The Synaesthesia Machine & Sci Fi Novel Aliens Options
#1 Posted : 10/13/2009 7:56:09 PM

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Hello Again,

I am taking some time to catch up on posting. Sorry it's all coming in a cluster.

When I finished each extraction I sample it. It has come to the point where I share/give away at least a quarter of the total mass of each extraction and I am never going to do this without sampling it first.

I tried for a breakthrough dose and did not consume enough to breakthrough, but I wound up in a fantastic near-breakthrough realm. It was the lower energy and vibration feel and the lack of the super sharp edges and excessive insane angles that make me say this was pre-breakthrough.

The tryp began with my field of vision (closed eyes) going black. I began to see a bright white spear of light in my right-hand field. Soon I could see an incredible and beautiful flower consisting of the black background and beautiful, scallped blue petals. The more I looked at this flower the more vaginal it became in its appearance, kind of like a Georgia O'Keefe painting.

I immediately thought that vaginal is the same as tunnel and I knew that for me the tunnels, vortexes, folds and doors led to the breakthrough spaces. So, I headed for hte vaginal flower and penetrated its outer labia. As I was moving in the inner folds, looking for the actual tubular, vaginal opening, the entire "flower" instantly opened up into a gigantic warehouse sized room. The floor, ceiling and walls of the room were black and covered with the beautiful blue scalloped petal pattern of the original flower.

In the center of this room was a fantastic tryptamine machine. I immediately thought of Terence McKenna's "jeweled self-dribbling basketballs," and then immediately concluded that this was NOT one of those. I guess the closest I have come to seeing anything like that was the tryptamine man-of-war things that the elves were spinning up on their stools in that weird room . . . but that's another tryp.

In the center of the flower-room, extending from floor to ceiling was this machine. It was made up of a large number of medium-sized to large-sized parts, all of them vibrating in time to the music. There were triangles, traditional-looking circuit boards, half-ovals, rectangles, zig-zag lines and thin strips of rapdily moving (right to left) "text" of letters or numbers - hard to see. Reminded me of when Neo "saw the matrix."

For some reason my attention momentarily focused on the scrolling "text" but I thought I would never be able to focus on it. The moment I thought this, it moved into the center of my sensorium, into crystal clarity. It was a scrolling marquee and I could almost read it. I looked a bit closer. The font size was extremely small. Finally, there it was - in focus. But I still could't read it! It was clearly alien text!

Once I realized I could not read the scrolling text I looked up at the rest of the machine. I soon came to realize that there was a woman lodged in the heart of the machine. I do not know if she was one of the anthropomorphic "elves" I have taken to seeing or not. She appeared to be more adult sized. Actually, her body looked a lot like mine.

This woman was floating or suspended in the heart of the tryptamine machine. She looked comfortale, almost ecstatic. THe more I looked the more I realized what was going on. The outer parts of the machine were moving in time to the music and somehow I made the connection/realization that this was a synaesthesia machine that the woman was floating in. This machine took the music I was hearing and translated it manually into other senses for the user who lay inside the machine. This knowledge was somehow instantly transmitted to me.

The woman began to slide out of the machine and using her body (no voice) invited me to plug myself into the machine. I understood exactly what the machine did and expected a very pleasurable experience, as I love hallucination and synaesthesia is one of my favorite types of hallucinations.

As soon as I mentally acquiesced to her invitation, I literally began to float up to the opening and my body rotated such that I was now laying in a horizontal position so that I could easily float/slide into the synaesthesia machine.

Once I plugged in, it worked. I could feel, hear, see, taste, smell and in countless unnameable other ways perceive the music. This experience was just at its very beginning when I began to come out of the vision.

The next evening, I decided to try for a breakthrough. They are there but they are a bit elusive currently. I loaded 60 mg but did not consume it all on my way to the breakthrough space.

I heard the tinnitus tone, though it was distant. I saw fantastic fields of blue and purple colors and 2-D shapes. I told myself to let go and then I was in the breakthrough space.

I was floating around in a room filled with twisting elephantine trunks. The trunks appeared to be twisting in time to the music playing. The tips of these elephant trunks were split into smaller, finger-like appendages. This distinctly reminded me of the creatures in the old Niven/Pournelle novel (which I read over 20 years ago) called Footfall.

I floated around in this space, looking at the trunks until I came across an elephantine shaped being (though man-sized) sitting in a blocky, square-type of chair. The being was relaxed - it was leaned back and looked mellow. It was moving its trunk around in the air in time to the music, and was clearly experiencing much pleasure. Its body was also moving in rhythm to the music.

I wish I could remember more. Just got the impression I entered a scene with the "Pffsssthpp" beings from the old sci-fi alien-invasion epic . . .

Peace & Love,
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

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#2 Posted : 10/14/2009 7:32:36 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Whoa, you are really one hell of a psychonaut, m'am. Smile


I could feel, hear, see, taste, smell and in countless unnameable other ways perceive the music.

I once spent one hour in such an experience (listening to Strangeitude by the Ozric Tentacles). It was incredible. Every sense was being used to express the music. And I could zoom into it while being played out and feel and see all the intricacies of the emotional/spiritual content "hidden" in it. After this experience, I seriously considered the possibility that some artists do in fact *live* in those dimensions constantly and their ways of making music is very far from the usual random experimentation, it's more like a conscious carving of experiences from sound.

Once we made an interview with the Ozric Tentacles and I put this question to Seaweed, keyboard player of the band at the time. He was quite reluctant to say anything, but finally he looked at me and said: "well, yeah. it's serious stuff". And then I understood that these people were really tools in the hands of God, injecting all this psychedelic information into the human consciousness network via their music. And I was in awe that all of this is happening without anybody noticing anything ( "well, it's just a band" ).

Ehm, sorry for diverting your thread. Smile
#3 Posted : 10/14/2009 9:53:04 AM

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both of you, very interesting! thanks for sharing. amazing this molecule is and the gateways which it opens up. my mind is continuously blown. I'm finding it almost to be problematic in a sense, in that I so very much want to talk about the wonders of spice with anyone who will listen, but I must bite my lip since its obviously way too much for someone with no understanding of it, to take in. thank god for the nexus.
#4 Posted : 10/14/2009 2:43:57 PM

Got Naloxone?

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cellux wrote:
Whoa, you are really one hell of a psychonaut, m'am. Smile


I could feel, hear, see, taste, smell and in countless unnameable other ways perceive the music.

I once spent one hour in such an experience (listening to Strangeitude by the Ozric Tentacles). It was incredible. Every sense was being used to express the music. And I could zoom into it while being played out and feel and see all the intricacies of the emotional/spiritual content "hidden" in it. After this experience, I seriously considered the possibility that some artists do in fact *live* in those dimensions constantly and their ways of making music is very far from the usual random experimentation, it's more like a conscious carving of experiences from sound.

Once we made an interview with the Ozric Tentacles and I put this question to Seaweed, keyboard player of the band at the time. He was quite reluctant to say anything, but finally he looked at me and said: "well, yeah. it's serious stuff". And then I understood that these people were really tools in the hands of God, injecting all this psychedelic information into the human consciousness network via their music. And I was in awe that all of this is happening without anybody noticing anything ( "well, it's just a band" ).

Ehm, sorry for diverting your thread. Smile


On the first point. Your use of the term ma'am sums it up for me - although I fully expect at least another 40 years, I feel like I don't have a lot of time left to screw around in any areas of my life.

On the middle point - I have absolutely no doubt that many talented artists live their lives in psychedelecized realms. Channeling God? If you mean what I am starting to think of as Source - that fantastic infiniteness that exists within each finite particle of us as well as the ultimate place/state from which we came and will return, .. . then perhaps extreme artists are doing something like that. Again, I suspect it would require having all of the doors wide open almost all of the time. Push it a bit further and you get a tortured soul who ends up dying at about 2/3 my age . . .There truly is a fine line between creativity and madness.

On the last point - no worries. It's just a trip report. Do with it and the thread what you will.

Peace & Love,
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

Hyperspace LOVES YOU
#5 Posted : 10/14/2009 3:50:54 PM

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I hope I haven't insulted you.

I intended "ma'am" as a compliment.
#6 Posted : 10/14/2009 5:35:55 PM


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you can see how consciousness sprouts these sensors to pick up certain frequencies.
there are all kinds of sensors here on earth, and in this galaxy.
the spice has shown me this, and stripped me of my earth ones
given me all kinds of different ones
and then some.

#7 Posted : 10/15/2009 5:29:37 PM

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Hi cellux,

No, not insulted. Actually, I was trying to make a bit of a joke, but I guess it fell flat. Probably because it's in the "It's funny because it's true!" category.

I took the term "psychonaut" as being more complimentary, but that's my own hangup. I take responsiblity for my own hangup. You did not insult me.

One thing I have noticed though is that there is a distinct correlation between how uptight I am and how much I get addressed as ma'am. I know that's not the situation here, but I have recently come to think I can take charge of this situation and minimize the "ma'am" incidences just by taking charge of my attitude and behavior . . .

Peace & Love,
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

Hyperspace LOVES YOU
#8 Posted : 10/19/2009 4:06:47 AM

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Pandora, I always enjoy reading your reports. You spare no detail which I like because it paints a more intricate moving picture of what you experienced. I've never experienced synesthesia or gone through the vortex of a DMT vagina! Incredible..especially the uh hmm...Smile I just recently got some THH so maybe that will do the trick! From what I understand synesthesia is commonly experienced in Aya journeys so I can only hope for the same with pharmahuasca.
Every post made past, present, and future by DiscipleofSpice is purely fiction.
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#9 Posted : 10/21/2009 3:34:16 AM

Got Naloxone?

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Hi DiscipleofSpice,

I keep feeling like this trip would have been more appreciated by a hetero male or lesbian female and that a lot of the sexual aesthetics were wasted on me. But, it was delightful and surprising nontheless.

I have had synaesthesia on LSD too and Salvia (close-eyes), but it is a rather elusive and rare experience.

Peace & Love,
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

Hyperspace LOVES YOU
#10 Posted : 10/21/2009 9:53:57 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Thanks Pandora, this was a really good read.

I'm interested in the "text" you mentioned, have you encountered anything like this before?
#11 Posted : 10/23/2009 10:43:08 PM

Got Naloxone?

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Hi Z,

It was tiny and scrolled like the symbols in the Matrix movie, but horizontally. If these symbols were actual text consisting of words, it was very alien indeed because there were no noticeable gaps between the symbols that made the "words." Rather, it was just endless symbols flowing, marquis style. . .

In terms of the actual text itself, the only thing that even vaguely comes up in my memory is some of the text in the Star Wars (the new versions) movies and video games . . .

Peace & Love,
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

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