Post SWIM's Yeilds ! Options
#141 Posted : 4/18/2009 3:03:25 AM

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tolu wrote:

What you're doing is freeze precip, what did you think it was?

Sry, SWIM was refering to a re-crystalization.
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#142 Posted : 4/18/2009 3:56:02 AM
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Your yield would probably be a fair amount higher if you didn't do the unnecessary ammonia wash.
#143 Posted : 5/20/2009 1:16:23 PM

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Hello there

One of my friends used the Nomans Tek to extract spice from 250g of MHRB. the first two pulls yielded about 2.3g mostly pure white crystals... but the third pull yielded a 530mg of brownish crystals. not yellow as they used to be many times before.

Is this some jungle spice? The Pulls were done only with naphtha, as far as my friend knows, you can only pull jungle-spice with xylene right?

My friend thanks for your help Smile

Edit: or is this alot of N-oxide-dmt?
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#144 Posted : 5/20/2009 1:37:01 PM
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Naphtha won't pick up jungle spice or n-oxide, but n-oxide may form if you are evaporating, and a fan blowing hot air will speed the process up. The coloration is likely caused by plant fats and tannins. Harmless, but they taste bad, are harsh on the lungs, and mess up a pipe.

Xylene is not the only solvent to pick up jungle spice. Toluene, DCM, and D-Limonene will all do it.

Great yeild by the way.
#145 Posted : 5/20/2009 1:48:45 PM

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mhh well, my friend put the dish outside on the balcony... first he freeze preciped and afterwards he evaporated the rest of the naphtha... so maybe its because he put it outside where it was windy to evaporaten....

yes, its a great yield!! very good quality MHRB from pedro Smile
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#146 Posted : 5/25/2009 8:29:05 PM
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A good friend of mine gave Noman's tek a spin a couple of times...

200g MHRB, 1.5g
400g MHRB, 3.6g

...and more to come!
#147 Posted : 5/25/2009 11:59:11 PM

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50 gr MHRB, STB: no results.
well, for the first time I guess it's normal. I hope.

I still have 1350 gr to practice withLaughing
Bad, bad english
#148 Posted : 6/8/2009 7:36:27 AM

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3-4g , 500g mexican bark
1g after recrystallization

#149 Posted : 6/10/2009 3:25:46 PM

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50G's of MHRB


1.2 Grams of Spice (off-white and no need to clean)

Nice! Very happy
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#150 Posted : 6/12/2009 1:43:23 AM

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very nice!
What was the supplier? looks like good MHRB =)
Bad, bad english
#151 Posted : 6/25/2009 6:05:07 PM


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1lb of pre-powdered MRHB from a local friend of mine with an STB = 4.9g of pure white spice. I was so happy when I filtered my naptha.
#152 Posted : 6/28/2009 8:21:48 PM
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My cat, Turtle, got 1 lb of MHRB and decided to extract 50g first, just to make sure she knew what she was doing. Using Noman's Tek with a Sodium Carbonate wash instead of ammonia she got .49g of PURE bright white crystals. The second batch (100g MHRB) is in the freezer right now and she's seeing HUGE amounts of crystals. She says she can't wait to smoke them, but she's not giving me any Crying or very sad
I really do have a pet cat named Turtle. She's a bitch. She can't type too well with paws, so she holds me hostage and tells me what to type.
#153 Posted : 7/26/2009 11:44:03 PM
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Thats beautiful i wish you had pictures. does the sodium carbonate wash really help. my last batch was yellow. with patches of white I evapd it all and mixd it together i'm wishing i woulda made it purer. Try and get pictures If you can i would like to see them.!
#154 Posted : 8/16/2009 12:42:31 AM

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Sounds like some really nice yields Blade and thepureskunk ! I'd appreciate if you shared the MHRB supplier with us, I'm about ready for a re-up Very happy
#155 Posted : 9/16/2009 12:00:06 AM

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Anyone got yields for the d-limonene + calcium hydroxide tek? SWIM is all about food grade teks....
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#156 Posted : 9/24/2009 5:21:13 PM

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100g mimosa-STB-freeze prep-1,4g yellowish fluffy-no recristallization
#157 Posted : 10/15/2009 7:43:28 PM

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SWIM says: Here's a sample of my spice yield on a digital scale. I yielded 2.6 grams of nice spice from 400 grams of mimosa hostilis using the Marsofold tek. This is way too much for myself especially because I'm very sensitive to spice; 20mg is a breakthrough dose for me...So I'm always trying to share it with people to spread the love.
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Touche Guevara
#158 Posted : 10/15/2009 9:06:02 PM
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Nice scale. Ebay?
#159 Posted : 10/15/2009 11:25:42 PM

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Touche Guevara wrote:
Nice scale. Ebay?

SWIM says: Ya, on Ebay. I intentionally only did two naptha pulls because when I extract the jungle from the aqueous solution I want a third pull worth of spice to be in there as well. I hope to get a more fully jurema experience by smoking a mixture of the two.
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#160 Posted : 10/15/2009 11:42:23 PM

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when I extract the jungle from the aqueous solution I want a third pull worth of spice to be in there as well. I hope to get a more fully jurema experience by smoking a mixture of the two.

Yeah, me too. I'm pulling jungle with Jorkest's D-Limonene & FASW Tek. So far it's looking good. Can't wait to post final yields. Thats some clean looking crystal there DoS Very happy and those are my scales too.
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