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#1 Posted : 1/24/2008 12:17:06 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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if its not okto post an aya ex here just let me know mmm k

swim had become intrested in dmt and after a year of looking round
Very happy figured that the time spent in hyper space seemed to short and
swim was intimadated to make spice
Very happy had been on very long lsd trips including 3 days in a row from a mega dose
what a crazy and all together diffrent story
so swim was not intimadated by the reports

ill just high lite this very indepth moment in swims life

made a tea 45 min lator the wall had turned smooth round and white
little electric balls of light red blue and yello where running along where edges used 2 be

swim had to go to the sink to um expell
at time a gray alien with powder blue scales like snake skin
came through a door that had apperd on the new walls
at this point swim cold still tell he was at his home it was just remodeled a bit lol
the gray came over to the sink
put his hand out
and asked
are you ready
what ?
are you ready [the gray reached out and said] take my hand
ya im ready swim said and took the greys hand and could fell it soft cool and powdery
at this point grey lead him around the room to the living room coutch
and said have a seat
there where liqued lights flowing all over every surface
so bright and wonderfull
swim sat down and was asked one more time
are you ready
huge blocks began to apper arond till a giant dome was formed
swim was know in this dome looking round
watching vines with flowering eye balls grow up the walls[every thang was vibrating]
forcing him to look up
when the vines meet at the top the roof blew apart
swim and gray where shot out into space through tunnels of light
travelling faster and faster
thay arrived at this place like a tron arcade crossed with casino
there was a line to get in
those in line where of all diffrent forms of life
crab people insect people reptials and nomes and the undiscriable
as swim and gray got to the door?
thay where asked by the voice to leave there body at the door vibrating
now swim new he was not in his body any more but still had one
mabey it was the way he identfied him self any way
thay took off there bodys and gave them to the being who was taking them to store
kinda like youd give up your coat at a fancy reastrant
and hung up
in doing so swim was left with would be dicribed as little vibrating orbs for his form
as well as every one else
this place is f en cool
thay walk in
the room was huge
sounds where every where bling bling bling zoooom bling bling
the room was full of these machines spaced out like on a checker board
these bings fom the line to get in where running roung from machine to machine thay all seemed so happy and in joying them selfs
go have fun swim was told by gray and of he went

firts machine what is it he needs to explore touch fell meld with it become pat of it
whats that whats going on
ive never been so never felt so never knew someting could be this hes so happy
bling bling bling zzzzzzzzzooom mmmmmmmmmmm bling bling bling
repeat repeat
its telling him some thing some thang
he has to reamber this if nothing else
remember the info from this machine
(but i forgot my pen ) Wink

grays back its time to go get the bodys back _
and and swim follows gray through to the body[coat] pick up room _!_!_
and realizez theres another level up above this one _!_!_!_
theres tubes made of light runnig up and out to bond with each other ! ! ! !
from each machine its like sky box seating or opra house
swimcame up with a thought on the lower floor where pleasure was being produced
and that energy was being used by the sky box and thers for the next level and so on
and on and on
swim could tell by the bling bling light show and the colerd energy travling through the
tubes to each level in a pulsing pattern through the levels
the sound wouls signal the time to syphine of the pleasure energy

the bodys not ready there still spraying it out ?
its time put it back on and out thay go
into the light tube
back to the home in the dome and says good bye to greay
as greay leaves the dome is falling apart
to leave swim in a klidascope house for a 30 min come down
swim says total journey bout 4 earth hours
and so much discription left out
and swim cant remenber what the machine said lol

swim says this is probly to long to be in a form

please respond with statment
You'd better be prepared for the jump into hyperspace. It's unpleasantly like being drunk."

"What's so unpleasant about being drunk?"

"You ask a glass of water."

Douglas Adams


STS is a community for people interested in growing, preserving and researching botanical species, particularly those with remarkable therapeutic and/or psychoactive properties.
The Traveler
#2 Posted : 1/24/2008 9:11:01 AM

"No, seriously"

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Just a quick reply:

Every experience involving DMT is really appreciated here so you are more then welcome with your experience story.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
#3 Posted : 1/24/2008 12:37:45 PM

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that sounds absoloutely fantastic, and makes my freebase experiences
feel like I wasn't even going 2 foot in terms of how far one CAN go
with this stuff.

Could you please describe a little more the machines you saw?
and do you think the reason that your trip ended when you tried
to remember what the machine was doing was because of that?
rather than just running around and having fun, perhaps you caused
it to collapse?

Also, was the grey, your guide, the same as the hollywood type, large
black eyes, big head, pale white body?

Thankyou verymuch for your experience, its inspired me! I could be
finally taking those rue seeds soon!

ॐ भूर्भुव: स्व: तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं । भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि, धीयो यो न: प्रचोदयात्
Love, Gratittude, Compassion, Fearlessness!
Infinite I
#4 Posted : 1/24/2008 3:13:15 PM


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That sounds amazing!! Good for you!! I was wondering was it cappi and chacruna you had or rue and mimosa or rue and eating the spice? I want to go there!! Laughing
#5 Posted : 1/24/2008 10:16:00 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Just WOW Very happy great report well written Smile
The Traveler
#6 Posted : 1/24/2008 11:10:13 PM

"No, seriously"

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An amazing report, you traveled far.
#7 Posted : 1/25/2008 1:18:56 AM

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hey thanks folks
ill try and answer the ?s here after talking to swim
what the machines looked like that he saw or interacted with any way
kinda like those old arcade sub games where its like a parascope
hands upon on controls and head up to look through the sight area
but completly diffrent ha
[ trying to draw these and have drawn otheres parts of the experience
easer 2 show could upload a sketch or 2 if told how 2]
you used them kinda the same though
like a game youd go up and interact with them and when youd do somthing right
or figured some thing out it would give you these fellings
and make you fell really good emotionaly
at that point the bling bling zzzzoooommmm sounds would come and vibrations
and a light show would follow and all this was to inform you and others that you had
figured some thing out
after figuring these steps out is when the machine started giving this info
dont know how swim new what he was doing becouse he dont know what he was doing
really strange
not shure it matterd trying to reamber or not
think it was just time to go
hope that kinda made sense lol

the grey was bout 4 feet tall not ovey thin
had no cloths on but umm did not need any
large head the eyes where big the skin had a blueish green tint to
it like colored ice and scales like a snake
so ya preety hollywood

13 gm mim 3 rue

You'd better be prepared for the jump into hyperspace. It's unpleasantly like being drunk."

"What's so unpleasant about being drunk?"

"You ask a glass of water."

Douglas Adams

El Ka Bong
#8 Posted : 1/25/2008 5:49:25 AM

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holy Sheep !~ I love it .>! This should be the start of a thread called 'Post Your Pharmahuasca Report'... !

But I have more questions... !

Was this a combined tea..?! MHRB + Rue ..?! What's the recipe ?!

Did you actually eat the rue..?! Bleah ! .. What would have made you puke ? Were there any MHRB or rue 'bits' in the tea, since MHRB solid-gunk apparently will make you puke too, like rue ? Did you fast at all before..?

How long did it last to get back to baseline..? Were you sleepy like pharmahuasca can make you - all 'yawny' in the body.? How about tremors, the 'pleasant' ones or ..?

And 13 g MHRB is at least 130 - 150 mg dmt plus other alkaloids. That's a Whallop of an oral dose ! What's your body weight .?

Tell us a little more about the setting - was the TV on; X Files re-runs.?!..?! .. or was this all happening in a quiet place, at the peak ?

This makes me want to try combining filtered, lemon-juice extracts of rue seed and MHRB..!

I wonder if a pH 2.0, lemon juice extract of 13 g pulverized MHRB (over night), which is then filtered would NOT make you puke..? Anyone done this - drink filtered rue extract, then lemony-extract of MHRB..?
#9 Posted : 1/25/2008 7:25:35 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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swims says

13 gm mim put im glass jar (old jelly jar)2 table spoons ample cider vinger
rest filterd water let sat 4 2 days [think over night would be ok ]
[the bark was not ground just cut to fit in jar ]
day of
mim put in large ceramic coated pot 12 glass of water very hot heat not boil
{heard bout nasty stuff happning if you dont use stainless steal or glass ceramicpot ? }Confused
let sat for 3 hours put aside repeat with tlb vin repeat
combine all high heat not boil reduced and left with bout 10 oz liquid
filterd through cloth
{if have time just put it back in jar and let it sit over night gunk will settle to bottom }

3 rue was choped up in coffie grinder put in glass with 4oz boiling water
1 tlb spoon lime juce let cool down bout 15 min strained
rue first funky monkey here
its not so bad if you dance youll smile lator
20 min lator tea

swim did not eat a full meal 4 6 hours before nibble on crakers bout it
one soda when he got real hungey bout 2 hours be for

as for the pukeing he said it was breef and it mad him fell beater
not bad really a good thang just know your prbly going to just have a buket
if you want to lay down wait till you do then lay on your side
{saftey first }
not slepey soda mabey
pleasant tremors kinda till purge ya smooth vibrations after

his body 6 ft 200 lbs

house fire going in fire place no tv no noise music ect

swim say dont use the juice sept to flaver
he said it mad his first couple atemps fail or bodly uncomforable
and also the tea is better to down slightly warm

swim says happey to share

o base line not shure 4 bout hours
next day every thang was a glitery for most of it

hay figured out how to put a pic up
this was one of incects that swim dicribed have others if intrested
and will get some of the machines sketches together
making a comic right know with a lot of the beings and machines seen on journeys
any body know a sick colourist

islandhome attached the following image(s):
bug.jpg (42kb) downloaded 577 time(s).
You'd better be prepared for the jump into hyperspace. It's unpleasantly like being drunk."

"What's so unpleasant about being drunk?"

"You ask a glass of water."

Douglas Adams

The Dream Walker
#10 Posted : 1/26/2008 3:25:08 PM

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WOW! That's an awesome drawing! Was there a formal tek that you were working from with that recipe or is that a home-made one? If it is, do you think maybe you could formalize it a little? Let's see if we can't get more people to visit that great party in hyperspace that you seemingly went to!
El Ka Bong
#11 Posted : 1/28/2008 6:52:47 AM

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Yes ! more drawings please !

Swim is trying the following:

13.5 g of primo MHRB pulverizd in a grinder is let soak over night (8 - 24 hours) in a pH 2.1 pH solution of 50 ml lemon juice + 150 ml water. This 200 ml is then filtered through a >10-micron Whatman filter paper cone, which takes over night. Now she has this amazing deep burgandy coloured drink ! .. oh oh ..> !~
#12 Posted : 1/28/2008 2:53:42 PM

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You have some serious talent there.....can't wait to see more illustrations! And yes- color would be AMAZING!!!
Any experiences I or SWIM mention have happened only in my nightly dreams.
#13 Posted : 2/2/2008 9:08:50 PM

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ok hears a nother alien robot insect that was there
and this is kinda what the place was like
i cant really rember most of the out side
just parts of the the place itself and visual tone
so i tried to take what i could back with me
thought the theater theam was best for its kinda like a place where all these diffrent realitys are being played out at the same time
so its kinda parts of some other place pasted togethere in a diffrent image
wow that confusing
islandhome attached the following image(s):
bug 2.jpg (99kb) downloaded 384 time(s).
t3.jpg (223kb) downloaded 380 time(s).
You'd better be prepared for the jump into hyperspace. It's unpleasantly like being drunk."

"What's so unpleasant about being drunk?"

"You ask a glass of water."

Douglas Adams

#14 Posted : 2/2/2008 9:41:04 PM

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mr kabong
swim says no juice use vin and no grinding
says he grinded up mim first couple times and it did not work as good
as just using whole dont know why
You'd better be prepared for the jump into hyperspace. It's unpleasantly like being drunk."

"What's so unpleasant about being drunk?"

"You ask a glass of water."

Douglas Adams

El Ka Bong
#15 Posted : 2/4/2008 8:10:32 PM

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HOLY ! MORE ART PLEASE ! That is amazing ! Who's taking tickets in teh booth.!?

'Cooking' MHRB snapped into chunk-size pieces in vinegar or water-lemon juice makes sense since I bet the tannins come out less than if you grind it. But do you lose 'jungle spice' alkaloids to the heat..?
#16 Posted : 2/4/2008 10:11:13 PM

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Nice drawing ! YOur style makes me think about a french artist named "Druillet" :
#17 Posted : 2/5/2008 3:44:08 AM

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Simply amazing
#18 Posted : 2/5/2008 9:31:29 PM

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thank you all for the feed back
garulfo that druillent guy has some reallycool stuff thanks for the link
mr kabong swim does not know of the loss of spice
for he has said if it does not boil
if there is loss its very small
and you can travel on only 8 grams of mim
says 10 is his fave place
but 8 opens worm holes to other lands
just follow the recipe and start there pm me if you have a ? for him bout it

ill post another pice this weekend

o ya thank you all for not killing my spelling and what not
im dislexic and never could over come that part of it
no spell check

You'd better be prepared for the jump into hyperspace. It's unpleasantly like being drunk."

"What's so unpleasant about being drunk?"

"You ask a glass of water."

Douglas Adams

Big Inhale
#19 Posted : 2/6/2008 3:42:29 AM

The Enlightend One

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^^^ ^I could be wrong but I think its Ms Kabong
Can you Imagine? From one single Idea everything appeared here.

Here in the Prime Creators universe all things are possible,because all things are possible many lessons are learned.

None Of This Is Real!
El Ka Bong
#20 Posted : 2/6/2008 10:49:20 PM

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ha ha ! You mean I nit pick like a woman might do... well ok !? But no, sorry to disappoint, lucky for me I ended up as a male this time around...

But do I need to prove it..!?! .. I once made an on-line profile - there's some photos if you click -

I don't really 'blog' or do the on-line-profile thing ( electronic shrines to our precious egos...) But I had to go 'somewhere' once I found out what dmt can do to you, and so in Dec '05 I joined, which has a dmt-tribe. I ranted there alot before I came here (about the same stuff, but as a total newb' - now I'm a just-broken-in newb'!)
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