacco"
Pedicularis densiflora & P. groenlandica ~ "Indian Warrior" & "Elephant's Head"
Passiflora incarnata ~ "Passion Flower"
Sceletium tortuosum ~ "Kanna"
Lactuca virosa ~ "Lettuce Opium"
Nelumbo nucifera ~ “Lotus”
Nymphaea caerulea ~ "Lotus"
Leonotis leonurus ~ "Wild Dagga"
Nepeta cataria ~ "Catnip"
Nicotiana tabacum ~ "Tobacco"
Cannabis species ~ “Marijuana”
Tagetes lucida ~ "Mexican Tarragon"

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#3 Posted : 10/20/2009 8:15:23 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Awesome guide dude. Gonna add in my 2 cents ^^

Nutmeg: Don't eat it. You're only gonna make yourself sick. Make a tea of nutmeg/cloves/cinnamon and throw in some black tea if you like, and maybe sugar/honey if you like that too. Amazingly delicious (on its own or with tea+sugar added) and it will really relax you. Careful though, you won't realize how powerful this is as a sleep aid.

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#4 Posted : 10/20/2009 9:40:07 PM

Earth Child

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thanks, I never knew that about nutmeg.
The events that maxzar100 describes are only hypothetical, and never actually took place. maxzar100 has no link whatsoever to any illegal substance.

Salvia, the metamorphosis of reality. -Mz
#5 Posted : 10/21/2009 12:49:51 AM
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maxzar100 wrote:
thanks, I never knew that about nutmeg.

Many people stumbled upon it on erowid i believe. I remember checking out youtube and finding a bunch of idiots downing spoonfulls of it and they ended up getting sick and that feeling where everything is....weird(kinda like the dreaded underdose). I threw it into a spice tea, and i found not only a delicious tea, but something very very relaxing and soothing.
"We are the analogies we believe." - PerPLexED

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#6 Posted : 10/21/2009 12:58:13 AM

Earth Child

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What is a good safe dose for sleep aid? I have heard of nutmeg for tripping, and of its dangers, but I have never heard of using it for a sleep aid, I am an insomniac and very interested in trying this out.
The events that maxzar100 describes are only hypothetical, and never actually took place. maxzar100 has no link whatsoever to any illegal substance.

Salvia, the metamorphosis of reality. -Mz
#7 Posted : 10/21/2009 1:23:14 AM

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PerPLexED wrote:
maxzar100 wrote:
thanks, I never knew that about nutmeg.

Many people stumbled upon it on erowid i believe. I remember checking out youtube and finding a bunch of idiots downing spoonfulls of it and they ended up getting sick and that feeling where everything is....weird(kinda like the dreaded underdose). I threw it into a spice tea, and i found not only a delicious tea, but something very very relaxing and soothing.

I was one of those idiots Smile. Well I didn't tape and broadcast myself and only ever did it behind closed doors when no one else was around and only twice and never again. 3 whole nuts were ground to dust and consumed as is... yuck. 4 hours later... I can't see, except for a swirly white light, laid down to sleep because I was no good for anything woke up then felt stoned in a really dirty way for 3 days.

Now I just like a pinch in my mashed potatoes Smile
#8 Posted : 10/21/2009 1:27:52 AM

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I did the nutmeg brew once..never again...
Long live the unwoke.
#9 Posted : 10/21/2009 2:09:23 AM

Earth Child

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hmm ok I think I will stay away from nutmeg
The events that maxzar100 describes are only hypothetical, and never actually took place. maxzar100 has no link whatsoever to any illegal substance.

Salvia, the metamorphosis of reality. -Mz
#10 Posted : 10/21/2009 2:09:42 AM

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Great idea for a thread! I'd like to hear more about the Pedicularis from others with experience. Been reading a lot about changa recently and ordered the Indian Warrior and Pink Elephants just the other day so good timing!
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#11 Posted : 10/21/2009 2:20:16 AM

Earth Child

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The indian warrior is nice when vaporized, But tolerance to it builds very quickly. I would recomend pedicularis greonlandica, or pedicularis racemosa. otherwise known as elephants head and parrots beak. I have yet to build a tolerance to those, but for me, Indian warrior is pretty much bunk now.
The events that maxzar100 describes are only hypothetical, and never actually took place. maxzar100 has no link whatsoever to any illegal substance.

Salvia, the metamorphosis of reality. -Mz
#12 Posted : 10/21/2009 2:22:23 AM

Earth Child

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Also, if anyone has experiances and or recepies for any of these please post, and I will add it to the correct section. All of this is based on my own experiances, not the shitty "effects" sections of online headshops.

Also, these all work differently for people. Some people cannot feel them at all, and some think they are more powerfull then cannabis.
The events that maxzar100 describes are only hypothetical, and never actually took place. maxzar100 has no link whatsoever to any illegal substance.

Salvia, the metamorphosis of reality. -Mz
#13 Posted : 10/21/2009 4:46:41 AM

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about thujone...there is really 2 types of thujone, alpha and beta is more toxic than the other apparently..HOWEVER, the issue of the actual toxicity concerning thujone is still up in the air..

Reguardless it's interesting..white sage(salvia apiana contains the most thujone of all the plants)

Mugworts is one I am interested in, picked lots of it and drank a ver small bit in some tea today as a test becasue I never used it befre..very slight uplifting mental stimulation..could have been placebo though I only took like half a gram.

Smoking white sage though gives good effects..
Long live the unwoke.
#14 Posted : 10/21/2009 5:02:24 AM

Earth Child

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Hmmm i have never tried white sage. What effects do you get? Mugwort contains SOMETHING different then wormwood, maybe alpha vs beta thujone? Because mugwort promotes good dreams, while on wormwood, my dreams are rarely effected.
The events that maxzar100 describes are only hypothetical, and never actually took place. maxzar100 has no link whatsoever to any illegal substance.

Salvia, the metamorphosis of reality. -Mz
#15 Posted : 10/21/2009 5:15:30 AM

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white sage is the cleanest source of thujone I think..not sure which one though. Thujone inhibits GABA so it stimulates brain activity, too much and you will start to convulse..for me it gives me a clear head and stimulates my thoughts etc, too much and I feel anxious..never really taken a truely high doseso I cannot comment on that..

I think mugwort and wormwood are both dreaming plants..both artemisia's anyway..wormwood has a higher thujone content..

Interestingly, when thujone is combines with ethanol, like in absynth, the alcohol is a GABA agonist and protects you from the some of the toxic effects of the thujone..

Thujone is an interesting substance..has this real poetic ambiance to it's historic's intreguing..
I am adding mugwort and white sage to my current changa blend because I think thujone helps to boost psychedelics becasue it caused more neuro-exiticity through it's GABA antagonism.
Long live the unwoke.
#16 Posted : 10/21/2009 5:20:19 AM

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I like calea zacatechichi as well..haven't had it for about 5 years but I had some real neat dreams and one OBE with that plant..mostly from tea..tastes horrible but worth it for me. I plan on getting some more and trying to grow it as well.

Silene capensis sounds interesting as well for dreams.
Long live the unwoke.
#17 Posted : 10/21/2009 8:36:31 AM
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Here's what some do to me:

Calea z.
The first time I got definite CEVs. It always enhances colours and gives a bit of a high for a couple hours. For dreams, I'd say it works less than half the time I use it for that purpose, but I don't do the whole "two cups of tea and two rollies" method - usually just a few bowls because it's harsh, tart, and leaves resin in my mouth. When I do dream off it, there's more and they last longer. They don't feel like regular dreams. I think that's why the Mayans or whoever used it regularly had that set of layered worlds to describe states of consciousness.

Sacred Blue Lilly (Nymphaea caerulea)
Very cool stuff, light 'sideways' high and gentle body buzz. Great aid for meditation. When I have it before bed, as I'm relaxing I can put my hand over my body and feel the energy from it. Putting a hand on my forehead and another on my chest as I'm falling asleep makes me warm.

Stony, relaxing. Lasts half an hour, pretty much baseline at 90 minutes. Very nice to smoke.

Gotu Kola
Lightly relaxing, might be pure placebo. Tastes like grass.

After reading this thread I really wanna try some white sage for the clearheaded bit. Never done anything but smudge with it. Maybe an herbal blend with ginkgo and white sage would be good for mental clarity and focus? I've never smoked ginkgo, but this link makes me think it can be done.
#18 Posted : 10/21/2009 3:39:27 PM

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Just saw an herbal blend being sold at the local head shop that contains nearly everything on this list, guy working there said they were selling out of it like crazy, $40 a gram!!! It's sold under the name "Pep-pourri" in many different flavors, here's a link:Pep-pourri
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#19 Posted : 10/21/2009 3:57:59 PM

Earth Child

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That is simply a weaker version of spice gold, or spike 99, the only real smoking blends that can be at the same level as cannabis. If your gonna buy pep, just buy spice gold or platinum instead. \

Hey Z, wormwood also gives you a clearmind in my experience.
The events that maxzar100 describes are only hypothetical, and never actually took place. maxzar100 has no link whatsoever to any illegal substance.

Salvia, the metamorphosis of reality. -Mz
State of the Mind
#20 Posted : 12/22/2009 3:12:53 AM

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soulfood wrote:
I was one of those idiots . Well I didn't tape and broadcast myself and only ever did it behind closed doors when no one else was around and only twice and never again. 3 whole nuts were ground to dust and consumed as is... yuck. 4 hours later... I can't see, except for a swirly white light, laid down to sleep because I was no good for anything woke up then felt stoned in a really dirty way for 3 days.

I think the general rule with nutmeg is that if you are stupid enough to have experimented with its effects it will have only been the one time. Laughing Nutmeg = A bad 48 hours. Sad

soulfood wrote:
Now I just like a pinch in my mashed potatoes

Or cheese sauce. Very happy Very happy Very happy
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