Anyone watching the latest series, Star Trek Discovery? Now we got Paul Stamets as the science officer working on blue spores to go on "trips" through the universe. The ship carries these purple/blue spores to power the mycelium drive and physics and biology are merged to reach new understandings (!).
So the show now IS psychedelic. Forget references, this is essentially overt. Right?
The show has been good for humanity. Supporting diversity, first interracial kiss on TV, gay rights, showing a functional society without money use, respect of indigenous cultures, etc.
I think that with the latest series, Star Trek writers are doing their part in helping society out of the dark ages of psychedelics. Setting the stage so that people watching the show will have an open mind. In past decades psychedelic researches must have felt just like Bruno and Galileo felt when exploring the stars and solar system or how the first doctors felt performing banned autopsies in secret to learn about the human body.
Advancing our psychedelic knowledge and tools in an open environment free of authoritative repression is one of our generation's most noble efforts, with many profound potential benefits such as ending all wars and getting the world to turn to planet wide regenerative and sustainable economics. I for one applaud team Star Trek.