Just consumed my caapi. Mimosa in 5min ; ) Options
#1 Posted : 10/7/2009 10:45:06 PM

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Feeling good about this one. I'll let you know how it went when I get back.


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#2 Posted : 10/7/2009 11:03:17 PM

Sun Dragon

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Happy Journeys!
What, you ask, was the beginning of it all?
And it is this...

Existence that multiplied itself
For sheer delight of being
And plunged into numberless trillions of forms
So that it might
-Sri Aubobindo

Saidin is a fictional character, and only exists in the collective unconscious. Therefore, we both do and do not exist. Everything is made up as we go along, and none of it is real.
#3 Posted : 10/7/2009 11:09:13 PM

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Sweet, looking forward to hearing how it goes
#4 Posted : 10/8/2009 3:40:16 AM
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Awesome! Jurematime! Have fun!
Everything I write is fictional roleplay. Obviously! End tribal genocide: Quick petitions for meaningful change:
End prohibition: And "Feeling Good" by David D.Burns MD is a very useful book.
#5 Posted : 10/8/2009 6:33:20 AM

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Space is going to space!
Long live the unwoke.
#6 Posted : 10/8/2009 7:45:01 PM

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Did Space get lost in space?

Whats the case Space?
All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
#7 Posted : 10/8/2009 10:46:29 PM

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Yesterday night was an unusual experience, not the norm for me. I made it the same way I always do, but after taking the mimosa and waiting for about 20min, it started to come on really strong, Like a large heavy mass filling my entire conscious space. The usual started but with more speed than anticipated -everything in the room molding geometrically, my center of focus expanding, crystal neon colours swirling geometrically into the dark behind my eyes "ooo ok,, ok,, I feel ya.."

I was getting quite drowsy "well,, almost time to throw up.." The fingers went in, vile stinking sick came out, along with an unrecognizable brown thing "mmm.. what the hell is that?.." -another spurt "seriously, what the fuck is that?.."
The worst part was over, my body felt alot lighter. On the hifi I was listening to roberta flack, I lay down on the blanket I prepared in the living room. Increasingly I was feeling ecstatically blissfull as lay with my eyes closed. I had a vast smile on my face, arms crossed over my chest whilst I bathed in this complex dimensional light space. Felt like all that was me was shattering, climaxing into a huge champagne fizz of fireworks. There was so much dimensions to my perceptions, which makes the visual landscapes I'm trying to remember, hugely incomprehensible right now. Like seeing part of the images on shards of glass I'm trying to peice together.

It was just beautiful. I was astonished at what I was seeing, how I was seeing it, and just how clear it was. My everyday vision seems like I'm looking through hazy glass in comparison to the clarity in my visions I had.
I almost disappeared in that world I was in when all of a sudden I warped back into the room with a negative feel to it. I wondered what was influencing it this way, I noticed the roberta flack track was on a low note, and it sounded devious like, as it played very slow and more spaced out "what the fuck are you doing?!.." in amusement as I proceeded to change the music to something which would keep me more balanced. (amazing album by the way)

At this point my higher male counterpart came in. It was time to do some work. It's hard to explain this work I want to refer to. To explain it I would have to explain something else, then something else and so on. Anyway, I started listening to what was said after I adjusted to this new space which was expanding through me. Alot of insights about how to greater my own space came to the surface of my present conscious awareness. Many times I would be saying "now that's interesting.." "wow,, yeah... that's so true.." as these insights fell into place.

I'd only been tripping for about 1 and a half hours, then I dramatically came back. I couldn't believe how short it lasted. That had never happend before. With that dosage I normally trip for about 4-5hrs with a long lasting plateau. This time, fast up and fast down.

The information I took wasn't really anything profoundly new, but the experience itself has had a big change on me. Something I wanted from it. Today I've felt something hugely different, but subtle.. interesting because I'm not perceiving positive, or negative. Which I suppose is greater perception..
I was going to consume some more I had prepared, but really didn't feel like throwing up, something that can be hard to do in those more dimensional states.

I'm already looking forward to my next experience, with a new sense of curiosity. Think I may go for it this saturday evening.

I recommend anyone that hasn't done a combination of mimosa and caapi to experience it at least once. A real teacher.


#8 Posted : 10/8/2009 11:34:24 PM


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Cant get me enough of that Roberta Flack, I remember once when she opened for Shpongle, priceless.

Very happy

But seriously.

I know what you mean about the insights. Its my third favorite thing beyond the gilted visuals and blissful warmth.

It is as if one has their emotions 'candy-coated'. I recall a situation that I was a part of and had strong emotions attached to, including anger and feelings of betrayal. The Aya allowed me to look at the scene from a third person perspective having no bias whatsoever. It was as if the situation had simply happened to someone else. It allowed me to see, more clearly, my fault in the situation without the protection of the ego.

Wonderful, wonderful stuff. Truly healing in so many ways. If it was euphoria alone, I would still feel this way. It seems to remind me why I am alive and that I deserve to be here, simply BY existing. All without EGO!

My life has been seriously changed for the better through this material and I suggest it to anyone that truly wants to grow as a person.

Thanks for sharing, Space,

Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

#9 Posted : 10/8/2009 11:39:27 PM

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awesome dude, I have been dreaming of caapi/mimosa lately. sooon I hope.

If I amy ask, what was the dosage taken?
#10 Posted : 10/9/2009 12:22:50 AM

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Jasons, glad to hear you are one of another to have such a meaningful experience.

The dosage used was 30g caapi and 10g mimosa. What I find so interesting about this dosage for me, is that anything can happen, unpredictable, but all with control in a sense. Defintely go for it gammagore.

Don't you find it amazing, that we people are having these trully fantastic opportunities to access beautiful possibilities that go far beyond.

Ever get that great feeling that your so glad to be yourself, that you have this access, that your experiencing things few people in this world are? -I fucking love it.
#11 Posted : 10/9/2009 12:54:23 AM

John Murdoch IV

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I've only once done just caapi and I got so nauseous that just thinking about adding DMT to that was scary! Razz
But I might do it with a little more caapi some day and then just purge good if I feel bad.

DMTripper is a fictional character therefore everything he says here must be fiction.
I mean, who really believes there is such a place as Hyperspace!!

#12 Posted : 10/9/2009 1:27:12 AM

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With the way I now make caapi and mimosa, I no longer get any nausea, but still get that horrible feeling of wanting to throw up. I wish I didn't have to do that part, but I know I'll feel much better after. It's a small sacrifice in comparison to what you get.

#13 Posted : 10/9/2009 1:34:34 AM


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hang in there...
let caapi clean you out
she loves you
and I love her for it, too

#14 Posted : 10/9/2009 1:45:43 AM

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Increase the caapi dose; the reason you were up and down so fast is because of that. More MAOI = longer and more intense action. I find your trip report rather profound, mainly because I have just popped out of the exact same thing you did (rue + mimosa however). Your trip report is pretty much identical to my experience. Funnily enough, I am also going for it on Saturday.

Next time dose your caapi heavily, drink a moderate amount of mimosa, then when you feel that mimosa kicking in decently drink a small amount of caapi and finally, say 10 mins later, knock back a heroic dose of mimosa. You should be able to hold it down with sheer ease once you are fully in that state.

The reason you want to throw up is twofold, one is that you probably haven't purged enough in the past and two is that you probably have residue in your brew. Removing the residue from mimosa brews is beyond easy. My method is to boil the mimosa in a generous amount of water (1L per 20g), strain x2 then take all that fluid and put it in an aluminium pan. The residue will suddenly precipitate out, I guess it somehow reacts with the aluminium, you then decant the brew into a glass then decant it back into the pot and back again. Each time you do this the residue will precipitate out and can be gotten rid of very easily. Finally, reduce the brew heavily. The end result is a brew completely free of residue which you can chug massive cupfuls free of nausea and the urge to purge. If you reduce it nicely, you can get the brew to be incredibly potent. Tonight I had a shotful and that packed the same punch as something like 10-20g of mimosa. The taste was gorgeous, far and away from the usually acrid taste.

What you want to work on is releasing the ego self when sober. Just try and take an objective view, be completely and utterly honest to yourself every time you have an issue. If you keep doing this, your brain will entrain itself to this mode of thinking and it will become the way you are rather than what you need drugs to be. I've pulled this off fairly well myself but I was forced to the hard way, through a long and incredibly beautiful depression.
#15 Posted : 10/9/2009 2:17:43 AM

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The caapi dose was the same amount I always use but never had such a short experience. Seemed like 4-5hrs worth of tripping was concentrated into 1 and a half hrs. When brewing I can get the mimosa ultra clear, to the point where no sediment falls, and the colour is light amber. The caapi however, I find hard to get so clear. If I put it through the same paper filters I use for mimosa then the caapi doesn't work. So I have to drink it cloudy. I could wait the stomach sickness out, but find it a much clearer experience to throw it back out.

Let us know how your saturday drink goes.
#16 Posted : 10/10/2009 12:26:25 AM

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So the brew gets clearer with more boils?? I thought the brew was supposed to look quite dark.

And also 10gr mimosa seems like a heavy dose. Could one boil say 5gr mimosa down to like 100ml and then devide that into like 4 shots, and just dose up when feeling right to go deeper?
#17 Posted : 10/10/2009 9:05:45 PM

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You can get mimosa surprisingly clear. The caapi will be a bit darker. I have noticed that after a certain amount of time boiling, the mimosa will be a bit lighter. It's amazing how much difference it makes to get your brews clearer.

I'm not sure splitting 5g into 4 shots will work. I've tried to drink more mimosa whilst tripping to no effect. Think you will need both an MAOI and mimosa for it to work. You'll be fine having the 5g in one shot.
#18 Posted : 10/11/2009 1:52:25 PM

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Space wrote:
You can get mimosa surprisingly clear. The caapi will be a bit darker. I have noticed that after a certain amount of time boiling, the mimosa will be a bit lighter. It's amazing how much difference it makes to get your brews clearer.

I'm not sure splitting 5g into 4 shots will work. I've tried to drink more mimosa whilst tripping to no effect. Think you will need both an MAOI and mimosa for it to work. You'll be fine having the 5g in one shot.

Saturday was incredible, I ate 30g of 70% dark chocolate prior to ingestion. I redosed 6 hours in (mimosa only) and it brang me right back up again for another 3 hours though not as intense as the first wave. I'm pretty sure it's all about how much MAOI you use; excess MAOI will mean that you are inhibited for much longer and so you can redose later.

I find that redosing is perhaps the best way to experience the brew. What you want to do is cook up a nice amount, let's say 30g. Then simply boil it down to whatever and measure out your dosage from that. Begin by taking a large flood dose to get you into the trippy state then you can simply pour off however much brew you feel like once you are in that state. It becomes incredibly easy to hold it down when already under the influence. Last night there was a gram of residue in my shot glass (I didn't cook this) when I knocked back the last 250ml of the litre of brew I had and it was very palatable. That same residue would probably have me heaving my guts from the sheer taste on the tongue had I not been tripping already. Instead it tasted like chocolate, as if I had drank a cup of hot chocolate and I put too much chocolate powder in. Bizarre stuff.
#19 Posted : 10/11/2009 2:08:55 PM

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Instead it tasted like chocolate, as if I had drank a cup of hot chocolate and I put too much chocolate powder in. Bizarre stuff.

Seriously? man how the hell are you able to do that! Smile another post of yours I think you mentioned the taste was gorgeous or something? haha.. well, I guess if you learn to love the stuff your body won't want to reject it. I like the after taste mimosa only.

#20 Posted : 10/11/2009 2:13:13 PM

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A combo of two things, one being already absolutely tripping balls and two, brewing it using coca cola instead of lemon juice (though this time round a small amount of each was used, I don't know if that changes anything). It tasted like bittersweet chocolate when redosing. The first time I drank it, the taste was very sweet but with the characteristic dryness. Of course, it is an acquired taste. I have drunk the brew on the order of 150-250 times now so I don't even puke or feel any nausea nowadays. As you say, it's also a matter of mindset as well. If you think the brew is disgusting then it will be, the converse is true. Think about it from a neural perspective; the brain connects experiences to judgements of those experiences. If you connect an experience i.e. "the taste of mimosa" to a judgement, i.e. "disgusting" or "awesome" then you will automatically lean towards what you chose because those firing patterns get strengthened. So even if it is disgusting, thinking that it is gorgeous will make it that much less disgusting.
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