Hi Therealwilson, I would never say I couldn't handle the taste of DMT smoke, but I can understand your reluctance to smoke the stuff. It is, without any doubt an acrid, repelant, pungent and caustic smoke. It isn't pleasant and I would never chose to smoke it if it wasn't for the affects.
Taking DMT orally in conjunction with some MAOI type substance will make you trip. This is a usefull, well tried and tested route to hyperspace. It will make you trip, hard, fast and for hours if you like, but it is never going to have that same intensity which free basing affords.
If you do wish to smoke free base, this is a little trick I found, which is smother than smoking a straight cigarette. It is however, costly in terms of spice and perhaps your health. Firstly make sure your spice is as clean as possible. Recrystalizing and ammonia washing are essential. Do not be scared of the ammonia wash. Many people on this board seam to be reluctant to use ammonia. I can't understand this. It works very well in giving you a smoother smoke. Next, sprinkle liberally, your spice onto a mix of half tobacco and half datura leaves and roll a small joint. It is costly and datura isn't famed for its health giving properties but you will jump to hyperspace easilly and smoothly. I don't know why it works but the datura makes it taste and feel like your smoking a menthol cigarette. The smoke is cool and mellow. It goes in easilly and stays down with no fire on the throat or lungs.
I am more scared of datura than almost every other entheogen, but taken like this at perhaps one 30th of what you would need to meet the Green Godess, it makes a good buddy for a cartoon joint smoker.
I am a clown, nothing I say can be taken seriously. It is my profesion to talk nonsense