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#1 Posted : 10/16/2009 5:18:55 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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the ego is amazing....

many of you here know me. many of you new to the site may just be meeting for the first time and to you i say a hearty "welcome to your new home away from home". i will give you only the briefest background on myself as it relates to what i actually have to say in this post...

for the first six or so months after doing my first extraction, i "went to church" every day. that is to say that i broke through (95% of the time) EVERY DAY FOR SIX MONTHS STRAIGHT. i reached depths and explored aspects of my self so foreign and unfamiliar that i began to feel that i was making truly stupendous headway towards managing, if not greatly reducing my ego.

this is what i had thought....

as i said before- the ego is amazing. truly. it's resilience is second to nothing i know of.
..cockroaches got nothing on the ego...

SO- i go have a life-altering, beyond amazing 3 week visionquest in the land of smiles...aka in- i'm gone for 3 weeks and exploring all kinds of wonderful medicines....but none of them are spice.
...and spice is, as we all surely agree, just a teensy bit different than other medicines.. Pleased

i get home and the grim truth sets in- for all the temples and wats that i visited; for all the wise monks i exposed myself to; for all the ONENESS and CONNECTEDNESS i felt with both the land and the people; for all the love and compassion i uncovered and set free within myself.....

...for all of these beautiful experiences and countless others... the absence of consistent hyperspace travel- my ego came back. Shocked

after 3 weeks i'm now back home with all this wonderful peace and hope from an epic sojourn. i begin to think about my former "routine" of life which included spice time...

now, to be perfectly clear-i have absolutely NO intentions of stopping my work with the spirit molecule. however, to be honest- since i KNEW i wasn't going to be able to go to church while in thailand, i had mentally accepted and acclimated to a different life rhythm and the lack of hyperspace it represented. ergo- i didn't really think about spice the whole time...
the mantra of egolessness that the spice reinforces in me began to fade...

and we're back to that opening statement once again. i'm looking at the vaporgenie in my hand that i have just loaded with a goodly pile of STRONGLY spiced weed. breakthrough weed. don't get me started on my feelings about cannibis and dmt and how utterly MAGICAL their music is together!!!
i'm looking, feeling, breathing, surrendering....the usual protocol..only, this time i'm feeling a very unfamiliar sensation along with it....trepidation. fear.


i have journeyed HUNDREDS of time. breaking through almost every time. i have had a handful of journeys that had moments that were a little, shall we say, nut-wrenching....but they always resolved themselves into pure love and oneness. i have NEVER felt fear. respect, yes. fear....absolutely not. and now here i am...feeling it.

the ego is destroyed by DMT. in hyperspace, completely. in this reality, only gradually and temporarily. my ego- left to reform itself for 3 full weeks- is back strong enough to induce a PALPABLE fear response to DMT's power. this is the theory my mind settles on as i raise the VG to my lips and click the lighter.

i'm in heaven now. this is really heaven. i am dead...something in me is quite certain but i am not even bothered by it. i am so willing to be here i almost begin to feel that i somehow orchestrated this ascension. and now i know this is true. and now i AM this knowlege...and it's subsequent truth.
i am pure truth. purest truth. the light of all that is is concentrated into a seed incomprehensibly small. with limbs...etc....

i felt the purest love. the hyperspace love that knows no equal in this samsara. all of this is so familiar. familial. my family. i am home. this feels like a homecoming! Very happy

this journey honestly felt like a homecoming. the energy that met me, became me, lead me, and held me was pure love. it was like coming home to the greatest love of your life after being away for too long...i will not forget the impossible depth of the love that i felt. it left an imprint on me...a deep one...

buti will NOT soon forget that little encounter with fear etiher....i'm in shock and awe of the ego's ability to regenerate so rapidly... Shocked

luckily i meet all fear and delusion with new armor: a powerful, blessed blue lotus flower that i carry with me always...


"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 10/16/2009 8:48:10 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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antrocles it's great to see you back. Very happy I do so enjoy reading your posts and that one was fantastic- thank you!

..cockroaches got nothing on the the absence of consistent hyperspace travel- my ego came back. Shocked . . . the ego is destroyed by DMT. in hyperspace, completely. in this reality, only gradually and temporarily...i'm in shock and awe of the ego's ability to regenerate so rapidly...

This is an interesting discovery. I'm sure that I'm not the only one who reads your posts hoping to gain some insight into what would be possible if we were ourselves able to journey as frequently as you do. The re-assertion of the ego is disappointing but not surprising to me. It is indeed a strange and resilient beast! Perhaps it is somehow hard-wired into the physical circuitry of the brain? Like if you shake an extraction until an emulsion forms - eventually the solvent will return to the top as a distinct layer owing to its unaltered chemical properties. So daily spice travel shakes the mind but does not fundamentally alter the tendency towards ego. The understanding gained as a result of the dissolution of your ego is precious and real but does not surgically alter the brain? This at least reassures me that DMT may have no long-term adverse effect on the brain. Although even if having just once sensed the possibility of other legitimate modes of consciousness then the perception of this one remains forever altered.

"Give enough that it feels good but not so much it hurts"
Life is not a task. There is absolutely nothing to attain except the realisation that there is absolutely nothing to attain.
What is sought remains hidden from the seeker by already being everything.

(Tony Parsons)
#3 Posted : 10/16/2009 10:21:19 AM

Cloud Whisperer

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Its great to have you back brother. Ego is the most powerful obstacle that we have to over come as human beings, it holds us back in this life and only creates more life cycles in samsara. Your experience resonated with me a lot as I am at an apex in my journey with spice. My last journey was the most powerful journey that i have experienced so far and i came to a point where I had to make a choice and let my ego go if i wanted to travel any further with my wise and protective guide. I have been doing practices and meditation seriously now for 6 years, Ive been to North East India for a month and received powerful Tantric teachings and i was still unable to at that powerful and special moment to let go of my ego.

All i wanted to do was cling tightly onto it, it was a really strange instinctual and powerful primal reaction. I asked my self at the time what are you doing let go let go stop trying to grasp onto your ego, but i just couldn't no matter how hard i tried. It was definitely one of the most humbling experiences of my life. I thought that i would have no problem letting my ego go but i was so wrong, so now every day i try my best to do what i can to prepare myself little by little.

All I can do is to try my best to strengthen my meditation practices and my other practices in the hope that the next time that i journey with spice that i will have the strength within myself to let go of my ego with out any help from the spice. I'm holding thumbs....Again thank you for your beautiful and inspiring post.

Much Peace and Happiness
The Nexus Art Gallery | The Nexian | DMT Nexus Research | The Open Hyperspace Traveler Handbook

For small creatures such as we the vastness is bearable only through love.

The fate of our times is characterised by rationalisation and intellectualisation and, above all, by the disenchantment of the world.

Following a Path of Compassion and Heart
#4 Posted : 10/16/2009 12:11:28 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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The re-assertion of the ego is disappointing but not surprising to me. It is indeed a strange and resilient beast! Perhaps it is somehow hard-wired into the physical circuitry of the brain?

Perhaps the ego is a natural thing and we will always have it until we leave the world of duality. It may just come with our existence, as an accessory. The problem seems to be that it became a tyrant over us and that's why we want to get rid of it. According to the teachings, with meditation practice, we can expose the ego for what it is, see through the games it plays. With this recognition it gets back to its original, intended place and there is no reason to expel it from our lives any more.

The vajrayana teachings talk about this process of exposing the ego as "taming the beast". A well disciplined ego may be a wonderful thing.

Addendum: I think the first step on the path of "conquering" the ego is learning to love it. This may seem contradictory, but somehow the energies of love tend to "soften up" the armors of the ego and let us deal with the problem it poses to us from entirely unexpected angles.
#5 Posted : 10/16/2009 12:41:48 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Didn't anyone actually watch that Jill Bolte Taylor video?

The ego is essentially your entire left brain. The left brain processes reality in a linear, logical way. It cherry picks the data of your senses to help you survive in a historically dangerous world. You need your ego - lose it, and you might as well book yourself into a nursing home to be fed and have your nappies changed.

Surely the ideal is to slip into meditation during leisure time, and have the sharply focused point of consciousness we call the ego relax and dilate, so you can have rest and peace. Then when you need to function as a part of society again, let the ego come back online and get to work.
#6 Posted : 10/16/2009 1:20:15 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Aegle - "a really strange instinctual and powerful primal reaction" yes I have felt this. There can surely be nothing more powerful than the instinctive urge for (ego) survival.

Cellux - What an insightful post. Thank you. I am unaware of the vajrayana teachings but will look into these Very happy

Morphane - Jill Bolte Taylor video? Another one for me to chase up! thanks mate.

I am currently inclined to view the ego as necessary for self-preservation when working in ignorance. And entirely unnecessary when genuine insight and understanding are in operation. Surely the immediacy of insight (which is intelligence) is able to provide well for both the individual and the collective without contradiction, without ego? I am inclined to view the ego as an evolutionary curiosity which has had its origins in knee-jerk cellular activity for millennia but has now 'come across' along with the more recent intellectual capacities and is currently creating havoc in consciousness (I would include in consciousness the whole manifest physical world).

I recently faced ego death. I was unable to put any of my fancy ideas into practice. I was humbled. I felt exactly as Aegle described:

All i wanted to do was cling tightly onto it, it was a really strange instinctual and powerful primal reaction . . . It was definitely one of the most humbling experiences of my life. I thought that i would have no problem letting my ego go but i was so wrong . . .

I love this place. There are so many thoughtfull people here who freely provide those thoughts to all. Truely an enriching place. Cool
"Give enough that it feels good but not so much it hurts"
Life is not a task. There is absolutely nothing to attain except the realisation that there is absolutely nothing to attain.
What is sought remains hidden from the seeker by already being everything.

(Tony Parsons)
#7 Posted : 10/16/2009 1:25:05 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Here's the Jill Bolte Taylor video:
#8 Posted : 10/16/2009 1:35:22 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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its interesting you talk about the ego ant...just the other day SWIM was going to use some pharma with some friends...with some spice extracted with d-limo...he mixed up his normal brew(125mg THH, 50mg Harmine, 60mg Spice fumarate)..this is usually a very manageable experience...SWIM and his gf took their dose first..then his friend followed about 10 minutes later...

about 20 minutes go by when SWIM starts feeling effects...they are more powerful than he thought they would be...oh my god they are getting more powerful...the visuals are overwhelming his vision and he knows he has to go outside and puke...if this is whats about to happen with his friends...then he needs to be grounded for them...he runs outside and pukes..and pukes and pukes...but whats this...where is he..why is it dark and cold out...who are these people and whats wrong with them..did he do something to them..what did he give them?

everything that he is in this world disappeared...he had no memories...he was able to speak without understanding what words were or where they had come was like this backup emergency operating system had taken over...but it left the host completely confused..his friend asked him what was going on...and all SWIM could say was...'i have no fucking clue whats going on' and he meant that with everything that he was...

slowly after two hours the memories and self came back to him...

its amazing...dmt can send you soooo far away...and put you back right where you left off...welcome HOME ant
it's a sound
#9 Posted : 10/16/2009 1:42:10 PM

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Surely the immediacy of insight (which is intelligence) is able to provide well for both the individual and the collective without contradiction, without ego?

According to Chögyam Trungpa (my favorite interpreter of the Buddhist tradition), there is a thing called 'prajna', which is something like an inherent intelligence that is unconditionally present in the egoless state. If such a thing exists, then it's quite possible that we do it all wrong when we rely on the ego for "intelligence". Perhaps we started to do this (fabricating models instead of direct intuitive knowledge) when we lost the original insighting capability (original sin? eating from the Tree of "Knowledge"?). Today we don't even know that such a thing exists, therefore we assume that all of this is the job of the ego. Poor ego, how much it has to do! Smile Really. Perhaps if someone saw my chakras, she would see that most of them are lying dormant in a vegetative state while I'm trying to carry out the task they were created for purely with my ego, with my mind. This would surely explain all the suffering and deeply felt inadequacy of my way of being.
#10 Posted : 10/16/2009 1:56:54 PM

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I am unaware of the vajrayana teachings but will look into these

Let me spare you the long search for quality stuff. Try to get this book:

Chögyam Trungpa: Shambhala - The Sacred Path of the Warrior

You won't be disappointed, I promise. The writings of Trungpa are on the same level in the land of spirituality than say Shpongle are in electronic music or the Matrix was in movies.

#11 Posted : 10/16/2009 2:24:43 PM

Cloud Whisperer

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cellux wrote:
The vajrayana teachings talk about this process of exposing the ego as "taming the beast". A well disciplined ego may be a wonderful thing.


Its really interesting how you bring Vajrayana teachings up as i study these teachings in my Tibetan Buddhist practices. One of the most powerful and sacred of these teachings are the tantric teachings of Phowa. I went to India for a month so I could recieve these special teachings. Phowa is the practice of conscious dying, It seems to tie in so closely with spice for me. What i learnt in Phowa and what i experience during my spice journeys are very much deeply linked with one another.

Much Peace and Sunshine
The Nexus Art Gallery | The Nexian | DMT Nexus Research | The Open Hyperspace Traveler Handbook

For small creatures such as we the vastness is bearable only through love.

The fate of our times is characterised by rationalisation and intellectualisation and, above all, by the disenchantment of the world.

Following a Path of Compassion and Heart
#12 Posted : 10/16/2009 2:31:51 PM

Cloud Whisperer

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transitory wrote:
Aegle - "a really strange instinctual and powerful primal reaction" yes I have felt this. There can surely be nothing more powerful than the instinctive urge for (ego) survival.

I love this place. There are so many thoughtfull people here who freely provide those thoughts to all. Truely an enriching place. Cool


Indeed its definitely the most powerful instinctive urge I have ever experienced. I love the Nexus to its truly a very special place. :b

Much Peace and Understanding
The Nexus Art Gallery | The Nexian | DMT Nexus Research | The Open Hyperspace Traveler Handbook

For small creatures such as we the vastness is bearable only through love.

The fate of our times is characterised by rationalisation and intellectualisation and, above all, by the disenchantment of the world.

Following a Path of Compassion and Heart
#13 Posted : 10/16/2009 2:49:31 PM

The Great Namah

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Welcome back my friend!

We've missed you around the Nexus...I'm glad your traveles in Thailand went well. I'd love to hear more about your visit to the temples.

Ego...yes, the part of us that helps keep us alive and safe in the material world, but hinders us with any spiritual progress. I was unaware of your daily spice voyages and its apparent short term effect on the ego. That sounds like an amazing way to work with spice.

It's also very good to hear you say you didn't think about spice while you were away from it. This helps to prove the theory that DMT is not psycologically addictive.
The Spice extends life
The Spice expands consciousness
The Spice is vital for space travel
Never underestimate the power of STUFF!

I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.

I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
#14 Posted : 10/16/2009 4:06:48 PM

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so beyond words how wonderful it is to post up discoveries made on my journey....only to have an entire family of wonderful individuals add to and help explore these discoveries!! i am so grateful for you all Pleased

not sure if you guys got the little video i linked to the original JUST managed to attach itself recently.... it is in full "bloom" for you. Very happy

"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."
#15 Posted : 10/16/2009 4:58:10 PM

Got Naloxone?

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Welcome back, in every sense.

I am somewhat obsessively fascinated by your post. It is hitting me in personal places and it is also slamming me against my personal wall of ignorance when it comes to spiritual issues.

But, I'll put in my two cents for the hell of it - the only thing that makes me feel like I can do this is that I am up to eight ego-deaths and I suspect the process is not yet over. It is dismaying. The initial incident was one of the most formative and terrifying events of my youth. Now, something else is happening. A relaxing into it. An instant acceptance and joy (if I find myself "dead" without any dramatic lead-up, such as a breakthrough).

This is a skill that it has taken me decades to develop.Mad It started in other areas of my life, including sex Embarrased . It can lead to incredible acceptance and ecstacy. It is the ability to completely give up all sense of control, all resistance. Understanding to the depths of my soul that I cannot fight it and should not try. Just relax into it and hope for the best. Remember those whom I love as I move through this (final?) transition. The results are AMAZING, most fantastic, ecstatic, mystical visions and then the return to reality. What a peak experience to realize that you are still breathing! Very happy God it feels GOOD to be alive!Laughing

But, for me, here's the rub, the irony, the inherent and elegant psychedelic-contradication: I would not be describing my last seven ego-deaths as blissful if I did not have a STRONG ego standing in a rock-solid foundation within consensual reality. I know exactly who I am, what I think and why. Although I do have healing and transformative experiences, I ultimately return to this core self. The core self can be modified somewhat with very hard work (daily hyperspace journeys might be one way - I could not do it even when I wanted to). My ego and sense of self (in my teens and 20's) used to be shaky, to say the least. This is no longer (in my 40's, sigh) true.

Having a strong ego in a granite-like foundation helps me to come back unscathed from rough experiences. I wish I had had this skill 20 years ago. Also, having a rock-solid ego somehow makes me hungry, willing and eager to try high doses (e.g. 7 gr P. Cubenis, 60 mg DMT, 1200 mcg LSD) regularly. These are the kinds of doses that for me can regularly and predictably shatter or annihalate my ego.

It seems to me that we need intact, even strongly developed egos to deal with the everyday, consensual reality society that we live within. It helps us deal with others, situations and our relationships to others and situations. It helps us to define our "selves" using the key building blocks of memory and history and this definition helps us to interact effectively with the everyday world. If all goes well, it will hopefully help us to filter the daily bullshit flying our way (regardless of it's own bullshit factor). One can hope . . .

So, if there is a point, I think it is something like: The fear is okay, even if it was never there before. Your insights and self-analysis speak for themselves. Three weeks off from the (ego-perceived) attacks allows the psychic structures to regenerate aggressively. Now you're back and looking at a DMT-salad breakthrough dose. Dude, your ego is running scared! It doesn't need to because (hopefully) it is grounded in a strong foundation, but that doesn't lessen the impact of the visceral fear, does it?

This is all okay, even more than okay, especially since you have awareness of your process in your conscious mind. Relax, let go, let it happen, just try to relax into it, try to accept, it is okay, everyone and everything dies - what could be more natural, try to acknowledge within all levels of yourself that you have NO control, especially for this particular transition. If panic is a wild, rolling-eyed, rabid dog barely being restrained by flimsy chicken-wire in your mind, you might want to try to remember that you took a psychedelic substance before all this began. In my experience, sometimes this is do-able and sometimes not. Sometimes it helps bring relaxation and acceptance and sometimes not. Admittedly, I have found myself in breakthroughs basically thinking, "Oh Shit! Something went wrong. I finally did it. This can't be a trip and it sure as hell isn't reality, therefore . . ." You get the idea.

I don't know how to explain this without sounding silly or petty.

Have you ever actually watched someone die? Have you watched someone relax into real death? Have you been with someone as they fought it tooth and nail every step of the way, crying out in fear when their vision has faded and they know they are dying? There is NO control. It cannot be resisted. This is the horrible and wonderful truth.

The fear has got to be a positive part of your ongoing process. Perhaps you should take some time to look at it and work with it. It may be related to your personal existential issues. I do not know. I suspect though that the fear is not only your ego running scared but your entire self screaming that you LOVE this life passionately!

Please be kind to all parts of yourself, including your stubborn and fearful ego. . .this work is ongong. There will be triumphs and setbacks, insights and mental spirals. At least you and others at the Nexus are doing the work. I believe this is the work that can heal ourselves. I hope that this is the work that can help to heal(or help us to help heal) our friends and loved ones, our communities, our country, our tiny, insignificant, ill planet floating in the endless void . . .

Peace & Love,

"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

Hyperspace LOVES YOU
#16 Posted : 10/16/2009 8:37:33 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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that's some down-right Pandorable advice! Pleased

so of course my ego wants to immediately jump in and say, 'hey, i know aaaaallll about letting go and blah blah blah...."....and i find this interesting because: a) i know NOTHING and b) it's this ego that is chiming in right now that i'm having issues with!

your post is wonderful and when i reflect upon my own attitudes regarding this incident i can't help but humbly admit to myself and the world that- as much as i'd love to feel that i have lifted my consciousness through hyperspace exploration and as much as the process of surrender HAS in fact become something over which i have SOME facility- i will always be in possession of this ego in this lifetime. i do not say this with resignation or sorrow.....i understand it's place and i have certainly used mine to achieve great success (whatever THAT means!) in this samsara...

i have watched everyone die. my mother, my father....friends....extended family....i have lost an entire life's savings in the blink of an eye (yes, you are actually in communication with someone who was directly involved in the Madoff scandal). i have lost a marriage and all of the hopes and dreams that were painstakingly carved into it. it is all a dream.....nothing is permanent.

this is why the sensation of fear truly struck me. i have been in a place of surrender for some time now. without hurt or aggression, i have written off much of this experience we call life. that is not to say that i don't experience it, love it, feel it, thrive within simply means that i am just as willing to let it all go when the option presents itself.

Aegle- you speak of Phowa. you are such a beautiful soul!! all of you are! i carry with me a tattoo on my leg of the kincara which (as i know you are aware) is the tibetan boddhisatva of this study. "IT IS ONLY THROUGH THE THOROUGH, RIGOROUS AND COMPLETE UNDERSTANDING OF DEATH THAT WE SEE THROUGH THE ILLUSION OF LIFE". this is it's mantra. i believe this with all my soul.

i think my buddy Uncle Knucles said it best to me just a few minutes ago on the phone: "it's much scarier once you know what you're dealing with".....not that i have any clue "what" i'm dealing with....but i will say that the power of spice and the way that power's effects never leave your conscious mind.....hell....the way the awe of that power seems to GROW in your conscious mind.....this is truly powerful medicine we are working with folks...HUMBLING to be honest. to church now....i'm feeling quite excited and grateful! thanks everyone for having such wisdom to share!!

"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."
#17 Posted : 10/17/2009 11:02:40 AM

Cloud Whisperer

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antrocles wrote:
Aegle- you speak of Phowa. you are such a beautiful soul!! all of you are! i carry with me a tattoo on my leg of the kincara which (as i know you are aware) is the tibetan boddhisatva of this study. "IT IS ONLY THROUGH THE THOROUGH, RIGOROUS AND COMPLETE UNDERSTANDING OF DEATH THAT WE SEE THROUGH THE ILLUSION OF LIFE". this is it's mantra. i believe this with all my soul.


Why thank you I am greatly honored by your comment. Embarrased

If you are interested in doing Phowa practices (That's if you haven't done them already.) The best place to go to is Bodhgaya, HE Choje Ayang Rinpoche is my Phowa teacher. The teachings last for almost a month so its quite intensive but very much worth doing.

Here is the link if you are interested my friend - Phowa Teachings

Much Peace and Sunshine

The Nexus Art Gallery | The Nexian | DMT Nexus Research | The Open Hyperspace Traveler Handbook

For small creatures such as we the vastness is bearable only through love.

The fate of our times is characterised by rationalisation and intellectualisation and, above all, by the disenchantment of the world.

Following a Path of Compassion and Heart
#18 Posted : 10/17/2009 3:29:37 PM

Got Naloxone?

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You are a braver and wiser person than I will ever be. No doubt to your advanced experience level.

Is your process usually this quick and to the point?

I know exactly what you mean when you talk about going to church. This is one reason (personally) that I find the fear (which I call anxiety or trepidation because it is not an intense conscious feeling) is with me for every spice session. I feel good, positive, humble, ready to let go, etc. but still the ego has it's little say which can be big. Even though I taught it to accept dissolution, it will often throw a metaphysical curve ball my way . . . like attachment.

To put it another way, I keep finding that burying one mental corpse fully opens up an entirely new grave. Perhaps this is just my own pathology - hell I HAVE been off my prescription (some psychiatric) meds for close to six months now.

To be shockingly concise (for me): A recent ego-death experience culminated in a return to floating above my body and believing I was lost within my own timeline.
I suspect that the drooling, eye-rolling dog had been set off-leash by the beat-down but recovering ego structures. I came to believe that my husband was dead because somehow decades had passed. Given our age differences, it is highly likely that this will come to pass in a few decades.

This was NOT something I could accept, relax into, let go with, etc. This turned a potentially meaningless and positive experience into one that although rather rough gave me what I needed to work on next. Acceptance of loss that has nothing to do with my self and everything to do with the attachments that my self does not want to lose. Believe me when I say, I have already done A LOT of work on this topic. Well, guess what says the spice and my frakking ego, there's a lot more work to do.

Being so spiritually and experientially ignorant, I have little to go on other than my personal history and current experiences. I know that you are an extremely advanced and skilled psychonaut - the one I will never be able to be. But, I suspect that the fear will not be a one-time, rear its head because you took three weeks off, issue. But, I actually know nothing.

Thanks for your mind-feast posts - please keep them coming.

I envy your advanced, accelerated process, but I do stand by what I said earlier - be kind to yourself.

Peace & Love,
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

Hyperspace LOVES YOU
#19 Posted : 10/17/2009 5:16:20 PM

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Aegle- love and gratitude to you for the link....all things happen in their time and they come to you when you are ready...i do not take this exchange of information lightly....the website looks awesome and a trip to india could be exactly what my soul needs right now. thank you thank you thank you for sharing this! Very happy

Pandora- i have really enjoyed your posts...there is no doubt that you are an exceptionally intellgent comes across loud and clear in the eloquence with which you articulate your thoughts. i appreciate your wisdom! and yes.....I stand by what you said ealier as well! Pleased being kind to oneself is where it all starts. easy to conceptualize, much more difficult to implement...i have been working diligently to cultivate a compassion and pure love for in the sense of acceptance and appreciation for all that i am and all that i am not. interestingly, i have the kanji for love and gratitude tattooed on either wrist..the left wrist- kancha- means both gratitude AND appreciation. two VERY different words but equally powerful and transformative if one can truly embody their meanings...

congratulations, by the way on kicking the prescription meds!! SSRI's suck. that's my opnion of course, but it comes from having been on lexapro for nearly 5 years.... was spice that actually instigated my gradual weening and eventual emancipation from this tricky substance. i've been off it for almost a year now and there's no going back for me...

i also resonate strongly with what you've been working on, ie: the sense of loss as it pertains to attachments and not necessarily "self". this is a tricky playing field.... one could easily argue that your possessions are no different than your "self" in this samsara....they are equally illusory. when that is the case, your "attachments"- husband, dunecat, frothy hound, etc....are all simply extensions of you and their loss is just an indirect reminder that you will one day lose not just them.....but everything. i suppose this is really one of the main awarenesses i try to maintain with my sojourns into hyperspace... part of me believes that the more comfortable i become with surrendering my ego, the easier that ultimate surrender will go for me..

kind of like trying to read the cliff notes on Phowa.... Pleased

and- to out myself as a frakking nerd of the highest echelon- the fact that you used a bsg reference in your post (hopefully not accidentally...) just made me love you even more... Pleased

this thread is really evolving into something beautiful....thanks again, everyone, for being so generous with your love and wisdom!!


btw- did the link for the video i posted work? for all my writing on this site, the truth remains: i'm a computer idiot.....posting a simple video was a serious challenge for yours truly....anyways, i hope you guys can open it! it's a little present i wanted to share with you all .... Pleased
"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."
#20 Posted : 10/18/2009 1:03:18 PM

Cloud Whisperer

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antrocles wrote:
Aegle- love and gratitude to you for the link....all things happen in their time and they come to you when you are ready...i do not take this exchange of information lightly....the website looks awesome and a trip to india could be exactly what my soul needs right now. thank you thank you thank you for sharing this! Very happy


No worries I am really glad that I had the information to give to you, everything in life happens for a reasons indeed. If you need any more information or have any questions let me know. India has an amazing way of putting everything in your life into perspective, for me going to India was one of the most important and special journeys i have ever embarked upon. Love and gratitude right back at you. Very happy

Much Peace and Compassion
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