Physical Manifestations and the Pixel Army Options
The Dream Walker
#1 Posted : 1/26/2008 3:52:47 PM

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Lately in my wonderful dreams, physical sensations have been manifesting themselves over the course of the dream. Often times it feels like small pokes or prods in various places, but sometimes it's larger, like a hand grabbing. I'm absolutely positive that it's nothing in meatspace because I'm normally isolated. Anybody else experience similar things?

I also have to bring up my other concerns regarding my dreams...
Reading other trip reports, I can't help but believe that I'm experiencing lackluster visuals. Every now and again I'll have OEVs similar to mushrooms, and when I close my eyes it's very hard to determine if something is out of the ordinary. Whenever I close my eyes normally (read sober) I don't just have a blank field of vision. Instead I have shimmering fields of blue, yellow, and primarily red dots. I like to think of them as my pixel army. Occasionally, I can control the movement of these dot fields, or rally them together. Now after liftoff, I'm still presented with this same scenario, the only difference being that instead of dots on a blackish gray matte background, the background will sometimes be a black and white geometric pattern.

In all my dreams that I've enjoyed, I can only recount a very limited amount of images that were independant of the pixel army or something that I wish I saw in the patterns of the dots. The most recent was an image of myself sitting down, in black silhouette surrounded by orange "flames." The rest of the images are usually faces or outlines of people/entities but in very low detail.

Despite this lack of "vision" I can still feel/experience the things I shoul dbe seeing, kind of how I would imagine a blind person would construct a mental image of the world around them through their other senses. In my last dream, I recall telling myself to "Open your third eye" and afterwards there would be a flash of colors, but ever so briefly. Perhaps I am literally third eye blind!

Does anyone have any thoughts or recommendations for instilling a new sense of vibrancy and "vision" in my dreams? Anyone else stuck in the more barren parts of hyperspace?

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
Infinite I
#2 Posted : 1/26/2008 4:41:14 PM


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Ive also had the black and white visuals loads of times. Ive had loads of things doing stuff to me, and can feel it and see it. Then ive had them rip me apart and ive not had my body, tho in that state my body was all energy, but I could still feel! Ive also seen loads of orange flame things screaming love at me really loudly all at once ! lol

I cant beleive that your third eye blind or anything like that you sure your smoking enough? Maybe you just need more, maybe take some rue then smoke. Or take it with mushrooms or an maoi.
El Ka Bong
#3 Posted : 1/28/2008 6:13:20 AM

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Was the spice clean, and how was it stored..? When it happens to me - discovering an all black-and white space, or very 'empty' one - I assume it is possibly a low-dose or simply expired dmt. So a second try with a fresh amount will disprove the chance it was dependant on the dose-inhaled, as in the second toke you'll pick up any residue that was left behind.

To prove it might be old dmt go see swim ! Simply try a new batch made by swim - and everything will be ok ! "Lackluster" is what I said too once, I was soaring but the space was empty, and initially I even tried to 'call in' some sign of the cosmic-intelligence, and I'd get a quick morphing-itrusion of an entity show up and say " Yes, .. Blourph ~ we're stuck back here "! and then elastically disappear. But then that too stopped and I got only wet, dark ... drippy, empty space.

Dmt deteriorates in oxtgen, and at higher temps Oxygen is deadlier. And dmt will be torn appart by molecules of :OH- that are present as contamiants. Just keep all dmt in the freezer, in a air-tight jar. Not like one would keep a bad batch, but I bet lye contaminated dmt will deteriorate quicker.
The Dream Walker
#4 Posted : 1/28/2008 7:38:59 AM

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You raise some good points EKB; the spice could've been cleaner, and since the perfect dose is still in the air, that could also be the issue. Normally SWIM stores his spice in empty pill casings for portability, but the freezer does seem like a better option. As far as fresh versus 'expired', the effects are either consistent with each other, or all together non-existent. The usual method of enjoyment is sandwiched in my favorite smoking herb with an initial melt before the big hit, followed by as many as I can squeeze in afterwards.
#5 Posted : 1/28/2008 2:58:35 PM

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Do a search on "the machine".
OMG.Shocked works really well and is very economical.
Any experiences I or SWIM mention have happened only in my nightly dreams.
The Dream Walker
#6 Posted : 1/29/2008 7:54:42 AM

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I'm familiar with the machine, it's just that one of my traveling partners has expressed concerns over its due time however.
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